"Mister Lin, you're being too courteous. This was part of our deal, so you shouldn't have taken offense if we didn't do it properly." "Oh right, Miss Jiang is at the training center. You'll need to study for a while, right?" The leader of the security guards was moved. Lin Jing was an important character at the moment. He had never seen the face of the Xu family's second storekeeper treating him with such importance.

"It should be. I heard that the training center has an outstanding student selected to study at the Imperial City University's History Academy. Qianxue should be taking the exam." "Oh right, I still need to trouble you with taking care of Qianxue while she's here." Lin Jing thought for a moment before replying.

"You're welcome, don't worry. With Miss Jiang here, there won't be any problems." "If there's anyone who dares to cause trouble, they must be dealt with at the first possible moment. They definitely won't let Miss Jiang be threatened in the slightest." The leader of the security guards immediately patted his chest as he promised.

"Thank you very much. If you need anything, you can come and find me anytime." As long as I can do it, I will not delay it. " Lin Jing said.

After greeting the security guards, Lin Jing's mood couldn't be considered very good. Walking out of the security room, he glanced over to the teaching building as he passed by. Jiang Qianxue should have already finished the registration and gone to class. When he didn't see her, he felt even more disappointed, so he could only turn around and return to the store.

Just as he arrived at the store, he heard a hearty whisper coming from inside. Lin Jing frowned. This person's voice sounded familiar, but at the same time, he wasn't sure who it was. After walking in and seeing that person's back, he suddenly came to a realization. He revealed a smile and said: "Brother Feng, why did you come? Why didn't you inform me in advance? I'm here to welcome you."

When Dong Bingfeng heard Lin Jing's voice, he turned around and smiled brightly. "If I told you in advance, there wouldn't be a good show to watch, would there?"

"What good show?" When Lin Jing heard this, he was stunned. The manager of the store wasn't there, only a few employees. Zuo Quanan was there to guard him, but he wasn't in a good condition either. He had yet to think of how to deal with Lu Xiaotong's situation, and for the past few days he had been frowning in worry.

After some thought, Lin Jing still couldn't figure out what Dong Bingfeng meant by 'a good show'. He looked at the shop assistant who had spoken to him earlier with a questioning gaze. The shop assistant hurriedly explained, "It's like this, before Mr. Dong came, someone from the Flying Heaven Tower came to find you, and then …"

"Haha, I heard that Ni Fei is an arrogant and despotic person. I never thought that the dog under his command would be so fierce." But in the end, it only lasted for two sentences before it was thrown out. Dong Bingfeng had a carefree expression on his face as he laughed heartily.

Hearing this, Lin Jing's heart skipped a beat. His expression remained the same as he smiled and said, "So you're saying that the people from the Flying Sky Tower just came looking for trouble and ran into Brother An?" "Ah, Brother Feng, look at me. I haven't invited you to sit inside. You must be really muddle-headed. Pour some tea."

When the shop assistant heard this, she hurriedly went in to prepare some tea, while Dong Bingfeng and Lin Qing walked hand in hand towards the back of the living room. After they sat down inside, the shop assistant happened to bring the tea over as well. After taking a sip, Dong Bingfeng followed, "Old brother, let's cut the crap. I came here this time to ask for your help. "You don't have to worry, just listen to me for now. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't, there's no need to trouble yourself."

Lin Jing's expression changed when he heard this. He then said in a serious tone, "Brother Feng, just say it. As long as it's something I can do, I definitely won't delay it."

"It's like this. You know the old man's illness, he has already recovered quite a bit." "But there was another problem last night, and the details are hard to explain. Anyway, right now, he needs something." When Dong Bingfeng said 'something went wrong', his eyes turned cold and his killing intent surged.

Lin Jing's heart skipped a beat. He naturally understood that it wasn't that the old man wasn't careful, but that someone had tried to kill him. Thus, his expression also became solemn as he said, "Elder Dong treats me as his kin. As for his matters, they are mine. Regardless of what is needed, Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild will definitely come looking for him."

"The old man needs the Dragon Seed Stone!" Dong Bingfeng's eyes flashed, and he continued, "I know this game is extremely valuable, it has never appeared before in the world. It was harder than climbing the sky, but it was the only way. I've heard that you have one in your hand, so you can name a price for it however much you want! "

"Brother Feng, don't worry. The Dragon Seed Stone is not on me right now, but I will definitely rush here as fast as I can. Wait for me for a while." Lin Qing's expression changed. Dong Bingfeng naturally wouldn't take his father's life as a joke. Although he did not know how the dragonseed stone could save his life, he decided to just let it be for now.

Lin Jing took out his mobile phone and looked at Jiang Qianxue's number. He hesitated for a moment. That bracelet was the first gift he gave to Jiang Qianxue, and also the only connection he still had between the two of them. If he asked her for it now, he probably wouldn't even have the chance.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jing called her, "Hello, Qianxue. I would like to ask, is that bracelet still with you? Yes, I can't explain it to you right now, but I do need it. Can you give it to me today, if you can? "Alright, I'll wait for you at the store."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jing turned to Dong Bingfeng and said, "The Dragon Seed Stone is with Qianxue. She is currently in the Wen Huo City Training Center, so she'll be coming over soon." "Brother Feng, may I ask how is Elder Dong's situation right now? Have the perpetrators been apprehended?"

"He caught him on the spot, but he had already succeeded. Luckily, the old man was sick before, so he invited the seniors from the Imperial City over. For now, the situation can be stabilized, but without Dragon Seed Stones, it will be very troublesome. " When Dong Bingfeng heard that Jiang Qianxue would deliver the goods immediately, he heaved a sigh of relief. As long as he had the Dragon Seed Stone to protect him, then the old tutor would temporarily be safe and could wait for the medicine to arrive.

"The Dong Clan is heavily guarded. Since these people can infiltrate here, it means that they must have done a lot of preparations. Elder Dong needed the Dragon Seed Stone, so … Oh no, Thousandsnow is in danger! " As Lin Jing spoke, his expression suddenly changed and he blurted out these words.

"Brother An, quickly, come with me to the training center. Thousand Snow is in danger!" As Lin Jing spoke, he rushed outside, feeling incomparably anxious.

Dong Bingfeng hesitated for a moment before he reacted. Since the other party was able to scheme for a long time and eventually injure the old tutor, he must also know that the only person who could stabilize the situation was the Dragon Seed Stone. In the entirety of Eastsea City, the only one was in Lin Jing's hands.

After some simple investigations, it would not be difficult to find Jiang Qianxue. Now she was alone at the training center. When she got the call to Paulinus, she had better make the trip. How could a weak girl stop a prepared villain? If she went a bit later, it would be terrible.

After thinking it through, Dong Bingfeng's speed also increased. He jumped out and got into the car to turn around. It was only at this moment that Lin Jing walked out of the room. Zuo Quanan had also rushed over. Dong Bingfeng immediately drove his car, heading towards the training center at full speed.

On the way, Dong Bingfeng saw Lin Jing's anxious expression and his face turned pale. His heart stirred as he said, "Old brother, I am truly sorry. My sudden actions actually put my younger sister in danger. When this is over, I will personally come to apologize to you. "

"This has nothing to do with you, Brother Feng. I understand. Don't think too much into it. With someone by Qianxue's side protecting her, there shouldn't be too much of a problem for a period of time. " Lin Jing was anxious, but he also knew that with Lu Xiaotong around, they would be able to hold out for a period of time.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the training center, Lin Jing's heart began to race. After turning the corner, there was a straight road leading to the training center. At this moment, Zuo Quanan, who was behind them, suddenly shouted, "The alley to the left, they are inside!"

Dong Bing Feng's reaction was fast, the moment Zuo Quan An spoke, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the alley. The car crashed into the alley with a "hong" sound. The people inside immediately jumped in fright and scattered in all directions to escape.

The narrow alleyway was a mess. Very few people came here, and it wasn't a place to drive. Dong Bingfeng drove the car in. The people inside didn't even have a place to hide as they anxiously climbed up the walls. Even more people frantically retreated and hid far away.

Just as the car was about to hit Jiang Qianxue and Lu Xiaotong, Dong Bingfeng braked and stopped. Zuo Quanan and him were the fastest to jump out of the car. Lin Jing slowed down a bit. When he left, Zuo Quanan and Dong Bingfeng had already pulled down the people on the wall.

Jiang Qianxue's face was pale and beads of cold sweat appeared on her forehead. Lu Xiaotong's face was also dirty, and her clothes were tattered. She looked extremely miserable. She must have had a tough battle here, but it didn't take long, otherwise it would have been even worse.

Hurriedly stepping forward, Lin Jing didn't care that much. He grabbed Jiang Qianxue's shoulder and asked anxiously, "Qianxue, are you alright? I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't consider your safety. I should have thought that these guys were a threat to you! "Don't worry. Now that I'm here, I definitely won't …"

Before Lin Jing could finish his sentence, Jiang Qianxue suddenly hugged him and cried out with endless grief and fear, "Wuu, you bastard, you're only here now! Don't you know how scared I am? Do you know how I've been through the past few days?"

Hearing Jiang Qianxue's cries, Lin Jing felt as if his entire body was about to break apart. An inexhaustible pain surged from his heart.

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