Although Zhang San had turned around, this problem hadn't changed at all. When he saw the security guard take out his key to open the door, his heartbeat quickened. His gaze flickered as he quickly searched the office for a place to hide. Soon, he found that there was no place to hide.

This office was clearly specially designed. As long as one walked in, they would be able to see everything, even under the table. If Zhang San wanted to avoid the security guards, there was only one way out.

He narrowed his eyes and quickly moved towards the window.

The window was initially closed, but in that instant, he dodged to the side. His hands moved for less than half a second to open it, and then he jumped out. The security guard just opened the door and came in. He scanned the room with his flashlight, but didn't find anything, so he switched on the light again.

After walking in and taking a look, he noticed that the office window was open. He frowned slightly and walked towards that direction. When he arrived at the window, the security guard stuck out his head and took a glance but still didn't notice anything. With a puzzled expression, he stepped back and saw the trash can beside him.

He put the trash away and closed the window. As he walked outside, the security guard muttered to himself, "Director is getting more and more confused. He usually tells us to guard the office well and make no mistakes. Fortunately, I came over and saw it. Otherwise, I would have to use this excuse to cause trouble when I came over tomorrow morning.

Not long after the security guard left, the window opened from the outside and Zhang San entered. A satisfied smile appeared on his face as he muttered to himself, "Now this is interesting! "It's about time. Hurry up and go back, or else the boss will be looking for trouble."

Zhang San immediately continued his search. He rummaged through the cabinets for a while, but still couldn't find anything. He frowned, "That's not right, the security guard just said it was so important. There can't be nothing here. Where did he hide?"

As he said that, Zhang San carefully looked around the office, his gaze inadvertently falling onto the corner of the wall near his desk. His eyes slightly narrowed, revealing a faint smile, and he mumbled to himself, "You little clever kid, you hid your things so well, you almost got cheated."

Lin Jing woke up from his sleep and was tossing and turning in his bed. He felt uneasy in his heart. It seemed to be the wrong decision to let Zhang San go to the training center. He wanted to find out the reason behind Director Luo's actions and get him to scram out of the training center. First, he had to ensure that no problems occurred on his side.

No matter how hard he tried, he was always caught red-handed. No matter how hard he tried, he was never able to explain it clearly. When that time came, not only would the power of the Luo family in the training center not be overthrown, even the Baolin temple would be affected.

Since he couldn't sleep, Lin Jing got out of bed and walked out. When they arrived at the front of the store, Zuo Quanan was resting on a chair while Luo Xin was fast asleep.

Hearing his voice, Zuo Quan An immediately woke up. He squinted his eyes and immediately stood up.

As he was thinking about this matter, Lin Jing was startled by Zuo Quanan's sudden action. He patted his chest and hastily said, "It's me. Don't be too excited."

Hearing Lin Jing's voice, Zuo Quanan relaxed and asked, "Boss, it's already so late. Why aren't you going back and having a good rest? What are you doing here?" "Don't worry, with me here, even if a fly flies in, I'll put it in front of you tomorrow morning."

Naturally, Lin Jing couldn't be worried about Zuo Quanan's abilities. In this long period of time, the four of them had taken turns to guard the Precious Forest Temple, and never once had there been any mishaps. Shaking his head, Lin Jing said, "I was worried about the store. Third Brother has been gone for several hours, but he still hasn't come back?"

"No, that guy is already used to courting death. He should already be dead by now." "Don't worry boss, even if he's found out, he'll think of a way to slip away to a place that has nothing to do with us." No matter how he looked at it, the tone of his voice sounded a little weird.

Just as he finished speaking, Zhang San's gloomy voice came from the beam. "Zuo Quanan, I died such a miserable death. It was all because of this grandson of yours that I wanted you to die with me!" As he spoke, he jumped down from the ground and was about to pinch Zuo Quanan's neck.

Without any hesitation, Zuo Quanan pushed out a palm towards Zhang San. In terms of skill, even ten Zuo Quanans would be inferior to Zhang San, but in terms of fighting, ten Zhang Quanans wouldn't be enough.

Even though he knew his limits, Zhang San was not stupid enough to actually fight with Zuo Quanan. This son of a b * tch seemed to have glue in his hands. If he were to be hit by it, he wouldn't be able to shake it off. Zhang San decisively jumped to the side, turned his head, and smiled at Lin Jing. "Boss, many thanks for your concern. Our hearts are very warm."

For Zhang San to be able to return safely, Lin Jing finally let out a sigh of relief. He revealed a smile on his face and said, "This is my fault. I didn't consider everything and directly let you go. In short, everyone's safety is the most important, so we can slowly search for evidence. "

Hearing Lin Jing's words, Zhang San laughed and said, "Boss, I'm really sorry. I might have ruined your plan again!" About that, I just made a trip to that dog kennel. I was a little careless, so I did gain a bit. Take a look at this. Is it the evidence you want? "

Lin Jing's expression changed. After he had thought this through, he no longer held much hope for this matter. After all, the Luo Family had been in the training center for so many years, they must have made ample preparations in all aspects. The evidence was not that easy to find, who would have thought that it would actually work.

Lin Jing sighed with emotion as he took the document from Zhang San. "Did you really find it?" "I had thought that the people from the Luo Family would have hidden these things extremely well and that it would be impossible for them to find them. Aren't you being too amazing!"

"Hehe, boss, that grandson's ability to hide things is indeed not bad. If it were any other person, it definitely wouldn't have been possible." "But who do you think we are, a professional criminal searcher? With that little trick of his, naturally he won't be able to escape the Fiery Eyes of Truth. He'll be able to find it immediately." Zhang San chuckled as he said this with a complacent expression.

"Damn, just f * cking boast!" From what I see, the reason why you were able to find it is probably because that idiot forgot to take it. "

Hearing that, Zuo Quanan decisively said from the side, these two people were like living treasures, they would pinch each other the moment they saw each other, and no one looked at each other with contempt, they were only lacking in a direct competition.

The only regret was that the two of them were good at fighting in different directions, so they could only fight with their mouths.

Zhang San did not care. No matter what Zuo Quan An said, he had made a fool of himself this time. He had already earned face, so how could he not allow others to feel sour?

Lin Jing, who was used to witnessing the two of them destroying each other, didn't pay much attention to this. His attention was completely focused on the document. When he opened it and read the first page, his eyes narrowed. The things recorded on it were not simple. If it was made public, a bunch of people would be in trouble.

The more he read, the more Lin Jing's heart sank. As he was watching, he mumbled subconsciously, "I never thought that such an insignificant training center could hide so many secrets!" If these things were to spread out, more than half of the entertainment city will fall! "

When he said this, Zuo Quanan and Zhang San both revealed an expression of curiosity. Although the item was found by Zhang San, he only took a quick glance and knew that it was something similar to an account book. He didn't look at the details and rushed back.

Now that he heard Lin Jing's words, it seemed as if he had discovered something extraordinary, so he was naturally very curious. As for Zuo Quanan, he had come to join in on the fun. Leaning against each other, the two of them looked like curious babies as they asked at the same time, "Boss, what's this?"

"Accounts!" More accurately, it should be called a black account. It recorded the accounts of the numerous entertainment city trading companies that had to go through training centres. Just the accounts in front included more than half of the big trading companies. The amount involved here is in the billions. It's a huge bomb. "

Lin Jing took a deep breath. This was an important item. It was certain that Director Luo would check it every day. He even felt that this was not supposed to be a training center at all, but rather a place where people were and where the books were. Thus, he reckoned that the fellow probably forgot to bring them today.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing hurriedly said to Zhang San, "You can't leave this with us. If we were to be discovered, these fellows will go crazy!"

"So what if they're crazy? They just happen to be able to take care of all these grandsons. From now on, the Arts and Entertainment City is our world. We will also follow you, boss, to eat and drink to our heart's content. " Zhang San was beaming with smiles. With his personality of wanting to stir up trouble, he naturally wouldn't care about the trouble caused by the loss of this item.

However, Lin Jing couldn't think like him. With furrowed brows, he said, "You can't do this. I'll take a picture first and leave some evidence. You can send the items back later." "Remember, you have to make sure you put it back when you take it."

"Boss, it's really a loss to put it back!" Zhang San said hesitantly when he heard this.

If this had happened before, Lin Jing's first reaction would have been to report this matter to the relevant authorities and have them receive the punishment they deserved.

But now he was different. He had learned to think from the whole picture. The Arts City was very important to the entire East China Sea. A small movement was fine, but it was absolutely impossible to cause such a huge earthquake. If this thing was taken out, it would definitely be an earth-shattering earthquake.

Thus, Lin Jing could only temporarily pretend that he hadn't seen anything. As for what would happen in the future, it all depended on how things developed.

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