Noble Emblem

Chapter 1137: Troublesome ladies

(Starter, domain name (remember _) text) word best)

The Demon Realm, about four hundred kilometers from the city of Erb.

Bloom walked naked, walking among the glowing plants. Due to his tall body, he had to bend down and walk. After a long walk, he finally came here.

His wrist was gradually recovering, and although no healing magic had been used, several fingers had grown back again. The demon's regeneration ability is not worse than the troll of the main plane, and even stronger.

The main reason he proceeded in this careful manner was to avoid the enemy.

In the devil world, the demons who were injured and left alone in the wild usually have no good end.

Even the devil has to be cautious when he is seriously injured.

Only the next moment, Bloom suddenly stood up straight and looked back.

Against the backdrop of colorful stars, a shadow passed by, Bloom stepped back a few steps in a row, and three lilac negative energy flames fell directly in front of him.

Bloom stared fiercely in the air, his body muscles shaking with anger: "Angela, do you really want to kill me?"

Angela slowly descended from the air, she looked down at the devil in front of her, and smiled, "Li Lin, he is still too kind. Devil like you should kill directly."

"Queen, you won't miss even the losers. You are too vicious," Bloom said, squinting.

Angela covered her mouth with the back of her right hand and laughed: "A devil said that we are wicked? It's funny."

"I was going to kill you directly, but I didn't expect that you actually avoided my sneak attack. I have to say that it is good for you to do this kind of thing with a disabled body."

Bloom looked around, and no figure appeared, because he wanted to avoid other demons, so he chose this road, but did not expect that it was still caught up by Angela.

No other demons passed, which made Angela even more unaware.

"Are you really not afraid of my father's revenge?"

Angela looked at her dismissively, as if looking at a clown. In such a look, Beta has never seen it before: "The Lord of Roger has more than a hundred sons, and you are one of the more unwieldy. If you die, you are dead. Come to our city of Erbu, it is probably your own idea. . "

Bloom's face became a little pale. He didn't understand why Angela knew so well about his own affairs, but he understood that the other party was really killing himself.

So he simply knelt down, raised his hands up, and said, "Queen, please spare my life, no matter what you ask me to do, I will."

A devil knelt on the spot, and after Angela stunned, Haha laughed, and the two big jelly rounds shook: "It's ridiculous, no wonder your father doesn't value you. That's what happened. "

Bloom didn't show any sarcasm, but instead showed a charming smile: "I'm such a person. If the Queen is willing, I can do the task for you."

"Including telling your father some secrets?" Angela lowered a little more. "Will you?"


Angela floated in front of Bloom, a faint scent of women. She looked at Bloom with a clear disdain in her eyes: "It's useless the devil to look like you."

"I feel that the most important thing is to live first."

"It makes sense for you to say this." Angela moved closer to Bloom and said, "Now, give me half of your energy first."

"As you wish!" Bloom pressed his head to the ground as a surrender.

Angela took the first two steps and stood in front of each other: "Okay, now you can turn your head ..."

A huge fist burst out shouting, and the devil Bloom jumped up, punching Angela into a fly with one punch,

fake! Illusion?

He looked fiercely not far away, and saw Angela standing there, smiling with a pulsating, green piece of meat.

Is that ... my heart?

As Bloom's legs softened, he fell to his knees.

He looked at a large hole in his right chest, and green blood flowed out of it. Power is losing fast, and consciousness is blurred.

"When?" Bloom felt his body getting softer and softer. "When was my hallucination magic?"

"Just when you thought to escape my flame." Angela holding the heart smiled very happily, as if holding the flowers sent by her lover, very gentle: "It turns out that you have two hearts, rare Double-hearted devil. No wonder Li Lin Yijian did not stab you. It made me think you have any special life-saving skills. "

"Please, please forgive me." Bloom said stubbornly. "Give me back my heart."

The devil's vitality is quite amazing. If he inserts his heart back into Bloom's body at this time, he can continue to survive.

Angela walked to Bloom with her beating heart: "You want it?"

Bloom held out his hand.

Angela gently threw her heart aside and exclaimed in a false tone: "Oh, accidentally shake your hand."

The green heart fell on Bloom's hand. He was trying to pick it up with his last strength, but suddenly his big hand was trampled by a sheep's hoof.

He couldn't help looking up, and saw Angela in front of himself, the purple light in his eyes bursting.

A green, pure vitality emerged from Bloom's features and was sucked into Angela's mouth.

Bloom's strong body flattened at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Twenty seconds later, he became a dead body and fell straight to the ground.

Aside, his heart was still beating gently.

Angela walked over and stomped her heart into flesh.

Then she flew back to Erbu.

In the city, when she found Beta, she found that Beta was letting Miss Succubus sisters whip dozens of soldiers tied to the cross.

The soldiers were all slick, and were happily and painfully pumped by Miss Succubus sisters.

"What's wrong?" Angela came over and asked curiously, "What did they do wrong?"

"While I'm doing other things, I don't train for two days in a row." Beta snorted. "They thought they were the first offenders, so I whip up a few whip things. Next time, it won't be so easy."

Whiplash is a succulent race with a special effect. Although it hurts, it is also very happy.

Angela was a little curious: "If they do it again."

"You have to let the succubuses squeeze them to death."

Hearing this, Angela looked at Beta strangely. The soldiers were all afraid and expectant.

"Actually you don't have to do this," Angela said. "I know you might want us to keep the succubuses from starving, but they have misunderstood it. It is indeed one of our means of survival, but not necessary Means. As long as there is something to eat and drink, we are not much different from ordinary demons. "

Beta understands that Angela means, if you can eat and drink hungry and have a safe environment, who wants to sell your body?

No wonder the sisters of Miss Succubus have been on the street less and less recently. Maybe there are some habitual reasons for making troubles, but they really have less and less time for 'eating out'.

Now that the succubus has money and food, they don't want to sell hue anymore.

It turns out that this is still the case.

Beta thought about it and said, "That being the case, then we can get a lot of extra labor!"

"Well, what do you mean?" Queen Angela widened her eyes.

"Are you interested in training your clan into a special air force?"


Maybe the succubus doesn't fly as fast as the pterodactyl, but it is far better than agile.

And pterosaurs are not very good at ground combat, but the succubus is different. It can fight in the air, and the combat power down to the ground is not weak.

It also has melee abilities, and understands magic and magic.

Training into a special mobile unit is promising.

Angela thought for a while and said, "If you think you can, just try it."

If it does, the Succubus may have a better future and future. Reputation will also improve.

"I'll allocate two hundred ethnic people to give you a try first?" Angela continued. "If they are not obedient, you can rest assured that they don't feel pain."

"I see." Beta thought for a moment, and said, "The punishment for squeezing to death is discarded and replaced by hanging."

"No." Angela shook her head. "Keep it first. It's always good to give our people another way to increase racial awe."

"Okay, you are the owner of the city, you have the final say."

Angela gave him a white look: "Do you really think of me as the Lord of the City?"

Beta hushed.

Angela also whispered and flew away.

Next, the succubus wanted to stand alone as an army, causing a small wave in the city of Erbu, but in the succubus family, it became a major event.

For the succubus, they are a cannon fodder that the male "uses".

But now, they can form a separate army and appear on the front line as soldiers?

Many people can't believe it.

But a lot of succubus have signed up ~ ~ even Martha has a little interest.

It's a pity that Angela can't let go, Martha is still the queen's assistant officer, staying with her.

Beta chose two hundred young succubus sisters for training, and in the beginning obedience training ran into trouble.

The succubus sisters are accustomed to it. Beta's order, they are listening, but they are all hippie smiling.

No matter how screaming Beta is, it doesn't help to use whipping. These succubus sisters have amazingly high endurance. For some well-known reasons, the pain is a happy adjustment for them.

After discovering this, Beta almost wanted to swear.

In the end, he had to sacrifice a big killer: Guan Xiaoheiwu hungry their stomachs, which gave them a little fear.

It took two months for Beta to give these succubus ladies a sense of military obedience.

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