He turned around and said to Lin Jing in an amiable manner, "Little Friend Lin, I'm sorry. This old man is already old, and I can't deal with things as well as I used to. Now that an accident has occurred, I hope you don't mind."

Lin Jing was also shocked. He hadn't expected that Old Dong would be so capable. He quickly revealed a humble expression and said, "Old Dong, you're too polite. I was too rash."

"Haha, Little Friend Lin really does have a cool demeanor. Don't worry, with me here, no one will dare to do anything to you. Go wherever you want to go." Elder Dong said with a satisfied smile.

"Um, Qianxue isn't feeling too comfortable. I want to bring her back." Lin Jing thought for a moment. There was no point in continuing to stay in this jewelry show.

"Sure, my car is outside. Tell the driver to take you guys back." Elder Dong did not ask him to stay.

"I'll be troubling you, Elder Dong."

Lin Jing decisively said that he had come from the auction house.

The surrounding crowd looked at Lin Jing and Old Dong with shocked expressions, as if they had seen something inconceivable.

"Just what background does this Lin Jing have for him to be able to stand up to the great tree that is Old Man Dong? It seems like my evaluation of the Jiang Clan has risen to another level."

"Investigate immediately how Lin Jing got to know old man Dong. Also, if he personally appears, does it mean that the Dong Clan is going to make a big move recently? It seems that the Jiang Clan is in trouble this time. Let's delay cooperation and observe the situation first!"

"Old Lady Jiang has picked up a treasure …"

On Old Dong's carriage, Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue had already separated their hands. There was a strange and puzzled expression on her face as she unconsciously sized up Lin Jing.

This was the first time that Jiang Qianxue had looked at him with such concentration, and Lin Jing still felt somewhat uncomfortable. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Erm … is there something dirty on my face?"

"How did you know Elder Dong?" Jiang Qianxue didn't have the least bit of euphemism as she directly asked.

"Oh, you're talking about this. It's actually a coincidence. It's just that I occasionally run into one on the road …" Lin Jing's heart stirred. He still couldn't tell Jiang Qianxue about the boat.

Faced with Lin Jing's perfunctory reasoning, Jiang Qianxue actually didn't have the slightest bit of doubt in her heart. Instead, she revealed a relieved expression and sighed as she muttered to herself, "So that's how it is. How could you possibly know someone as important as Old Man Dong?"

Hearing this, Lin Jing felt a bit depressed, but he couldn't explain any further.

Jiang Qianxue seemed to have thought things through as she turned to look at Lin Jing and said, "But this is also an opportunity. You will have more contact with Old Dong in the future, but he is a big shot, he definitely won't have much time to meet you. You have to be patient, as long as Old Dong is willing to help you, there will be many opportunities."

His heart felt slightly warm. Jiang Qianxue was still thinking for him. Lin Jing nodded and solemnly said, "Mm, I will."

"Don't just talk, you should really do it. It's been so long, you don't want to continue like before right?" Jiang Qianxue stressed again, "Even if, even if our marriage is bound to happen sooner or later... You also have to consider your own future. "

Even though he hadn't finished speaking, Lin Jing understood what Jiang Qianxue was trying to say. He clenched his fists and swore silently, "I will work hard until the snow falls a thousand times over!"

"Oh right, why did you come here today? Are you following me?" Jiang Qianxue suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"No, no, absolutely not. I saw you bring the bracelet that I gave you, and I knew that Jiang Xu must have had ill intentions. That's why I wanted to come and take a look." Lin Jing hastily explained.

Jiang Qianxue stared at him for a long time before lifting her hand to take off the bracelet on her wrist and said, "Your eyes are quite sharp, but you can't be so casual about giving gifts to other girls. It looks like you're selling them for a few hundred yuan, which girl would fall for your trick? This time, I'll just accept it. You have to mature a bit yourself. "

Seeing Jiang Qianxue put the bracelet back into her bag, Lin Jing was depressed in his heart. "Those are Dragon Jade. What's more, what's the meaning of giving them to other girls? You've already made up your mind that we won't be able to keep them for long, right?"

Even though he thought this in his heart, Lin Jing naturally couldn't possibly say it out loud. He honestly nodded his head and admitted his mistakes. Jiang Qianxue saw this and looked quite satisfied. She patted his shoulder and said, "That's right."

Just as they arrived at their home, Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue alighted from their car and saw Liu Fen standing at the entrance. When they saw that it was the two of them who had come back together, their faces immediately changed.

"Why did you go with them?" Qianxue, what's going on? Where's young master Jiang? What are you doing with this trash? Don't you know how important today is to you? "

"Mom, what are you talking about? There's nothing between Jiang Xu and me. There wasn't anything before, and there won't be anything in the future!" Jiang Qianxue said with a frown on her face.

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