It was either a stone Buddha or a wooden sculpture. The small size of the stone Buddha meant that its value was low, so its artistic achievements and its accumulation of time would eventually land on the word 'big'. It was impossible for Jiang Yunmao to bring a stone Buddha with him here.

If it was just the Buddha head alone, it would not be perfect for the orthodox literature and play industry, let alone so much.

Therefore, if Lin Jing's guess was correct, Jiang Yunmao had a high chance of taking out a wooden Buddha statue, then the chances of it being that black sandalwood had greatly increased.

Lin Jing's eyes were fixed on the painting, but his expression didn't change in the slightest.

The paintings of the Eight Great Mountains were indeed rare, and Zhu Hu's status in the art gallery was also extremely high. However, in the recent market environment, the value of his paintings had yet to be fully displayed.

On the other hand, when Jiang Qianxue saw such a top Chinese painting, her expression became somewhat excited. Her love for calligraphy, regardless of who brought it out, she liked it just the same. Her appreciation of it was clear to see. This performance, of course, attracted a wave of dissatisfaction from Jiang Yuncai and Liu Fen.

The appraisal for the painting was not something that could be completed in a short period of time, but Jiang Yunmao did not have much time left on this trip. The two ape-men on the stage took a look and confirmed their suspicions. However, Jiang Yunmao did not go down nor did he show it to the guests. Instead, he said with a mysterious expression on his face, "Just a painting of the Eight Mountain People, there's no need to boast about it. But, this isn't just a painting!"

Hearing this, regardless of whether it was Elder Dong, Old Lady Jiang, or the guests below the stage, all of them revealed expressions of curiosity.

His gaze swept across the faces of everyone present, and Jiang Yunmao was slightly satisfied. He smiled and said, "Second Brother, it's about time you go on stage, isn't it?"

With a smile on his face, Jiang Yunsheng also walked up to the stage with a scroll in hand. He stood before the stage and said with a smile, "Everyone, I'm sorry for the embarrassment I'm showing you!"

"The item in my hand and the item in elder brother's hand were originally one set, but when we took it back, it took a lot of effort. "The Eight Great Mountains' calligraphy technique, 'Yu Xing Shan Shui Fu', please enjoy the experience!"

Zhu Nu was a famous poetry painter in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Apart from the landscape painting, his calligraphy was also excellent, but what remained in the world were mostly just copying works, such as "The Ordering Axis of the Orchid Pavilion". His poems were few in number, and they were no longer visible.

At the very least, up until now, there had not been any eight mountains person's poems or calligraphy on the market. The poem that Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao had taken out was absolutely unique.

The value of a calligraphy piece was also around ten million. However, if the two items were added together and the story was made clear, the price would increase by at least four or five times. It was definitely a sky-high price for a calligraphy piece.

This was under the premise that the works of Zhu Li weren't considered popular in the current market. If it was a good time, the value of these two sets of calligraphy and paintings could exceed 100 million.

This level of cultural relics was not something that an ordinary person would be able to understand.

The guests below the stage were all members of the industry, so they naturally knew what was good for them. Upon seeing this, they all sucked in a breath of cold air. To be able to find such a rare and lonely object, Jiang Yunmao and his partner were truly amazing. Their evaluation of them naturally rose by a few notches.

The two of them glanced at each other with a smug smile on their faces. They turned around with the things in their hands and walked towards the two ape-men, placing the paintings in front of them.

Elder Dong had just seen Tang Yin's real work, and it was from him that Tang Yin had left, so he didn't really care about landscape painting.

Was there anyone else who could do better than Tang Yin?

Perhaps there were a few works that could be compared by themselves, but in general, Tang Yin was the king of the Chinese painting, and there weren't many people that could stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Although he was a grandmaster of eight mountains, he was not one of them. Elder Dong was more interested in his songs.

He had long since heard that aside from being able to draw, the literary skills of the eight mountain people were not inferior to his.

Old Lady Jiang was naturally satisfied with everything. Keeping this item in the Jiang family's warehouse was a huge guarantee for the Jiang family. She definitely wouldn't sell it if she sold it. Just putting it there was a form of confidence.

As the president of the Writers' Association, Old Lady Jiang had a comprehensive knowledge of all kinds of collections. This was the reason why the Jiang family's storehouse had the reputation of being the Hundred Treasure Pavilion.

Someone had once researched it. If Old Granny Jiang was willing to take out the items from the warehouse, it would definitely be enough to open a museum.

After the two Mt. Tai saw this, it was time for the guests below to enjoy themselves. In the end, Jiang Qianxue was still unable to suppress the joy in her heart, and she moved closer to take a look.

Lin Jing had never been good at things like this before, but now that he had the opportunity, he naturally had to take a closer look.

With a proud expression, Jiang Yunmao looked at Jiang Qianxue and said, "Qianxue, you're good at painting, why don't you tell Uncle about this flower, this calligraphy, and this song? How is it compared to the ones you've seen before?"

Jiang Qianxue subconsciously praised, "The Eight Mountain People's landscape language is unique. Their writing style carries a strong sense of personal emotion that can't be imitated by others. This is the best poem I've ever seen him write. It contains all the emotions he had back then …"

"Haha, good niece!" That's right, these two are definitely rare treasures in this world. Although they are not number one, there are not many that can compare with it! " Jiang Yunsheng laughed complacently by the side as he spoke. He glanced at Jiang Yuncai with a provocative gaze.

Jiang Yuncai's face darkened. He coldly looked at Jiang Qianxue and said, "Qianxue, come back here. It's a girl's house. What do you mean by that?"

Lin Jing's expression was calm as he whispered to Jiang Qianxue, "Qianxue, stop looking. Next time, I promise I will send you something even better!"

Jiang Qianxue was reluctant to part with Lin Jing, but she still followed him back. Liu Fen complained angrily in a low voice, "Look at the two of you, what do you think? They just took out a few random items and you were shocked? It's just two crappy calligraphy paintings, what's there to be proud of? "

"And you, Lin Jing, your elbow is a bit too far. Don't you think that your Eldest and Second Uncle's family is formidable? If you like them, go to them. Why are you shamelessly staying in our family?" Do you think we want to see you, useless trash? "

After suffering such an unexpected disaster for nothing, Lin Jing felt somewhat depressed. However, he didn't say anything and just stood there motionlessly.

Jiang Yuncai's expression was somewhat ugly to behold. He had originally planned to take out his best items. After getting the upper hand, it didn't matter if he lost or not. However, there was a huge difference between the two. This was the difference between the two of them. It was obvious that Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunsheng had teamed up to bully him.

He turned around and looked at Jiang Yun. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "Third brother, it's your turn now. I know that your trip to the northwest had yielded great rewards. Our little thing definitely can't compare to you. Why don't you show it to everyone?"

He took a deep breath. Although he knew Jiang Yunmao was teasing him on purpose, Jiang Yuncai had no other choice. After all, an ugly daughter-in-law had to see her parents-in-law. He picked up a small box and walked up the stage.

Jiang Yunmao purposely did not give up the booth to Jiang Yuncai. He sneered and whispered to him, "Third brother, the one you're keeping in mind is that broken lamp. Let's see what you can pull out next!"

"No need to worry, Big Brother!" Anger burned in Jiang Yuncai's heart as he forced his way out of the way and placed the box on the table. "The Southern and Northern Dynasties' phoenix coronet, please judge it."

The phoenix coronet and ceremonial robes were something that only the empress was worthy of. If it were any other unified dynasty, the significance of this item would definitely be extraordinary. They would definitely be able to tell a gargantuan story behind the scenes.

How many kingdoms and how many emperors there were in the Northern and Southern Dynasties was still unknown.

At that time, they were all men with a few soldiers in their hands. Just by occupying a small mountain village, they dared to raise a banner to call themselves' emperor ', and the empress was similar to the main wife of a wealthy family.

Although this item was not easy to keep, and it was even more difficult to keep from the Southern and Northern Dynasties, gold and silver jewelry, no matter how valuable it was, was definitely worth less than calligraphy and paintings. It also depended on the craftsmanship.

What skills did Nan Bei Chao have?

Of course not, the world was at war then, and craftsmen either died in battle or on the road to death, who had the time to be strange and ingenious?

Therefore, after hearing Jiang Yuncai's introduction, the onlookers' interest had only been halved, and they had no intention of continuing to read on.

At his side, Jiang Yunmao sneered, "Haha, Third Brother, you really are a good husband. This phoenix coronet and gown, did you prepare it for your sister-in-law?" What a pity, the current era is no longer popular with the empress! "

The full set of phoenix coronet and gown was considered by Nan Bei Chao. A thousand years of history was considered precious, but the market was just a little bit smaller. However, the rarity of it was definitely not bad.

However, Jiang Yunmao's words instantly reduced their value, and the guests below didn't really feel too much about it. However, Elder Dong and Old Lady Jiang showed a bit of interest in this matter. The old lady waved her hand and said, "Third Bro, show it to me."

Jiang Yuncai cast a cold glance at Jiang Yunsheng when he heard this, before taking the items to Jiang Yunsheng.

The phoenix coronet and gown were very complicated in the later generations, but in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it was rather simple, with only a set of hairpin decorations.

When Old Lady Jiang saw this, she liked it. She smiled at Elder Dong and said, "Elder Dong, this kind of jewelry is rarely seen. If it were your auction house, what kind of price would it fetch?"

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