Noble Emblem

Chapter 1107: Ah finished

After Cocoara left, Beta received the royal envoy.

The envoy's attitude was very respectful, and the intention was made clear in a few words.

The king hoped that the **** of wealth could truly join in the expedition to the desert kingdom. Instead of just like the original, just send the bottom pastor. It is best to send the elite troops of the Fortune Gods, like what pterosaurs, amphibious white crocodile cavalry and so on.

Beta is a little speechless. Pterosaurs and temple guards, for the time being, can indeed fight in the desert. But let the Crocodile Cavalry Regiment fight in the desert? Those are not desert Komodo dragons.

With almost no consideration, Beta refused, and he told the envoy that he could send more priests out, two more tiers of military expenses, and even a dark squadron of extreme squads to assassinate important figures of worship But the army will never be sent to the frontal battlefield.

The envoy was quite disappointed, and has been lobbying Beta to lead the army.

In the end, Beta said very seriously: "It is our teaching not to participate in the national political battle, if the ambassador is okay, please come back."

The royal ambassador left in a loss, and it wasn't long before Emma came in.

She sat directly in Beta's arms, rubbing him, and asked curiously: "Why did n’t you agree to the royal request? The conditions they gave were very generous. In addition to the original promised territory, give us more autonomy."

But Beta shook her head and said, "You only see the surface. In essence, this is a temptation from King Hollevin, your elder brother. If we agree, he will guard us in the future."

"Why?" Emma didn't understand.

"Our gods have done a great deal now. If we participate in the frontal battlefield, it means that we have signs of participating in ordinary people's politics. As long as we are in power, we will be alert to this situation. Therefore, we not only cannot agree, but also You must act strictly in accordance with the teachings, and never participate in their mess. Sending priests to do it, and sending them to go out, can be counted as part of the religious war, but our army must not appear in Frontal battlefield. "

"It's so troublesome." Emma blushed a little, because her skirt was ragged. "I feel that when I was a maiden, I didn't encounter as many twists as you do."

"So you were sold to me."

Emma heard this, and twisted her little waist with shame.

In the evening, Beta entered the kingdom of Vol'jin.

For the visit of Beta, Woking is quite happy.

It was just that Beta was sitting on a golden chair, looked at Woking seriously, and then said with a little surprise, "Goddess, you seem to have changed a little."

"Really?" Woking took a sip of 'fruit tea'. This is a drink that was condensed with divine power. The taste is quite good: "What changes?"

"A little younger," Beta said.

In fact, it has become shorter, and the chest is also more straightforward, more and more like a childlike giant ...

If Woking and Shirley were put together now, no one would think that Shirley was a divine avatar of Woking, and the appearance of the two would have been quite different.

"Isn't it good?" Woking smiled slightly.

It is very good, more and more in line with Beta's sexual interest. And the most important thing is that the maiden-like Woking seems to have become a lot more lively, no longer as cold as before.

"This time, I have something to ask about the goddess." Beta drank a cup of fruit tea, directly uttered her intentions, and repeated Coco Yarra's words at the same time: "What is the subject plane surrounded by fog? ? "

"Is this the case?" Woking pointed with a finger, a light screen appeared in front of her, and she could see the scenery of Woking City and the bustling people in the streets: "I was not affected in any way, and No foreign objects hindered my detection. "

"That's weird," Beta groaned, holding her chin. "The world tree and Cocoara needn't lie to us. The goddess you are not affected."

Woking watched Beta carefully, thinking seriously.

Beta thought for a while and said, "Is it possible that there is some fundamental difference between God and man, which results in cognitive or action differences? For example, chocolate is delicious for humans, but for dogs. It is said to be poison. "

"What is chocolate?" Woking asked.

"A good snack."

Woking showed some expectations.

Looking at her slightly shiny eyes, Beta thought for a moment and said, "Would you like to be a guest in my spiritual space?"

Woking nodded and smiled. She hasn't been in Beta mental space for a long time.

Beta then disappeared from the kingdom of God, and Vol'jin appeared in his spiritual world.

Blue sky and white clouds, green grass field, and a gazebo.

Now Beta ’s strength is much stronger than before, and the soul world naturally changes, and the place is bigger. More importantly, what Beta ’s ‘fantasy’ appears now almost completely restores his memory.

In addition to chocolate, there are various cakes and delicacies.

Then Woking was just eating ... eating all night.

When Beta got up from the bed the next day, she felt a little tired. It was much more tiring than fighting with Angie's mother and daughter all night, as if the souls had been overdrawn. Beta's transfiguration was eaten, essentially a part of his mental power.

After a few days, Beta dealt with the government affairs at hand, stole a leisure, first moved to the city of Frans, and stayed with the Sasa two for two days before coming to the Temple of Life.

Not long after Beta appeared in the Holy City of Life, she was invited to the Great Life Temple and saw Monica alone.

Compared with the previous, Monica looked a little shy.

She was extremely happy to see Beta, and ran over and hugged him tightly for a while before letting go.

"You don't know how troublesome those archbishops have to deal with, and they have to fight with wisdom every day." Although there were complaining expressions, when Monica was talking, she was so beautiful and she could see that she was really very I like the current life: "But it hasn't been settled by me one by one. The archbishop is now all my people, and he sends those nobles. When it comes to the nobles, Billy runs away, I don't know where to go."

"He's afraid you'll kill him." Beta also laughed. "The guy is actually very smart. After killing his father, he should run away."

Monica said as she undressed, "Don't talk about him, let's hurry up. I only have more than half an hour. I have to go to a meeting later."

Beta suddenly felt helpless: "I didn't even warm up for half an hour. Let me wait until you have time."

"I'm happy enough for half an hour," Monica said, taking her face for granted: "I'll leave you here for a while, you can do whatever you want."

After saying that, she pushed Beta to the bed, and rejoiced in self-care, and for half an hour, she left with a moist look, and then she left a girl-like puppet.

Looking at the girly Monica aunt, Beta is quite speechless. This kind of non-moving stuff is not fun to use. He sighed, put the puppet into the mansion surgery space, and then took out a book from the space and watched slowly.

When it was late at night, near the early morning, Monica finally returned.

As soon as I entered the door, I took off my clothes, lay on the bed in a large font, closed my eyes and said, "Come on, I'll close my eyes first."

The beautiful carcass lay in front of her eyes, but Beta did not come forward. In less than a minute, Monica fell asleep. In fact, since she came in, Beta could see that she was tired. With no expression on his face, he seemed to be overdrawn.

Monica was sleeping peacefully, and Beta was sitting by the side reading a book, quietly with her.

She fell asleep for a long time, and fell asleep near noon.

When Beta was thinking about calling her up, she suddenly opened her eyes, brushed the floor, and sat up, looked around for a while, until she saw Beta, then she was relieved.

She patted her chest, and then saw the sun outside, screamed loudly, quickly put on her robes, and ran out. But ran to the door and turned back again, kissed Beta's face and said, "Thank you, I haven't slept so well in a long time."

Then she went out, faintly heard her voice coming from the outside: "Hurry up and prepare some breakfast for the men in the room. Give me a bowl of sweet milk ..."

Very busy ... Beta sighed.

I can see that Monica is busy. Beta suspects that she should have not slept well for a long time, even with the body of a professional, it is almost impossible to support it.

Beta had breakfast ... Or, after lunch, strolled around the back garden of the cathedral. Although there were many guards, no one stopped him, and it seemed that he didn't even dare to look at him more.

It seems that Monica has explained something.

Monica came back earlier today and returned in the evening.

Maybe it was the relationship that slept better last night ~ ~ Today she is obviously better than yesterday.

The two were chatting while sitting and having dinner. Monica didn't say anything about politics, but just some small things in daily life, such as a maid who did something silly, and heard that when a noble man was derailed, he was found by a bitter master and played small My brothers broke things up.

Beta always felt a little scalp.

She didn't want to have a hard time meeting with Beta. She was influenced by the dirty things in politics. Now she has an idea.

Politics is politics, beta is beta, it has to be separated.

It was almost late at night, and Monica finally asked, "Why did you suddenly want to see me?"

Beta replied: "It's mainly to see you, the other is to ask you to help me bring a word to Goddess Rose."

"In that case, wouldn't it be better for you to see her yourself?"

The candlelight fluttered, Monica smiled, and gently pulled down her robe to reveal the delicate collarbone. ()

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