"Like this?" Then, wouldn't we be unable to handle this business? " When Feng Yuqing heard this, he was slightly surprised. Since he was going to be tricked no matter what, the only way was not to accept it.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that it was a bit inappropriate. Not to mention that they had already talked about it, there were still many shops waiting for them in the village. This was a dead end, an alley where even death meant jumping in.

"So what if I don't accept?" If we escape this time, there will be more people coming for us later. Since I have to pick them up sooner or later, I might as well become the first family. At the very least, I can intimidate the later ones and have two days of peace and quiet. " Lin Jing said with a frown.

"With the current situation, although it's a bit dangerous, we still have to invite Third Brother over to the warehouse to gather some evidence." The other side will have to ask you to contact them first and see if there is any explanation. After all, we were the ones who took the initiative to explain it, we can't discuss it together, right? "

Feng Yuqing also knew that this matter had no other better choices, so he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll take care of it when we get back."

"Right, has anyone found her over at Qianxue's side? Brother An's junior sister, have you already arrived? " Lin Jing suddenly recalled Jiang Qianxue's incident. He had spent so much effort this time, and had only managed to complete it after so many twists and turns. If he couldn't find Jiang Qianxue, wouldn't that be a waste of effort?

"We found it and it's here. It was yesterday afternoon, but we haven't received any news yet. We'll know when we get back." Feng Yuqing nodded. This matter was still relatively easy to handle, and Jiang Qianxue also did not intentionally hide it, so it was very easy to find her.

"Then let's hurry." When Lin Jing heard this, his heart stirred. The only person he cared the most about was Jiang Qianxue. As long as she was fine, the world would be at peace. As for the troublesome things he had encountered and even the holes he had dug, he would definitely be able to pass by just by thinking and gritting his teeth.

He hurried back to the store and found Zuo Quanan. He was in the backyard talking to a seventeen or eighteen year old girl. There was a silly smile on his face, and he was pretending to be profound. A burst of laughter filled his heart. He didn't need to guess to know that this young girl was his Junior Apprentice Sister.

With a smile, Lin Jing stepped forward and asked, "Master Zuo, how are you?" I wonder if it's time for me to introduce myself? "

Zuo Quanan snapped out of his daze when he heard Lin Jing's voice. He quickly introduced Lin Jing, "Boss, this is my junior sister, Lu Xiaotong." Xiaotong, this is Lin Jing, the boss of Baolin Temple. The one who invited you here today is him. I didn't have the time to bring you over yesterday, so we should get to know each other today. "

When Lin Jing heard this, he politely stretched out his hand and said, "Hello Miss Lu. Previously, I heard from Master Zuo that he had a clever, empathetic, and powerful martial arts junior sister. Now that I see her today, it seems like it's true." It's our first time meeting, so I didn't say anything. I hope that you can help out a lot in the future. "

"Hmph, you are indeed a scum, it is fortunate that Sister Xue trusts you! Senior Brother, why are you working under the hands of such a person? If Father were to find out, then I will definitely have to follow the rules of the sect! " Surprisingly, when Lu Xiaotong saw Lin Jing, she immediately spoke with hostility and ruthlessness.

The atmosphere suddenly turned somewhat awkward. Lu Xiaotong didn't have the slightest intention of shaking hands with Lin Jing. Her face was filled with disdain. Zuo Quanan's face was filled with confusion. On one side was the boss, and on the other was his beloved junior sister.

Embarrassed, he withdrew his hand and touched his nose, letting out a dry cough. Lin Jing smiled, somewhat embarrassed. It's okay, we don't know each other yet. You are tired from your long journey, and I didn't have time to give you a clean sweep yesterday. "It's better to choose than to strike a day. How about today? Let's find a place to have a meal together. What do you think?

"Hey, who wants to slowly get to know you. You are just a scum. The farther the better!" "I don't want to be familiar with you, it makes me feel disgusted just thinking about it. If it wasn't for Sister Xue, I would only have cared about you!" Lu Xiaodong still didn't give the slightest bit of face to Lin Jing as she spoke with a face full of contempt.

Lin Jing truly didn't know what to say. He helplessly glanced at Zuo Quanan. After all, she was his Junior Sister. Under such circumstances, she could only rely on him to explain the situation. However, looking at Zuo Quan An's expression, he probably couldn't tell what kind of flowers were there.

"Junior Sister, it's not like that. You might have misunderstood Mister Lin, but he's actually very kind …" Zuo Quan An was a little hesitant, and said slowly.

"Senior Brother, why are you still helping this trash of a man? Did he brainwash you?" "Let me tell you, for Sister Xue's sake, now you are allowed to help him. In the future, when Sister Xue is gone, I must leave this place, or else I will ignore you forever!" Sure enough, Lu Xiaotong interrupted Zuo Quanan.

Zuo Quanan was at his wit's end, as his little junior sister, he had been the apple of his eye ever since he was young. In addition, all the disciples in the sect were male. As they watched their junior sister grow up, they were even more intimate than their own little sister. They couldn't help but curse at her, wishing that they could hold her in their hands. Once she decided on something, no one could change it. Although he had grown up quite a bit now, his stubborn temper was getting worse.

Scratching his head, Zuo Quanan looked at Lin Jing with an embarrassed expression and said, "Boss, I'm really sorry. My Junior Sister didn't mean it that way." "There must be some misunderstanding. I will explain it to her slowly in the future. Please don't …"

Lin Jing waved his hand, knowing that this had nothing to do with Zuo Quanan.

Lu Xiaodong also did not look like the kind of unreasonable person. She was just a child that had yet to grow up, so she could easily tell what had happened. She had spent the night with Jiang Qianxue. She must have known some things, but not everything, so she nailed him to the dregs' pillar. That was why she reacted this way.

However, this was a good thing for Lin Jing. With Lu Xiaotong's hatred for evil, he would be able to protect her with Jiang Qianxue by his side. What's more, she said "for Sister Xue" and then "if it wasn't for Sister Xue," which meant that Jiang Qianxue had tried to persuade her last night.

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Qianxue must still have him in her heart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have specifically told Lu Xiaotong. As he thought of this, Lin Jing's heart was actually somewhat happy. He unconsciously revealed a smile. Unfortunately, this smile was a completely different story in Lu Xiaotong's eyes. It was a typical dreg's reaction.

"Hmph, how shameless. You've already been pointed out by others, yet you still think you're not shameless and think you're proud instead? You infuriate me to death. I'm leaving!" Lu Xiaodong huffed and puffed as she turned around to leave. It was as if she couldn't stand being in the same place as Lin Jing for more than a second.

"Hey, Junior Sister, don't go. Listen to Mr. Lin …" Zuo Quanan said anxiously when he saw that Lu Xiaotong had actually left.

Stretching out a hand to hold onto Zuo Quanan, Lin Jing said with a smile, "Let her go, child. It's enough now that you've thought it through." If you try to explain it to her now, it will backfire. It just so happens that the matter with the training center has been resolved, so it's good if she goes back and tells Qianxue. "

"Boss, I'm really sorry. My Junior Sister is still young, don't lower yourself to her level." I'll come personally to apologize to you when I've explained everything to her. " Zuo Quanan said with a guilty look on his face. After all, he didn't explain it clearly before.

"Haha, Brother An, there's no need to be so polite between us. I understand. Moreover, Junior Sister Lu was doing quite well like this. Her hatred for evil was like a hatred, there was nothing wrong with her. It's just that she's still young right now, so she'll be fine after she slowly grows up for a few years. " Lin Jing chuckled. He didn't seem to mind at all.

When Zuo Quanan heard Lin Jing's words, he knew this was the best he could do. He secretly decided that he must find an opportunity to properly explain this to his junior-apprentice sister. He couldn't let Lin Jing suffer this injustice for nothing. Lin Jing, on the other hand, thought that Jiang Qianxue would be able to return to her lessons after receiving the news, and would instead be very happy. With a smile on his face, he turned around and walked out.

Just as he arrived outside, he saw Zhou An walking in. The expression on his face was as if he had dug all the traps, and was now waiting for Lin Qing to jump in without hesitation.

With an extra thought in his heart, Lin Jing greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, you have come. Please take a seat."

Zhou An's face was full of pride, but he was still smiling. He sat down happily and said, "Mister Lin looks to be in a good mood today. Is there any good news?"

If you hadn't prepared in advance, no one would have thought that he would have prepared a trap for you to jump into.

Haha, if Mr. Zhou comes, it will be the greatest celebration! "Since the opening of the Treasure Lent, its grandeur has been quite strong, but it hasn't done much to make money. You are now our god of wealth, ah." Lin Jing was very kind.

"Mister Lin, I dare not take your words too seriously. The Precious Forest Academy is like the sun in the sky; its future development will definitely be limitless. We will have to rely on your support in the future." Zhou An smiled as he spoke, with a sincere expression on his face.

After a round of fighting, the two of them sat down and got back to the main topic at hand.

"Mr. Lin, we are ready to set sail on the 23rd of this month!"

He was somewhat surprised. The Zhou family's movements were much faster than Lin Jing had imagined. He had originally thought that they would have at least a week to prepare. But now, he was halfway there, so he had less time for himself.

Moreover, it seemed to be a temporary decision. Although Zhou An didn't express it on his face, Lin Jing still felt it. Was it because of Old Lady Jiang?

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