Zuo Quanan's voice suddenly rang out, causing even Lin Jing to jump in fright. This fellow simply appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh? This is not bad. Your mood is so dark and gloomy that you look like an evil ghost. However, looking at your appearance, your body doesn't look that good right? This lady is very powerful. If you dare to attack, I'm afraid you won't have enough power! " The lady turned towards Zuo Quanan, and continued to ridicule him.

Three men in a house, a coward, a coward, and a kidney. Hey, I say, do you have a good fight here?" "Can you at least make me feel a little threatened?

In that instant, Lin Jing was instantly shocked to the core. This woman, she was simply a wondrous prodigy!

Putting aside the fact that her words were sharp and forceful, she was like a sharp knife. The three of them couldn't even utter a single word as they gobbled down the food. Her guts were simply too much.

The threat in Zhang San's words was very obvious. Although Lin Jing knew that this fella only said that, he didn't have any dirty thoughts in his mind, but in this situation, shouldn't normal women feel scared and then be cautious? She didn't seem to be afraid at all. She even took the initiative to attack them, offending all three of them in one go!

"Er, this girl, we don't even know each other. Our place is also a proper place. If you have nothing to do, why don't we send you out?" After thinking for a moment, Lin Jing still felt that it would be best to send this deity out as soon as possible.

"Oh? You want to kick me out so quickly?" Scared? He really is a coward! Haven't you ever heard a phrase called 'Please God is easy to send to God'? Since I've come, I definitely won't leave so easily! "Hey, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Where's the room?"

The woman's tone was full of arrogance. She didn't even put Lin Jing and the others in her eyes. She loudly said this and then directly walked inside.

Lin Jing's heart sank when he saw this. He hastily followed, saying, "Miss, this isn't appropriate. We don't know each other. You can hide here for a while, but if you stay the night, I'm afraid it won't be good!"

"What's there to be afraid of? I don't mind at all. What do you care about?" What, as a man, are you afraid that I'll ruin your reputation? What beauty you want, what reputation can you do to me? Get up, don't block the way! " The woman continued to walk further in as she spoke.

Lin Jing was completely stupefied. He stood in place and watched as the woman left for the backyard. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Zhang San held back his laughter. With an expression as though he was watching a good show, he walked over and also looked in the direction of the lady.

"Boss, like I told you just now, you're not sleeping outside in the middle of the night to knock on other people's door. No one knows what kind of person he is, but this aunt is not an ordinary person. What do you plan to do next?"

"Why didn't you stop me just now?" Lin Jing felt regret in his heart. If he had known things would turn out this way, he would never have opened the door.

"This is the door you asked me to open. You're the boss, so I can't not listen to you, right?" Zhang San looked at Lin Jing with a smile that was not a smile and continued, "In short, I'll leave this mistress to you. I'll be guarding the front. There won't be any problems. As for the backyard, you handle it!"

After he finished speaking, Zhang San immediately turned around and lay back down on the roof. Lin Jing wanted to say something, but this guy actually started snoring so Lin Jing couldn't do anything about it.

Turning his face, he wanted to ask for help from Zuo Quanan, but he discovered that Su Chen had also left, leaving behind only Lin Jing.

After hesitating for a long time, he still felt that he couldn't let the girl do whatever she wanted, so he took a deep breath and walked towards the backyard. Unconsciously, he arrived at his own door. Before he saw where the girl had gone, he thought to himself: Why don't we let her rest here for the night and invite her to leave tomorrow?

After some thought, he felt that this made sense, so he pushed open the door and walked towards the bed without turning on the light. When he arrived, he subconsciously sat down, took off his shoes and was about to lie down and sleep.

Just as his head touched the pillow, he suddenly felt a thump in his heart. A fragrance wafted from his nose, and he immediately sat up like a spring. He immediately distanced himself from the bed and said, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"What are you yelling for? You're obviously sleeping here, what else can you do? Make a fuss! " The woman turned over and said snappily.

"Hello, grandaunt. This is my room. If you want to rest, can you give me a place to rest?" Lin Jing wanted to cry, but no tears came out.

Where to? Where's the kidney guy next door? I don't want to go anywhere else. I don't even have a blanket. How can a weak girl like me rest? You look a little human here! "Besides, I have such a beautiful woman with me, aren't you going to secretly laugh?

"No, I'm a man, and you're a woman!"


What would happen if a relatively honest man were to meet a demoness?

"Good men do not fight with women!" Lin Jing could only console himself in his heart as he obediently moved to another room. He busied himself in the middle of the night. When he finally laid down on his bed, it wasn't too long until daybreak.

Lin Jing had originally wanted to sleep in and rest. After all, after leaving the Jiang Clan, he could be considered a big boss since he had the qualifications.

However, he had still underestimated the terror of the word "Little Demoness". The moment he left the room, he heard a sound akin to destroying a house.

Although Zhang San and Zuo Quanan hadn't left yet, after last night's incident, in their hearts, they had already labeled this woman as someone they absolutely shouldn't provoke. Seeing that the woman was smashing Lin Jing's door, the two fellows who had taken away the money didn't have the slightest intention of avenging her.

In a daze, Lin Jing was forced into a daze as he was struck by lightning. He opened the door and subconsciously said, "Who is it? Are we going to destroy our family?" "Can you let me …"

"Hey, big pig's feet, the sun is already shining on your butt, and you're still sleeping? Forget about being lazy! Hurry up and get up. This aunt is hungry, go and sell me some food! " Without waiting for Lin Jing to finish speaking, the woman had a domineering expression on her face. She had both hands on her waist as she spoke in a righteous manner.

Lin Jing was startled. Because he hadn't woken up yet, his brain's reaction speed was slowed down. After a long time, he finally reacted. He looked at the woman in surprise and asked, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"What do you mean I haven't left?" Piggy hoof, what do you mean? What happened last night, you're not going to admit it today, are you? "Let me tell you, I won't be easy to bully. Once you get into my bed, you'll have to take responsibility for me. In the future, you'll have to raise me!"

The woman pointed at Lin Jing's nose with her right hand as she shouted. Her face was filled with the anger that only a heartless person would have. If she didn't see this, she would have thought that Lin Jing had done something to her and then left. He was just a scumbag among scumbags.

On the other side of the courtyard, Zhang San's eyes widened as he heard this. He looked at Lin Jing with eyes full of adoration and muttered, "Damn, boss is so overpowered. In just one night, no, three to four hours at the most, we'll be able to get rid of the Little Demoness?"

Zuo Quan An squinted, his expression wooden, and said indifferently: "A fool, a hooligan, fooled by a little brat!"

"F * ck! Lefty! You f * cker! Who are you calling a fool and who's a hooligan?!" Upon hearing this, Zhang San immediately became displeased and asked with a fierce expression.

"What do you think? Time's up, I'm going back to work. Goodbye! " Zuo Quan An didn't seem to care about Zhang San anymore, as he left without hesitation.

He turned around and glanced at Lin Jing before chasing after Zuo Quanan. As he walked, he said in a cold voice, "Damn it, you have to explain it clearly to your father. If you don't explain it clearly today, you will see how your father will deal with you. Damn it, you dare to call me a hooligan?

"You think too highly of yourself!" Zuo Quan An's voice faintly came from outside, followed by Zhang San's angry roar.

Lin Jing, who was still in the courtyard, didn't have the mood to care about whether or not Zuo Quan An and Zhang San had gone out to duel. He only had one thought in mind — regret!

If there was a medicine for regret in this world, he would definitely spend all his money to buy it. This woman couldn't be said to be repaying kindness with enmity; she was simply a female hooligan. She was completely unreasonable and wanted to beat him up.

"Um, what are you still standing there for? I didn't understand you, did I?" Auntie, I'm hungry. Hurry up and buy me some food! "Let me tell you, I will only eat the best and most fresh ones. If I don't buy the right ones, then get out of here and buy them again!" The woman said with her hand on her waist.

With a resolute expression on his face, he said, "I say, young lady, we have to be reasonable. Last night, I clearly didn't do anything, and I even saved you. Even if you can't be considered your benefactor, you can't be like this, right?"

"I don't care. Who let you open the door for me, who let you climb onto my bed in the middle of the night? Since you've climbed up here, I'm your man. Logically speaking, you should be in charge of this aunt! My mom said that if that man bullies me, I'll have to go to his house to be his great-grandmother! Now that your great-grandmother is hungry, why aren't you buying breakfast? " The woman said with a godlike logic.

"Who is crawling on your bed? You're clearly the one who took over my bed!" Lin Jing had an expression of shock and pain on his face as he tried to defend himself.

"Occupy what?" Just as he was talking, a crisp voice came from outside.

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