Noble Emblem

Chapter 1089: Take the wrong medicine

People always like to compare. Narita compares the king and beta a little, and soon comes to the conclusion that beta is better than the king, no matter which aspect.

But Narita didn't think the king was bad because of it. Noble people have a self-knowledge. Although she is considered the best among women, she is far worse than these women in Woking City.

It is not terrible for people to fall behind. It is terrible that they are willing to stop. Now there is an opportunity for growth and advancement in front of them. Naturally, Nareita can't let go.

Then she easily became a professional and still free.

The second 'merchant' profession in Okinawa City, featuring professional professionals, may be the reason for the merchant's bloodline at work. Emma is amazed, but Na Reita is a bit lost. She wants to be a noble caster. She hasn't become a queen yet. She thinks that the big reason is that the girl of the 'merchant' is playing a trick.

I didn't expect to become a professional, but I still cannot get rid of the label of "businessmen".

Seeing that Nareita was a bit lost, Emma smiled and said, "Don't confuse the businessman and the ordinary businessman. This is a very powerful and rare profession. It has special abilities and serves as us The special class of the God of Wealth has a special effect bonus when using Vol'jin.

"Is that so?" Nareita was a little bit weird. She didn't believe Emma, ​​but she thought it was her comfort words. After all, she had never heard of a 'businessman' among professionals.

"Unfortunately Amanda is still doing business outside, otherwise she can teach you back."

"Miss Amanda?" Nareta was a little surprised. In the past two months, she had seen Amanda once. She also knew that the girl was one of the real people in the Fortune Gods. She had a good reputation: "She too ' businessman'."

Emma nodded: "Yeah. The big caravan she is now carrying, but there are nearly two hundred people. They are doing big single business. Okinawa City has a third of its income from her caravan. "

Narita opened her eyes wide. She knew how high the income of Okinawa City was. As a daughter of a merchant, she did have a keen sense of money. One third of the income of Okinawa City ...

In fact, this is indeed the case. Amanda is now an elite businessman. Not only can he use many of the wealth theology's proprietary theology, but also many very special merchant skills.

For example, the origin of the goods, what kind of prices are generally in the surrounding cities, and can even slightly affect the ability to bargain.

This makes Amanda do business. If she is in business, she is now in business. She never considers whether to make money or not. Instead, she considers how much money she earns and how high the profit percentage is.

Lower she didn't want to leave.

So Oregon City equipped her with a strong **** to ensure her safety.

Her caravan, at least every time she goes out, has more than eighty cars.

After hearing Emma's introduction, Naretta's eyes gradually brightened. Perhaps the merchant's fighting ability is not very strong, but if it can make a lot of money and help his own king, then it is also a great thing.

In Beta's study, Shirley said, "Nareta has already sacrificed gold coins and has become a merchant. She is the second merchant of our gods. It's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"Not her own. Otherwise, she and Amanda form a double-horned horn alliance, one east and one west, our income can be more, and our influence can expand further." Shirley replied, and then she smiled and said, "I want No, under the crown of our handsome and brave Pope, conquer her with your charm? "

Beta shook the corners of her mouth and said, "No, she is a merchant, and she must be a follower of the goddess Vol'jin, who is invisible to us. When she returns to the king, she can also slowly affect the king and make it affect us The view of theology is better. "

Shirley nodded. "It makes sense to say so."

"By the way, the day after the Dragon Knights finals, it's about to start." Beta asked: "Are you sure that everything is safe?"

"Katy has done her best." Shirley nodded and said, "She's actually pretty pathetic."

"Poor?" Beta was a little surprised.

Shirley sorted out the papers on the desk and said, "I know mother and daughter are more exciting, but you have put too much time on them. Take time for Katie, she has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Kati waiting for me?"

Beta touched his chin without a beard. He is a straight steel man, and he is not good at ambiguous feelings between men and women. Although he also vaguely felt that Katie seemed to like him a little, but he couldn't confirm it.

After all, ‘she likes me’ is one of the three illusions in life, and Beta thinks she should n’t be too narcissistic.

Shirley gave him a nasty look, and then continued, "Also, the last time you made me want the Red-Magic Tower, there has been new progress."

"Oh, come and listen."

"From the day before yesterday, the intelligence recovered from the shrines around the country has successively killed seventeen people in the Red-Magic Tower. There are 13 magic apprentices, three elite magicians, and great magicians. one person."

Beta was a little surprised: "Did the big mage kill one?"

Shirley nodded: "I was also very surprised. It was specifically for people to check. It was really true. The Assassin's Union was the one we shot. After all, the price we gave was high. Three hundred gold coins for a master magician."

"If the Assassin's Union shots ~ ~, then it's not a surprise." Beta smiled. "Assassins and mages have always been enemies who killed each other. They usually dislike each other, and now they have a lot of benefits to back them up. It's normal for them to shoot. "

"Furthermore, the Red-Magic Tower has announced that it has listed our wealth theology as a hostile force and declared that we are a cult." Shirley said here, with a sarcastic smile on her face: "But there is no worldly power Respond to them. However, there are three forces: colorless-magic tower, blue-magic tower, and yellow-magic tower. They ask us to apologize to the red-magic tower and compensate the latter for their losses. "

"Don't bother, they should just look at the face of the Red-Magic Tower and complain to us painlessly. It's just a symbolic diplomatic rhetoric." Beta waved.

Shirley continued: "The first two do look like this, but the yellow-magic tower is different. They not only filed a claim, gave a list of compensation materials, or even sent the messenger to the door. In the morning I met the messenger. He It's arrogant. "

Beta stunned, then said incredulously, "Yellow-Magic Tower, is this the wrong medicine?"

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