Noble Emblem

Chapter 109: Fire world

Space teleportation generally belongs to advanced magic. Planar space teleportation belongs to the top magic group. Generally speaking, casting such a large range of plane space magic arrays requires a lot of alchemy magic resources. , Its price may be able to build a small town, but there is a resource that everyone has, but everyone does not want to use.

Soul, powerful soul!

The common resource in this world is gold, but in the demon world and the heaven world, the common resource is the soul, the good soul is the hard currency of the heaven world, and the evil and dirty soul is the "rare currency" of the devil world and hell.

The soul can be used as a material for large magic, and the more powerful the soul, the greater the effect. Mark, using his own soul as a guide, forced the sacrifice of magic. This magic would drag the person or thing designated by the caster into the eccentric space. When the black magic array disappeared, everyone disappeared, only The remaining three less conspicuous followers stayed in place. The three of them had no role in the battle. Mark before death did not even see their faces ...

To outsiders, the city owner and others disappeared suddenly, but to their clients, things were rather unfavorable. They were sucked into a long, curved gray hole, and a powerful force dragged them before rolling. OK, there are lightning flashes from time to time around this long cave, and there is also an unpleasant sound in the cave, which is like a rat squeak extending several times and then endless.

Everyone sucked into this long hole was a look of panic, even the old Great Swordsman known for his willpower was a heavy look.

Only Liang Lidong behaved normally. He already had a lot of teleported experience, because when entering and exiting the game, it was a similar experience. The crowd floated and rolled in the long space cave. About ten minutes later, everyone saw a flower in front of them, appearing on a shadowy, barren ground.

Most of them fell down with a dog ... only Liang Lidong. Big swordsman old man. Katerina and Sophia successfully landed their feet on both feet, because only four of them had a high coordination value and were sensitive in their skills.

Four people landed. Immediately he put on alert, the other people who fell to the ground. He immediately got up, gathered back to back, and watched the movement around him.

There are no creatures around. Everyone relaxed, looked around and looked at the environment. Then his face became a bit ugly.

There is no sun, no moon, no stars in the sky. There is only a thick layer of red clouds, and red lightning flashes in the clouds from time to time. Brighten up the red clouds.

There is no other bright light in this world. The red cloud and fog in the sky is the largest light source, and it lights the whole world red.

Under the sky. You can see around, in the distance, even under the sky, there are towering volcanoes everywhere, a crimson smoke from the mountain pass, floating into the air, mixed with the fire layer in the air, everyone This is how the thick red clouds form in the sky.

Liang Lidong stretched out his hand and received a piece of red dust falling from the air, and then felt a bit uncomfortable in the palm of his hand. When he called out the system interface, he found that the system reminded him that he had suffered three points of moxibustion. And added a layer of negative state: soul burning.

Soul Burning: Every layer of superimposition loses one thousandth of human reason, and combativeness increases by one thousandth. When one thousand layers are stacked, the soul will burn. If it cannot resist the burning of the soul, Effect, the creature itself dies, and if it can resist the burning effect, it will transform into a juvenile inflammation monster.

Seeing this prompt, Liang Lidong immediately untied his robe and put it on his head, then he shouted to others: "Be careful, don't let the red ashes falling from the air hit your body. Take off your coat and cover your body like me. If you get soaked in that thing, the whole person will be burned. "

Everyone saw it and did it immediately! They don't know what the ghost place is, but they can see that Red God Officer Beta seems quite familiar with it.

Barbara is the most convenient person. She wears a tall hood on her magic robe. She flicks the hat forward and shrinks herself into the magic robe.

The lady of the town owner is more troublesome. She takes off her coat and puts it on her head, and then everyone sees her clothes and the more exaggerated Xueshan. She seems to glance at Liang Lidong with a little panic, and sees that he has not noticed himself , Let out a sigh of relief, and then fell into his shadow.

Other men took off their outer armors and put their leather or chain mail on their heads.

After finishing all this work, everyone looked at the surrounding environment with obvious uneasiness on their faces. No matter who is suddenly getting completely strange, it's normal to be shaken.

Liang Lidong found that those red dust falling in the air would disappear after falling on the ground, that is to say, this thing is not a natural phenomenon, but a magic phenomenon.

At this time Gavin came over, his face was full of greasy sweat, because the volcanoes were everywhere, the place was hot, the temperature of the air should be about 50 degrees, and the air was abnormally dry. Ordinary humans come here and absolutely can't live for five hours without water supply, but everyone is a professional, and they have very good resistance to the extremely harsh environment, so there is no problem for the time being.

However, professionals are still people. They can survive for a while, but not for a lifetime. Without water and food, they will not survive for four days.

But there are red cracked hard soil everywhere, let alone green plants, not even an ant.

"Sir, do you know, where is this place?" Gavin stood beside Liang Lidong, asking with some worry: "Do we still have a chance to go back."

Everyone set their sights on Liang Lidong, and everyone saw that he seemed familiar with the place.

"If my judgment is correct, it should be the second floor of hell, hell." Liang Lidong looked around: "Strangely, there is a lot of fire element life in hell, but why is it near here? There was no sign of life. And the volcano only smoked, but no melt flowed out. "

The crowd heard a bleak sound, although they have not actually seen Hell, but in the legend, Hell is the king of the elements of fire, the domain of Groms.

Here is full of fire elemental life, they are hostile to all flesh and blood life. Just see. Will swarm up and burn out flesh and blood.

Gavin looked around with some anxiety, as if there would be a lot of fire elemental life rushing out immediately: "Then we can go back?"

Liang Lidong looked at his space backpack, and frowned, "I know how to make magical planes across planes. But the problem is that there are not enough materials, half of the materials. And most importantly, I have to spend It took a long time to determine the beacon of the plane. Without the beacon, the magic array cannot be activated. "

I heard Liang Lidong's words. The crowd first raised hope, and then disappointment appeared in everyone. In fact Liang Lidong didn't tell the truth. The large transplanar magic array is indeed lacking materials, but the material of the small magic array is enough. Unfortunately, this small magic array is a one-time type. Only four people can be teleported at the same time ... In addition, he also has a magic beacon, Jeanne was not attracted by the magic circle. It remains in the human world, it is the best magic beacon.

Under normal circumstances, the magic pet leaves the owner a certain distance. Will be forced to teleport to the owner. But the plane transformation is not within this rule, because the plane transformation is originally a magic that breaks through the barrier of space. It does not itself have the concept of 'distance'.

Liang Lidong didn't want to talk about his ability to make a small plane magic circle, because once he said it, there would be a fight. No one wants to die in this ghost place. They vowed to fight fiercely for their survival quota. .

"What do you do now?" Gavin sat on the hard-coated red soil with his hips: "Are we going to die here? Mark isn't going to pull us into Rose's kingdom before he dies. Why do we appear in this ghost place. I would rather be killed by a spider than starve to death. "

It stands to reason that they should be dragged into Rose's kingdom of God, but due to Liang Lidong's efforts, the black magic circle finally made an error, messed up the magic space beacon, and then placed them in this place.

I have to say that Gavin's words spoke a lot of people's minds, and many people sat on the ground suddenly. Although they were nothing on the surface, they were already filled with dissatisfaction and anger.

How could we come to such a ghost place if it wasn't for the help of XX killing Mark!

Liang Lidong dared to guarantee that at least half of the seventeen people think so. If they continue to do so, conflicts will soon arise, and then conflicts will escalate. Finally, there will be flesh and blood between each other. None People are spared. However, Liang Lidong did not allow such a situation, he said: "In the palace of the elemental king of Fire, Groms, there are many treasures, and there will also be many magic materials, or we can sneak in, and we should be able to find suitable magic. Materials. Besides, the King of Fire has many special items and equipment, many from the human world, and if one or two of them have a deeper relationship with the human world, they can easily be extracted from the space magic beacon of the human world. "

The crowd heard it and hoped to return, Gavin asked, "Do you know where the King of the Elements of Fire is?"

Liang Lidong pointed farthest to the left, and the sky was brighter than other places: "As the king of Hell, where Groms appeared was the hottest and brightest place in the whole Hell."

Everyone stood up, and at this time the old swordsman finally spoke: "It's not too late, let's go now. There is no water or food in this place, and we don't know how long we can last. And maybe we will meet again. Enemies, if you go earlier, you will be able to retain a little more force. "

In this way, everyone began to set out east. On the way, Liang Lidong felt strange. Before in the game, many players walked through the fourteen pillars of hell, and also took a video. Liang Lidong had watched it. He remembered that there was a cross-flowing Miyan River in Fire Prison. The later Silver Winged Guild, with more than two hundred and ten or more guild players with an average level of about fourteen, slowly advanced forward. They fought for half a month before pushing their front to the King of the Elements of Fire, under the palace of Groms.

But now, not only is there no lava river around, but it has been walking for so long that even a fire elemental life has not been seen, which is abnormal.

Although Liang Lidong didn't want to fight with the fire element in his heart, he walked for so long without seeing any life, and the surroundings were as quiet as a ghost realm, which was very abnormal.

The world of Hell is not too big, but everyone is tired after approaching for ten hours, and the weaker Barbara has darkened lips, which is already a sign of severe water shortage. There is almost no water in Hell, and Barbara has no way to condense magic in the water system to quench her thirst.

The crowd sat down and rested in an empty place, and Sophia came out of the shadows, holding her daughter in pain. Because she has activated the relationship of succubus blood, this harsh environment will not affect her at all.

Looking at the tired look of everyone, Liang Lidong tried to use the rain-calling magic ... No response, a few dark clouds gathered in the air, but the sparse rainwater had not fallen to the ground and disappeared. He tried to use the magic of driving the fog again. Theoretically, the radius of the magic of driving the fog should be about 300 meters, but now, Liang Lidong has only made dense fog with a radius of about 15 meters.

But even so, everyone was very happy ~ ~ They hid in the thick fog and desperately breathed the water in the air. Although Barbara is a fire magician, she tried to use ice crystals in the deep mist, and she succeeded. Next, everyone was given a big fist of ice, and everyone creaked in their arms. Instead, they would not eat the water made by magic because it tasted strange.

But now they think the ice cube is sweeter than the nectar.

Because of the dense fog, the temperature around the crowd dropped to a very comfortable temperature. In Liang Lidong's compulsory request, everyone closed their eyes for about three hours. Liang Lidong must ensure that they have enough energy, because he feels that it is very close to the palace of the elemental king of fire.

Three hours later, they continued to set off. After walking for about two hours, the tip of a towering dark red temple appeared on the vast horizon, and everyone was shocked and immediately accelerated their speed.

However, Liang Lidong felt that something was wrong. The palace of the King of Fire elements should always be burning with sky-high flames, but this temple also has any flames. Only the strange red light escapes from the temple.

Seeing this emotion, Liang Lidong's head had a bad association. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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