Jiang Yunmao had the largest shop in the Jiang family, and to a large extent, it represented the entire Jiang family's reputation. For Jiang Yunmao to have the largest shop in the Jiang family, to a large extent, it represented the entire Jiang family's reputation.

Lin Jing surveyed his surroundings. When he saw that everyone's expression wasn't good, he sighed in his heart.

In the beginning, he had thought over this matter too simply, especially since his conjecture of Old Lady Jiang's mind had been severely inaccurate, which had led to this result.

Lin Jing sighed in his heart, thinking that he had overestimated himself. However, to him, this could also be considered as an experience of growth with malicious intents. In this place, a small banquet was concentrated here. Thus, he would be more careful when doing things in the future.

Lin Jing bowed deeply to Old Man Jiang and Old Man Dong, then said with a serious expression, "Grandmother, Old Man Dong, I'm sorry. Lin Jing is too immature. Please don't be angry. I'll make sure to correct my mistake in the future."

Lin Jing had already known that this would happen, so she didn't pay much attention to it. She turned to the guests below the stage and said, "Fellow uncles and seniors, Lin Jing was just messing around just now. I hope that everyone doesn't take it to heart.

After he finished speaking, Lin Jing walked off the stage without the slightest hesitation. His limping figure became even more eye-catching in the eyes of the crowd.

Who would have thought that the most unremarkable and, in everyone's eyes, the most useless would become the most important turning point in the Jiang Clan's banquet? At the same time, no one could have imagined that Lin Jing would be able to tell with a single glance.

That night, since Old Granny Jiang had issued her invitation letter, it had been destined that there would be no peace. However, what surprised everyone was that the one who finally attracted the attention of everyone was not the three brothers of the Jiang Clan, but the sudden emergence of Lin Jing. In the end, the one who became a joke was the most hopeful, the most pleased with himself, Jiang Yunmao.

The ever-changing changes in the world, until the very last moment, could never be predicted. In these few hours, it was perfectly reflected.

After the banquet ended, most of the guests left at a faster pace than when they had arrived. Jiang Yun then left with Liu Fen. He didn't even bother to greet Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue as he sneakily slipped away through the back door like a thief.

Old woman Jiang directly returned to the study room, with only Uncle Yun accompanying her. No one knew what she would do next.

Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue walked side by side in the garden. The atmosphere between them was somewhat awkward.

Jiang Qianxue's expression appeared to be somewhat nervous, as if she had something she wanted to say to Lin Jing. However, she didn't know where to start. As for Lin Jing, he was also thinking about what Old Man Jiang and Old Man Dong's reactions today represented. What should he do next?

In truth, what Lin Jing was more worried about was how much of an impact Old Lady Jiang's attitude would have on Jiang Yunzhen. Would this cause him to be directly eliminated from the competition?

"Lin Jing, I'm sorry." Suddenly, Jiang Qianxue suddenly said in a mysterious and faint voice.

Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. He didn't quite understand what Jiang Qianxue meant. He cautiously asked, "Qianxue, why did you suddenly say that?"

"My attitude toward you before wasn't good, and I even looked down on you. This is my fault, don't take it to heart." Jiang Qianxue explained to Lin Jing.

Hearing this, Lin Jing let out a sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "No, no. How could I think that way? Besides, I really don't have any ability."

Jiang Qianxue suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Jing and said, "In fact, you've been enduring for such a long time. You're a very talented and capable person, and we underestimated you first, right?"

"You don't have to say that. Actually, I am very ordinary." Lin Qing scratched his head with a slight smile on his face as he said this, somewhat embarrassed.

"Hmph. You're still trying to deceive me? That many people were unable to see through you, but you were able to tell with a single glance. You still say that you're weak and you're not willing to bother with me. You big liar." After saying that, Jiang Qianxue turned around and ran off like a spoiled child.

Three days had already passed since the Jiang Family banquet. The entertainment city was completely quiet, as if nothing had happened at all. The Jiang Family was even quieter. Old Lady Jiang didn't make any movements since then, as if what had happened that night didn't exist.

He was afraid that if he suddenly received a call, it would tell him that from now on, the Jiang Clan no longer had any relationship with him, and he would ask Liu Fen to take over his business phone calls first. After confirming it, he would then talk to the other party.

The only thing that could be considered a good thing for Jiang Yun was that after the previous incident, the alliance between Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao had been completely defeated. Now, the two of them stood opposite to each other.

At the same time, perhaps it was because of Lin Jing's performance before that greatly improved Jiang Yun's reputation in the entertainment city. In the past two days, many people had come to discuss business with him, but Jiang Yun was still unable to cheer up.

Old Dong also didn't have any further news. Lin Jing hesitated for two days, but in the end, he decided to personally pay a visit. No matter what, he had to find out what the situation was. Even if he still needed the Dong Clan's help in many areas, just the things that Old Dong had done for him was enough for Lin Jing to treat him seriously.

A phone call came in. After a while, the line connected. Lin Jing cautiously asked, "Hello, Old Dong. This is Lin Jing. Are you free?"

"Haha, Lil 'Lin, I thought you had forgotten about me. How about it? Your Treasure House business these few days isn't bad, right?" Elder Dong's candid laughter came from the other end of the phone. At the very least, Ye Zichen was unable to tell that there was anything wrong with his tone.

Old man Dong didn't have any feelings for him, so this was the best news. He quickly said, "Thank you for your blessings, the business in the shop has been getting better recently. Father-in-law's business is also extremely busy. What we lost before should be able to make up for it."

"That's good. Do your job well. I believe you will have a bright future ahead of you." Elder Dong encouraged her.

"Thank you, Elder Dong. It's like this, I want to ask you if you're free tonight. If you are, I would like to invite you to a meal. Thank you for your help earlier." Lin Jing added.

"Yeah, I'm an old guy. I don't have much time, but I do have a lot of time. At night, right? Where is it?" Elder Dong readily agreed.

"Do you think the Cloud Embroidery Workshop is enough? I'll be going over there as well, and take care of the admission procedures. " Lin Jing had already made up his mind.

"Alright, we'll meet at the Cloud Embroidery Workshop tonight. I'll remind you first, since you're the one treating, I won't be polite when the time comes." Elder Dong said with a smile.

"Elder Dong, if you're willing to give me the honor, it will be my greatest honor. How could I dare to have any other thoughts?" After he finished speaking, Old Dong hung up the phone. Lin Jing's heart was already half filled with worry. The remaining half depended on how the meal went.

As this thought flashed through Lin Jing's mind, he thought of Jiang Qianxue. There had been a lot of business in the store these past two days, and she had been busy all this while. It just so happened that she was brought along with her.

Jiang Qianxue was in the middle of counting the goods when she saw Lin Jing walk over. Her pretty face suddenly turned slightly red. "Why did you come out? Didn't father tell you to order the goods in the warehouse? You finished counting already?"

Lin Jing smiled and said, "It's about time. I came out to ask if you were free tonight. I want to invite you to dinner?"

When Jiang Qianxue heard this, she was stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but think of an idea in her heart. She lowered her head slightly, and her face turned even redder. She whispered, "Just us?"

"No, there's also Elder Dong. Previously, he helped us so much, so I wanted to treat him to a meal. I reluctantly expressed my gratitude." Lin Jing looked at the expression on Jiang Qianxue's face and, upon hearing her words, knew that she had misunderstood.

"Oh, so it's like that. Alright then, I'll go with you after I finish my work in the afternoon." Upon hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Qianxue seemed a little disappointed. However, it was as if she was relieved. The emotions in her heart were somewhat complicated, and it was hard to describe them clearly.

When the afternoon was over, Jiang Qianxue drove Lin Jing to the Cloud Embroidery Workshop.

Previously, Lin Jing had received a notice from the Cloud Embroidery Workshop that he had already passed his initial examination. If he hadn't changed his mind, he would have to come here to complete the procedures. Thus, he took advantage of Elder Dong's absence to complete the procedures.

After finishing the formalities, the housekeeper led him to his small courtyard. Because he had just joined the association, the manpower had to be personally selected by him, so he was temporarily using the Cloud Embroidery Workshop's public staff.

First, he confirmed the various matters with the butler regarding the invitation for the evening. The Cloud Embroidery Workshop was indeed a top-notch clubhouse. Even without Lin Jing's special request, all the arrangements were just right. There were even many unimaginable details included.

After hearing this, Lin Jing was completely at ease. Now, all he had to do was wait for Old Dong to arrive.

Using this opportunity, Lin Jing rarely had the chance to be alone with Jiang Qianxue. He wanted to accompany her to walk around the courtyard and improve their relationship.

Ever since the end of the last banquet, Jiang Qianxue had been avoiding Lin Jing for the past few days, but he didn't know what she was thinking. After walking for a while, he cautiously asked, "Qianxue, do you have any thoughts about me?"

Jiang Qianxue froze for a moment. She didn't know how to answer Lin Jing's straightforward man's question. After a moment of silence, she shook her head and said, "No."

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