"Did you go and see if what I sold you before was real or fake? It seems like Mr. Wang must have seen someone as cautious as him, and has definitely found more than just an appraiser's shop. " Lin Jing said confidently.

"Yes, of course I did. Otherwise, if the thing you sold to me is fake, then I'll go find someone to justify my actions." Mr. Wang had an expression that said it was only natural.

"Then, I would like to ask Mr. Wang, were there any counterfeits in the items I sold to you before?" Lin Jing stepped forward and said to Mr. Wang.

"Th-that's …" Mr. Wang hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"No way, right? Since I've never sold a fake before, why do you think that I've sold a fake?" Lin Jing said in an aggressive manner.

"That's because... Because you were found out during the Treasure Convention, and were even daring enough to take out a fake when everyone was looking at you, so why would you not dare to sell it to us? " Mr. Wang mustered his courage and said.

"You all saw yesterday's counterfeit? Or did any of you see it? " Lin Jing knew that these people were like clouds in the sky. After the Jiang Clan released the news, they hurriedly rushed over, wanting to cancel the order with him.

"We haven't seen it with our own eyes, but there are some things that we don't have to see to know." A young man behind Mr. Wang said.

"What a good 'right' and 'wrong'. I would like to know what is right or wrong." Lin Jing said before bowing to the crowd.

"Although I haven't been running the treasure house for a long time, I have never accepted nor sold any counterfeit goods. There must have been some misunderstanding in yesterday's matter, I hope that everyone can give me some time, when the time comes I will definitely give everyone an explanation, and definitely not let you lose your trust in the treasure house."

Lin Jing's words were sincere, but everyone else didn't seem to appreciate them.

"You make it sound good, but I heard that you were driven out by someone yesterday. Lin Jing, if you really don't feel guilty, then why did you leave after they chased you out?"

"That's right. Although we were not present at that time, there were so many people there. It shouldn't be that everyone made a mistake and framed you, right?"

"I think it's better if you don't struggle here to the death. We already know the truth of this matter. It's useless for you to explain it, so hurry up and cancel the order."

"That's right. Stop talking nonsense and cancel the order."

"We don't have that much time to play with you. Hurry up and cancel our order."

Lin Jing looked at the customers in front of him and could not help but feel a chill in his heart.

Amongst these people, there were some old customers who had bought antiques from here at the beginning, and there were also some new customers that had recently come to the Precious Forest Academy. No matter who it was, he had never sold any of their forgeries, but now …

He had already said what he needed to say, but everyone was still determined to cancel the order, so he had no other choice. After all, this was their own choice, and he couldn't change it.

"Alright, Manager Feng, Zuo Quanan, Zhang San, cancel the order for everyone. Our Baolin will be responsible for all the losses."


Feng Yuqing saw that Lin Jing had tried his best, but was still unable to change the situation. He was truly unwilling to give up.

Unexpectedly, when these people saw that the Precious Forest Academy was flourishing, they all wanted to establish a relationship with them. However, once the reputation of the Precious Forest Academy was falsified like this, these people would all come over and beat them up.

What else could Feng Yuqing say?

Right now, the situation in the Precious Forest Temple was not looking good. If all of the orders were gone, then the situation in the Precious Forest Pavilion would be in a precarious situation.

And now, Lin Jing had actually said that all of the expenses were to be paid by the Precious Forest Temple. Such an action would absolutely make the already dangerous Precious Forest Temple even more difficult.

"Forget it, I know what you want to say. It's just that those who are clear will know themselves and those who are muddled will feel muddled. Since everyone wants to cancel the order, then I can't force it. Let's end it here." Lin Jing said with a dejected tone.

Feng Yuqing felt an indescribable depression in her heart, but no matter how strong her emotions were, they were still incomparable to Lin Jing's.

After all, Lin Jing was Lin Jing's blood and sweat. Now that this matter had occurred, it would definitely be a greater blow to Lin Jing than anyone else.

"Alright, I'll cancel the order for everyone now." Feng Yuqing said, "Everyone, please line up at our side."

Hearing that Baolin was willing to cancel the order and didn't have to pay a single penalty, this was a huge blessing for everyone.

For a time, they no longer surrounded Lin Jing. They hurried to stand in line for Feng Yuqing and the others.

"Boss, are you alright?"

After dealing with the guests, Feng Yuqing walked up to Lin Jing, worry written all over his face.

After experiencing all these troubles so early in the morning, how could Lin Jing possibly be well?

"I'm fine. It's nothing big. You don't have to worry about what happened today."

Feng Yuqing had not expected Lin Yue to say something like this, yet Lin Jing was still trying to comfort him.

"I'm fine, it's just you. You've worked too hard these past two days." Feng Yuqing looked at Lin Jing's blackened eyes and the new stubble on his beard and felt her heart ache.

"You don't have to worry, Manager Feng. I can bear with such a small matter." Previously, when I was a son-in-law of the Jiang Clan, I suffered much more than I do now, but look, didn't I survive this? " Lin Jing grinned at him.

"I know that your life wasn't too good before. I only thought that with this Precious Forest Temple, our life would be easier. However, I never thought that something like this would happen again." Feng Yuqing sighed.

"This is nothing. The Jiang Family members want to see me collapse. If they want to destroy my precious Lin Zhai, I will let them see even more. I, Lin Jing, will not be so easily destroyed!" As Lin Jing spoke, his eyes were filled with determination.

"It's good that you can think this way. I was worried that you would be disappointed because of this matter." Feng Yuqing looked at Lin Jing, who looked as if he couldn't be beaten up no matter what, and said with a face full of gratification.

This Lin Jing was the type of person that could achieve great things!

However, these words were in Feng Yuqing's heart, and she did not say them out loud.

"Okay, don't think so much. No matter what, isn't this life going to continue?"

Lin Jing said, "Don't forget that there will be a Treasure Convention today. Yesterday, we couldn't turn our things into a fake for no reason, so no matter what, we have to go over and see what other tricks the Jiang Clan has up their sleeve." Lin Jing's eyes were like torches as he said.

"Alright, then I'll go and change my clothes. We'll go later."

When Lin Jing heard this, he realized that Feng Yuqing had been wearing her pajamas and helping out in the Treasure Lodge this early in the morning.

"Manager Feng, sorry to trouble you."

Feng Yuqing shook his head and laughed. "This pajamas is much more comfortable than those formal attire. When I was wearing it earlier, I was worried that you would say that I'm not fully clothed!"

After Feng Yuqing made a fool of himself, he began to laugh out loud. Lin Jing was the same. After hearing Feng Yuqing's words, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, hurry up and change your clothes."

After that, Feng Yuqing went back home to change into a suit and joked, "Boss, is my current outfit alright?"

At this critical juncture, both Feng Yuqing and Lin Jing had something on their minds. However, even if the situation was dire, they still had to maintain an optimistic mindset and not let themselves fall before others did.

"Not bad, it's very suitable for today's occasion." Lin Jing said with a smile.

"Boss, actually, I admire you from the bottom of my heart." Feng Yuqing's face suddenly turned serious as he said these words.

"What's wrong with you?" Why are you saying all of this all of a sudden? " Lin Jing was somewhat puzzled.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I might have underestimated you before. That's why when I faced such a composed and calm you, I felt that I was inferior."

"I don't know what to say when you say this. All these years, the only thing I have learned is to endure. As time passes, I will become calm."

Lin Jing thought back to the past, and then recalled the events that had transpired today. He couldn't help but be filled with a myriad of emotions.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would actually be framed because of Baolin's temple.

But if he could see through everything and understand everything in advance, what was the point in living?

Life was always full of the unknown, so it would be interesting.

"True." Feng Yuqing said, then looked at the time and noticed that it was getting late, "We should leave now, there's still a huge battle waiting for us today."

"Alright, let's go now." Lin Jing adjusted his suit and walked out of the Precious Forest Academy.

"Boss, can you guess if yesterday's enameled porcelain bottles were swapped, or what happened?" Feng Yuqing spoke to Lin Jing as he drove.

"We all know that. Why ask?" Lin Jing's heart ached as he thought of the enameled porcelain bottle. He had spent a great deal of money to buy that bottle, but now it had turned into a fake. It was truly unbearable.

"I know he dropped it. I was just thinking, since you said he could switch our porcelain bottles, why can't he switch our other things as well? After all, we still have two items left today. " Feng Yuqing said worriedly.

"I've thought about it before, but if they want to change the contract they need to find the exact same thing, where can they go to find three identical forgeries?"

Lin Jing estimated that the members of the Jiang Clan also had the same thought. If the things he had brought with him were all fake, then Baolin would be finished. But by doing so, the risk to the Jiang Clan would be too great.

"What you said makes sense." Feng Yuqing nodded, "I wonder if they will still do anything to suppress us today."

"The Jiang Clan is the leader of Eastsea City's entertainment industry. Even if they wanted to suppress us, they wouldn't need to do it themselves. If they were to casually reveal some of their intentions, who knows how many people would help them get rid of me."

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