"Well, you think about it yourself. I still have a few big deals to discuss and I don't have time to care about your matters, but I hope you can make the right decision. If you can, at least you'll still be my good daughter!" Jiang Yuncai said coldly, his tone carrying a hint of ruthlessness.

Jiang Qianxue was stunned upon hearing this. Her eyes were filled with disbelief. She would never have thought that her own father would say such words. For a moment, countless grievances and sorrows swarmed his heart, and the tears in his eyes could not help but roll down uncontrollably.

With a sob, Jiang Qianxue turned around and ran outside.

Jiang Yuncai frowned as he saw a worker grab a wooden box. "What are you doing? Do you think you can afford to break something like that?" "Be careful!"

Lin Jing and the rest of the items were sent to the warehouse. After taking a look, he walked out, but didn't see Jiang Qianxue. He asked, "Father-in-law, where's Qianxue?"

"He went out." Jiang Yun was just lying on the rattan chair, looking relaxed.

"He went out? Wasn't she here just now? " Lin Jing furrowed his brow. He had a strange feeling in his heart.

Intuition was something difficult to explain. There was almost no reason for it to appear. Lin Jing thought of Jiang Qianxue. She had only been gone for a short while, but she had already felt that something must have happened. Only Jiang Yuncai was present, who else could it be if not him?

"You should think about your own problems first. Why, have you already made your choice?" Jiang Yun then sneered and shot him a contemptuous glance.

"You better guarantee that nothing will happen to Qianxue. Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret it!" Lin Jing was worried for Jiang Qianxue. Naturally, he didn't have a good expression towards Jiang Yuncai and spoke with an ice-cold tone.

Hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Yun's expression turned cold. He stared at him and said, "Hmph! Not bad! You're becoming more and more capable. You dare to speak to me like this? Who do you think you are? Don't think that just because you've been in the limelight once or twice that you're still in the limelight. In my eyes, you're still nothing more than trash! "

"There's no need for you to comment on whether I'm trash or not!" Lin Jing said coldly as he immediately walked outside.

"Hmph, don't forget, right now you're just a garbage scavenger in Treasure House. You don't stay in the store and wander around all day, do you really think you're a young master? As long as I say it, you can immediately scram out of the Treasure House! " Jiang Yun said as he glared fiercely at Lin Jing.

He left the Treasure House without looking back. Jiang Yun was so angry that he threw the teacup in his hand onto the ground, "Lin Jing, you dog, I want to see how long you can stay arrogant for. When I see Mister Lin during the auction, you'll lose all of your value."

Lin Jing didn't hear what Jiang Yuncai said after he left the store. Just as he was about to look for Jiang Qianxue, a car suddenly came from behind and blocked his path. Jiang Hai popped his head out from the inside and looked at Ye Zichen with a playful sneer.

"What do you want now?" When the car came rushing over, it almost bumped into Lin Jing. He was really scared in his heart as he coldly stared at Jiang Hai and said in a cold voice.

"Heh heh, what for? I don't want to do anything, I just came to tell you that Grandma wants you to go. Oh, right, you're looking for Third Sister, right? I saw her running out from inside while sobbing and got someone to send her over first! " Jiang Hai laughed sinisterly with a strange expression on his face.

He stared at Jiang Hai and said, "Don't be reckless. No matter what, Qianxue is still your sister. You want to deal with me, it has nothing to do with her. Can you let me see the old lady? Alright, I'll go with you!"

"Not bad, you're quite tactful. I thought I would have to waste some time!" "Since you know what's going on, then stop wasting your breath and get in the car with me!" Jiang Hai sneered as he glanced at Lin Jing with disdain.

After getting into Jiang Hai's car, the car sped towards the Jiang family villa as if it had gone mad. Lin Jing sat in the back and coldly said, "I've already gone with you. Can you tell me where Qianxue is now?"

"Damn, who do you think I am? Didn't I tell you already? The old lady wants to see you. She said that she has something to discuss. I met her first and got someone to send her over. I even specially came back to pick you up. Jiang Hai said in annoyance.

Lin Jing's heart sank. He had always felt that this matter was somewhat fishy, but for the sake of Jiang Qianxue's safety, he had to first stabilize Jiang Hai.

In any case, no one knew his true identity. This fellow's biggest goal was to chase him out of the Jiang Clan. After hiding for such a long time, Lin Jing also felt that it was time to have a good talk with Old Granny Jiang. No matter what, she was the one in charge of the Jiang family.

After arriving at the mansion, Jiang Hai stopped the car, pointed inside and said, "The old lady is waiting for you in the study, I won't go in. You better pray for yourself!" "Damn it! I didn't even wake up in the morning before I came to pick up a shameless dog. How unlucky!"

While talking, Jiang Hai backed off and turned around. He then suddenly appeared from the front passenger seat and said, "Hey, third sister is up there too. If you really want to find her, I suggest you go up and take a look." However, if you do not dare, it does not matter.

After saying that, Jiang Hai stepped down on the accelerator, and with a loud explosion, the car drove out of the Jiang family villa. Lin Jing's eyes flashed. The threat contained in Jiang Hai's last sentence was self-evident. He took a deep breath. No matter what he was going to face, he had to make this trip.

Entering the villa, Lin Jing couldn't help but furrow his brows. There was actually no one in the house. Even if Old Lady Jiang wasn't at home, she should still have a servant. He walked past the living room and arrived at the stairs on the second floor. He looked around and confirmed that there was no one there.

Lin Jing raised his head and glanced at the entrance to the second floor. In that moment, he had a feeling in his heart that this was a terrifying black hole. As long as he stepped into it today, he would never have a chance to recover.

Jiang Qianxue's expression suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Although he didn't have the exact information about her, and Jiang Hai might not have the guts to do such a thing, he was still worried. Lin Jing would rather believe it than not.

He strode up the stairs and arrived outside the study on the second floor. He took a deep breath and then lightly knocked on the door twice. He said, "Grandmother, it's Lin Jing. I'm here."

After waiting for a while, there was no response. Lin Jing thought she had knocked very quietly, so Old Lady Jiang didn't hear her. After a moment of hesitation, he exerted some force and knocked on the door, causing it to automatically open.

Lin Jing frowned. He remembered that the door to the study wasn't an automatic door. In other words, it had been open before he had arrived.

He pushed the door open a crack and looked inside. It was dark inside and he could barely see anything. He thought for a bit. Since he was here, he might as well go in. Even if it was a tiger cave, he had nothing to be afraid of.

He pushed open the door and walked in. He took a glance at the desk and saw that the light on it was on, but Old Lady Jiang was not there. The entire study room was filled with a depressing feeling, as if it was a small, sealed box. Most of the place was pitch black. When a person was in such an environment, the longer they lived, the more oppressed they would feel. There was an uncontrollable fear that arose spontaneously.

"Grandmother, this is Lin Jing. Are you in?" Lin Jing shouted in a soft voice as he walked in.

When he arrived in front of the desk, his eyes flashed. He subconsciously looked at the rack beside him. When he looked over, he froze on the spot. At the same time, urgent footsteps could be heard coming from the outside.

All the servants and stewards in the house suddenly appeared from the ground and swarmed out of the study room like a swarm of bees. Lin Jing's heart thumped. He already understood that he had fallen into a trap. Moreover, there was a high chance that the one who had set up this trap was the old lady Jiang.

Seeing that a secret chamber had been revealed behind the display shelves, it was obvious without a doubt that this was where the most important items of Old Lady Jiang were kept. Over the years, the Jiang Clan had collected countless treasures in the city. The most important one of them was the "Crystal Ru Yi Chinese Cabbage Jade Sculpture" in the Tang Sect's era!

This treasure was truly priceless. It was said that there was once a mysterious person that asked Old Lady Jiang for an unimaginable sum of money. In the end, all of them were rejected by her. It was precisely because of this that she had been able to keep her roots in the Jiang Clan and had developed to this day.

The secret chamber was so secretive that Lin Jing had visited it many times before, but he had never known that such a place existed within it. It seemed that in the entire Jiang family, the only person who knew of this place was Old Lady Jiang. Now that this door had been opened in front of him, he was left with no way to refute her. Uncle Yun had already led a group of servants to the door and pushed it open. Upon seeing him, there was no expression of surprise on his face.

His heart sank. Although he had already guessed it earlier, Lin Jing still held onto a bit of hope. But seeing the expression on Uncle Yun's face, he knew that it was all just an illusion. After a second or two of hesitation, the study suddenly quieted down.

After a while, Uncle Yun's expression changed as he stared at Jian Chen in shock, "Third uncle, why are you here?"

"I don't think anyone would believe me even if I said I was looking for Grandma. Hur Hur, that's right, I'm here. Where's the old lady?" Lin Jing had a faint smile on his face. From his expression, it could be seen that there was no change in his mood.

"The old lady is in charge of the main store. I heard that someone broke in, so I immediately came to take a look. I didn't expect it to be you!" Uncle Yun's eyes flashed, but his expression did not change at all. He said indifferently, "Third elder, I might have to ask you to stay for a while."

"Okay, here or somewhere else?" After he understood what was going on, Lin Jing discovered that he actually wasn't that emotional. In order to chase him out of the Jiang Clan, he had come up with a plan that would make things difficult for these people.

"It's better if you stay here. I'll have the others leave and wait for the madame to come back before explaining things to her." Uncle Yun said calmly.

Lin Jing was noncommittal. He turned around and walked over to the sofa at the side before sitting down. He said indifferently, "Then I'll wait here."

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