Previously, when the two of them were ambushed by so many people, she was able to last until he and Dong Bingfeng arrived.

As he spoke, Lin Jing took out his phone and called Zuo Quanan, "Brother An, are you with junior sister Lu? Yes, Qianxue and I are at the Dong Clan. She should be staying here for the next few days. Call me when you get there, and I'll ask the doorman to open the door for you. "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jing turned to Jiang Qianxue and said with a smile, "We've already agreed that Brother An will accompany Junior Sister Lu for a stroll. They will be coming over shortly." These two days, that little brat could not find you. Zuo Quanan did not know where you were, but he suffered a lot. "

"Big brother Zuo is usually quite relaxed, but now that junior sister Lu is here, he seems like a different person." Jiang Qianxue covered her mouth and chuckled.

"This is called having a bit of tofu in brine, it's one thing down while the other down. Brother An's personality was free and easy to handle. Usually, there was nothing that could shake his mind. For martial artists, their personality is already very important. However, Junior Sister Lu has a completely different meaning to them, so she is naturally very concerned about them. " Lin Jing also smiled.

After waiting for almost an hour, Zuo Quanan brought Lu Xiaotong to the Dong Family villa. The housekeeper led the two of them to Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue. When Lu Xiaotong saw Jiang Qianxue, her face turned excited and her eyes reddened as she said, "Sister Xue, I found you very bitterly. "Hey, Scoundrel, what did you do to Sister Xue?"

These last words were said to Lin Jing. Today, she still had a misconception of Lin Jing, so when she saw him, she naturally became hostile.

"With junior sister Lu here, how could I dare to do anything to Qianxue? I've been busy with other things and didn't have the opportunity to tell you about them. I've only asked Senior Brother Zuo to bring you here today. Don't be angry, I'll apologize to you. " Lin Jing said to Lu Xiaodong with a faint smile.

"Hmph, at least you're sensible. Speak, what do you want now?" Lu Xiaotong's lips curled up with a proud expression.

"I want to formally request that you protect Qianxue. Before this, we didn't have the time to make things clear. I'm very ashamed that I didn't get what I wanted to give you." Lin Jing said.

"If you want to invite me, you are not qualified. You are only protecting Sister Xue, so I'll reluctantly agree." Lu Xiaotong said with her head held high.

After arranging everything for Jiang Qianxue, Lin Jing was completely at ease. Now was the time to display his skills.

When Zuo Quanan and he left the Dong Residence, Lin Jing said to him in the car, "Brother An, we have a lot of things to do in the next few days. You guys will have to put in a lot of effort."

Zuo Quanan laughed and said, "Boss, you're right. We've been working in the shop for so long and have nothing to do most of the time. It's a shame to take so much of your salary. Now that I have the chance to show off my worth, how could I say that it was hard! "

Lin Jing smiled and said, "How about this. When we return later, we can call everyone back and discuss what to do next." and let everyone know what we're doing in case we run into any problems, so that we can communicate in time. "

"Sure, I'll give Zhang San a call and have him inform the others." As Zuo Quan An spoke, he took out his phone and called Zhang San, asking him to contact him.

Before long, the two of them had returned to the Treasure Lodge. The others hadn't arrived yet, but Feng Yuqing was currently leading the shop assistant on the matter of gathering information. It seemed like his progress wasn't too bad.

Seeing Lin Jing walk in, he walked up to him with a document in his hand. "Boss, please take a look at this. We have a first draft that we have temporarily prepared."

Hearing this, Lin Jing's expression changed. His tone was a bit surprised as he said, "So fast. I thought it would take at least several days to get the first draft. You're really amazing, Manager Feng!" As he spoke, Lin Jing flipped through the documents that Feng Yuqing had sorted out.

After such a long period of study, Lin Jing's knowledge of literature and entertainment was now completely different from before. Although it couldn't be compared with the masters who had been in this industry for decades, it was still not enough to compare with the average practitioner. With a single glance, he could tell whether the information was good or bad.

The further he looked, the more astonished Lin Jing was. The first draft that Feng Yuqing had sorted out did not contain anything profound, it could even be said to be the simplest or most superficial of knowledge, but it was extremely practical. Even an ordinary person would be able to understand it with a single glance.

This was what Lin Jing wanted. The history of mankind had lasted thousands of years. The precious artifacts that had been passed down in China were as numerous as the vast oceans. The impersonation and forgery of a literary game had also been going on since a long time ago. After a thousand years of development and settling down, the system had become complicated and the content had become so extensive that it was hard to imagine. In the modern era, the addition of high-tech means had made the industry truly "hard to distinguish between the truth and the falsehood".

Even the industry veterans would not dare to say that they would never be fooled, let alone the general public. Therefore, it would be unrealistic to use only one piece of information to let an ordinary person learn how to distinguish between the truth and the falsehood of a literary game.

What Feng Yuqing did sounded very simple, it was to say the simplest method of identification in the most straightforward language. After reading it, although it was impossible to distinguish between the different levels of the game, as long as it did not involve auctions, it would definitely not be a problem for ordinary people to buy some stuff to play with.

In fact, this was the crux of the matter. How much of the total annual income of the City of Arts and Crafts was sold for priceless treasures? As far as Lin Jing knew, the total auction price for each of the major companies had not even reached two billion this year. However, the total volume of trading there was in the tens of billions.

Where did the extra money come from? Most of them were small toys, brought from the sale of common ornamental books.

The main buyers of these items were the normal tourists or the people who were hunting for the treasure. The chances of them being cheated were as high as 99%.

A normal tourist would be able to buy at most one real item out of one hundred items in the city, and it was at the full price. Even if he took it back, there was very little room for profit. He could only play around with it. Most of them spent money to buy a modern handicraft.

The distinction between ordinary people may be difficult to distinguish, but it is one of the industry's biggest sources of wealth.

That was the reason he was acting this way.

These things seem to be important to keep the industry going, but they don't make sense. To put it seriously, most of the merchants in the city did the same thing every day as they did scams.

Not many people were able to maintain their sanity under the clever explanation of the shop assistant. Only after they bought back the items did they realize that they had been tricked. By that time, it was already too late.

If they could get the correct information in advance and prepare in advance, they could at least read a few more books. As for whether or not they would buy it in the end, it wasn't something that could be controlled by external forces.

"Boss, Feng Kui and the others ran into some trouble on the way, they might have to arrive a little later." While Lin Jing was engrossed in reading Feng Yuqing's information, Zuo Quanan quietly said from the side. The expression on his face was somewhat solemn, as if this matter was not trivial.

Noticing this situation, Lin Jing furrowed his brows and asked, "What's wrong?" Brother Feng and the others are somewhere right now. What kind of trouble are they in? Do they need help? "Why don't we just go over and have a look. It doesn't matter where the things we have to discuss come from anyway."

Zuo Quanan hesitated for a moment, "Okay, they are at the Garden Club. I'm not sure about the details, but he said he wanted us to wait a little longer. When Feng Kui and Zhang San are together, I think they have offended someone. There are a lot of rich second generations over there. "

Lin Jing frowned slightly. Although he had lived in Eastsea City since he was young, because of various reasons, the scope of his activities was actually very small. He did not know what kind of place the Garden Club was, but since it was a place where the rich second generation gathered, then it definitely wasn't an ordinary place.

How did Feng Kui and Zhang San end up in that kind of place? As he thought this, Lin Jing didn't say much. He bid his farewells to Feng Yuqing before departing with Zuo Quanan. After getting on the car, he drove out of the City and headed towards the city center. He stopped at the busiest section of the road.

Just looking at this place, Lin Jing was already certain that it wasn't a place an ordinary person could go to.

This road was called "Jingxiu Road". People of Eastsea City were used to calling it "the street of a wastrel", which meant that they had come here for free.

Furthermore, because it was located in the most prosperous area of the economic circle, the first thing that it reflected was a noble character.

Lin Jing had never been to a garden club or heard of one. However, he knew the name of a street that was a wasteland, so he couldn't help but furrow his brows.

Following Zuo Quanan, they headed towards the heart of Jing Xiu Road. In the middle of the road, there were many people walking around, it was extremely bustling.

He looked around. Most of them were shops and restaurants, while the rest were high-end hotels. Lin Jing frowned slightly, as if he hadn't seen the clubhouse's signboard.

Zuo Quanan, who was walking in front, said, "The Garden Club is the only high-end clubhouse on this side of Jingxiu Road. It's on the top floor of the diamond plaza. It was originally called the 'Sky Garden' when it was first built, but somehow, the current name was changed. "

"Brother An, you seem to be quite familiar with this place." Lin Jing's heart skipped a beat. Zuo Quanan's understanding of this side seemed to be a bit too detailed.

After hearing Lin Jing's words, Zuo Quanan felt slightly embarrassed as he rubbed his nose and said, "About that, I've been working here for a period of time before." Yes, that's right. He was mainly responsible for the security of some of the guests. "You know, we learn martial arts, we don't have any other abilities …"

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