Lin Jing nodded and said, "I understand dad. Oh, by the way, Qianxue went out just now and hasn't come back yet. I'll go see her first."

"Go, then hurry back to me when you find her. If the old lady can't see you, then go back and see how I'll deal with you." Jiang Yuncai said snappily.

After exiting the main hall, Lin Jing took out his cell phone and called Jiang Qianxue. He immediately asked, "Qianxue, where are you right now? The banquet is about to start. Mom and Dad are here, do you need me to come and pick you up?"

"No need, I'll be right over. Where are you now?" Jiang Qianxue said over the phone. Her tone sounded a little strange.

Lin Jing had already recognized what was going on. Although he was anxious, he didn't know what had happened to Jiang Qianxue during this short period of time. He could only wait until he saw her before saying, "I'll wait for you at the main hall's entrance. Are you sure you don't need me to come and pick you up?"

"No need, I'm here." Just as Jiang Qianxue finished speaking, she walked over from the side of the garden path.

From afar, Lin Jing saw that Jiang Qianxue's expression wasn't too good, so he stepped forward and asked in concern, "Qianxue, what's wrong? If someone bullies you, you tell me and I'll get it back for you! "

"No, I'm just a bit unwell. I just need to rest for a bit. Let's go back." As Jiang Qianxue spoke, she took the initiative to hold Lin Jing's hand.

As the two of them held hands, Lin Jing felt a chill in her palm. His heart sank, and a trace of coldness appeared in his heart. No matter who it was, no matter what he did to Jiang Qianxue, he swore to find this person and make him pay for it!

Music started playing in the main hall. When Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue walked in, everyone's gazes turned towards the second floor.

Old Lady Jiang and another person walked down from the top. It was just that Lin Jing was thinking about something, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Eh, why is Elder Dong here as well?" When Jiang Qianxue saw the person next to the old lady, she was slightly surprised in her heart.

Only after hearing Jiang Qianxue's words did Lin Jing come back to his senses. He looked to the front and saw Old Man Dong and Old Lady Jiang walk down together.

The two of them went to the front of the stage and gestured to each other, then sat down.

Uncle Yun stood at the side and said with a smile, "Many thanks to all of you for coming today to our humble home to help with such a trivial matter. Old madam is deeply sorry, please take your seats. Please do not be so formal."

Hearing this, the guests each found their own seats, and the three brothers of the Jiang Clan and the families belonging to their respective families all stood to the side with respectful attitudes.

Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunsheng stood on the left side, accompanied by their wives, their eldest brother, Jiang Tao, and their second brother, Jiang Hai. Jiang Yuncai, along with Liu Fen, Jiang Qianxue, and Lin Jing, stood on the right side.

Uncle Yun continued, "The distinguished guests are all well-known figures in the Arts Association. The Jiang family has been the Chairman of the Arts Association for years, and thanks to everyone's help, they were able to complete their work. Today we have invited everyone here in hopes of giving them a hand."

"Before the banquet begins, we also prepared a small exhibition and were fortunate enough to invite Elder Dong to personally manage it. I believe that the result will not be the slightest bit off. We must also thank Elder Dong for his kind visit to our humble abode."

With a sincere bow, Old Lady Jiang smiled at Elder Dong and said, "Elder Dong, thank you so much for coming. The juniors will be bringing up their stuff in a bit. You must give them some pointers."

"Hur hur, Old Lady Jiang, you're too polite. I'm just starting out on the road to becoming a writer. I can't really say for sure, just sharing the rewards, that's all." Old man Dong laughed lightly. With a smile on his face, he turned his gaze towards Lin Jing and nodded his head.

Old Lady Jiang's sharp eyes had noticed Old Dong's gaze at that moment and she calmly glanced in Lin Jing's direction. Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't say anything and pretended not to notice. She continued to smile and say, "Old Dong, you're being too modest with your words. Shall we begin?"

"I'll leave everything to you, Old Granny Jiang." Elder Dong said.

Seeing this, Uncle Yun continued, "Then let eldest young master Jiang Yunmao take out the first item and let everyone hold their hands in their eyes. This way please."

Jiang Yunmao showed confidence on his face when he heard what Jiang Tao said. He waved his hand and took a blue and white vase from Jiang Tao. He placed the bottle on the display stand and introduced, "This bottle is full, round, rich, and glazed. The patterns of the Twin Stars are naturally formed. Among the blue and white flowers, this is a rare high grade!"

After hearing Jiang Yunmao's introduction and looking at the items on the stage, the guests below all sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although the green flowers were not rare, there were not many that could be considered to be of high quality. The most important thing was that Jing De's green flower crafting was at its peak at that time.

Thus, in the market, the price of the blue and white flowers in Qianlong Jingde Town had always been high. Jiang Yunsheng had taken out such a treasure the moment he appeared. It seemed that he had already made his preparations and was determined to get it.

There was a faint smile on Old Lady Jiang's face as she nodded her head in approval. She turned to Elder Dong and asked, "Elder Dong, can you take a look?"

Elder Dong smiled slightly. Without the slightest hesitation, he said, "With such a great item in hand, being able to see it can be considered my luck."

With a proud expression, Jiang Yunmao took the Sky Ball and walked in front of Elder Dong: "Elder Dong, please open your eyes!"

Just as Jiang Yunmao had described, the item was indeed a good item. In the end, he sighed and said, "Very well, our Green Flower's memories have been passed down for a thousand years. Through continuous development, it has reached its peak during the Qianlong period."

"However, there are not many truly excellent items that can be preserved to this day. This one is definitely one of them. It also confirms that we do indeed have the top skills in the world. Very good, this Lifespan Duo Colored Sky Ball Bottle is indeed worthy of its name. "

Seeing Elder Dong's praise, the complacent look on Jiang Yunmao's face became even more pronounced. With a provocative look at Jiang Yuncai, he brought the Sky Ball bottle to the front of the stage and said to the guests, "Everyone, please clap your hands as well."

With Elder Dong personally betting on the authenticity of the blue and white porcelain, the people below naturally no longer had any doubts. They all had admiring expressions on their faces as all the beautiful words poured out like a swarm of bees.

Three minutes later, it was Jiang Yunsheng's turn. What he brought up was a white porcelain ornament with five horses in the sky on top of it, making it look like it was leaving the world. It was called the "Five Jun Treading on the Clouds Flying Heavenly Diagram", and its milky-white color was creamy, and under the light of the display stand, it was slightly pink.

Jiang Yunsheng said with a smile, "This piece of jewelry is from Mingde Kiln. It's shape is perfect, and the horses are vivid and lifelike. They are exceptionally handsome, and are rare among white porcelain. Everyone, please admire them!"

The white porcelain no longer needed to be appraised. Judging from its appearance, it was clear that this kind of light was not something that could be imitated by modern kiln techniques. However, Jiang Yunsheng brought it in front of Elder Dong.

The boss had already gotten his praise, he couldn't afford to lose face here.

Naturally, the result was the same. He and Jiang Yunmao had meticulously chosen and prepared for over a year's worth of items. As for the guests below, looking at the two pieces of precious porcelain was already a feast for their eyes.

But then it was Jiang Yuncai's turn. Everyone knew that in the past year or so, the Treasure House had been short of money on one hand, and Jiang Yunmao and his men had surrounded and intercepted them on the outside. The things that had fallen into Jiang Yuncai's hands could not be considered good stuff.

Now that the two of them had raised the standard so high, everyone's eyes widened as they looked at how he was going to respond. Of course, apart from those who were curious, there were also quite a number of people who were waiting to see a joke.

Jiang Yun then took a deep breath, picked up a box, and walked up to the stage. He opened it and took out a dark object. The people below looked at it, and some of them started sneering.

What is this?

Compared to the brilliant treasure that Jiang Yunsheng had just taken out, what was the difference between Jiang Yuncai's and a piece of black charcoal?

Jiang Yuncai's face was expressionless as he said lightly, "I am the Southern and Northern Dynasties' ram, Feathered Lamp of Bronze. Please judge for yourself!"

There were actually quite a few bronze artifacts on the market. Apart from those that carried a certain risk when buying and selling them, there were also quite a few good ones. However, in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they were absolutely rare, not just rare, but rare as well.

The key point was that this item's price wasn't that high. Compared to the previous two pieces of porcelain, this item was not on the same level at all. However, for those in the literary industry, what they could see was not only the price, but also more comprehensive items.

For instance, if one were to sell the bronze lamp that Jiang Yuncai had just taken out, even if one were to sell it at the auction, if one were to put two or three together, it would still be incomparable to the price of white or blue and white porcelain.

As a matter of fact, bronze artifacts were no longer popular after the Tang Dynasty, so most of the real items that could be taken out now were around one to two thousand years old. Even if there were more, no one would dare to take them out publicly.

Nan Bei Chao's bronze weapon just happened to be stuck in the middle of this. If he had even the slightest bit of intention, something would have happened. At the very least, Jiang Yun dared to take it out now. No matter where he got it from, everyone would be able to see it for themselves.

The bronze lamp was placed inside the box. When Jiang Yun opened it, his back was facing Elder Dong and Old Lady Jiang, so the two of them couldn't see it. They were still guessing what treasure it was when they heard his introduction.

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