Noble Emblem

Chapter 1148: Weird brain flower

"A bag of dried fish?" There was a hint of surprise in Belle's eyes.

As a superior race, she could not have eaten dried fish. This bag of dried fish may be valuable to ordinary demons, but in her opinion, it is worthless.

But she thought of a deeper reason: "Do you want to provide these dried fish in large quantities?"

Carnivorous ... clean meat. For the city of Foschia in a state of war, it is indeed very important.

If you can provide a lot!

Belle stood up, she went to Beta and said seriously: "I understand what you mean, so how much can you provide in a month?"

"Wasn't the lady asking me about the conditions first?" Beta asked with a smile.

"You're alive ..." Belle laughed, and quickly straightened her attitude: "So what do I need to pay?"

Beta was on her sword just now.

Belle's sharp sword made Belle feel that her whole body was hairy, and she even felt like she was facing her father.

This human is very strong ... at least when using a sword.

So Belle immediately persuaded and negotiated it as her own equivalent.

In Devil World, it doesn't matter how much resources you have, what's important is how big your fist is.

You have bigger fists to have more resources.

Although the human world also pays attention to fists, there are still bottom lines and rules. With sufficient resources and means, even the superior can turn it into a certain 'power'.

But not in the demon world.

You don't have the strength to qualify as a superior.

No amount of resources is eaten by others.

"Normal trading fees are definitely needed." Beta smiled. "I also want to know some special intelligence."

Belle sat back to her place, and she was puzzled: "What kind of information."

"I don't know," Beta laughed. "As long as it is valuable, the cost price plus a bit of useful information. This is my condition."

Belle looked at Beta: "What's your name, human."

"Li Lin."

"The sheriff in Erb?" Belle looked at him. "Why did you come in ... well, Rube had a little intent on Penelope, so she could dedicate it and come in naturally."

Penelope wanted to say that she didn't take off, but thought about it and gave up.

"Have you heard my name?"

Belle laughed: "You are very famous for your work in Erbutu, especially because there are no criminals who can survive ten strokes under your sword. I thought it was just a rumor. I didn't expect that you were really great.

Beta smiled. "It's been a prize."

Belle asked, "So, can I ask a question?"


"You want to know what is happening in our city of Fossia, what is it for?"


Belle shook her head: "I can't betray my father."

Beta said: "As long as I have useful information, it doesn't matter if it has anything to do with your father. Moreover ... I can provide information, I think there is more than one in the city of Fossia."

Father has many children, Belle took a deep breath: "As long as you find it useful? Anything?"


Beta nodded.

The atmosphere in the room was a little quiet at once.

No one spoke, and Belle was pondering.

After a while, Belle said, "Okay, but if the meat you provide is less than ten tons a month, I won't do it."

"No problem." Beta stood up. "We will meet again soon."

For the next four days, Beta stayed in the city of Fossia, using the ‘internal affairs’ talent to check the city ’s intelligence.

Then it was discovered that ... the city's internal affairs index was a mess.

If placed in the human world, such an index city would have rioted a long time ago, and a large number of residents fled.

But here is the devil.

For most demons, things like cities are a resting place with a much lower danger index.

Compared with the harsh environment in the wild, where can the city's public security index be worse?

Four days later, the city gate was opened for three hours for a short period of material transactions and personnel flow.

It is a city after all, and it cannot be closed for too long.

And these four days, Beta did not find Lebedana attacked. On the contrary, the army in this city was mobilized a little frequently.

During these three hours Beta left the city.

You can leave by other means, but the movement is too big.

The skill of driving fog is ok once.

If two consecutive fogs occur in a short period of time, even a stupid person knows that there is a ghost in it.

Back in Erb, Beta talked to Angela.

Angela smiled indifferently: "Ten tons of dried fish a month, not much."

It really isn't much, it won't affect the overall situation, but it can make Belle receive more attention in front of her father.

"I'm afraid that Belle's message to you is different from what you want."

Beta said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. It's investment. There is no shortage of money for meat sales. Intelligence is just a bonus. Moreover, Belle can slowly open the" gap ". Now the information she provides is not useful, but it may not be. "

Angela shook her head helplessly: "You are really insidious. It ’s really bad luck for Fo Shiya to meet you."

Beta smiled and didn't care.

Angela returned to her 'harem', and now her room has a little 'female' style.

This is because of the relationship that the money on her hands began to increase.

Although Beta often robs her of money for infrastructure construction, the monthly tax amount is slowly rising.

And as the reputation of Erbu City began to spread slowly around, some Demon Merchants also sporadic business to Erbu City.

Now they bought the decoration in Angela's room.

The decoration of women in the human world, what kind of copper wind chimes, beautiful curtains and the like, are very expensive to flow to the devil world.

So she can only buy one or two per month.

But after accumulating for a few months, the decoration increased, and the style changed significantly.

In the room, Angela was lying half lazily.

Martha sat opposite her: "Li Lin has begun to inquire about other cities, don't you worry?"

"worry about what?"

"Worried about him leaving." Martha reluctantly said, "Even if he doesn't look at Fushia now, other big cities in the future. There are more powerful lords than us, as long as his reputation spreads further and further, In the future, there will be more and more people who know his internal talents, and there will always be big commanders willing to recruit him. At that time, what do we fight with others? "

"Then don't argue!"

Angela said lightly: "Li Lin is willing to stay with us. This is our blessing. If he wants to go, we can't stop it."

"But!" Martha was anxious. "Such a good man, just let it go?"

"What else can we do?" Angela chuckled. "The only thing we can do is our beauty. But Li Lin doesn't care about this."

Martha was speechless.

Angela sighed: "I don't think Li Lin will leave casually."


Angela smiled. She felt that Beta was in the devil, and it seemed that she was going to do something big.

Such people cannot be randomly recruited by other great lords.

Theme plane, near the edge of the world.

Because there is no teleportation magic, and here is the forest, and there is Warcraft, so they walk very slowly.

Barner looked at the corpse on the ground and sighed.

The last teammate died, and now only himself.

The brain-like stuff in the cage, two black bean-like eyes, seemed to be laughing.

The last person to die was the hunter, who was crazy and kept holding his bowstrings to stretch his neck.

By the time Barner found out, his arteries had been cut off, and blood was everywhere.

He is not a magician and cannot save people.

The white meatball monster in the cage seemed to be getting better and better.

"Can't bring this thing back to the human world."

If Barna wasn't aware of the ghost of this thing at this time, it would be weird.

He picked up the axe and slashed directly into the cage on the ground.

An axe passed, the brain flower on the ground was split in half, and then turned into a lot of green pus.

He stowed his sword and walked in the direction of the setting sun.

As long as he fixes one direction, he can always walk back to the human world.

No matter how long he has to go, he will have to pass that brain back to Ottawa.

This is a monster that has never appeared before.

Perhaps it has something to do with the strangeness found by Pope Beta.

After a day of walking, it was evening.

He casually hunted a small animal, drank water to eat meat, barely filled his stomach, and then he climbed to the tree and closed his eyes to rest.

He didn't dare to fall asleep completely, even in the wild, even in the trees, it would be dangerous.

There were only murmurs of insects around and it was quiet.

Barner felt lonely.

Then he heard a sound under the tree, and in the dim, a pair of pale blue eyes looked at him.

There is no light in the forest.

Barner also looked at each other quietly, motionless. He had no dim vision and was afraid to move, fearing that there was an ambush below.

The alertness is increased to the maximum to prevent someone from attacking from above or from the left and right.

Time slowly disappeared in the eyes of the two sides.

When daylight broke and the sun broke into the forest's canopy, barely illuminating the situation below, Barner was surprised to find that the people below were actually his teammates and thieves.

Barner then turned cold.

The thief was dead, dead before his eyes.

So if this is not a fake, it is an illusion.

At this time, the thief with a lot of white skin smiled strangely at him, slowly backed away, and disappeared into the dim shadow.

When the light was stronger, Barner jumped from the tree.

He searched it and found that there were other people's footprints on the ground, which should not be an illusion.

Counterfeit goods?

The breeze blew and the forest rustled.

Barner took a deep breath, squeezed his axe, and moved on.

Every night after that, someone would always look at him under the tree.

He was still his teammate at first ~ ~ Hunter, magician and the like.

But in recent days, he has become a close person.

For example, a neighbor in the village, or a friend I knew before.

Barner never goes down from the tree.

He started to get tired, after all, he couldn't sleep every night.

Later, he figured out a way to give up some time to rush during the day and to rest on the tree.

Time passed day by day, and he didn't know how long it had passed. It seemed to be going out of this forest, and the plains could be seen in the distance.

And that night, the moonlight was fine, and he jumped from the tree in anger.

The people below became his old wife ...

. m.

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