Noble Emblem

Chapter 104: Liang Lidong's true intentions

The diary of Dana's ancestors, no one in the hibiscus family can understand. But in the principle of more mysterious things and greater value, it has not been destroyed, and each generation of hibiscus flowers will always draw some people to study the notes of the ancestors, but unfortunately, nothing has been studied, two hundred Many years later, Dianna's ancestor's diary was put on the shelf, and it was a pity to abandon it.

However, Gavin did not expect that in Winterwind City, he could meet someone who seemed to "know" the ancestor of Dana, and the other party was very interested in the diary of Dana, and asked to be willing to use a secret in exchange for the ancestor of Dina. Diary.

When the news was passed back to his family, the family discussed it for two days, during which there were many different opinions. For example, some people suggested that the Red God Officer Beta be arrested and the secrets of Dina's ancestor's diary be tortured. This opinion was initially obtained. Supported by many of the core characters of the family, but the information collected by Gavin was then put on their desktops. The Red God official in the information is very powerful and mysterious in origin. Judging by temperament and appearance, ordinary civilians, even small Nobles cannot cultivate such talents.

After another day of discussion, they unanimously determined that if the information was not wrong, the Red God official Beta should be the family of a hidden family to fight. In order not to directly conflict with such a family, the hibiscus family decided to add Dina's diary. Send to Winterwind City, if Beta tells the so-called 'big secret', then it is naturally very good. If he refuses to say, or the secrets they have already known, they should be sold to human beings, and they will make an unknown relationship. Young talent.

Gavin breathed a sigh of relief after knowing his family's decision. For the past few days, he has been watching Beta, with inexplicable respect for this young man who looks at a young age but is quite stable and mature. He really didn't want to be hostile to such a person, because the threat value was quite high, and the other party dared to confront the Lord Uther alone. If on the hibiscus family. I'm sure I won't be afraid. I will probably think about how to bite back and tear a piece of meat from the hibiscus family.

Originally, Gavin was not interested in the "secret" in the mouth of the Red God official. After all, he felt that Dina's ancestor's diary. There should be nothing particularly important, otherwise the Red God official would never openly ask questions. Instead, it should be stolen quietly. After all, although the diary is something more than three hundred years ago, the family has paid little attention to it. Even if stolen, it takes a long time to find out.

But since the Red God official intends to fulfill his promise. Gavin is also interested in listening.

Two glasses of fruit wine and two honey breads. The two sat face to face, and Gavin had retreated. He raised his cup to Liang Lidong and said, "In fact, I don't care about the secret thing. But if you want to say something, I'll be good to my family. In addition ... Tina's matter, thank you, if not for your help .I can't imagine how my life would go after Tina was taken away by the necromancer. "

Liang Lidong picked up the wine glass and touched the other side, saying, "It's all about one thing. The promise is something that just makes sense because it has to be observed."

Gavin drank the fruit wine, then smiled and said, "Anyway, Your Excellency will be my guest here in the future. You can freely enter and exit my manor, yes ... Tina has been asking you after you wake up She hopes to thank you personally. She remembers everything that happened after she was controlled. She says you are brave and powerful. "

"Remember everything?"

Liang Lidong's complexion was a little weird. If that was the case, then he sat on Tina's smooth body and saw almost all of her, did the other party know? If this is the case, things will become a little troublesome.

With a slight frown, Liang Lidong went on to say: "Leave these things aside for a while, let's talk about the secret things first. Dina is a saintly samurai and a very powerful samurai. You should know this."

Gavin nodded: "I know!"

"The rise of the hibiscus family has a lot to do with Dina." Liang Lidong said with nostalgia: "The promotion of the paladin is more difficult, at least much more difficult than that of the priest, but Tina later became a paladin master , Almost into the legend. Only with such a powerful professional sitting in the town, the hibiscus family can rise rapidly. Many times in this world need to look at the strength. Sometimes, only the ability, but no sword and shield, Still being bullied. "

Gavin feels the same way: "Our family now lacks a strong professional to sit in this family."

Liang Lidong does n’t know much about the current situation of the hibiscus family, but if this is the case, it is also his intention: "As far as I know, Dina's talent is not very good. It stands to reason that she cannot break through the Holy The samurai master, but she almost became a legend, do you know why? "

Hearing such a secret, Gavin's interest was immediately hanged. He leaned forward and asked, "Oh, why?"

"Guangming well water, I wonder if you have heard of it?" Liang Lidong said.

Gavin shook his head, but his face looked eager to know the answer.

Liang Lidong put down his glass, and he whispered, "Dina is the samurai of the goddess of light, and Guangjing water is said to be made by the tears of the goddess of light. In mythology, the goddess of light shed three tears, the first time she When she saw that humans did n’t know how to make fire, and did n’t know how to make clothes. When she was alive like a beast, she burst into tears, and then set fire to church people and taught them to make clothes. ”

Gavin went on to say: "The second time is the invasion of the demons, and the third time is the sacrifice of life. I know all three legends, and now I just want to know the answer."

Liang Lidong laughed and laughed: "The third time because of the sacrifices of life, she was disappointed with her followers. The tears that flowed out not only formed a large number of bright wells, but also destroyed the kingdom of Zuze. Later, the bright wells It almost disappeared, but a bright well remained, hidden deep in the ruins of a certain Zuze kingdom. "

"Guangming Jingshui is a relic of the Goddess of Light. If it is a saint warrior of the Goddess of Light, or a priest drinks Guangming Jingshui, you can directly improve your character level ... that is strength. And the speed of growth in the future, It will be much faster than before. "

Gavin heard something at this time: "You mean, Dinah's ancestors drank the bright well water?"

"Indeed!" Liang Lidong gently patted the corner of the table with his right hand, the old **** said on the ground: "But if this is the case, it can only be regarded as a secret, not a secret ... What I want to say is that I know Guangmingjing Where is the water! "

Gavin slammed, "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

As one of the elite members of hibiscus flower. Gavin is clear. If there were no ancestors of Dina, the rise of the hibiscus family three hundred years ago would be nothing more than empty talk. If the Red God official did not lie, then the news would be too important for the hibiscus family.

"No need!"

Liang Lidong can understand Gavin's feelings. At that time, he helped Dina to search for the bright well water, and after hard work to get the real thing. Looking at the introduction in the system, he also had the idea of ​​why he was not a paladin.

Bright well water: The tears of the goddess of light have directly transformed the saint warrior of the goddess of light. The priest has three character levels (only before LV10), and the character experience acquisition speed is increased by 100%. This is a permanent state. Only the goddess of light can be canceled and cannot be dispelled by any other means.

Dina is a qualified paladin, but not a powerful paladin. After getting the bright well water, she is a third-rate qualified professional. At once, they became the group of people at the top of the pyramid.

Upon hearing Liang Lidong's affirmative answer, Gavin was walking around the room excitedly, and he kept patting his palm from time to time. His face was full of excitement. After a while, he hurried to Liang Lidong's side, held his hands on the table, and said, "Tell me, where is the bright well water, what kind of price do you need Before he told us, despite mentioning. "

Liang Lidong said, "I want Tina to be a samurai!"

Gavin froze. "What did you say?"

Liang Lidong stared at his eyes and said word by word, "I want Tina to be a samurai!"

After a few seconds of silence, Gavin finally understood what Liang Lidong meant, and his excitement calmed down immediately. The elders who care for their loved ones are like this. Whenever they encounter their children, they will be very thoughtful and very careful: "Why?"

"Because Tina has that talent, besides ..." Liang Lidong decided to tell the truth: "She and Dina are almost exactly the same!"

Gavin Porch laughed: "You've seen Dana the ancestor!"

Liang Lidong looked at each other calmly: "Have seen it!"

Gavin opened his mouth wide, and it took a while before he shook his hand, pointing at Liang Lidong's face like a teenager: "Are you a long-lived species? How old are you now?"

"I do not know either!"

This answer made Gavin silent, and anyone who didn't even know his age must have lived a long time. Unexpectedly, this person in front of him was actually an old antique, and Gavin swallowed. He suddenly thought of a question: "Dinah's ancestor was never married, is it because of you?"

If it was an hour ago, Liang Lidong would definitely deny that who knew why Dina was not married. But just now he had read Dina's diaries. From those diaries, he could truly feel Dina's feelings for herself. He was silent, thinking that Dina was sad for most of her life because of her relationship, and his mood was not very good.

Silence means acquiescence. Gavin took a deep breath. He didn't expect that he could know the history of Dana's ancestors. No wonder Beta was so interested in Dina's ancestor's diary. No wonder the red clergyman was fighting his life Tina must also be rescued from the necromancer's claws. At that time, his father almost gave up, but the red priest was not discouraged. He had previously wondered why the red priest gave his life to save people without asking for reward. Now he finally understood.

Tina looks like Dinah's ancestor, and that alone can explain all the problems.

Gavin pressed his forehead: "You saw Tina look like Dina, so you want to copy another Dina ancestor? The bright water of Dina's ancestor, you must have found it for her.

Liang Lidong nodded, and Gavin was very clever, and many things really worked.

"I think so." Liang Lidong looked at the cyan fruit wine in his glass, and said, "Take Tina to a nearby city with a bright temple, spend some money, buy the bishop inside, and let him build a spiritual bridge. Let Tina send the idea of ​​being willing to be a paladin to the goddess of light. After she became a samurai, we immediately went to the bright well water. As long as we drink the bright well water, Tina can immediately become a powerful paladin. , And most importantly, her growth rate will be fast! "

Gavin's eyes were shining, and he was considering the benefits of doing so. First, if Tina became a samurai, then his status would definitely be higher in the eyes of his family. If Tina became a holy one day, Master Samurai, then his department can become more resources to control his family, and Tina's life will become better in the future.

"Okay, but before that, we have to tell Tina things and ask her for advice."

Gavin asked Liang Lidong to wait a moment, and went out of the room to find Tina. About ten minutes later, the door of the study was opened, and a person came in, not the fat Gavin, but the beautiful and beautiful Tina.

She was wearing the same white dress as that day, her face was red and simple, and when she saw Liang Lidong, she bowed her head and opened the skirt corners with both hands, earning a ladylike gift.

Seeing Tina's dress, Liang Lidong thought unconsciously what she saw that day: White Tiger. Gavin said that Tina remembers everything, and naturally she should remember the details. Slightly awkwardly grinding his teeth slightly, Liang Lidong asked, "Why did you come here instead of your father?"

"Father told me about it." Tina looked up and stared bravely at Liang Lidong. Her eyes were watery, as if she was shaking the rippled transparent spring slowly: "Her Beta ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Do you really want me to become a samurai? "

Liang Lidong nodded. He had entered Tina's spiritual world a few days ago. This is a gentle and kind girl with some timidity. Such a character is very suitable to become a priest.

With joy in Tina's eyes, she asked again, "If I become a paladin, will it help you later?"

Liang Lidong is not a fool. He has seen it now, and Tina seems to have some meaning to herself. But it was normal to think about it, he was not ugly, and he was handsome. The strength is also good. The most important thing is that he saved her. The suspension bridge effect is a common little rule in the game and in reality.

Liang Lidong looked at Tina's innocence, and filled the sweet girl's eyes, she couldn't bear to deceive her, and sighed: "After you become a samurai, I hope you can become my knight!"

This is Liang Lidong's plan. A paladin who has drank the bright well water is already very strong. If he gets the bonus of the "Secret Knight" ability, Tina can definitely change from the "elite" panel to the players. Similar 'Golden Son' panel! If your Majesty has such a powerful paladin who is good at group combat capabilities, many things will become quite simple. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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