Noble Emblem

Chapter 111: Be careful

"The channel between heaven and demon has been broken, it's gone."

Gavin opened his eyes wide, and he puzzled: "Since we can come to Hell, why can't the channel between heaven and demon be broken, and they can't communicate with each other?"

Gavin's question is also the question of others. In this world, even the learned aristocrats have limited knowledge, and players are different. They are always in the age of information explosion in the Internet. Any news, strategy, or secret in the game, as long as there is a player to explore , Will soon be put on the forum, or in your own personal space, let others read and appreciate.

In the game, there is a group of casual players whose profession is 'scholarship'. This group of players who do not like fighting are devoted to digging all the secrets in the game, from the color of the ie clothes worn by a queen before death, to the thunder **** They have to tell the story of the goddess of the storm, they can find some clues, not to mention the relationship between the four planes of the human world, heaven, demon, and hell, which is very interesting to them.

After entering the game, this group of people began to study the plane, the relationship between man and god, and had a complete theory in less than five years. They found that **** itself is in the demon world. It is a small plane. Similar to the feeling of China. The space barrier between Demon Realm and Hell is not solid, and some powerful demons and undead can walk between Devil Realm and Hell at will.

The human world belongs to the master world, and its relationship with the heavens and the demon world is actually a master-slave relationship. The human world has the heavenly world and the demon world only after it has intelligent creatures. Gods and demons are fantasy creatures. They are intelligent creatures with positive emotions or negative emotion polymers, but because there are too many intelligent creatures. The generated spiritual energy is also relatively very powerful, and each different kind of emotion has its own belonging, so the god's residence aggregated by some common emotions is much stronger than the other god's aggregated emotions.

For example, when intelligent creatures are still in the obscurity period, what they worship most is the sun and light. The most feared is the night and the moon, so the goddess of light and lady of the night are the first gods to appear. They are a pair of symbiotic twins, and their strength is also the strongest among the gods. Then came the gods of life, thunder, rain, storm, etc.

Since both the heaven and the demon are fantasy worlds attached to the main world, the creatures born in them must think of the main world. It is very difficult, and the more powerful the more difficult it is, even Shendi cannot avoid this.

Also, because the heavens and the demon are formed with completely different opposing emotions, the intensity between these two planes is extremely great. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to pass through the planes. However, there is a space-time channel between the heavens and the demon. A heavy soldier was sent to guard the entrance of the cave. If the dead war angels cannot return to the kingdom of heaven, then it is very likely. That is, the channel is destroyed.

Of course, this is only a guess. In view of the world's cult worship for the divine land, Liang Lidong naturally will not disclose the sensitive information excavated by the players in the game to these aliens, because everyone has a divine land worshipped, so different Believers at the divine hall will quarrel. Even the battle is normal, but if Liang Lidong tells the information that those casual players dig out, it will be a big deal.

Did the divine residence appear because of the sentiment of intelligent creatures? This is a complete denial of the sacredness of the divine residences in the notions of believers in each divine residence. You can disagree with the idea of ​​a divine residence. But if you say that God is a derivative of human feelings, it is no different from pointing at a person in person and calling him a pop out of **** ... it should be more serious.

Liang Lidong believed that as long as he said these words, the people present would absolutely burn him to the cross on the spot.

Therefore, he only picked some knowledge about the plane to listen to everyone.

After listening to Liang Lidong's introduction, the fat Gavin fell to his knees under the Angel of War again. He bowed his head and murmured to himself with a weeping cry. For devout believers, the suffering of the servant of God is painful in their hearts.

Although the war angels are only servants of the bright gods, their bodies are stained with the deity of the bright gods. Fat Gavin's prayerful prayer has caused some kind of power. The six long wings of the war angels are even more obvious.

The crowd was startled at first, thinking that the angel of war would be resurrected. After all, the other party was a divine creature. It was no surprise that something strange happened, but later she was relieved to find that her wings were only shining.

Such a scene until the end of Gavin's prayer.

After Gavin prayed, Uther went to Liang Lidong and asked, "Sir Red God official, what shall we do now?"

Liang Lidong looked around. The palace of the king of fire elements is too large, and it is also divided into floors. It is not easy to find the treasure of the king of fire elements in such a place. Even if you find the treasure room No one dares to guarantee that there is a magic trap in it. The King of the Elements of Fire is also a member of the divine creature. If it sets a trap, Liang Lidong can say if it can be found. Whether it can be solved is still a problem.

Before that, Liang Lidong had already made a psychological preparation for gambling. He would not be trapped in the treasure trove of the King of the Elements of Fire, but now he does n’t have to worry about it. The divine fragment is itself a very precious alchemy material. The divine fragment is also a kind of soul and can serve as a magical material for any magic.

"Now I'm going to start laying the magic circle, and I hope Miss Barbara can help together."

Hearing this, everyone was a joy, and slowly came around.

Uther was a bit weird: "The lord did not say that the lack of alchemy materials, we now search this palace, maybe we can find the treasure of the Lord of the Fire Elements."

"There is definitely a lot of good things in the treasure of the King of the Elements of Fire, but I don't want to take risks because there are better alternative materials in front of us." Liang Lidong pointed to the two piles of faint fluorescent light not far away. Divine Fragment: "These things can replace almost all magical materials and are of high purity."

Gavin jumped, angrily: "I don't allow it, this is part of Ms. Kolodia, you can't do this!"

Liang Lidong snorted: "Colodia is dead. Even if she can be transformed into the goddess of light and return to the kingdom of the goddess of light. These fallen divine fragments will still be left here, instead of leaving here to be deserted, we It ’s better to make the best use of it. Besides, the power of the Divine Shard is very large. We only need to count a few grains, which is enough to drive the magic circle. "

Gavin thought about it for a while. I looked at the eyes of everyone around me, knowing that if I objected again, I would cause anger, and nodded helplessly.

At the moment Liang Lidong and Barbara began to lay a magic circle together, and everyone was bored. After asking about 5 hours or so, they were tempted to move. Uther left with a few people, and then Katerina and the old swordsman. Also led away. They carefully walked around the corpse of the Lord of Fire elements to explore the palace, and only Gavin and a few of his subordinates remained here.

Liang Lidong asked strangely, "Have you, Gavin, why don't you walk up, down, left, and right, like them? Maybe you can pick up something special. The King of Fire can live for tens of thousands of years. , The little things it collects casually, for us mortals. They are rare treasures. "

Gavin laughed and said, "I always thought. Unknown things, unknown places are a lot of danger, and whenever this is the case, we must heed the warnings of experts. Since you said just now, this palace It can be dangerous. Then I stay obediently, and this will never go wrong. "

"Be rich and risky." Liang Lidong picked up the materials in the space backpack and threw them to Barbara: "Don't the nobles like this maxim very much?"

For most aristocrats, this is indeed the case, and Cogavin seems to be an exception. He grinned: "People who say this sentence are often extremely cautious. For example, Your Excellency."

Liang Lidong raised an eyebrow and had to say that although Gavin is not particularly powerful, this self-control is really good. If it wasn't for Liang Lidong's acquaintance with the world in the game, and also exhausted his pain, knowing what is the choice and the proportion, otherwise, like those people, already anxious to find out the treasure of the elemental king of fire.

Barbara, who was helping aside, glanced admiringly at Gavin. As a mage, she knew how precious self-control was.

Not long after, a strange noise came from the far part of the palace, and Barbara suddenly became nervous because her parents were going in that direction. Liang Lidong wasn't too worried, because he knew that city couples would usually be okay, because at any time, their subordinates would go up first, and they would definitely walk behind as masters.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the city owner and the wife of the city owner to come back. Their faces were a bit ugly. Originally, they were followed by five people. Now there are only three people left. Seeing that his parents were okay, he felt relieved, and continued to help Liang Lidong lay a magic array. The owner of the city returned here, and they looked even more embarrassed when they saw Gavin.

Gavin didn't say a word, as if he didn't see them both. At this time, not looking at them was the friendliest and most polite gesture.

It didn't take long for Katrina and the old swordsman to return. Their team was not attributable, but one of the followers was pale, his left hand was gone, and the wound on the shoulder wrapped in white cloth was black. Blood stains.

All were injured. Liang Lidong shook his head. He had warned these people before. There may be magic traps in the palace of the King of the Elements of Fire. In fact, this is common sense. If anyone ’s house is not equipped with a door, then Presumably it is necessary to install some anti-theft organs. As long as you understand this, you will know that the palace is in a very different state at this time.

Kill two people and hurt one! In addition, not long ago, an officer died by himself and wanted to set off an angel's lightsaber. As a result, the team disappeared and there were only three people left, and only 14 were left.

Fewer people is actually very good, because making such a teleportation array, the more people the more troublesome. There are now three people missing, and at least half an hour can be used to fully transmit the magic circle.

Now everyone has no thoughts of exploring around, and they are sitting silently, watching Liang Lidong and Barbara busy. Soon after a few hours passed, the magic circle was completed, and the energy core for starting was poor.

Liang Lidong took out the false emperor meteor sword from his backpack, and picked up three divine fragments with the point of the sword. These fragments are very transparent and much more beautiful than pure colorless crystals. Whatever is more beautiful is more dangerous. Only when the character level reaches lv15 or above, can you touch the divine nuclei with your physical body, otherwise it will be like the officer who tried to pick up the war angel lightsaber, with very serious consequences.

Gavin turned his head and did not want to see the deity fragment of the Angel of War being used. Others turned around. They have been in this world for more than ten hours. Except for drinking some ice water, they never eat anything else. Stuff, can't get hungry now, I wanted to go home soon.

Divine fragments exuding a white luster were placed in the center of the magic array. After a short flash, the faint magic lines of the magic array slowly became bright. Liang Lidong stood next to the magic array and felt for a while, saying, "No Problem, the magic circle is working properly and we can go home. "

As soon as Liang Lidong's voice fell, the family of three entered the magic circle first. After watching their figures disappear, their followers also came to the magic circle. After a short while, Katerina and the Elder Swordsman also brought their own people, with the help of the magic circle, to perform a plane shift.

The fat man was almost the last aristocrat to transfer his plane. He asked his men to go back first, and he asked Liang Lidong next to him: "Sir, do you intentionally stay at the last one to leave? Is there anything to hide from us?"

Frowning a little, Liang Lidong said calmly, "I can leave you one step now, how about you control the magic circle yourself?"

Gavin was suspicious, but he couldn't afford to gamble, and he was not a caster. In case he was left in a world without water and food, he would definitely not live for two days. After thinking about it for a while, he stepped into the magic circle and was teleported away.

Watching the fat figure disappear ~ ~ Liang Lidong smiled slightly. He did have his own plan. This magic circle is very complicated. Although Barbara can help to lay the magic lines, she is not clear about the magic The intention of each texture.

Under the teleportation magic circle, he also concealed an ultra-small magic circle, which has no special ability, just a small magic beacon. As long as this beacon has not been destroyed, he wants to come back here in the future. It is a breeze.

Although there seems to be nothing here, in the eyes of top players like Liang Lidong, there are treasures everywhere. War angels have a large number of divine fragments. This is a large amount of character experience, although it can only be used after level 15. The other is the corpse of the King of Fire Element, which is an excellent alchemy material. These gray-black stones are excellent raw materials whether they are used for weapons or armor.

Also, although Liang Lidong didn't dare to take the light blade now, at the fifteenth level, after entering the legend, he could use it.

Liang Lidong adjusted his facial expression to make himself look as calm as possible. Then he stepped into the magic circle and was teleported back to Winterwind! (To be continued ...)

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