"It was just a very ordinary customer. Before, he didn't have the time, but now, he finally got an appointment." This person has a business relationship with the United States, so he has always been spending time in the United States. However, they said that they want to see us to discuss things now, so we can't refuse, right? " Jiang Yunsheng said. The entire process had been done without a drop of water.

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then second brother, you should hurry up. I won't disturb you any longer." Jiang Yun then returned to his room.

After Jiang Yunsheng started the car, he made a phone call to the person he wanted to see later.

"I've already come out. I'll be there soon." The person on the phone said.

"What?" You're here now? That really makes Young Master Ni wait too long. " Jiang Yunsheng smiled as he chatted with the person on the other end of the phone.

"Uncle Jiang is too courteous. Nephew is a junior, it's only right for you to wait." Ni Fei said while smiling on the other end of the phone. From the meaning behind his words, it seemed that it was an honor to wait for Jiang Yunsheng.

This tone of voice made Yun Sheng enjoy it greatly. His voice was much lighter, "Alright, I'll be there soon."

After walking into the restaurant, Jiang Yunsheng saw Ni Fei sitting in a corner.

"Young Master Ni, I'm really sorry for being late."

"Uncle Jiang is only giving me face if he's willing to come. How could I dare to say that you came late?" Ni Fei politely said, then beckoned the waiter, "Waiter, serve the dishes."

The waiter walked over from afar and asked with a sweet smile, "May I ask what sir would like to eat?"

"You guys can order one serving too." In fact, he had often come to this restaurant before, so he naturally knew what was tasty.

"Alright sir, please wait a moment." The waiter smiled and left.

"Young Master Ni, it's already so late. It might be a bit of a waste for us to order so many more dishes." Jiang Yunsheng swallowed his saliva.

"Eating with Uncle Jiang can't be considered a waste." Ni Fei smiled as he lifted the cup of tea on the table. He took a sip and said, "Uncle Jiang, since you're willing to come today, you should have already considered everything."

"Young Master Ni's suggestion is good, why would I reject it?" Jiang Yunsheng also picked up the cup of tea in front of him and said, "However, I still have a question that I'm not sure if Young Master Ni can tell me."

"Uncle Jiang, what do you want to know? Just ask me. As long as I know, I won't hide anything from you." Ni Fei solemnly vowed.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I'm just curious why Young Master Ni is willing to help me."

"It's only right that Uncle Jiang is worried. What I'm doing now isn't just helping you. More accurately, it's our cooperation." Ni Fei smiled and said, "In fact, I always had many questions about Lin Jing. However, he was always so secretive about me. I was forced to do this."

The dishes had already been served, and they talked as they ate.

"Oh? "Now that Young Master Ni has said it like this, I'm a bit curious." No matter what, Lin Jing was still the son-in-law of the Jiang Clan. Even if there was a problem, the members of the Jiang Clan would know about it.

However, according to what Ni Fei said, Lin Jing was still hiding a great secret.

"Actually, logically speaking, I shouldn't have hidden this from Uncle Jiang. However, this matter is far too involved. Even if I wanted to tell you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do anything." Since Ni Fei had said so, Jiang Yunsheng understood.

Forget it, since the other party didn't want to say it, there was no reason for him to force him either.

"Haha, I was rude just now." Jiang Yunsheng laughed heartily as he changed the topic.

"Uncle Jiang must be joking. If you want to apologize, then I should apologize to you." During this period of time, Ni Fei seemed to have learned quite a few things from Yu Qing. His way of dealing with people and speaking seemed to be much better than before.

"That's too polite, you and I don't need to say such polite words." Jiang Yunsheng took a bite of the dish and said.

Ni Fei nodded and said, "In that case, Uncle Jiang and I can be considered to have reached a consensus now, right?"

"That's only natural. I, Jiang, must say, have taken a big advantage when I was on the same side as Young Master Ni." Jiang Yunsheng had always been good at socializing like this. Especially when it came to people like Ni Fei, it could be said that he was very adept at it.

"Uncle Jiang is too polite."

This meal was especially enjoyable for Jiang Yunsheng and Ni Fei.

The next morning, Lin Jing called Hui Bo, but the phone was always in a state of being unreachable.

"Boss, have you considered it yet?" Just as Lin Jing was worrying, Feng Yuqing called.

"Where are you now? Let's meet up and talk. " Lin Jing didn't know what to feel. This feeling of being alone and without help had never been so intense before.

"Alright, then let's meet at Baolin Cave. I'll go there and wait for you." With that, Feng Yuqing hung up.

Lin Jing put out his cell phone, quietly picked up his suit, put it on, and then went downstairs.

"Boss, what happened? I don't think you're in a good mood." Feng Yuqing could not help but ask when he saw Lin Jing's strange appearance.

"Nothing, Qianxue came to find me yesterday." Lin Jing said as he sat on a chair.

"What?" Jiang Qianxue is going to look for you? Just yesterday at the Treasure Convention, something like that happened, and she actually went to find you at night?! " Feng Yuqing was very surprised. He hadn't thought that Jiang Qianxue would betray the Jiang family and run off to find Lin Jing.

"Did he say something to you when he went to find you?" Feng Yuqing asked.

"Yes, she said that the Jiang Clan wants to do me harm and chase me out of the East Sea." Lin Jing's tone didn't contain a single trace of emotion.

"Did Jiang Qianxue personally tell you all of this? For you, she is really willing to do anything! " Feng Yuqing said with a shocked expression. The information that Lin Jing had just told him was simply too great. He needed to properly digest it.

"She said a lot of things that moved me." Lin Jing said.

"What else did she say? "Boss, can you let me hear it?" Feng Yuqing was extremely curious.

"That's about it, but she did remind me of one thing. Last night, I felt that our predicament had turned for the better. I didn't expect that our hopes would be dashed." Lin Jing sighed.

Feng Yuqing was confused by Lin Qing's words. "Boss, what happened? Tell me everything that happened, and I'll give you some advice."

"She told me that I can't do this alone. The Jiang family has already hinted to many people that they want to destroy me. If it's just me, I'll be swallowed up into nothingness."

When Feng Yuqing heard Lin Jing's words, he couldn't help but nod. "She's right. I don't think we've ever thought about that before." What are you going to do after this? "

"I thought about it last night. I wanted to call Hui Bo, but I didn't expect Hui Bo's phone to be out of contact this morning."

Lin Jing's expression turned ugly. Feng Yuqing knew that Lin Jing was worried about Hui Bian.

"Boss, I know what you're thinking, but I don't think anything will happen to Uncle Hui. Maybe he's just too busy." Feng Yuqing consoled.

"I know, it's just that too many things have happened recently, so I must be feeling a bit confused." Lin Jing rubbed his sore brow.

How could he not understand what Feng Yuqing was saying? It was just that sometimes it was hard for him to be at ease.

Feng Yuqing seemed to have thought of something as he said excitedly, "Oh right, boss, we can still look for someone else right now!"

Lin Jing seemed to have been reminded by Feng Yuqing's words. "So you're saying that we can go find Elder Dong?"

He then nodded and said, "There's no time to lose, let's go now."

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" Why didn't you get out of the car? "

He had already arrived at the door of the Dong Residence. However, Lin Jing seemed to be worried about something as he sat in the carriage, frowning.

"My heart is in turmoil. I keep having the feeling that even if Elder Dong were to appear, he wouldn't be able to help me with this matter." Lin Jing said helplessly.

"No matter what, we are already here. Even if there is a problem, we should at least go in and take a look." Feng Yuqing said.

"Yes, you're right." Lin Jing nodded and then entered Old Dong's house with Feng Yuqing.

However, Lin Jing's premonition had come true. Old Man Dong really couldn't help him anymore.

"Elder Dong, what happened to you?" Lin Jing walked into the room and saw Old Dong lying on the bed, dripping with salt water.

"Lin Jing, you've come?" I'm not too ill, probably because I'm old, and my body always likes to have problems, but they're not really anything serious, so you don't have to worry about me. " When Old Man Dong saw Lin Jing enter, he reluctantly sat up and said.

"I can tell that you don't look too good. Have you seen a doctor yet? What did the doctor say?" Lin Jing asked with concern.

"Yeah, I went to the hospital to check. I can't find out what kind of illness it is, but he might be old and many parts of his body are useless now." Elder Dong laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Elder Dong, please don't say that. You're in good health."

"Lin Jing, stop comforting me." I know exactly what's going on with my body. " As Elder Dong spoke, his body seemed to be unable to bear the burden and he began to cough.

"Oh right, Lin Jing, did you have something to discuss with me today?" Old man Dong looked at Lin Jing and asked.

"Nothing, we just wanted to come over to see you." Lin Jing said. With the current situation, he couldn't ask Old Dong to do anything.

"Actually, we are …"

Feng Yuqing saw that Lin Jing wasn't going to speak and was about to say something, but Lin Jing cut him off. "Actually, we just wanted to see you. We just came in a hurry and forgot to buy things. Old Dong, you won't blame me, will you?"

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