"Big brother, you're truly laughing at me. There are a lot of people who have come. It seems to be very lively. However, there are some people who have only come here to enjoy the show. For example, that person over there. Do you not find him very familiar?"

Jiang Yunmao followed Jiang Yuncai's gaze and looked over. It was indeed very familiar, but he just could not recall who it was.

"Isn't that the boss of Eastsea City?" Third Brother, I didn't think that you would be so capable as to invite the secretary over! "

Upon hearing Jiang Yunsheng's words, Jiang Yunmao suddenly recalled, "Oh, it's true. Third Bro, you really do have some skill!"

Jiang Yuncai was embarrassed by the two of them. "What skill do you have? That was not the fault of our city's secretary. I did not invite him, but he was willing to come."

Jiang Yun had just finished speaking when the two of them became even more surprised. "Third Bro, you're exaggerating too much. We said you invited them and you're being modest. After all this time, aren't you trying to confuse us? I came here by myself. He's the secretary, why would he come to a small place like ours? "

"Big brother, second brother, you guys don't know about this, right? Actually, this secretary is also a fan of entertainment. I heard that there's an Treasure Convention here, so he came."

What Jiang Yuncai had just said sounded like a silent boast to the two of them. What did he mean by 'a fan of literature'? It was because he wanted to do a good job in front of the old lady that he decided to do it.

These words lingered in Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao's minds, but they didn't say it out loud. The current situation wasn't stable, and they couldn't afford to lose decorum with him.

"So that's how it is. Ol 'Three, you did well. The old lady will definitely be very happy when she learns about it." Jiang Yunmao said with a fake smile.

"If that's the case, then that's good. I'm doing all this because I hope that Mom will be happy." Jiang Yun then put on the appearance of a filial son.

"Ol 'Three, what are you saying? Mom will definitely be happy. " Jiang Yunsheng gave him a meaningful look.

"Oh right, why haven't I seen Qianxue? Is she not here yet? She is the young miss of our Jiang family. If we do not attend today's occasion, it would be a little inappropriate. There will be many more of this kind of occasion in the future, so she has to be familiar with it first. " Jiang Yunmao vividly demonstrated the image of a loving uncle.

"Qianxue is already here, it's just that she accidentally dirty her clothes just now. It's too late to clean them up now, so she's waiting for a new one in the room." Jiang Yuncai did not conceal anything.

"Qianxue is really careless, it's fine as long as she comes, has anyone already gone to get her a dress? "Don't waste too much time." Jiang Yunsheng said with concern.

"Yeah, I've already sent someone to buy it. The shopping mall is nearby, it's closer than going home to get it." Jiang Yun said with a smile.

He knew that because of this matter with his daughter, he had received quite a bit of disdain from the old lady. In the end, it wasn't because Qianxue was bad, but because of her useless husband from before. Fortunately, everything was now over.

Jiang Yun heaved a long sigh of relief when he thought of this.

"Alright, it's good that you're here. Let's go outside and take a look. The old lady might be coming soon." Jiang Yunmao waved his hand and said that as the three of them arrived at the entrance of the hotel together.

"Did you see Lin Jing just now?" Jiang Yun suddenly asked.

"No, what's wrong?" Jiang Yunsheng was the first to answer.

"Nothing, it's just that I didn't see him when I was downstairs just now. I just felt that it was a little strange." Jiang Yun said with a frown.

It was already 8: 30 in the evening. The three brothers were muttering to themselves, "Why isn't this old lady here yet? She shouldn't be late at this kind of time."

"Big Brother, do you think Mom won't come today?" Jiang Yunsheng asked in a low voice.

"How could that be? "How could Mom not come to this kind of occasion? Besides, it's only 8: 29. Your phone was a minute too fast."

After so many years, Jiang Yunmao understood his mother the best. She would definitely appear, and she would definitely not be late. After all, the old lady usually hated people who were late the most!

Hearing Jiang Yunsheng's words, Jiang Yunsheng felt that the question he had just asked was a bit too stupid. That's right, just what sort of person was this old lady? How could she be late?

Just as his imagination was running wild, a Mercedes-Benz drove up.

Jiang Yunsheng recognized the old lady's car with a single glance. "She's here. Mom's here."

Then he looked at the time on his hand. It was indeed 8: 31. His phone was a minute too fast.

"Mom, you're here." Jiang Yunmao walked over courteously and helped old woman Jiang up from the car.

When everyone in the hotel saw that old lady Jiang had arrived, they all went to the entrance to welcome her.

"What are you all doing? I can leave by myself."

In front of outsiders, his three sons couldn't wait to do their best to tell everyone that they were the most filial ones.

The people who had come today were all people who were influential in the East China Sea. If anything unexpected happened in the future, as long as he left an impression of filial piety in their hearts, he would have more confidence in the future.

However, these three overly attentive sons made old woman Jiang feel very uncomfortable, so how could she not know what they were thinking? She was able to see through these little tricks with a glance.

However, even though Old Lady Jiang was unwilling, there were still so many people watching right now. Thus, she still had to do something on the surface.

"I might be a bit old, but my legs are still fine. I don't need so many people to help me." As she spoke, she walked into the hotel.

"Since everyone is here, let's begin."

After saying that, Old Lady Jiang sat down at the head of the table.

Whether it was in terms of seniority or qualifications, Old Lady Jiang should be the host, so no one had any objections when Old Lady Jiang sat here.

"Yes." Jiang Yun hurriedly agreed when he heard his mother's words.

"Hello everyone. The Treasure Convention will now officially begin. All of the guests here are distinguished individuals. I believe that they should be well versed in this kind of Treasure Convention, so I won't waste any more time."

Jiang Yun then began his opening speech.

Lin Jing realized that just as Jiang Yun was speaking, the food he and Feng Yuqing had just eaten on the table had all disappeared. It had been replaced by a small table, as if it was specially prepared for the purpose of inspecting treasures.

"It seems that the Jiang Clan has prepared quite well." Feng Yuqing whispered into Lin Jing's ear.

"Mm, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to not prepare enough for this Treasure Convention. After all, there are so many people watching. If something happens, isn't that slapping themselves in the face?" Lin Jing said with a smile.

"That's right. Look at the person they invited, he seems to be the most famous appraiser in the East China Sea, Mr. Fan."

While they were talking, a row of people sat behind the table. From the looks of it, they were all over 60 years old.

Feng Yuqing took a closer look. There were seven people in total, sitting in the back. They did look somewhat like experts.

However, among these people, only this Mr. Fan looked familiar. The rest were all unfamiliar faces.

"It's Mr Fan. I never would have thought that they would even invite Mr Fan here." Lin Jing was also slightly surprised. He previously thought that the Jiang Clan was holding this Treasure Convention to exclude him, but now it seemed that it was rather interesting.

"But other than this Mr. Fan, everyone else is a stranger. Have you seen them before?" Feng Yuqing looked everyone up and down, but other than Fan, everyone else looked unfamiliar.

"I've never seen them either, but they all look like great masters." Lin Jing said with a smile.

"Alright, let's not discuss about it here for now. Let's see what they say." Although Feng Yuqing had many doubts in his heart, it was clearly not the time to be clear about these matters. Thus, it was best to first see what kind of problems the Jiang Clan could come up with in the future.

"Everyone has also seen this. Our Jiang family has made ample preparations for this Treasure Convention. These people are the ones that Eastsea City and the neighboring city's appraisers have specially come for today's Treasure Convention. Everyone, welcome!" Jiang Yun said with a smile.

"No wonder we haven't met before. So you're not from Eastsea City." Feng Yuqing said softly. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that everyone else was also whispering to each other.

From the looks of it, everyone was just as curious about the Treasure Convention that was being held by the Jiang Clan today as they were.

"Not bad, I didn't expect that the Jiang Clan would have such a big show." Lin Jing also nodded.

"Today, our Jiang family is very lucky to have so many good friends to support us. I feel honored." Jiang Yun stood on the stage like a host as he spoke to everyone.

First of all, all of the items that we brought with us have been prepared backstage. There will be a small segment later, which is to invite everyone to draw a lot on stage. All of the friends who brought with them will come up to draw lots.

After saying that, Jiang Yun took out a small red box that looked like a donation box.

"What the hell is Ol 'Three doing? It's like giving a donation to this box." Jiang Yunsheng whispered into Jiang Yunmao's ear.

"Who knows, he's purposely trying to be mysterious."

"I heard that Lin Jing only brought three items today. I really don't know if he really brought any good items or if he just took them out to make a fool of himself." Jiang Yunsheng spoke of Lin Jing with a face full of schadenfreude. As he thought of how he could trample Lin Jing beneath his feet today, he felt quite satisfied.

"Aren't we already clear about it? Have you already arranged everything?" You must know, Ol 'Three has arranged this Treasure Convention very well today. If we don't have something to show him, then we'll really lose face in front of him. " Jiang Yunmao said worriedly.

"Boss, don't worry. I've already arranged everything. Just you wait and see a good show." Jiang Yunsheng said with a proud smile.

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