"Before that, I want you to promise me one thing: no matter who it is, under any circumstances, ask about me or the Lin Clan, you will not answer. The only thing you need to do now is to use the things I left you and quickly grow to become the largest literary merchant in Eastsea City and even in the country. You have to speed up, and at the same time keep a low profile. You can't let anyone know that you have anything to do with me. "

"My fleet is at sea. With Uncle Hui watching over it, you can rest assured. Uncle Hui was one of them, so he could have absolute trust in him. If something happened that was difficult for you to handle or you didn't understand, you could ask him. Of course, that is only if he has the chance to tell you. After all, the situation at sea is constantly changing. "

"Alright, that's about what I need to tell you. Behind this video are the experiences and knowledge I've accumulated over the years in the literary and entertainment industry. I leave you all that is left of it, and I hope it will be of some help to you. "

The viewing screen abruptly stopped here. Although Second Grandpa had already said everything he wanted to say, Lin Jing still felt that it wasn't everything. After this video, there was definitely other content, but he could not see it right now.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Jing finally understood. Second Grandpa said that there were some things that would only be known when he reached a certain point. The part behind this screen should be the same.

Ye Zichen took a deep breath. Although the screen didn't have much time, there was quite a bit of information inside.

At the very least, he was definitely not an orphan that no one wanted. At the same time, his clan seemed to have encountered an extremely powerful enemy.

Perhaps this enemy's hostility towards him had never lessened, so Second Grandpa reminded him repeatedly to be careful and keep a low profile in everything he did.

Ever since he was young, Lin Jing had always thought that he was a loner, but he had never thought that the truth would be so different.

The reason for this was that the person or power behind the scenes, and even his family, were all destroyed by him.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing took a deep breath and silently said to himself, "Lin Jing, no matter how much effort you put in, one day, you will understand the whole story. You will have to avenge yourself!"

Although Second Grandpa didn't say it clearly on the screen, Lin Jing was still able to see through it.

Back then, the reason why Second Grandpa knew where Lin Jing was and what kind of treatment he had to suffer was because he had only been secretly looking for someone to watch over him. He had never appeared, nor did he intend to take him away, and there was only one reason for this: Second Grandpa had always been being watched.

Perhaps, that year, Second Grandpa had shouldered all of the risks and responsibilities to give him a stable environment to grow up in.

Now that Lin Jing had finally grown up and had a chance of his own, he naturally couldn't let down this painstaking effort.

As Lin Jing thought this, he continued to look down.

After the video ended, there was a long blank space, and his eyes were filled with white light. The appearance of this new item was at least two minutes later.

An impartial calligraphy began to appear in front of his eyes. The words written on it were extremely powerful and forceful. It was obvious that the calligraphy had been written by someone with extremely high attainments. It was definitely not synthesized by a computer.

The speed at which the characters appeared was neither slow nor slow. Lin Jing was just able to keep up with his speed of reading. The content was naturally the personal appraisal experience that his second grandfather had accumulated in the video. As he watched more and more, his expression gradually became more focused.

The content was simple and practical. As long as one had even the slightest bit of comprehension, they would be able to understand what was being said. After Lin Jing saw this, he was certain that as long as there was an actual object in front of him, he would be able to tell if it was real or fake by comparing it with what was written above.

It could be imagined how much effort Second Grandpa put into writing to ensure that even if he didn't have any basics and memorized everything, he would still be able to bring out its full potential.

Lin Jing was moved. It was a pity that he didn't have the chance to meet his elder.

Lin Jing completely forgot about the passage of time as he wholeheartedly immersed himself in watching and learning. When he took off his VR glasses, he realized that it was already past midnight. After a while, it was almost daybreak.

After a long time of concentration, Lin Jing felt as if his mind was on fire. His eyes were abnormally dry. Without any hesitation, he fell asleep on his bed. Since he didn't have anything else to do, he had Feng Yuqing overseeing the store.

When he woke up again, it was almost night. Lin Jing pushed open the door and walked out. Most of the researchers had already left, but Liang Duo was still there. Upon hearing his voice, he glanced over, a strange expression flashing across his face.

Just as he approached, he heard Liang Duo speak in an indifferent tone, "Have you seen all the things that old mister Lin left behind?"

"It's about time. I haven't finished reading the rest." Lin Jing nodded. Liang Duo's reaction seemed somewhat strange, but it was hard to tell.

"Take it back and read it slowly before you finish. There is a pupil recognition system installed inside the VR glasses. As long as you put it on, it will automatically scan." Other than you, no one else can see anything else. " Liang Duo continued to speak coldly.

"I know, can I take this back?" Lin Jing thought for a moment. Liang Duo's words seemed to contain a deeper meaning.

Hearing that, Liang Duo said expressionlessly, "This is yours to begin with. You can take it anywhere you want, but no one cares. The rest of the equipment is in the storage room. I have to remind you, these VR glasses are different from the ones you see in the market, they are specially made by us. "

"That's why when you're using something, it's in the parts we prepared so that you can use it directly. If not, don't buy it from anywhere else and use it here. "You have to inform me when the time comes, and the company will immediately prepare it for you."

Hearing this, Lin Jing was almost certain that Liang Duo knew something. However, she didn't say it, so he didn't ask. Nodding his head, it was about time. He packed his things, went to the storage room and left.

Although there would be no problem with Feng Yuqing staying inside the shop, it was clearly not reasonable for Lin Jing to not return for a day and a night.

When he arrived at the store, the situation inside was exactly the same as usual. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the place. Since he didn't find Feng Yuqing in front of him, he headed towards the backyard.

Feng Yuqing was in the warehouse counting the remaining items in the shop. When he saw Lin Jing return, he said with a serious expression, "Boss, we have some stock in the store right now, but the situation is not looking good!" Although there was still a lot of blue and white porcelain here, there were basically no other things here.

In the past two days, a lot of people have come to visit in admiration. If we don't think of a way, these things will be sold out very soon. "

"So fast?" Didn't we take out half of the blue and white porcelain we had then? " Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what was going on.

"That is true. We had indeed decided on how much we would need to keep in order for the operation to work, but our plan couldn't keep up with the changes! The auction ended yesterday, and it was already quite late. "It's not the same today. Five or six groups of people came in the morning alone to buy one each. We have nothing to sell anymore."

Saying this, Feng Yuqing paused for a moment. Looking at the change in Lin Jing's expression, he continued, "Boss, you have to think of a way to solve this problem." If the guests come and we don't have anything to give others, then the reputation that we have built up with great difficulty will probably be immediately restored to its original form. "

"I understand that, but it's not a simple matter to buy from other shops. All the items in our shop were the leftovers from my accumulation, so I can't produce any more in a short time. "

Lin Jing had a troubled expression on his face. This question really did seem quite serious.

He even had to worry about not having enough items to sell when he opened the shop for Lin Jing. He was considered the only one. However, this was the reality. The more people wanted to sell, the more they would never get the chance to do so. Since he didn't have much to sell and wanted to calm himself down, it was the same as what he had expected.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing glanced at the Treasure House across from him. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. He turned to Feng Yuqing and said, "Shopkeeper Feng, our contract with the Treasure House is still valid, right?"

"Of course it's effective. Jiang Yun came to see me earlier and wanted to talk to you personally about the contract." But I didn't agree at the time, so we could just go and find him. "I believe that Jiang Yun will not hesitate to earn so much money." Feng Yuqing said confidently.

"How about this, I'll send a message to Qianxue and ask if there are any surplus stocks at the Treasure House. If there is, then we'll ask them to share it." As he spoke, Lin Jing took out his cell phone to send a message to Jiang Qianxue. Not long after he sent it over, he received a reply.

Jiang Qianxue said, "Last time, Daddy bid for a lot of things, but his business was only good for two days, so most of them are still in the warehouse! "For this matter, dad is very worried too. Why are you suddenly asking this?"

After he finished reading the message, Lin Jing replied, "There are too many customers in the store. I'm worried that there will be buyers without goods, so I want to ask for some help from the Treasure House. When the new goods arrive, I don't need to worry anymore."

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