"Alright, I understand." As he said this, Dong Bingfeng knew that there was no point in saying anything else, so he nodded and agreed.

After leaving the room and closing the door, Dong Bin Feng took a deep breath.

Elder Dong suddenly called him back. At first, he didn't understand what was going on. It was only when the old servant who had worked at home for more than twenty years suddenly went overboard and poisoned the old man, only then did he react.

Fortunately, Elder Wei was around. In his fury, he almost killed that person on the spot, but it was the old man who stopped him later. Perhaps what he heard after that was something he didn't want to know for the rest of his life. The road ahead was long, and it was incredibly difficult to walk on.

After instructing someone to watch the door carefully, Dong Bingfeng signaled to his mother and bodyguards to come up and headed down to the garden. When he arrived at the back, he saw Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue sitting in the pavilion.

After adjusting his mood, he walked over with a smile and said, "The two of you are going too far."

"Especially you, little sister. Even though you know that I'm single for more than twenty years, you still have to show me your love, and intentionally make me sour, right?" As he spoke, his gaze fell onto Lin Jing. He teased, "You brat, you're really amazing. My little sister is such a good person, yet you've tricked her."

"Brother Feng, you are wrongly accusing me, I was forced!" Lin Jing laughed lightly. He had no sense of shame. His face was even thicker than a city wall as he spoke.

Jiang Qianxue was incomparably embarrassed by the two of them getting together. With a red face, she said, "You two scoundrels, both of you are bullying me. I'll ignore you and go complain to my father." As she spoke, she stood up and was about to walk inside.

Seeing this, the two of them hurriedly stopped her. Dong Bin Feng pleaded: "My good little sister, I was wrong. The old tutor has just laid down. If you go and complain to him now, he'll beat me to death. Since your brother treats you so well, can you just let this matter go? "Hey, Lin Jing, it's all your fault!"

"Blame me for blaming myself. I'm shameless, I'm a scoundrel. Qianxue, don't be angry. Sit down and let's talk. " Lin Jing hastily said.

Glancing at the two of them, Jiang Qianxue snappily said, "I don't want to sit with you two bad guys. I don't even know if you will sell me out in a while. I'll be going, I'll take a look over there. "

Watching Jiang Qianxue leave, the two of them had a faint smile on their faces. After she left, Dong Bingfeng sighed, "Say, why didn't I notice that there was such a fairy in the Jiang family? If we had discovered it earlier, we would have sent them to some foreign country. However, it's a pity that we let you take advantage of us! "

"Heh heh, I've been out of luck for more than twenty years, is it possible that I'm not allowed to travel once? "God doesn't understand my compensation. How about you try growing up in an orphanage?" Lin Jing chuckled as he spoke without a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"The Old Master will be leaving tonight. We'll make a detour and arrive at the Imperial City tomorrow morning." Dong Bingfeng's expression suddenly became serious as he said in a deep voice.

Lin Jing narrowed his eyes and turned his head. With a grave expression, he asked, "I know who they are. Have they asked anything yet?"

"The idea is a bit tough. It will take some time. "But they're just runners. Even if they pry their mouths open, there won't be much substance to them." Dong Bin Feng said coldly.

"It's alright, we don't need to rush. Right now, we should be worried about the people who sent them here." As long as someone is in our hands, they will definitely not be able to sleep for a day. Lin Jing said in a cold voice.

When he left the Dong Residence, it was already late. Old man Dong left in the dark of the night, so Lin Jing didn't stay. Originally, he wanted to bring Jiang Qianxue back with him, but that fellow Dong Bingfeng was so naughty that he said his little sister wasn't married yet. He couldn't let Lin Qing cheat him and forcefully keep her.

Lin Qing thought about it and felt that Dong Bingfeng's words made sense. Of course, he wasn't saying that he made sense by swindling Jiang Qianxue away, but rather, he was swindling her.

The situation in Eastsea City became more and more complicated and dangerous. Lin Jing couldn't even guarantee his own safety, much less two.

In the Dong Clan, there were so many bodyguards and an expert like Dong Bingfeng. How could Jiang Qianxue not be surprised? At the same time, the Precious Forest Academy was just so big. There was naturally no problem with where the few men were. With Jiang Qianxue, it would be a completely different story.

Moreover, if Jiang Qianxue stayed in the store, it would be inconvenient for Lin Jing to do anything. Although she had experienced many things in this period of time and had also grown quite a bit, Lin Qing still didn't want her to see too much darkness.

Regardless of how terrible the world was, he still hoped that she would see more clarity in his eyes. But because of this, Lin Jing was destined to have to bear a lot of burden, but he had already made his preparations.

Feng Yuqing had already returned when he drove back to Baolin-Zhai, and was waiting for him inside the store. Lin Jing was overjoyed when he saw this. He hastily asked about the situation over at the other side. "How is it? What do the people from the other side of the city say?" Are they willing to accept our request for cooperation? "

"For the time being, it's good news. I found the people over there. They paid more attention to the information we provided. Furthermore, they said that we were the informant because we reported it to them on our own initiative. Once it is confirmed, not only will we not have any trouble, there will even be awards. "

Feng Yuqing had a smile on his face, and he said with a relaxed and happy expression, "Boss, you have good foresight in this matter. The Zhou family's ship indeed had to pass by them. Moreover, they had received a bit of information in advance. If I don't go, they'll check on the boat. "

"I guess the Zhou family is secretly playing with Chen Cang. On the surface, it looks like we're helping them with the shipment, but in reality, all of the people on the ship are ours, with the exception of the shipping company. "When something happens, the Zhou family will give it a go, and we will become the main force."

Lin Jing narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "The Zhou family's plan should be more than that. Everyone is well aware of the circumstances in which they are cooperating. They can't be so naive as to think that we don't know how to do anything, either. For them to discover us so easily means that they have a backup plan. "

"Then what should we do now? The only thing that can be investigated is here. As for the rest, only they themselves know. " Feng Yuqing frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter. The Ni Clan is still supporting us from behind, so there's no need for us to rush." Third Brother is also keeping an eye on us. We should be able to find out the moment anything happens. "What we need to do now is to not change our minds, and not fall from the sky and bury us."

As he pondered this, Lin Jing's eyes flashed with light. He believed that no matter how meticulous the plans of the Zhou family were, the prerequisites were still there. The first was that after his own people entered the arena, their actions would pose a threat to him. Secondly, the Zhou family still had to remove him.

As he was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang. Lin Jing frowned. He picked it up and saw that it was from Zhang San.

At this moment, Zhang San should be watching over the warehouse. He had previously agreed that if there was nothing else, he shouldn't have contacted him.

Picking up the phone, Lin Jing asked, "Third brother, it's me. What's the matter? "Did something happen over at the warehouse? I'm in the store right now."

"Nothing happened in the warehouse, but I find it a little strange, boss." Zhang San asked with a puzzled tone.

"Why is it strange? Tell me, let's think about it together. " When Lin Jing heard this, his frown deepened.

Zhang San was a professional, so finding and taking things were his forte. However, when he said that he would investigate something, he was a little bit off and could only follow them up.

"It's like this. Starting from this morning, several carts of goods have been delivered one after another. The outer packaging doesn't look like it was filled with antiques, and there's been people guarding it all the time. I don't even have the chance to go down and open it. " Zhang San said.

"New things are delivered to the warehouse? The goods previously prepared by the Zhou Mansion should already be somewhere. Why would there be new things? " Lin Jing's expression sank. "How about this. Try opening one and see if you can see what's inside. I'll come over right now."

"Boss, I'm afraid you're in danger coming over right now. How about I finish reading it first?" On the other end of the phone, Zhang San was worried about Lin Jing's safety.

"No need, Brother An and Brother Kui are both here today. I'll come with them."

If something went wrong, it would be a monster. They had already delivered everything, yet there was something new along the way. Furthermore, it was so mysterious, so there must be a problem.

After hanging up, Lin Jing turned to Feng Yuqing and said, "Shopkeeper Feng, Brother An and I will rush over to take a look. I'll leave the store to you."

"Mm. You guys can rest assured. With me here, there won't be a problem." Feng Yuqing nodded, his expression solemn. He also felt that something was wrong. He hadn't paid much attention to this last time, but now that Lin Jing mentioned it, he realized that this trip would go without a hitch. There wouldn't be any problems at all.

The Zhou family had invested so much capital and had planned so much for so long, they should have thought of all sorts of things. They couldn't possibly leave such a big opportunity for him to take advantage of. Furthermore, when he went there, the people there received news in advance from other channels. This was too much of a coincidence.

It was as if she had been waiting for him to report, to tell her about it, and then to let Paulinus go.

No matter how stupid the Zhou family was, they would not be this stupid. Furthermore, since they had already planned it, they couldn't possibly have their eyes and ears shut in the next city.

All in all, this really did look like a trap set up by the Zhou family. If they were to go and make this matter clear, and he thought that he would be able to rest easy, the Zhou family would not even have the chance to react before they launched their real plan. If he didn't go, it would be even worse.

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