The sound inside immediately stopped, as if someone had strangled it. Then, he kicked twice more, and only then did sounds come from inside.

Someone walked towards the door, and then the door slowly opened a crack, revealing a wretched, bald, middle-aged man.

At this moment, Lin Jing's heart was filled with rage. When he saw Director Luo, he immediately slammed his palm against the door.

The sudden surge of power left Director Luo unable to respond. He quickly retreated back until he reached a table in the room. Lin Jing then lifted his foot and walked into the table.

"You, who are you, what do you want to do? "Let me tell you, this is the Arts and Entertainment City Training Center. Do you believe that I won't arrest you if you cause trouble here?" Director Luo was frightened by Lin Jing's sudden action. He stared at Lin Jing with an inexplicable fear in his eyes as he spoke.

Lin Jing coldly glanced at Director Luo and ignored him. He turned around and looked at Jiang Qianxue.

At this moment, her face was still somewhat pale, and tears of grievance and stubbornness could be seen at the corners of her eyes. She looked very heart-wrenching. In that moment, Lin Jing felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

With a choked throat, Lin Jing said to Jiang Qianxue, "Qianxue, I'm sorry. I came late. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. This guy will definitely receive the punishment he deserves! Wait a moment, I'll contact the Arts Association and have them get out of the training center! "

"No need, I don't dare trouble Mister Lin. I'm sorry, I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Qianxue suddenly said. Then, she turned around and walked out of the room. As if she couldn't suppress her emotions any longer, she quickly ran away.

As he watched Jiang Qianxue leave, Lin Jing's heart was filled with mixed emotions. He felt extremely sad. When these emotions saw Director Luo's disgusting face, they all turned into anger.

The training centre was opened by the Arts and Arts Association, and the funds for its operation come from the Association every year. The idea of setting up a training centre is to help some talented and aspiring young people in the city learn more. This way, they would be able to grow in a shorter period of time and contribute their own strength to the development of the city. This was a good thing.

In the years since the establishment of the training center, a lot of talents had been developed. A large portion of these talents had now become the shopkeepers of the major trading companies. However, the situation had worsened over the past few years, and the people who came out of the houses were also in a mixed state.

Lin Jing had always thought that this was because the training center had now changed its rules. Previously, all of the expenses here had been paid by the Arts Association, so they wouldn't be affected by the operation and market problems.

From then on, this place became a place where you could come whenever you had money. The effect was naturally greatly reduced. However, this was only one of the reasons. The most important reason was the chain reaction caused by the change in the training center's main personnel. If it was the teacher in charge, the quality would also go down.

Originally, the person in charge of the training center had naturally left because he was old enough to retire. It was unknown what methods had been used to get this position of Director Luo. However, it was obvious that he was here not to train talent, but rather to obtain a person's selfish desire.

However, although the Association has made some changes to the operation of the training center and introduced the mechanism of business education, the root of the problem is still the cultivation base of the Association, and the majority of the operating funds come from the Association every year. As an important member of the Association, Paulinus naturally has certain rights.

He had already made up his mind. When he returned, he would use the name of Paulinus to contact the person in charge of managing the association and kick this Director Luo out of the training center. If he was allowed to stay here, who knows how many more people would be harmed, and perhaps even the association would be implicated.

"Die, dead cripple, who the hell are you? I'm telling you, don't think I'm afraid of you. I just don't want to do anything too excessive. I advise you to hurry up and leave, otherwise I'll call for you! " When Director Luo saw Lin Jing looking at him, his heart was filled with fear.

Lin Jing coldly glanced at him and expressionlessly said, "No matter who you have behind you, I can guarantee that you won't be able to stay here any longer!"

"Ha, ha, ha!" I'm afraid you don't want to laugh me to death! Do you know who I am? You want to move my position? From the looks of it, you are at most just a useless loser, and you still dare to boast so shamelessly! " Director Luo was stunned for a moment before he burst out laughing.

"Not to mention you, even old Mrs. Jiang, the chairman of the Arts Channel, would not be able to move my position, much less you. Hmph, you dog, I have already given you a chance, you don't want to scram yourself, do you? "Sure, I'll get someone to invite you out now, but don't blame me if they hit a little too hard."

Lin Jing narrowed his eyes slightly. A trace of a gloomy light flashed across them. Since Director Luo dared to be so brazen, his backer must be quite powerful. There were only a handful of people in the entire entertainment city who could make the Jiang Clan pay attention to them and not be able to touch them.

As he thought of this, Lin Jing suddenly looked at Director Luo and coldly said, "You are a member of the Zhantai Residence's Luo Family. Is that why you are so confident?"

"Heh, you're too polite. Zhantui Residence is my old home. Kid, from what you said, are you here to play in the city as well? "Since you're in the city, it's best for you to try your best to clean up your moves. It's not like you can afford to offend anyone, do you understand?" Director Luo said with a complacent expression.

"The Luo Family is powerful! Those who do not know about this matter might think that you are the ones in charge of this city now! " Lin Jing said in a cold voice.

"Brat, be careful when you speak. Be careful not to bring yourself in." Hearing this, Director Luo's eyes narrowed, his expression carrying a hint of coldness.

Lin Jing's mind was thinking about how he could make Jiang Qianxue do what he wanted without a hitch. Since she wanted to study in the training center, he couldn't let this Director Luo stay. As he thought of this, his expression darkened. He did not waste any more time talking and turned around to leave.

Looking at his back, Director Luo sneered with disdain, "Hmph, a mere cripple dares to come and cause trouble here. If it wasn't for something else I have to do today, would I let you go?" That Jiang girl is really not bad. It seems that I have to think of a way! "

After leaving the training center, Jiang Qianxue had already left for who knows where. Now that she was in danger, Lin Jing was no longer worried about her being alone. He thought about it and felt that he should find someone to protect her in secret.

He took out his cell phone and called Feng Yuqing. After the call was connected, Lin Jing said, "Manager Feng, I want to find a good person to protect Qianxue. Can you help me with this?" "Yes, something small just happened. I'm not too sure about her safety. Besides, something else could happen to the Jiang family at any time."

"Is that so? Let me ask and I'll give you an answer later." Boss, the Zhou family has brought the contract over. As you said, I signed it with them. Other than that, their warehouse is over at the dock. I'll let Zhang San take a look there to get to the bottom of this. " Feng Yuqing said on the other end of the phone.

The two had already agreed on a countermeasure, and there was no problem with Feng Yuqing's arrangements. Thus, Lin Jing said, "Alright, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jing looked back at the training center with a hint of disgust in his eyes. He turned around and walked directly towards the Arts Association. He wanted to see for himself just what kind of background this Director Luo had.

If it was just someone from the Luo Family, then he wouldn't be so arrogant as to say that no one could touch his position. Behind this Director Luo, there should be more chains of benefits involved. The number of people entering and exiting the training center in a year was not much, but it was also quite small. In this way, there would probably be countless people pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Upon arriving at the Arts Association, Lin Jing had an indifferent expression on his face as he walked inside. However, he was stopped just as he reached the door.

The security guard's expression was arrogant and looked down on him. He said with a disdainful tone, "Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing? Do you know where this is?"

With a heavy expression, Lin Jing indifferently said, "There's a sign outside. I can read, so of course I know where we are." Eastsea City's Arts Association. What, do I need something special to enter this place? Or are you trying to cause trouble? "

"Hey, brat, your mouth is pretty good!" You trash, since you know this is the Arts Association, why are you still trying to barge in? Looking at your dressing, you look like a pauper. What can you do if you want to enter? Hurry up and f * ck off, don't cause trouble for laozi. "

"I will give you another chance. Take back what you just said. Otherwise, I guarantee that you will regret it!" Lin Jing's eyes narrowed as he spoke with an expressionless face. His tone was filled with a slight chill.

"Damn. Do you think I'm scared to death? I do want to see how a cripple can make me regret it!" The security guard said with a mocking expression. He didn't care about Lin Jing's warning at all.

There were a lot of big shots in the City, and there were also those who usually entered and left the Association. As security guards, they were very clear about what was going on. No matter what, there was no one like Lin Jing. Although his tone was quite arrogant, he was most likely someone who had come here to pretend to be Thirteen. He had seen this kind of person many times before.

In reality, most of them were trash without any expectations. They still wanted to go in and fish in troubled waters. If they didn't stop him from ridiculing them, they would be letting themselves down.

This was the first time he had personally come to the Arts Association. It seemed that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

"Kid, didn't you just say that you would make me regret it? I'm still waiting for you. If you can't do it, then get the hell out of my way! " After a while, the security guard said with a disdainful yet mocking expression, as if he was looking down on everyone.

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