Noble Emblem

Chapter 1031: People will change

If Claire was a lord, he wouldn't have to humble himself. After all, in feudal states, lords have autonomy, autonomy, and military power.

It is also very difficult for the royal family to ask the lord of sin. But Claire was just a marquis. He had a private army, but no territory and autonomy. Almost everything about him was subject to the restrictions of the royal family.

At this time, Billy finally showed some expressions.

The lips of the upper jaw are curved, with a slight smirk. This kind of loyal subordinate being robbed of a woman by the boss is very interesting to listen to.

But Billy also knew what Prince Bowens thought.

I didn't know before that Celia had such a strong single player. Now that you know, the situation is different. In the eyes of Prince Bowens, Celia should have surpassed Claire. A strong thug, as well as quality offspring fertility.

That's why this happens.

Claire, obviously loves Celia, but in order to restore the family, he must rely on Prince Bowens, so he can only endure this humiliation.

After listening to Selia, she smiled lightly, and smiled beautifully.

Claire thought she had agreed, her face darkened. Don't mention him, even Billy thinks so.

After all, it is a queen. This position is definitely better than an archbishop who has no power and no power but only has a temple.

In fact, the archbishop is not bad, but the problem is that Celia's background is too poor, and there is not enough network of contacts and influence.

And she followed Bowens and became her princess. Once Bowens successfully seized power and became a queen, she was under one person and over 10,000 people.

This should be the highest glory that women can get.

Of course, Frances said otherwise. After all, the French nation has always had the tradition of queen power. But here is different. There are only male kings here. If women dare to have the throne of the throne, they will be besieged by all the nobles.

After the laugh, Monica turned straight.

Claire's handsome face grew darker, and Billy's mouth rose further.

"Go back and tell your prince so that he doesn't drink too much alcohol." Monica's mouth smiled ironically: "Who does he think he is? A kid who has been driven like a mourning dog, even himself I ca n’t guarantee the safety of him, so he wants me to be his woman? ”

In the eyes of the two surprised to the opposite, Monica continued: "Drinking wine and dreaming is a good thing, but it is not right to think of it as reality."

Monica's tone carried a murderous spirit of Ginger Iron Horse. Even a fool could see that she was really angry.

Claire's face glowed, and he frowned, "Do you really want to be a queen?"

"Well, you can go now."

Monica turned and left. Claire looked at her back and laughed, very happy.

Billy was a little surprised: "I can't see it, she still has this kind of backbone."

Claire said rather dissatisfied: "Count Billy, what do you mean by this? Celia has always been such a hard-bodied woman who is not afraid of power and daring.

Billy chuckled again, making Claire very upset.

"Tell me more clearly, Earl Billy." Claire stood in front of Billy and growled. "I don't allow you to insult Ms. Celia."

"Then what are you going to do?" Count Billy still had that contemptuous smile: "Are you fighting me here?"

Claire stuck. The two of them were hostile to each other. Because of the hidden rules of the aristocracy, Billy could not face his opponent face to face, so he dared to stand by the man.

But if he initiates a duel on his own initiative, the other party will happily agree, and then with a contented expression, he will stab himself as an idiot.

Billy watched him shake his head and walked out of the temple.

Claire's happy thought just now was made like this, and it was immediately gone, but it was as disgusting as eating two pounds of Xiang.

After taking a few steps, Billy stopped and said, "The essence of Celia, like us, is the typical aristocratic character. In order to achieve the goal, you can do anything and use any means. If the price Enough, she can even give her body to a beggar. "

Claire shook her fist. "She's not such a woman."

"She is such a woman." Billy said lightly: "Because I am also a man like this. If the price is enough, I can sell my **** to anyone. I and her are similar so I can see at a glance Find out what she's thinking! "

Claire sneered: "Did you not say before you came, that Celia would agree to this matter?"

"She before, even she who was a few days ago, is very likely to agree." Billy stepped out of the temple door and saw the bright sky, said, "But today she is completely different from her before. Her anger It's real, and her contempt is real. She's not what she was before, it's almost like a different person. "

Billy looked a little confused.

Claire smiled proudly, "That's because you misread someone. Maybe you didn't really know Celia at all."

"I have lived so long. There are not a thousand women who have played, at least eight hundred." Billy snorted. "Selia before was just a normal, ruthless woman, capable and ambitious. , But still not beyond my expectations. Now she, I can't see clearly. "

Claire hesitated, thinking Billy was bragging.

"This is the second person I can't see clearly."

Claire was a little curious: "So who was the first?"

"Selia's man's pet." Billy frowned. "It's passed on from outside ~ ~ But no matter how I look at it, the man doesn't look like a man's pet. . How could such a man be a man's pet! "

Billy remained silent for a while and continued: "If people like him are male pets, then we should be beggars and slaves."

Claire was funny: "You feel wrong, Earl Billy. Although Li Lin is strong, he is still essentially a mercenary."

Billy looked at Claire pitifully: "You just look at people and don't deserve to fight me at all. Do you know why I haven't targeted you recently?"

"Prince Bowens is in court?" Claire felt only the answer.

For example, shaking his head: "Because Celia seems to want to protect you. I'm not afraid of Celia, but I can't see through Li Lin, so I let you go, otherwise you think that your personal soldiers alone can support you When? "

Billy shook his head and left the temple.

Claire stood on the spot, his face was very wonderful, suddenly red, and suddenly black, like opening a dyeing house.

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