"I've really taken a fancy to that shop. It's a good item, so naturally everyone would be interested in it. If you two brothers really want to make a move, we can compete fairly. Coming here like this isn't really appropriate, is it?" Jiang Yuncai said with a gloomy expression.

Jiang Yunmao laughed coldly, his face carrying a trace of ridicule, "Third brother, I'm not trying to stop you. You've already said that you're interested in good things, the prices of the shops on the other side are over ten million, you've just lost two stores, and this year's profits are going to be handed over as well …"

At this point, Jiang Yunmao's eyes narrowed, and a sinister smile appeared on his face. "If I'm not wrong, your cash flow should be very tight right now. Even if you manage to buy it, what can you use to open this shop?"

"Ol 'Three, Big Bro and I are actually thinking for you. Think about it, your main store is over here. What's the use of buying the store over there? Was he trying to steal his business? There's no need for that, is there? " Second brother Jiang Yunsheng also said with a sneer on his face.

This way, you won't have to make your cash flow too tight and at the same time avoid trouble. We are brothers after all, so no matter where the business goes, even if the two stores are on the same side, we will still be on the Jiang family, right?

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun's face turned ashen. He gripped the yellow rosewood chair tightly and said with a deep voice, "Are you trying to kill us all?"

"Oh oh oh? From what you're saying, didn't you say just now? Everyone's blood brothers, how can they be so ruthless? You're making me, your second brother, feel very sad." A mocking expression appeared on Jiang Yunmao's face as a glint of light flashed across his eyes.

"How about this, I'm not a stingy person. Us three brothers will pay together and cooperate to buy the other shop, and we will split the money equally. Ol 'Three, your shop is close by, so it's easier to take care of you, so I and Ol' Two don't need to waste time."

"What about the goods in the store from now on, we'll give them to you. If you have money, everyone will earn it. What do you think of this suggestion?"

Hearing his eldest brother's words, Jiang Yunsheng's eyes flashed with a sinister smile, "I feel that elder brother's suggestion isn't bad. Ol 'Three, what do you think? As elder brother, we've already made concessions. You won't say anything more, right?"

"Hehe, you really are my good brothers. You treat me so well, you pay me to buy a shop and even let me take care of it. Shouldn't I be grateful now?" A cold smile appeared on Jiang Yuncai's face. "If you want a store, with your abilities, you can buy it however you like. There's no room for negotiation!"

"Ol 'Three, don't you dare fail to appreciate our kindness. If you really tear off your face, then don't blame us!" Jiang Yunmao saw that Jiang Yuncai was unwilling to give in, and immediately revealed a threatening expression.

When Lin Jing heard this, he came to a realization that Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao had joined hands to deal with him. They wanted to use the shop opposite to theirs to suppress Jiang Yun.

With Jiang Yuncai's strength, no matter how much he struggled, he would not be a match for the two of them.

Jiang Yun had been able to hold on until two stores and a year's worth of profits had been deducted. Now that he was heavily injured in terms of both funds and goods, he had no way of fighting back.

However, the two of them ate in a rather unsightly manner. They wanted the shop and the money, but Jiang Yun had to pay for it himself. In fact, he even wanted to split his profits by force.

What was the difference between this and a bandit?

Although Jiang Yuncai usually looked down on Lin Jing and trampled on his words, he was his father-in-law after all. As Jiang Qianxue's father, he naturally could not allow Lin Jing to be coerced like this.

Most importantly, Lin Jing didn't want to see Jiang Qianxue suffer any more pressure. Right now, her life was already very difficult.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing decided to make his move.

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