Noble Emblem

Chapter 100: Vision

Taking a horse from the castle, Liang Lidong rode on a mountain road at night, and Zhende flew in the air. ☆ → ☆ →, because there are no clouds in the sky, and the moon is very bright, although it is said to be late at night, the view is quite good. The cool mountain night wind blew through Liang Lidong's body, taking the manic heat in the body for two or three minutes. He's in a bad shape right now, body heat is just a small problem, the real big problem is a woman in her head who keeps talking.

Liang Lidong did **** up the soul fragments of the necromancer, but this is not a bad thing. If it is an ordinary person's soul fragment, he can crush it into pieces in minutes, but the necromancer's soul fragment is different. It contains the ability and knowledge of the professional. To 'digest' it, it must take enough time, and Relatively safe environment.

Although Uther has become his knight, Liang Lidong does not fully trust each other. If he dies, Uther will also die, which seems quite deterrent, but there will always be some people who do not believe in evil, or that Make some incredible moves, now it is not the game world, and the Persian cat and Xiaobai are missing. If he dies like this, it will be very difficult to live again, otherwise the Persian cat will not give everything. He hid.

Now, it is safer to return to the temple for recuperation.

The mountain road was winding, up and down, and the woman's voice in her head became clearer. Liang Lidong began to feel that her head was a little bit swollen, but at this time it was not far from the village of Reed, and there were about ten minutes of journey. But it was also at this time that Yu Guang of his eyes suddenly discovered that a pink beam of light suddenly appeared on the horizon of the Oriental Sky, straight up and down, running through the world.

Liang Lidongle ceased the war, looking at the beam of light in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Zander, do you see that beam of light?"

Jeanne's voice that seemed extremely confused came from the channel of the soul: "Well? Master, what beam of light do you say?"

"The pink beam of light on the east is so obvious that you can't see it?"

"I only see a few stars!" Jeanne said angrily: "Master. Don't you make such a boring joke?"

Jeanne can't see it! Liang Lidong covered his left eye with his left hand, and then removed ... Yunlong Lantong could see through all illusions, that is, this beam of light blessed the illusions to cover the detection of the world. In fact, this strange situation Liang Lidong has seen in the game. For a period of time, players could not get used to the feudal system in the game, raised the 'revolution' frenzy, developed a lot of players, and then descended a few beams of light. Then the professionals in the various temples began to unite against those players who were planning to 'revolution', whether they were good or evil.

Now seeing this beam of light again, Liang Lidong knew what was going on.


It is not known which divine residence gave the order to the believers. However, this matter has nothing to do with Liang Lidong. Although the beam of light looks very clear and exaggerated, he knows that the place where the deities are issued is far from here, and it should span several countries in the middle. Moreover, the shrines are generally related to religious warfare, and it is not known which two shrines are going to start war.

Liang Lidong patted his swollen head and decided not to think too much. Move the horse directly towards the village of Reed.

When he returned to the village, the pink beam of light also disappeared.

The village hasn't changed much in the past month, but the roads in the village have been paved with bluestone. The horseshoe fell on the slate and made a crisp sound. Although the sound of the running horse sounded good, it was very disturbing to the people. Liang Lidong ran back from the village entrance to the temple, and almost awakened the whole village.

Many people drowsily looked out of the window, and then saw Liang Lidong, and climbed back to sleep.

The gate of the temple was closed. But without being locked, Liang Lidong went into the temple and found that Belin was not resting in the temple's backyard. He was relieved. He took the initiative to close the gate of the temple, and then slept on the bed together. Before entering the spiritual world, he issued a defensive order to Jeanne.

It is not difficult for the caster to enter his own spiritual world. As long as the willpower reaches 7 or more. In the spiritual world, we can see a lot of strange things, like human beings but not human beings ... These things are actually conscious hallucinations of their own obsessions or ideas. Liang Lidong pushed away a tentacled eyeball and found a woman who was constantly in his spiritual world.

This is a pretty woman, but she is indifferent, just repeating a few words. Her language, Liang Lidong, did not understand, but judging by the tone, it should be the human language south of the orc empire.

This woman should be the true appearance of the necromancer. Although it is only a fragment of the soul, the soul itself will passively express the original appearance of the character. Liang Lidong's spirit turned into silk threads and tentacles, dragged the woman from the soul fragment to himself, shredded it again, then wrapped the fragments together, and carried them deep into the consciousness.

Everyone's world of consciousness has a 'core', which lies deep in the spiritual world. It is the key to the spiritual world and the supporting point of the spiritual world.

The deeper you go into the spiritual world, the more weird creatures you can see. Liang Lidong watched a river crab with double clamps holding a banner with the word "Only Hold Hands" and walked over in front of himself, and saw the alien Ma Yun throwing four sticks and stepping on his unicycle turn to.

Liang Lidong ignored these strange creatures and continued to sink deep into the spiritual world. The surface of the spiritual world is bright, with a warm orange hue, but the lower the color, the darker it is. For most people, the depth of the spiritual world is gray. It's blue. The color deep in the spiritual world is said to be related to the mentality of the person.

After a long time, Liang Lidong finally reached the deepest part of the spiritual world. There is a square crystal crystal suspended here. Unlike the surrounding blue environment, this crystal is golden and bright golden, just like Liang Lidong's hair flash With a dazzling shine. It is the core of Liang Lidong's spiritual world.

Liang Lidong threw the soul shards of the necromancer forward, so that the grey glitter shards were attached around the core of the crystal, and the buckle gradually dissolved into it.

At the same time, the crystals sent out pulses, and shot randomly from all directions. Liang Lidong stood in front of the crystal and looked at the bright gold crystals, which had some impurities, and these impurities were gradually becoming less and lighter.

To fully absorb one's soul fragments. It must be broken down and read by the spiritual core. Necromancer's soul fragments are tougher than he imagined, and the spiritual core is decomposing very slowly, but Liang Lidong has enough patience and he has been waiting in front of the spiritual core. Watching the pulsating beam of light from the spiritual core, and watching the necromancer's soul fragments decrease at a very slow rate.

There is no day or night in the spiritual world, and it is not known how long it will take. The core of the spirit will completely break down the soul fragments of the necromancer, and the knowledge and abilities in it. Become your own thing.

When he woke up, he saw the setting sun rising from the high window of the temple, obliquely facing the wall facing each other, exposing a large orange light shift.

Liang Lidong sat up, feeling that his lower abdomen was already close to his back, and he asked Zhende in a spiritual way: "It's been a few days now."

"Master, are you awake?" Jeanne's voice seemed very happy. "You have been sleeping for two days and three main nights, and I'm still worried that you will have an accident."

"Such a long time?"

Liang Lidong was slightly surprised, but soon he took out a piece of bread from his space backpack and gathered some water with magic to wet it. Then creaked and ate. Two days and three nights, no water dripping, no rice sticking, already hungry. Fortunately, he prepared emergency food in the space backpack beforehand, otherwise he could only ask the villagers for food.

Sitting on the bed, he was eating while using his mental strength to see what he had achieved.

This necromancer is indeed equivalent in strength, but a lot of knowledge is recorded in simple soul fragments, such as the collection and use of dark elements, if you prevent yourself from being controlled by dark elements. Avoid losing your sanity. These things Liang Lidong can't be used, because almost all human nations are extremely repelling dark magic, and as soon as they see it, they will be immediately defined as the devil or monster identity. Everyone shouted.

In addition to the knowledge of the dark elements, the necromancer also provided Liang Lidong with a language. He has now understood the words that the necromancer shadow has been saying:

Hussein, I want revenge. I want to kill all your children and grandchildren.

Hussein. But the desert kingdom south of the orc empire, the surname of the royal family, Liang Lidong has seen some introductions to this country in the game, but because he is too far from his territory, he has never been to the desert kingdom.

Most unfortunately, there is no memory of the life box in the soul fragments of the necromancer. If you can find out where the necromancer's life box is, Liang Lidong will try his best to destroy the necromancer's life box. Only by destroying the necromancer can the necromancer truly die and sleep forever.

After eating two pieces of noodles, Liang Lidong felt a lot more comfortable in his stomach. He opened the gate of the temple and a group of children poured in.

They sat on the bench in the prayer room of the classroom, waiting for Liang Lidong's teaching. No one spoke, and no one was noisy.

Liang Lidong knows that it may be because he hasn't lectured for more than ten days. These children have begun to yearn for new knowledge. But at this time it was too late, he said a few words casually, and asked Kyle and Belin to stay, and the other children went home by themselves.

"Belin, you've done a good job recently." Liang Lidong praised the girl without hesitation: "It can be seen that you supervised those young people who worked very effectively. I have already seen it when I came back. The road is well paved, the quality is high, and you have cured a lot of people, and your strength has grown. This is a lot, and the teacher is very happy. "

Belin was a little surprised: "Teacher, how do you know so many things!"

Because of the relationship between the temple system and the detailed behavior records, Liang Lidong can certainly know what Belin has done in the temple recently.

Then he asked Kyle: "Your sword stab should be good now, you can learn sword cutting now."

Although Kyle is full of joy, people are calmer: "I see ... Teacher, I think I should tell you something."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Kyle scratched his head and said, "Jerry said that his brother Hank has been losing money lately, as the teacher said, since the day Hank ’s property has never exceeded one gold coin, but Because of this, Hank is full of hatred towards the teacher. He seems to want to harm the teacher. Jerry often overhears his elder brother muttering to himself and is trying to frame you. "

I have to say that if it was n’t for Kyle ’s reminder, Liang Lidong could n’t even remember Hank, he smiled and said, “Rest assured that a person like Hank can never be a big deal, even if he wants to hurt someone, There is nothing capable. "

At this time, Hank mentioned by Liang Lidong and Kyle was running in front of a man who had rabbit ears and was not handsome.

"Homeowner, the sacrificial offering of that evil deity speaks loudly, you are not his opponent at all, and you are still private ..."

This handsome man is not a half-elf like Fangyuan. He said indifferently: "The other person wants to say that I am an illegitimate child. It doesn't matter. Let him say it. You Hank, have you been injured? As a member of the family Your safety is more important than my personal honor. Come on, go to your room to rest, and I will let you pass your commission and equipment maintenance fee for this month. "

"It feels like you, my great master." Hank was not upset when he heard that he could put it in his pocket, but rather depressed. He walked to his room glumly.

But at this time Semi-spirit suddenly asked: "What is the name of the sacrifice of that evil god?"

Hank was immediately excited: "His name is Beta, he is a little white-faced, not strong, but unfortunately I do n’t have magic, and there are too many peasants that he is bewildered, otherwise I must cut off his first level ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ To the homeowner, Yi Xue's family is ridiculed.

"Oh, Beta, did you really call that name?" The half-elf looked strangely.

"One hundred percent sure!" Hank said, bowing his head.

"Go down and rest. I will handle this."

After receiving a positive response from the host, Hank hurriedly walked to his room.

When the half-elves saw Hank go away, he said to the maid of the body, "You will ask Doug to check in the village of Reed. If you see something magical, bring it back directly, and be sure to bring all of Beta The information is clear, and it should be done in private, and don't let him notice us. "

"Master, that Hank is telling lies, why don't you expose him."

The half-elf laughed: "As long as everyone can lie, Hank will say panic. This is not a strange thing. It is better to say that my attention is not on him at all, but that the evil **** believer in his mouth seems to have special abilities. "Beta". "(To be continued.)

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