Noble Emblem

Chapter 1122: I'll leave if he doesn't die

The bone demon was taken outside the palace, and many succubus heard it and rushed over.

They were all very interested in the bone demon kneeling on the square. Some of them were extroverted, and even had blushes, licking their own red lips.

They are different from the succubus queen Angela. Most of them have not tried the taste of humans in the theme. Therefore, in their view, the bone spirit race with a good spiritual power is also rare and delicious.

Although there are dozens of succubus surrounding the demon, but no one has shot, after all, their queen has not spoken.

And Beta's words ... a human sheriff, although very interesting, but how long it took to get them to identify with him so quickly, it is almost impossible.

Beta knew this would happen, so she stayed in the dungeon to sort out her files, but didn't come out.

At the same time, he lamented that a lot of things in Okinawa City had not been dealt with, and all of them were thrown to his own women. Although Woking's high-level executives have recently refined their powers and will not be too tired, he is here to help a succubus manage the city.

But in order to listen to the news, at least you must first stand in the devil world.

Convincing herself with this idea, Beta sorted out her case.

When he left the prison, he saw Angela waiting for herself near the entrance.

Her face was full of anger and she stared fiercely at Beta.

Behind her are fourteen members of the security team.

Beta didn't have any accidents. His current power was given by the succubus queen, and she could naturally take it back at any time.

He calmly walked towards the succubus queen and laughed: "Queen, you are so angry, do you have a new opinion on my approach?"

"Who gave you the right to decide to kill that bone demon?" Succubus Queen Angela exclaimed, "Don't you know, the bone demon itself is a big combat force?"

Beta smiled: "This is the power you gave me. As a sheriff, I have the power to execute those sins ..."

Beta wanted to say that the sin is extremely evil, but suddenly thought that this is the demon world. Many times, they think that the ‘sin’ is different from the ‘sin’ that the theme considers.

So he changed his words: "I have the right to execute the demons who threaten the interests of the city."

Behind the succubus queen flashed the bone demon just now, he arrogantly said to the succubus queen: "Queen, you killed this human black warrior, I will serve you for a hundred years. What do you think?"

In fact, the demon world also records according to the human calendar. They treat 24 hours as a day, regardless of whether the devil world is day or night. A pure time meter like Beta is a stranger.

When Beta heard this sentence, she immediately warned that she should pay attention to these small things in the future, so as not to reveal her identity.

The succubus queen looked at Beta, then looked at the bone demon, and said, "You will be colleagues and take a step back."

At this moment Beta smiled: "Queen, if you don't kill this bone demon, then I will leave."

"Why?" The succubus queen was about to explode. "Do you think our succubus is here when you want to come, and you want to go?"

Beta snorted and said, "You don't know how to be the master of the city, you don't even understand the basic principles. I stay here only to waste my time. I'd better try my luck elsewhere."

When Angela heard this, she calmed down a bit. She suppressed her anger and asked, "Do you think a dozen flame imps are more important than a bone demon?"

"If it is converted like this, even a hundred little ghosts are not as good as a bone demon." Beta smiled. "But if you put your prestige and the future of this city on it, this approach It's not worth it. "

"I don't understand." Angela became more angry. "You explain it to me."

"You do n’t even understand what I want to do, but you actually rejected my resolution?" Beta smiled disdainfully. "You do n’t have enough internal literacy and you do n’t believe in my heart. What do I keep here and get angry? ?"

At this time there were many people around, including succubus, bone demon, and the security team.

Beta didn't give Angela such a face, so many people felt that his courage was outrageous, and at the same time she was surprised.

Although Angela was mad at her madness, she said with patience, "Even if you give me a face, this bone demon will survive, he is very useful."

The bone demon said in a fiery way: "Queen, I am definitely more useful than this human kid, whether it is combat effectiveness or combat effectiveness on the bed. I can satisfy you."

Angela stared at the bone demon with a resentful look.

Beta shook her head: "To reiterate, I'll leave if he is alive. It's that simple."

"What if I don't let you go?" Angela looked at Beta coldly: "Are you going to kill?"

"Of course!" Beta clenched the sword in her hand, her expression calm.

"You humans are really annoying."

As soon as Angela turned, Bone Demon's head fell off his neck and rolled to the ground.

To death, Bone Demon's eyes were not closed, full of surprise.

This moment was unexpected by everyone.

"Now, you're satisfied." Angela looked at Beta. "If your policy doesn't work within half a year, don't blame me."

Having said this, Angela turned and left.

Beta looked at the skull on the ground, and yelled at the members of the security team next to her, "What are you still doing? Clean up the body and wipe the blood on the floor."

More than a dozen members immediately rushed up, and carried the body aside, three times, five times and two.

The skeleton shooter drained the blood directly with the power of the soul.

Undead have a special hobby for flesh and blood ~ ~ Then the four-armed Naga walked to Beta, admiringly, "Boss, you are really amazing. You can be okay to make the queen look like that. Did you say that the queen fancy you? "

"That wouldn't be too bad. The Queen just knew in her heart who was the right person, and she was very broad-minded, and she wouldn't be really angry about these little things." Since she was so angry with her, Beta didn't mind saying a few good words Slow down the relationship between the two parties: "Tomorrow will go out to enforce the law as usual, no one can excuse me, understand?"

"Yes, boss."

And Angela returned to her palace, still shaking with anger.

Martha asked her aside: "Queen, why are you so easy to let go of that Li Lin, he obviously took your face so seriously."

Angela took a deep breath: "Three-legged bone demons are everywhere, and human beings who understand the internal affairs, there is nothing in the devil world. I bear with him and wait for him to finish our city, then It's not too late to squeeze it out. "

"Queen's trick," Martha praised.

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