Noble Emblem

Chapter 1142: Was found

Jeremy's wing demon, Beta is a bit familiar, thinking about it for a while, and soon remembered, this is not a little boss in the game that year?

Once he was summoned by a player warlock unintentionally, but couldn't control it, causing a lot of deaths and injuries in a city.

Beta clearly remembers that at the time when the service had not been opened for half a year, players' levels were generally not high, so how could they not kill this guy.

What's more terrible is that this guy can summon a group of elite demons, which is very troublesome.

In the end, the F6 Guild accidentally received a special mission and got special equipment, which sealed Jeremy and expelled it back to the demon world.

That's right, it's a seal, not a kill.

At the time, Beta remembered that Jeremy was already LV14, and he was about to enter the legend. Why now he has gone back one level?

Has it affected his strength in the real world because of the 'seal' in the game?

But anyway, when seeing an acquaintance in the demon world, Beta was also a little happy inside.

As predicted by Beta before, the city of Lebedana did not have any food.

That's why their offensive is so crazy.

However, now that there is a batch of grain, and there is a large shipment coming soon, this relieves Jeremy, and the nervousness is greatly relieved.

I was in a good mood and noticed something different. Jeremy looked up and down Angela again and was quite surprised. This succubus is completely different from what I have seen before.

The winged demon's smell is actually very sensitive. The succubus I've seen before has a smell of male heather all over his body, but this succubus is special, she only has a faint feminine fragrance.

Rare, self-contained succubus?

Jeremy suddenly became interested.

Although it is said that the spirit of the devil does not pay attention to chastity, this does not mean that men like women who are romantic.

After all, the monopoly of males is to blame, and they will also prefer females who are self-contained.

However, given that the vast majority of males in the Devil Realm have a habit of giving up, the females will not be stupid and will not hang on a tree.

Changing men and attaching to the stronger is common and one of the instincts of survival.

So a succubus like Angela who has not had a relationship with a male for a long time is almost a miracle.

Moreover, this succubus still has a lot of food. If she can marry her as a wife ... Well, it seems very irritating.

Jeremy was even more interested: "His queen, I wonder if you are interested in managing Lebedana with me."

Demon males are so straightforward.

Angela is also used to the directness of the other party. She doesn't have any special expressions, because in these decades, there have been more males showing affection to her. Does n’t it have to react every time she encounters one.

Like Li Lin, she refused her request directly, and it was worth her surprise.

Angela shook her head now: "Thank you for your love, but I still like one person."

"A woman is after all a man's protection." Jerell looked at Angela and said aggressively: "Your city seems to have a lot of food. After being known by others, it will definitely be robbed, but you become my woman Later, I can protect you. "

"Is it not your food that belongs to you? You do n’t even have to pay for it." Angela chuckled: "So I refuse. \ '

He was not upset when he was said to be breaking his heart. Anyway, he is in a good mood now: "Think more about time."

Angela was unwilling to talk more about this topic, she said: "Lord Bedana, we should go back, after all, it is too dangerous outside."

Jeremy shrugged helplessly: "It's a pity."

Leaving the food behind, Angela left with everyone, including Beta.

Jeremy inadvertently looked at Beta's back, and wondered: "I've seen this human somewhere."

Back at Erb City, Angela sent another 30 tons of food, and the guards of Lebedana City escorted back.

Then she asked Martha: "How much food do we have."

"It is estimated that there are more than 270 tons."

Angela sighed contentedly: "Sell so much food, there are so many. Am I a rich man?"

Martha laughed aside: "Forget it, the most grain in the grain depot was not more than ten tons."

"I don't understand how we came before." Angela sighed, and she patted Beta's shoulder: "Good job, Li Lin, you have won our trust with your ability, now we talk about A very real question, what are you capable of doing so? "

Beta would have expected her to ask that, after all, her internal abilities in the demon world are indeed a bit excessive.

"I just want to show what I have learned."

Angela took a sigh, and finally sighed, saying, "I mean, you are a good human being, come to our demon world, what do you want to do?"

Was found?

Beta subconsciously tightened her sword.

But Angela turned her back to him and walked to the throne, without the slightest alert.

When she got on the throne, she continued to ask, "Can you tell me?"

Her tone was not fierce or stern, just like pulling a house.

"When did you find out," Beta asked.

"When you first arrived, you thought you were wrong." Angela said lightly, "The real confirmation is that not long ago, you have a taste of the theme, quite fresh. I haven't smelled it for decades. , So immediately felt it. "

Beta smiled bitterly: "It seems that I should stay in the devil for a few more days before appearing in front of you."

"It's not necessary." Angela waved her hand. "Either you are a black warrior, or a paladin, there is no difference to us. I just want to say something."

"Don't you think we are hostile?"

"Why?" Angela said with a strange look: "Succubus and humans have never been hostile. Even in the war between humans and demons, you are rarely killed and captured by us. Around. "

She spread her hands and continued: "Succubus and humans are friends!"

What humans think of a succubus ... well, to a certain extent, they are indeed friends, and nothing is wrong.

Although the attitude of human males towards the succubus is considered by most to be a hot weapon, in fact, the summoner who can contract to the succubus will hardly abandon the succubus.

A capable and 'competent' woman who has no vanity, how rare it is for the summoner.

Many summoners may have many women, but the one who can accompany him to the end of life is often a succubus.

In the game, the Warlock players who have contracted to the succubus never plan to find other girl players to play with friends. It is even very bad to think that most of the girl players are green tea chanters, and the maps are shot directly in the game forum. Many female players are angry and say that they will officially close the contract succubus system.

And the strangest thing is that the succubus known for fickleness and betrayal in the demon world will almost never betray his summoner.

In fact, there is no harm in comparison.

Devil males all sorts of chaos, abuse, and scum men.

And the males in the human world were ecstatic when they met the succubus.

Although the starting point is not good, but generally do not hurt the succubus, in contrast, human males are simply a benchmark for succubus mate selection.

"So for us the succubus, it doesn't matter whether it's a black warrior or a normal human." Angela smiled. "Or you are a normal human. It's better for us!"

"Aren't you afraid of any harm to the Devil?" Beta asked in amazement.

Angela chuckled and laughed: "How does the demon world care about our succubus? We have never been a status race in the demon world. In the war between humans and demons, no matter whether victory or defeat, we will not have our succubus. Benefit. Instead, we have to lose many sisters in every battle. "

Beta stunned, and then sighed, this was an empirical mistake.

If it is the human world, most people encounter what the monsters in the world are suspecting to be planning. Most of them are to beware. Although human beings are fighting very hard, once they encounter a major event that affects the entire race, they will quickly cling to the outside world.

But in the demon world ... I wish you could die, so that you can receive your legacy.

"I can say it very seriously." Beta's mood relaxed, "I don't have any malice towards the succubus."

Angela nodded: "We know you are not malicious. Otherwise you would not do so much for us."

"Then there will be no problem," Beta answered, "I can't say more about the others."

"Can't say more !?" Angela held her chin and looked at Beta for a while, and finally smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't speak, you continue to be your sheriff, I continue to be my ogre queen. And Same as before. "

"Same as before." Beta also laughed.

In the next two months, Angela sold a lot of food and sold nearly 100 tons to Lebedana City, and got a lot of gold coins. As a result, the money was not overheated, and it was stolen by Beta.

Vast infrastructure was carried out in Erb City. The east wall was demolished, the entire land was incorporated into the city, and then a new taller and longer wall was built.

The roads in the city are paved with flagstones ~ ~ The sewers are also being transformed.

Angela went through a vicious circle of money in hand, and then lost, and then money in hand, and not lost.


In just over two months, the city of Erbu had a new look. The neat and wide road made all demons feel that they had entered the human society.

The only drawback is that the commercial atmosphere in Erb City is still not strong.

Beta also felt a bit troublesome. The resources of the demon world were too scarce. He set his sights on the river outside Erbu, and estimated that he would build a pier first and see if he could open the waterway here.

When Beta told the idea to Angela, the latter groaned and said, "There are Warcraft in the water, it is very troublesome. The big ship runs on it and it will be sunk by them."

"Is it a big Warcraft?" Beta's eyes lit up. "Is there too much meat?"

. m.

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