Noble Emblem

Chapter 1058: entrust

Narita's words made Emma extremely surprised, but then she felt very normal.

Things like political struggle can be seen everywhere in the palace. It's not surprising that she has seen so much before. The mother and daughter finally managed to get rid of the mess in the palace, but didn't want to fall into it again.

Just thinking that her elder brother is still awake in bed, Emma feels that she still needs to stay here and wait for Nareta, after all, she is very likely to become her sister-in-law.

Maybe the elder brother can ignore his affection for the throne, but Emma consciously can't be so unforgiving.

"Okay, no problem."

Seeing Emma's promise, Naretta looked relaxed. Although she heard that Princess Emma was a kind and gentle princess, she still had no idea in her heart. To what extent is Wang Cheng's political environment so bad, she knows too well that she, who is from a merchant family, cannot stand on such a vortex at all.

Her Majesty's close relatives were unwilling to shelter her. Instead, they wanted to sell their daughters or sisters to Her Majesty the King, and did not try to get rid of her. They were already loyal to His Majesty the King.

And she also felt the danger approaching in the palace. Two days before, the maids around her had disappeared.

Can't stand it, and in anxiety, she had to come to Emma for help.

Fortunately Emma was willing to keep her.

Beneath the fence, naturally, Nareita flattered Emma without any traces, and talked with her from time to time to please her.

Emma is not that kind of city-like personality. It only took three days to establish a good relationship with Narita.

At noon this day, the sun was just right. Emma was drinking afternoon tea with Narita on the third floor rooftop, eating delicious pastries. On the grass of the manor in front of them, Solirana was lying on her side, basking in the sun, apparently sleeping soundly.

This was considered rude to the aristocratic class, but Nareita did not dare to despise. She asked, "Ms. Solirana, is the golden dragon among the population outside."

Emma nodded.

"I heard you came back riding her. Are you a dragon knight?" Narita's source of information was obviously not good.

Now anyone with a little strength knows that Solirana is a beta dragon.

Emma shook her head.

"But as far as I know, the Dragons will not let anyone other than Dragon Knights sit on their backs."

"I have a pretty good relationship with Solirana." Emma smiled and continued. "So there is no problem."

Narita was very envious, and she also hoped that she would have a strong friend, Dragon, but Dragon, who has such a friend, and would not dare to walk sideways in the human world, but at least it is safe and worry-free.

At this time, a guard came in, and he ran downstairs and shouted to the third floor, "Princess Emma, ​​and Ms. Nalena, Her Majesty, the King has awoken!"

what! Narita screamed happily.

Emma was also relieved. She went downstairs and woke up Solirana. The three men took the carriage and walked towards the palace together.

On the carriage, Emma was surprised to find that the mercenaries on the street seemed a little excited and were running to each other and telling something.

But now she felt that it was more important to see her brother's situation, so she pressed her curiosity.

The reason for the turmoil on the street at this time was very simple, and the news of the selection of the Dragon Knights was released in Okinawa City.

After hearing that the selection conditions must be Workin worshippers, or the priests of the Fortune Gods, and the temple guards, the mercenaries ran to the Fortune Temples in various cities and asked me if I started to believe in the Goddess of Woking.

No wonder they are so excited, that's the Dragon Knight ... the legendary strongest profession. Okinawa City was willing to take it out as a prize.

In case your dragon is a female dragon, people ride the dragon during the day and ride the dragon at night.

However, they thought too much. Of the several golden dragons in Okinkin, only Solirana was a female dragon.

This is not a coincidence, but the Dragons deliberately did it, and deliberately sent the male dragon over.

Emma entered the palace and saw her elder brother wearing pajamas lying on the bed. Although she was still pale and very weak, she was at least awake.

Seeing Emma come in, the young king sat up hard with the help of the maid, and smiled, "Emma, ​​I've heard everything, thank you for your help."

Her Majesty the King knows well that if he stays so drowsy for less than a month, the throne will definitely change. A king who can only lie in bed, even if he does not die of a curse, will gradually lose his majesty and lose control of the country.

"Yes, after all, you are my elder brother, and I don't want to see you in trouble."

Her Majesty nodded a little grateful, then looked at Nareta next to him and said, "You did nothing, and that's fine."

Narita went to the edge of the bed, reached out and grabbed Her Majesty's already thin hands, her eyes bursting into tears.

"You go out first. I have something to talk to Emma."

Naretta left the room.

His Majesty looked at Sorilana next to Emma with surprise. Although he knew that there was a golden dragon in Okinawa City, he didn't know what it looked like, so he was wondering now why this woman dared to keep calm in front of him and not go out with Narita.

Emma looked at the expression on her brother's face and understood what he was thinking, and explained, "This is Solirana, Beta's mount dragon."

Oh ... the king narrowed his eyes, then opened his eyes, and smiled, "Welcome, Ms. Solirana, forgive me for getting out of bed to salute you."

Solirana looked on Emma's face, and bowed her head gently to the king.

Withdrawing his eyes from Solirana, the king said, "Emma ~ ~ Do you know what curse is in me?"

"The curse of the moxibustion of blood worship," Emma slowly explained. "If no one helps you lift it, your blood will slowly heat up and burn you to ashes in the end like a melt."

"It's a vicious curse." His Majesty snorted, and said, "I know you don't like me so much, and you will soon leave King City."

Emma did not refute, seeing that her brother was awake, she really wanted to leave. This royal city is not a good place for her, and she doesn't leave much fond memories here.

"After returning, you and Beta told him to find a way to extinguish the worship of fire." The king's young face was full of murderous intention. "As a reward, I would like to give half of the territories laid down by the desert kingdom to the wealth gods. To build the kingdom of God on earth. "

Emma was startled. "Do you really want to?"

"The worship of fire must be destroyed." The king touched his heart, and even if he was in a coma, he was tortured by a curse. The feeling of the soul sinking into darkness and the pain in his whole body can drive people crazy. When you go back, take Narita to Okinawa and help me protect her for a while. "

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