Noble Emblem

Chapter 1086: Most of the rumors are actually contrary to the facts

There was still a sweet smell in the room, and Rose sat across from Beta, not caring about her whole body.

Just now the two were done with everything, and there was nothing to be shy about. Besides, this body was not hers. The other wanted to see it, she didn't care.

Now Rose knew why this man would become Pope of Woking, even if he had no faith.

Like Woking, he has the character of not seeing rabbits and spreading eagles, and more importantly, the boy seems to have no awe of the gods. Woking's personality is relatively strange in the gods. She is the kind of **** who is good to believers. It is not too strange to make a friend with a mortal who saved herself.

"It's not business, but I want the two religions to unite." Rose held her arms in her arms and continued. "But Woking had a lot of opinions on me before. She might not be willing to join the alliance, so I need you to be secret , Ally with us. "

Beta frowned slightly.

Then he said, "I already planned to ally with the Living Gods, and you come out, it's a little extra."

Beta's meaning is very clear. Since he can roll over the sheets with Monica, the two popes, one man and one woman, of course, they have settled the matter in bed. Rose will run out without any effect. Output one by one.

"You seem to hate me?" Rose turned her head side by side, obviously a very cute action, a very beautiful person, but under her vulgar temperament, she felt a kind of horror Li Gui. "I still played with me just now I ’m so happy, I turn my face now, really a ruthless man. "

Beta didn't speak, so she looked at each other so quietly and let her perform.

After speaking, after a while, seeing that Beta didn't respond, she sighed lightly. "You man is really troublesome. You are the first person I have ever seen."

"It shouldn't be the first," Beta said calmly. "There should have been a lot of strong people who aimed at slaughtering God before."

"No, they are different. They hate the gods and fear them, so they want to replace them." Rose looked at Beta. "But you are different. You seem to treat us as a kind of equality. So, I feel a little unhappy."

The deities are essentially powerful creatures and nothing more. The more Beta was in contact with the deities, the more she understood this. He thought for a while and said, "Don't make trouble, Goddess Rose. I said that the alliance will be formed, and it will be."

Rose looked silently at Beta, and finally snorted, and the green light flickered away. And Monica fell asleep in bed.

Beta covered Monica's shiny body with a soft blanket, and then whispered.

Rose is indeed the **** of the original conspiracy. Her suggestion just now was that she had hidden hands in it.

If, as she said, Beta let the two religions secretly cooperate and not let Woking know that this might be successful. If it succeeds, Rose's purpose on the surface will naturally be achieved.

But if it is unsuccessful, then there will be some suspicion between Beta and Woking, and then it will be properly operated at that time, maybe one person can be turned against one another.

And Beta may be forced to leave, and Monica and Beta have a good relationship, maybe they will be able to pull him into the life theology.

Of course, this is only Beta's personal guess, not entirely correct.

About half an hour later, Monica woke up.

She got up, and didn't mind if she was undressed, and curiously looked at Beta.

When she saw her scalp tingling, Beta asked, "What's wrong, my eyes look so strange."

"You got a goddess!"

"Well ... it seems to be the case." Beta thought for a while and said, "But that's your body. In fact, I'm still happy with you."

"You don't seem to look down on my goddess?"

"Nothing like that." Beta waved her hand firmly. The other person is also a god. He is very strong, masters the rules, and should respect him verbally.

Monica looked at Beta with a speechless eye again, and then she smiled softly. This was his man, a man who could even look down on him.

Such a man, as her spouse, is really good.

In the kingdom of life, the giant emerald spider moved slightly.

Its upper body is a beautiful female figure, with long pale green hair lushly scattered around the body, just covering her key parts.

She opened her eyes. The entire green grassland of the kingdom of God was windless and every blade of grass was moving without wind.

Rose stroked her belly slightly, then laughed lightly.

"It turned out to be this feeling, it seems pretty good!"

In the legend, Rose Noodles are numerous, but in fact they are rumors. Just as ordinary people cannot penetrate the film of female professionals, normal mortals cannot be ashamed with gods.

Because they can't look directly at the gods, the soul will be burned ... even if the gods are greatly suppressed in the state of the gods, it is not something that ordinary people can face up to. thing.

There is no divine origin in this world. Even the professional title of "Divine nobility" is actually a variant of the Dragon Warlock.

The demons of the demon world are not really gods, they are somewhere between demigods and gods.

As for why Rose is rumored, the reason is very simple. Isn't the female evil **** is popular? This fully fits the common sense of ordinary people.

Who would have thought that the well-known Rose, like Woking and Akua, was a virgin.

Rose stood up, and the huge spider's body walked in the kingdom of God. She was a little excited and troubled.

"Sure enough, the godhead who snatched that little sister-in-law was right. It took a long time to encounter good things." Rose looked at her new kingdom of God, and was very satisfied. Silk, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you want to blame, blame yourself for being too arrogant, and dare to cross the plane to find the troubles of the **** of war in another world! Then be beaten and run back.

The big green spider was running around in the kingdom of God. She was very happy, but in the end she was a little lost. "Unfortunately, I didn't have the feelings of the boy and Woking."

She thought about it and sent a shrine to Monica to do your best to please and flatter the man, and if there was a chance, pull him into our religion.

Soon after, Monica's pious voice reached the goddess in the kingdom of God, and your will was my driving force to move forward.

Rose is very satisfied. She continues to lie down to sleep, without the black-skinned elves, a lot of negative feelings and desires, and finally she can sleep well.

I finally knew that it was so pleasant to sleep quietly.

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