Noble Emblem

Chapter 1008: Righteous Backstab

? After becoming Yunlong, Beta has actually been 'watching the battle'.

Unlike last time when dealing with Coco Yarra, this time it may be because of the improved attributes. Beta is not completely unconscious, but she can still ‘see’, ‘listen’, and feel pain.

But he couldn't control his body.

At this time, Yunlong was acting purely by instinct.

He ‘looked’ at the endless ‘scale’ of his body being hammered by the evil god, and then looked at the seven pairs of eyes in the sky, one of which he was quite familiar with.

He was amazed by this Yunlong. It should be said that he had a strong vitality after being transformed. He was still alive after being attacked by such a heavy attack ... This is not a correct description. He is now a dragon.

This perspective is very strange, clearly conscious, but unable to control the body.

However, compared with the previous two dragons, they lost consciousness directly and could hardly remember anything afterwards.

He looked at the evil **** Agung, who was obviously dominant, and he was afraid, but now he actually ran away.

There is a time limit for the true **** form.

Beta knew it immediately.

Yunlong is now so strong by physical instincts that he can push back the true God who was suppressed by the theme. If you can control it independently, learn to call the wind and rain, and the lightning flashes and thunder, how strong will it be?

Beta faintly looked forward.

Perspective switch.

The evil **** Agung saw that long alien dragon actually flew up, even faster than himself, and was suddenly shocked, and his heart was awkward.

Several long black thorns shot, but this time slightly slower than before.

The Yunlong that flew up actually turned faster, twisted left and right, and his long body just shot four black spin attacks. In just one second, it flew to ten below Agung. Many meters away.

"Get away!"

A cloud of dark red energy exploded from inside his body, and from a distance, it looked like a huge, red firework.

Yunlong was hit directly by the blood mist, wailed and fell to the ground, struggling slightly, but couldn't get up.

Agong who used this trick immediately broke away from the true **** form.

He looked at Yunlong, which had almost become a "blood stick" below, and even two horns on his head were broken. Haha laughed: "This is the attack of the law of the gods. There is a fundamental gap between our deities. "

"Come, continue to chase me." Agung looked like a madman, he looked up at the sky, and smiled proudly: "Your chess pieces are useless, come down and hit me by yourself ..."

what! !!

Agung screamed suddenly. He looked down at his heart, where a blue ice blade was added, which penetrated his body directly.

Black blood ran down the tip of the blade.

Agung turned back hard, and faintly saw a blue shadow floating in the wind.

Ah ... ku ...

Agung wanted to reach out, but his strength was lost very quickly.

Eventually the whole person turned into a blue icy ice cube and fell from the air.

The ice-shaped, huge body was extremely hard. It fell to the ground and the impact force smashed a huge dirt pit on the ground, still unbroken.

And continue to frost the surrounding land.

The seven eyes in the air disappeared one after another.

At this time, the only awake Tina healed her eyes with Qiangyu. She looked around anxiously and found that they were surrounded by the snow and ice world.

The evil **** has frozen into ice, and it seems that he can't die anymore.

In the end what happened?

She shivered, and soon found Beta, who was lying naked on the ground.

Yes, he was lying on the ground.

The frost avoided the beta as if spiritually, forming a beautiful white circle beside him.

Tina ran over and found that Beta was quite warm.

She immediately checked Beta's body and found that although he was scaly all over, he was not really lethal. The reason for the coma was excessive blood loss and mental overdraft.

After using a powerful cure, Tina immediately dragged other people into the small circle where Beta was in, and treated them according to the severity of the injury.

After setting everyone up, Tina fell down.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared next to Tina, scared her, almost chopped it with a sword, and found that it was Julie, and immediately took back the giant sword.

"Why did you come out?" Tina had met Julie in the mansion space and felt good to her because she advised: "You haven't come in yet?"

"He is the master, I am the maid, and now I need to take care of him."

The expressionless Julie started to dress Beta, and there were many clothes in the mansion space.

Then she gave Tina some dry food.

Beta left a back door on Julie. In case he had an accident, Julie could come out of the mansion space and escape by herself.

And there is a lot of dry food in the mansion space. If you are alone, there will be no problems in the first half of the year, and you will always find opportunities to stay away.

"In the end what happened?"

Knowing that she could see outside in the mansion space, Tina asked Julie what happened after his eyes were blinded.

As a result, Julie also shook her head: "I don't know. After seeing that evil **** becomes bigger, my eyes suddenly hurt and almost went blind. I didn't restore my vision a while ago.

Julie was lucky. She stared at the true God across a plane, and she was not harmed.

"In the end, it's the evil **** who strangled." Tina looked around. "This powerful, magical effect like a realm is actually produced by a weapon."

Tina was a little puzzled, but then she left these questions behind, and now the most important thing for him is to take care of Beta.

Anyway, they all survived. None of them died.

Then everyone woke up. The first person to wake up naturally was Beta.

He sat up and a steel body hugged him directly.

Tina was still wearing armor and was extremely hard.

Beta stroked Tina's hair lightly and calmed her.

Beta looked at her clothes, nodded her gratitude slightly to Julie, and put her into the mansion space again.

Then others woke up.

They looked at the frozen evil **** ~ ~ a little speechless.

They all asked what had happened, and Beta pretended not to know.

"Should you take this ice sword?" Ayros asked suddenly.

Beta shook her head: "This should be the key to sealing the evil god, otherwise those who attack the evil **** from behind will not leave it and should take it away."

Ayros also felt reasonable and gave up these thoughts.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Aylos suddenly looked at the evil god.

At some point, the samurai javelin had stood behind the evil god, and he smiled slightly: "This sword is an artifact and should belong to our bright gods."

He felt that as long as there was this sword, even if the evil gods were resurrected, their deities should also deal with it.

Then he jumped up and grabbed the hilt with both hands.

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