After exiting the Flying Sky Tower and getting into the car that Ni Fei had arranged for him, Lin Jing specially rolled down the window and bid Ni Fei farewell with a wave of his hand. He didn't know what kind of good friend the two of them were, but when he saw this scene unfold before him, he really thought they were best friends.

Both of them had smiles on their faces. It was hard to tell what flaws they had.

However, only they themselves knew what they were thinking.

After closing the car window and taking a seat, Lin Jing said to the driver, "Sir, I'll have to trouble you to take me back to Baolin's. But before that, I'd like to go to another place."

"Mister Lin is too polite. The Young Master has instructed that no matter where you are going, you must deliver it." The driver in front said with an expressionless face.

"That's great. Please send me to the Yunxiu Plaza." He leaned against the back seat and said, "I'll be sleeping for a while longer. I've eaten too much in the morning, so I'm going to take a nap. I'll have to trouble you to call me again when we reach this place."

"Sure, feel free to do so." The driver glanced at Lin Jing in the rearview mirror. Seeing that Lin Jing had really closed his eyes, he started the car and left as well.

Lin Qing secretly sent a message to Elder Dong inviting him to meet with him at the Yunxiu Plaza.

Since the Ni family was powerful and Ni Fei had personally opened the Flying Sky Tower in Eastsea City, their ears and eyes were not clear on how many people there were. Therefore, the only place that they could guarantee their safety was the Cloud Soaring Workshop.

When they arrived, the chauffeur quietly reminded Lin Jing before waking up. He thanked Lin Jing and got out of the car. He walked straight into the Yunxiu Workshop, where the butler was already waiting for him.

Before the door closed, Lin Jing turned around to take a look. Sure enough, the carriage had not left yet.

"Mister Lin, Mister Dong has already arrived and is waiting for you at his courtyard." The butler wore a standard smile on his face as he spoke to Lin Jing.

"Excuse me." Lin Jing cupped his hands and followed the housekeeper inside. It didn't take long for them to arrive at old man Dong's place.

Seeing Old Dong, Lin Jing's expression became serious, but he still sat down first.

Elder Dong had a smile on his face as he said in a relaxed manner: "Brat, you really don't know anything about calling me, this old bones, to come here so early in the morning! "What, can't hold on for a day?"

"Elder Dong, stop joking with me. They almost didn't cook it yesterday at the Flying Pavilion." Lin Jing said with a grave expression.

"Haha, didn't you already expect this? I told you at the time that you didn't want anyone to go with you. " Elder Dong laughed heartily for a while, then his expression turned serious, "Tell me the details of the situation. What does the kid from the Ni family want?"

"They used a lot of methods to try to find out what I was up to. Ni Fei was easy to deal with, but he was also very proud. It would not be difficult to deal with him if he followed his personality. However, that Yu Qing is a veteran with a sharp eye, I don't know if he exposed anything. " Lin Jing thought for a moment before replying.

"Of course. How can someone who can be the butler for the young master of the Ni family be an ordinary person?" "But don't worry. Since they didn't attack you, they'll just let you go. At the very least, they aren't confident." Old man Dong calmly comforted Lin Jing.

"But this is only the beginning. From what I see, Ni Fei is definitely not the type of person who has enough patience. If we fail the first time, we can try the second time, but if we don't get what we want two or three times in a row, we might not be so peaceful in the future. " Lin Jing said as he took a deep breath.

Old man Dong narrowed his eyes and said with a grave expression, "Therefore, this will depend on your intelligence. You still have some time and a chance." I've already told you before, as long as we're in Eastsea City, no matter how big a dragon the Ni Family is, they won't be able to lift a single wave. After all, this is the Ni Clan. Even if there's no waves, a few bloodless swirls can still be easily made.

Lin Jing's heart sank. He raised his head to ask Elder Dong, "Elder Dong, is there really no one who can stop Ni Fei from acting recklessly?"

"Yes, the first rule is that you are powerful enough. Once you get into the position of the ancient dragon head of Eastsea City and stand firmly on your feet, he will definitely not be able to do anything to you." This rule should be the most effective for you. How about it? Old man Dong smiled as he looked at Lin Jing.

Hearing this, Lin Jing cursed in his heart. He indifferently said, "Old Man Dong, please don't joke with me. The ancient dragon heads of Eastsea City aren't so easy to sit on." Even if it was Old Granny Jiang, who had operated here for so many years, even though she was on the surface the Chairman of the Arts Association and appeared to be the leader, there were still many people in the city who did not want to buy her out. If it were me, there probably wouldn't even be anyone who would be able to keep an eye on you. This would be too difficult. "

"Is it too hard? "It doesn't matter, there is still a second way to go, and to you, it's not like you just carelessly crossed the river by touching a rock. At least, you've walked through it once." Elder Dong seemed to have long predicted that Lin Jing would say this. He looked at him with a strange, conspiratorial gaze as he spoke.

Seeing Old Dong's expression, Lin Jing subconsciously felt a chill run down his spine. He hesitantly asked, "Old Dong, can I ask if this second road is a wide and open road, or an old wooden bridge? Your eyes don't look right. "

"Brat, what are you saying? Do you think I can harm you? "Really, listen carefully. The one I gave you, it can definitely save you two hundred years of struggle and bring you straight to the super fast track of your life." Elder Dong first scolded snappily, then said with a smile.

"I don't know how many young talents in this world want to go on this road, but they don't have the slightest chance. "And you, kid, you don't even know where you stepped on the dog shit. With such a big filling smashed onto your head with a bang, it's only right that you eat it in one gulp at this time."

"When I was young, my teacher told me that no pancakes would fall from the sky. And life tells me that if it really falls down, it's usually poisonous and will take a long time to eat. " Lin Jing's eyes narrowed. He had already determined in his heart that Old Dong had dug a hole for him to jump into.

"You stinking brat, why is your attitude not positive at all? This won't do! Let me tell you, this is definitely an excellent road for you. Furthermore, once you board this ship, you won't have to worry about the Ni family's problems for the rest of your life. " Old Dong said in an alluring manner.

"There's such a big ship waiting for me?" Lin Jing said as he looked at Old Dong with an expression of disbelief.

"Of course! Out of the three great clans of the Imperial City, the Ni Clan is ranked second, and there are two other clans at the back and back. Right now, the one that has opened the door for you is one of them — the financial empire Du Clan! " When Elder Dong said this, his eyes flickered with a bright light, as if he was looking at an endless mountain of gold.

"Du Family? Elder Dong, don't tell me someone called Du Xiaolan came looking for you? " Lin Jing felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at Old Dong and asked.

Glancing at him, Old Dong was all smiles. He looked at Lin Jing like a cunning merchant as he said, "You little rascal, you sure are quick-witted. This is for the best. When you arrive at the Du Family, you won't be at a disadvantage." Let me tell you, such a great opportunity is something others can't even plead for. You have to cherish it. The young miss of the Du Family is the apple of her eye. It's different from the chaos between the other two families. "

"Besides, the Du Family's head doted on his daughter to the extreme. If you can coax her into a good mood, it's not impossible for the financial empire to change her surname to 'Lin' in the future. "Although it doesn't sound like a good idea to say that he's a woman who gets married, isn't it true that a man like us who is willing to submit …"

Seeing Old Dong trying his best to sell him off, Lin Jing squinted his eyes and snappily looked at him, saying, "Old Dong, you couldn't have come to kidnap me because you had obtained some benefits from the Du Family, right? If that's really the case, then shouldn't we split the money sold? "

"Heh, I say, you brat, do you know how to talk? This old man is seeing that you, a young junior, are capable of creating something, but now that you are stuck in a quagmire, I can point you in the right direction. Elder Dong said with a righteous expression.

"Elder Dong, don't you think that the dignified eldest Miss of the Du Family would suddenly fall for a countryside bumpkin like me, and a cripple with incomplete limbs at that?" Lin Jing slapped his leg in annoyance. "When you do this kind of business, investigate first and don't get on someone's boat without a good reason. I've seen Du Xiaolan before, I won't agree. She's just joking."

"And you know, Jiang Qianxue is the only person in my heart. Even if she didn't fall in love with me in the end, she could still live her life by herself. As for the others, I will definitely not consider them. No matter the reason, I will do it myself for the Ni Clan! If I fall in and bury myself, that would be because I don't have the ability to do it myself.

Honest Dong did not expect Lin Jing to be so decisive. The speech he had prepared immediately stopped. He was stunned for a moment before he asked, "Are you really not going to consider it?" "I've seen that girl Du Xiaolan before. Regardless of her moral character, knowledge, or appearance, she's all one …"

"There's no need to think about it. I know myself well. I can't climb such a big tree, nor do I dare to take a breather below." Lin Jing said decisively.

"Then what do you plan to do about Ni Fei?" "I heard that a few of the Ni Family's experts arrived at Eastsea City last night." Elder Dong said with a solemn expression.

"What should come will eventually come. What needs to be faced with, I will absolutely not shrink back." Lin Jing said with an unwavering expression.

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