"I'll go to your place and pretend with me, right? "You still have 2.880 million, are you crazy because I want money? I'm not even giving you a single cent, what can you do?" Jiang Tao's eyes narrowed as he stared at Lin Jing. He spoke with an arrogant and wild expression on his face.

"Then I'm sorry, Mister Jiang Tao. Since you caused trouble at our store, broke our precious products, and refused to compensate us, it seems like we can only find someone from the association to judge. I think even if this matter is brought to Grandmother's attention, she will still uphold justice." Lin Jing's expression turned cold.

"Fine, you dog. You've been waiting here all morning for me. You want to set me up?" Jiang Tao finally recovered from his shock and scolded.

"No, no, no, you're overthinking it. I'm not interested in trash. Brother, do you want to continue staying here to see if there's anything interesting, or do you want to get lost?" Lin Jing sneered as he looked at Jiang Tao with disdain.

As for the bullshit certificate, he himself was also the young master of an antique family. He knew better than anyone what that thing was, and it seemed like there was no other way out today.

Glaring fiercely at Lin Jing, Jiang Tao coldly said, "Fine, you dog, today is your day. Just you wait, your father will deal with you sooner or later!"

"Big brother, you're welcome to come again, but remember to bring some money in the future. Otherwise, I won't be able to help you with anything you break." Lin Jing had a beaming smile on his face. From start to finish, no matter how much Jiang Tao shouted, his heart remained calm and indifferent.

Jiang Qianxue watched as Jiang Tao left with his tail between his legs. Her eyes widened as she looked at Lin Jing in astonishment. "When did you become so powerful?"

Hearing Jiang Qianxue's words, Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously turned around and said, "Ah, you're really strong? "No way, I've seen Jiang Tao a few times. I think he must have had a brain injury when he was young and that he came as a fool. Isn't it because of this that his family took care of him?"

"Haha, Lin Jing, you've had enough. He's already gone, and yet you still say he's a fool? It's not like he can hear you." Jiang Qianxue said with a happy smile.

"Hehe, it's good that you're smiling. It's rare for there to be just the two of us in the shop, we can't let him ruin the atmosphere." Lin Jing was moved. He smiled as he spoke.

Hearing this, Jiang Qianxue's face turned red, she was a bit embarrassed. "What? What atmosphere? What atmosphere? I'm not going to tell you. You cleaned this place yourself, I'm going to take a look at the painting exhibition. Don't run around."

After she finished speaking, Jiang Qianxue hurriedly ran out the door as if she were running away. In a flash, Yan'Er disappeared from sight. When Lin Jing saw this, he was overjoyed. He could feel that the relationship between the two of them was quickly but quietly changing.

To him, this feeling was extremely wonderful, and Lin Jing was enjoying it.

In the blink of an eye, an entire morning had passed. Jiang Qianxue hadn't returned, but Lin Jing was rather bored within the store. However, after receiving a call from the renovation company, they were basically done.

Lin Jing was naturally happy to receive this news. He called the safekeeping company and had them deliver the goods to him on the third morning.

After hanging up, he thought of another serious question. If the store opened, who would take care of it?

He couldn't do it himself. He had to come here every day, and he couldn't do it alone, so he still had to recruit some people. But now, he couldn't leave either.

While he was worrying, a young man walked in. He was wearing glasses and was wearing simple clothes. There was a deep worry between his brows. He held a wooden box in his arms and seemed to be hesitating.

Lin Jing's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face. He stood up and walked over to ask, "Friend, is there anything I can help you with?"

"You, you here, want to collect antiques?" The young man asked Lin Jing with a slightly timid expression.

"Take it. I don't know what this friend is planning to sell. Take a seat first, I'll get you a cup of tea. We'll talk slowly." Lin Jing smiled as he spoke. He turned around, preparing to pour some tea for this young man.

"No, there's no need. I'll be leaving after I sell the item. Take a look at this." As the young man spoke, he handed the box in his hand to Lin Jing.

Lin Jing's expression changed, but he didn't move. With a smile, he said, "Okay, I'll take a look first. You should sit down and rest for a while."

After inviting this young man to sit down, Lin Jing opened the box and saw the contents inside. His face revealed a surprised and pleasantly surprised expression. "Friend, how much are you planning to sell this jade carving for?"

"How much can you pay?" The young man stared at Lin Jing as he asked.

Lin Jing's mind stirred. His face remained calm as he said, "Although the price of jade artifacts have always been pretty good in the literary industry, you should understand that antiques and antiques have their origins and stories, so I must ask you first, do you have any explanation for having jade sculptures?"

"This jade carving was passed down from my ancestors. It belongs to the Tang Dynasty, and was given to Yang Yuhuan by Li Longji." The young man said.

"Eh, that's not bad, but it seems like there's something missing from those white teeth, right?" Lin Jing's eyes narrowed.

"Of course not. I have proof!" As the young man spoke, he took out a linen bag from his pocket and took out a snow-white silk cloth. There were some indistinct words written on it, which he placed in front of Lin Jing.

"This is the evidence!"

Lin Jing frowned and glanced at the silk cloth. The words on it were already blurry, and he couldn't make out clearly. He could only vaguely make out the words' bestow 'and' ring '. However, these two words alone couldn't be considered complete proof.

Antique literature was a crystal of civilization that had been precipitated by art and history. It was a priceless treasure, and no matter how one looked at it, it had a huge shelf to it. However, at the bottom, the industry was usually linked to the words "swindling".

Lin Jing had been in the shop for quite a long time. Although his eyesight wasn't as mature as Lin Qing's, he still knew the rules of this business.

In the past, even though he didn't talk in the shop, he didn't have much feeling of existence. However, it was because of this that he was able to notice things that ordinary people couldn't. Jiang Yuncai had acted quite a few times in front of him, scaring those rich upstarts who were known for their culture and culture into a daze.

The person in front of him gave Lin Jing the feeling that he was bluffing.

He pretended to be honest and sincere. Then, he carried a pretty good jade carving and a piece of silk cloth with blurry words on it. It seemed a little too excessive to tell him the story of Yang Gui's concubine, Li Long Ji.

However, Lin Jing didn't directly expose him. If he opened his doors to do business, anyone could meet him, and business was always free to do so. If someone brought out a fake, it didn't matter if you guessed it or not.

It was fine if he went up and got into a quarrel with them. Although it seemed like he had vented his anger and gained the upper hand, he might still appear a bit domineering. However, he had offended someone and hurt their face, so it would be hard to say what would happen afterwards.

Who could guarantee that nothing would happen to them in their lifetime? Who could guarantee that they wouldn't meet again after offending someone to death? Therefore, as the old saying goes, one should keep things to one side so that one could see them again in the future. Lin Jing understood this principle very well.

He put down the things in his hands and said, "Friend, I've read this and it's quite good. But look, you didn't come at the right time. If the boss wasn't here, I wouldn't have been able to make the decision even if I were a small shop assistant. Why don't you come back next time?"

The young man's eyes narrowed as he calmly sized up Lin Jing. He then revealed a stubborn expression as he said, "Since you feel that it's not bad, then why can't you buy it?" I'm in a hurry to save my life. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have taken out the things in my house. "

Lin Jing thought this was quite funny. This brother's words were getting more and more outrageous. At this point, he was already certain of the nature of the words. "Friend, it's not that I'm making things difficult for you, but rather I want to lower the price. I really can't decide on this matter. How about you wait for the boss to come back?"

"Where did your boss go?" The young man looked at Lin Jing and asked.

"It's not far, just 3000 km. A fight only took a day." Lin Jing smiled as he spoke.

"Isn't that far? I can't wait that long. How much do you think this is worth? " The young man rolled his eyes and asked Lin Jing.

With a faint smile, Lin Jing calmly said, "If what you say is true and there is evidence that is true, then the value of this jade carving should be at least 10 million. If I were to take out some other ancient language records, then the price would double."

"One, ten million, that much?" The young man pretended to be shocked, but his eyes revealed a smile as if he had succeeded in his evil scheme.

Then, he trembled as he looked at the jade carving in the box. He looked at Lin Jing warily before quickly closing the lid and lifting him up. He then looked at the silk cloth on the table and subconsciously said, "Give this to me."

Lin Jing didn't seem to care at the time. He took the silk and gave it to the young man, but he didn't take it. He had a hesitant expression on his face as he said, "First help me carry this. I'll wrap it up. This is our family heirloom. I can't break it."

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