"Trash, rice bucket, trash!" All of them! Two people can't even stop a cripple. What's the use of me wanting you two? " Ni Fei cursed at the computer screen, but to no avail.

Just as the anger in his heart was unable to be quelled, the door suddenly opened and Yu Qing walked in from the outside. His gaze swept across the monitoring screen as he said indifferently, "That's about it. Lin Jing has already entered the shop. The two underlings can't stop him, right?"

After hearing Yu Qing's words, even though Ni Fei still had a lot of anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, he could only accept it. Just from the perspective of origin, Ni Fei was naturally much higher than Yu Qing. However, since the two of them had been together for so many years, it had always been Yu Qing who made the decision.

Ni Fei had once thought of challenging Yu Qing. As long as he could win, he would be able to sleep peacefully outside and do whatever he wanted. Unfortunately, Ni Fei decisively gave up before they even made a move. That day, he'd seen Yu Dui defeat four or five of his best fighters in a row with just his own strength.

Later on, Ni Fei understood that his father had sent Yu Qing to his side for two reasons. One was to suppress him, train him, and the other was to consider things for the longer term.

Ni Fei still had a long way to go before he became a loner. And at the end of this road, if there was no someone like Yu Qing, it would be difficult for him to move a single step forward.

After thinking through this reasoning, Ni Fei has indeed grown quite a bit in the past few years. It was just that after being provoked by Lin Jing today, he didn't have much of a bottom line in his heart.

Not long after he entered, the employees of the Flying Heaven Tower surrounded Lin Jing. Each of them wore a crazed and malevolent smile, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

On the other hand, even under such circumstances, Lin Jing remained impassive, not showing the slightest reaction.

When these people surrounded him, his heart only sank a little. They seemed to have treated him as a useless fool from the very beginning, but in reality, none of them dared to truly act against him. Lin Jing stood right in front of them, not panicking at all.

Seeing that he couldn't drag it out any longer, a faint smile appeared on Lin Jing's face. He sneered and said, "What a bunch of idiots!" "You don't have any discernment at all. If you want to make a move, just do it. If you don't, then forget about it. Why waste your time here?"

Just as he finished speaking, Ni Fei, who was on the second floor, suddenly walked down. With a gloomy expression, he coldly said, "What are you all doing? You want to go against the heavens, right? "

When the employees heard Ni Fei's words, it was as if they had received a signal to withdraw their forces. They no longer cared about Lin Jing and quickly retreated.

Ni Fei walked down from above with an extremely fake smile and said, "Boss Lin, I'm really sorry. I couldn't take care of you properly, so I've let you down. Please come upstairs with me. The banquet is already prepared!"

The corner of Lin Jing's mouth lifted into a smile. With an indifferent expression, he said, "Haha, then I won't be polite!"

As Lin Jing followed Ni to the top of the mountain, he was unperturbed. He didn't show the slightest hint of worry or fear. The two of them entered a luxurious private room on the second floor. Ni Fei first invited Lin Jing to take a seat. Yu Qing was already waiting for them.

Seeing Lin Jing, Yu Qing faintly smiled. "Mister Lin, how have you been? Are you satisfied with the past two days?"

"Old mister Yu, you're too courteous. The past few days have been pretty good for me." It's a pity that I seem to have come to the wrong place. This place doesn't seem to welcome me. " He narrowed his eyes and spoke with an indifferent tone.

"Mr. Lin, you must be joking. We have been waiting here for a long time. How can we not welcome you?" Yu's expression changed as he followed.

"Hehe, then shouldn't I feel honored?" Lin Jing sneered.

At this moment, the expression in Yu Qing's eyes changed slightly as she looked at Lin Jing. Lin Jing was even more difficult to deal with than he had expected. Regardless of whether it was his bearing or courage, he wasn't someone an ordinary person could compare with. It wouldn't be easy to take down him.

After a while, the waiter began sending in the prepared dishes. Ni Fei's eyes turned and he smiled as he said, "Come, come, Mister Lin, I'm really sorry. We were inconsiderate before. I'm here to apologize to you!"

When Lin Jing heard this, his eyes narrowed. He smiled and said, "Young Master Ni, there's no need to be polite. Since we have wine, let's drink together!" As he spoke, Lin Jing also picked up his wine cup.

After drinking a few cups of wine, Lin Jing's expression seemed a little tipsy.

Yu Qing's expression slightly darkened. She naturally felt that Lin Qing wasn't someone who could be dealt with that easily. On the other hand, Ni Fei's face revealed a look of contempt as he looked at Lin Jing with disdain.

They had originally wanted to pry some words out of Lin Jing's mouth. Previously, they had deliberately caused him trouble in order to gain his advantage and intimidate him. Thus, Lin Jing was initially at a disadvantage in terms of his aura. When they actually met, he naturally wouldn't have much confidence.

However, he hadn't expected that Lin Jing would directly take revenge on him. He didn't have the slightest intention of backing down.

On the other hand, their own men were beaten up by Lin Qing, and didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Therefore, Ni Fei was very angry in the beginning. If it wasn't for Yue Qing watching him, he would have already ordered his men to make a move. They had originally thought that this would become even more troublesome, but they hadn't expected that Lin Jing would deliver himself to their doorstep.

Although wine was a good thing, if one didn't know how to drink and drank too much, they would seem very stupid.

In Ni Fei's eyes, Lin Jing was clearly in this group. According to his usual character, he should have immediately started to coerce Lin Jing to reveal all of his secrets.

However, today was different. Ni Fei seemed to have become a patient person who possessed both shrewdness and patience. Seeing that Lin Jing was already drunk, he didn't beat around the bush. Instead, he continued to drink. It was as if he wanted to drink Lin Jing unconscious.

At the start, Yu Qing had thought that there was some trickery involved. Lin Jing definitely wasn't someone who would fall for such a stupid trick so easily. However, seeing that he was drinking more and more, the drunkenness on his face also became denser and denser. He could not help but believe it. He thought to himself, "I originally thought he had some ability, but I didn't expect him to be such a scum!" Is this really the kind of person we're looking for? Why did that guy choose such a useless person to inherit it? "

Although he couldn't figure it out, Yu Qing had to confirm it first. Seeing that he had drunk enough, Ni Fei put down the cup of wine. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Jing, saying, "Brother Lin, how is it? Is my wine good enough?"

"Not bad, not bad, it's delicious!" Lin Jing said as if he was already drunk.

"Haha, as long as Brother Lin likes it, I still have a lot here. At that time, I can give you a few boxes." Ni Fei laughed out loud as the ridicule in his eyes became even stronger. He then asked, "Brother Lin, there is something that I want to ask you."

"What is it?" "What relationship do we have? A brother who has drank at a wine table is someone who has lived a life!" Lin Jing said in a daze.

"A while ago, a set of Tang Yin's" Waterfall of Hibiscus "appeared in Eastsea City. It was auctioned from the Dong Clan Auction House. Do you know who the seller is?" Ni Fei's eyes were one meter long as he stared at Lin Jing and asked.

"Hey, what's there to ask about that? That painting, I sold it! When I first arrived in Eastsea City, I didn't have a single cent on me, so I sold all those useless things. I didn't expect those things to be so valuable! " Lin Qing said with an expression that seemed as if he were a playboy.

"Brother Lin is straightforward and straightforward. That painting is not something that an ordinary person could possess. Only someone as magnanimous as you would be able to sell it so easily!" The corner of Ni Fei's mouth curled up into a sinister smile. Lin Jing had admitted that he had sold the "Flowing Water Hibiscus picture". This matter could be considered to have been half-confirmed.

When Lin Jing heard this, he suddenly sneered and said, "What do you mean by 'not an ordinary person'?" "Haha, these idiots from the Arts City will fall for it. It's just a lousy painting, and it's not even as good as my painting. It's actually worth that much money!"

"According to Brother Lin's words, you seem to have plenty of such paintings?" Ni Fei's expression changed as he asked again.

"Of course not, I got this from my home, it's the only one." Lin Jing shook his head, revealing a proud smile. "When I came out, that old fellow didn't even give me a single cent. He thought that I wouldn't be able to do anything about it." "Haha, he doesn't know. I already took his key, and I gave him half of the contents. It's enough for me to use for the rest of my life!"

Upon hearing this, Ni Fei's brow slightly furrowed. He looked towards Yu Qing and then asked, "Are you saying that all of the treasured Lin temple's collections are your father's?"

"Of course, that old fellow spent most of his life roaming all over the world and swindling him. It wasn't a good source of income to begin with, and now that you're giving it to me, it's just right to do so! " As Lin Jing spoke to here, his complacent expression became even more pronounced.

"I've already said it before, you want to give my share to someone else? You don't even have it! "Hmph, you still want to chase me out? Fine, if you don't want me here, then leave me here. If you don't want me, then I'll take it myself!"

Yu Qing's expression turned cold as she suddenly asked, "Where is your home, who else is in your home, and what do they do?"

These questions went straight to the heart of the matter, but at this time, Lin Jing suddenly felt as if he had drunk himself into a dream. His head was resting on the table as he fell into a deep sleep, murmuring, "Damn it, that's me! Oh, I want to give it to someone else. No way!"

Ni Fei and Yu Qing's expressions completely darkened. After a few questions, it seemed like it was not true. Even though Yu Qing had read countless people, it was difficult for her to make an accurate judgement.

However, what was certain was that although Lin Jing appeared to be extremely shrewd on the surface, he was actually just a stupid playboy.

"How could such a stupid thing be him?" Ni Fei scolded with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"If he really is like this, with that fellow's scheming mind, even if he were to sink the boat into the sea, he would absolutely not choose such a fellow. However, there is no absolute in this world, and it is still unclear. Today is only the first time! " Yu Qing narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me that I have to continue playing with this trash? " Ni Fei said with a disdainful tone.

"Young master, I've told you many times, no matter what you do, the most important thing is patience." Yu Qing looked at Lin Jing and said in a deep voice, "No matter who it is, it is impossible to draw the most accurate conclusion in a single time!"

"Furthermore, from his words, I can't be sure that he has nothing to do with that person!" Both the Aquatic Hibiscus Diagram and the Blue and Flower Enamel were taken from him. Just this one alone is enough for us to spend a lot of time and energy on him. "

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