He had originally thought that it was just because the pressure Jiang Qianxue had recently received was too great, that she wasn't feeling too emotional. He hadn't thought that she would already have so much accumulated in her heart.

Subconsciously, Lin Jing began to blame himself. Although Jiang Qianxue had treated him neither coldly nor warmly, and they hadn't interacted much, she was the reason why Lin Jing stayed in the Jiang family from the start.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jing said with a resolute expression on his face, "Don't worry, I won't let my father become like that. After all, in these past few years, the Treasure House has encountered so many problems and difficulties.

"If we hadn't gotten married and turned the entire Treasure House into a laughing stock, his pressure wouldn't have been so great. People are fearsome, and if there were so many people talking about it, even a saint would have been affected. Qianxue, don't think too much and everything will be fine."

Jiang Qianxue turned her head to look at Lin Jing. With an expression she had never seen before, she said, "Lin Jing, you are truly different from before."

"Heh heh, have you noticed that I'm actually quite handsome?" Lin Jing chuckled and joked.

Hearing this, Jiang Qianxue laughed out loud. She spat at him and snappily said, "Pah! You're so handsome, yet you're so shameless."

"Why am I not handsome? Look carefully, I'm not much worse than those famous celebrities on TV." Lin Jing shamelessly said. As he said this, he pretended to pose for a bit. He clearly wasn't a material for this line of work, so he didn't look anything like that.

When she saw this scene, Jiang Qianxue instantly smiled even more happily. She subconsciously reached out to pat his chest and coquettishly said: "Come on, hurry up and stop learning. You'll scare the child to tears later. The mother wants to get even with you!"

"Who has such poor eyesight? How can such a handsome man scare people to the point of crying?" Lin Jing smiled as he spoke. After a moment, his expression returned to a serious expression. He solemnly said, "Qianxue, I know I'm still lacking a lot of things, but I will work hard and let you see my transformation."

Hearing this, Jiang Qianxue's face turned red for some reason, and she said shyly, "It's only natural that you work hard, but you should work hard for your own sake. What does it have to do with me, don't speak carelessly about it.

Lin Jing smiled. He was already very satisfied to be able to see Jiang Qianxue shy because of him. Thus, he said, "Okay, let's go back."

On the way, Lin Jing casually asked, "Qianxue, do you like Zheng Banqiao's paintings? I've seen you do it many times, and you've always come to visit."

"That's right, Mr. Zheng Banqiao is different from other painters. He has his own strength of character. Every time I look at his painting, I can gain a lot of power. That's why I need to see more and learn more. This way, I can become very powerful myself." Jiang Qianxue said with a look of longing on her face.

Lin Jing's heart stirred. He secretly noted down these words. In the future, if he encountered Zheng Banqiao, he would buy them no matter what. With them in his hands, he would give Jiang Qianxue a pleasant surprise.

He even wondered if he should ask Hui Bian if he could find a painting of Zheng Banqiao on the ship the next time he contacted her. If so, could he send a painting? Jiang Qianxue's birthday was coming up in a few months.

Thinking this way, the two walked back home side by side. Perhaps it was due to the successful purchase this time, but Liu Fen was in a very good mood.

Jiang Yuncai was sitting in the living room with an unpleasant expression on his face. When he saw that Lin Jing had returned, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he wanted to say something. But when he saw Jiang Qianxue beside him, he didn't say anything.

Liu Fen called them over from the other side of the dining hall. The family sat down around the table, and the atmosphere was especially harmonious.

"Qianxue, you should eat a little more. I've seen that we haven't been home for the past two days, you've lost weight. Lin Jing, you should eat more too. I have to thank you for this matter. Sometimes, you still have some use." It was rare for Liu Fen to treat Lin Jing with such kindness, so much so that she gave him a smile.

His heart slightly moved, Lin Jing said with a smile on his face, "Mm. Mom told me to eat it, so I'll definitely eat it."

Jiang Yuncai cast a cold glance at him, appearing as if he wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he dug in a few mouthfuls of rice and swallowed it down along with the dish.

After dinner, Lin Jing naturally took the initiative to clean up the mess. Jiang Qianxue came out of her shower and specifically greeted him before going upstairs to bed.

Lin Jing felt that this day could not be any better. If he could continue to be like this in the future, then he would be willing to put forth all the effort he could muster.

"Brother, you know the news?" Jiang Yun was the lucky one. He was the lucky one to run into something like this. That Lin guy, could it be that his brain had gone bad? Doing business with a rival family, what kind of business was that? Isn't he afraid that Ol 'Three will swallow him up along with his bones and flesh? "

In the dark room, Jiang Yunsheng's face darkened. In the afternoon, he received news that he had signed a cooperation agreement with Jiang Yuncai in the newly opened Precious Forest Temple opposite of the Treasure House. Both sides had access to each other, which was equivalent to filling out an extra store for Jiang Yuncai.

The two of them had been keeping an eye on this shop for a long time just to get more than a hundred thousand yuan, but they had missed out on a good opportunity. They had originally thought that even if they hadn't bought the shop, a newcomer would have added a strong foe to Jiang Yuncai.

But who would've thought that foolish boss would sign the contract with Jiang Yun? How could there be such a brainless idiot in this world who didn't even think about suppressing his peers and even sent his own name to someone else?

Did he really think that he, an outsider, would be a match for the Jiang family, who was sitting in the chair of the board? Stupid, so stupid!

Jiang Yunmao's expression was no better than Jiang Yunsheng's. They had spent so much effort, made so many plans, and invested so much. Just as Jiang Yun was about to fall apart, a person suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, giving him the intention of prolonging his life.

Unfortunately, this person opened his shop like a thief. He was always being supported by his subordinates, and he didn't even dare to show his face. Until now, no one knew who this "Mr. Lin" was, what background he had, how much money he had, and how much capital he had.

Now, the only reliable news was that Baolin was very powerful and had enough strength to be able to take out dozens of blue and white flowers in one go. Moreover, it was a first class tribute; he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Eight hundred thousand gold coins for one. Jiang Yunmao's eyes turned red with envy when he saw this. It was a pity that he didn't go back then. Otherwise, who else would dare to snatch one of those fellows from him?

Jiang Yunmao had too many things on his mind, so he didn't say anything for a while, while Jiang Yunsheng was feeling anxious. He then said, "Big brother, say something, what should we do next? In the future, if he wanted to swallow Ol 'Three, it would be even more troublesome!

"Humph, so what if he has his own treasure house to work with? Third Bro only has an additional source of supply, and the goods are still in our hands. If we can't sell it, how much money can he use to get back?" Jiang Yunmao coldly snorted.

"It's not like you don't know the old lady's temper. If we don't get the money in a quarter, Ol 'Three's store will definitely be taken away. When that happens, wouldn't it be the two of us?" Moreover, what could Ol 'Three possibly bring out in this Family Assembly? What else was in his warehouse? All right, let's buy it! "

"No, Big Brother, I heard that Ol 'Three went to the mainland and spent tens of millions to spend all the money he had on hand." No, no, Big Brother, I heard that Ol' Three went to the mainland and spent tens of millions to invest all the money he had. Jiang Yunsheng said.

What's there to be afraid of? We've spent a whole year preparing for this Clan Assembly. Which item isn't top-notch? Especially that item. The old lady will definitely be overjoyed upon seeing it. As long as we push Third Bro and he doesn't have the money to earn money in the future, it will only be a matter of time before we defeat him. At the worst, we can just let him drag it out for another half a year, after all these years, can't we wait another half a year? " "Jiang Yunmao said with a calm tone.

Then, a smile appeared on his face, as if he had relaxed, and he said, "It's still big brother's foresight. Our preparations this time around are indeed sufficient enough. Speaking of which, in the entire entertainment city, who can compare with me?"

"Second Bro, when you have time, learn and learn. Settle down yourself and don't get impatient when you run into something. You have to watch the show slowly. Oh right, how is the preparation for the thing I asked you to prepare last time?"

Don't worry, big brother, we've already contacted him. Heh heh, when the third brother's people can't leave, we'll throw him out when he's in a hurry. Jiang Yunsheng said with a confident and proud expression.

"Be sure to do everything twice more. It doesn't matter whether you can succeed in Chengdu or not. The most important thing is that you can't make a mistake and don't let the fire catch you off guard. If anything happens to you and me, no one will be able to escape." Jiang Yunmao said with squinted eyes.

Jiang Yunsheng chuckled. "Don't worry, Big Brother. You don't know what I'm up to, so there won't be any problems." In his heart, however, there was another thought: "Hehe, when the time comes, I will definitely not cause a fire to burn down. But as for you, big brother, I can't say for sure. It depends on your ability."

The two brothers had their own ulterior motives and tried their best to swallow Jiang Yunzhen up. However, the cooperation was on the surface, but they both knew very well that without Jiang Yuncai, only the two of them remained in the Jiang family. Who would be the head and who would be the head?

Being small was impossible, then wouldn't he be trampled on for the rest of his life and be unable to lift his head up?

It was reasonable that the Jiang family should belong to him, not to mention the fact that he could not even lift his head. As a result, once Jiang Yun fell, the rest would depend on who was faster.

The biggest characteristic of someone who was good at scheming was that he would always feel like he was the one who would win the last match. But in reality, no one could completely predict how things would change and what unexpected things would happen.

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