Noble Emblem

Chapter 1153: Grand Commander's Call

Besser is a very proud person. She has always believed that few people in the demon world can be smarter and more capable in internal affairs than herself. But at the same time, she is also a person who can clearly recognize the situation and situation.

The prosperous city of Erbu is far more than Fo Shiya before the war. The succubus cannot achieve this level, and it cannot do it by itself, so the variables must come from other sources.

That human black warrior.

"My instinct, and based on what I saw in Erb City, only the human black warrior is the main cause of everything." Besser continued, "I think my father can invite him in person."

Hearing this, Sauron laughed, full of ridicule: "Daughter, although you are very clever, you still do not quite understand the status gap between humans and our devil."

Bessie took a deep breath: "We are the royal family of the demon world, and human beings are just aliens."

When saying this, Besser felt a little uncomfortable, and her human blood was the majority.

"So, I don't need to invite a human." Sauron stood up and said, "If he is really capable, he should be able to see the situation and the strength comparison. You should come to me by yourself, not let I'll ask him. "

Bess explained: "But he really has that value."

"Then you invite him." Sauron waved his hand: "Beth, you overestimated the role of wisdom in the demon world. The so-called wisdom, in the absence of sufficient strength to match, is playing a little smart. I Having lived for more than 170 years, I have seen many fallen humans come to our demon world. They won a moment's victory with little cleverness, but after a few years, they became dust. "

Beth was a little lost. She knew that her father was telling the truth.

"Only its own strength is eternal." Sauron educated: "If a small and intelligent human fails, it will disappear without a trace. But we are different, as long as we are alive, as long as we have strong power, You can use your fists to reconvene your subordinates and build new cities at any time. Can humans do this? "

Bess pursed her mouth.

Sauron continued: "Indeed, that human being used a small scheme to disrupt or delay our plan. But it won't be long. I don't know how humans got a lot of food, but I don't believe it. He will always have so much food. He provided food to both of us at the same time, barely maintaining a balance, but when his food was exhausted and could no longer be supplied to us, he was facing us. Common anger in cities. "

Sauron's body pressed forward slightly, with a terrible momentum: "He and the succubus city will be destroyed, and no **** will remain."

Beth was speechless.

When his daughter fell silent, Sauron's tone changed slightly: "Beth, you have human blood, so you will subconsciously think that wisdom is important. I don't object to your idea either, but you have to remember One point ... the so-called wisdom can only be established if you have sufficient strength. "

Because of the reduced pressure on her body, Bess was able to speak. She resisted the uncomfortable feeling and asked, "Father, if, I mean, if ... they really have a way to get a lot of food for a long time, what should we do?"

The palace suddenly fell silent.

It took a while for Sauron to speak, his voice filled with coldness and ridicule.

"If it does, I will drop everything to attack them, kill them, and crush them to ashes before our city can't stand it:" At this instant, Sauron's evil energy came out of his eyes Like two light bulbs: "Because they insulted my IQ, I have to use their flesh and blood to wash out my shame."

Sauron left the palace.

Beth stayed in place, and after a short while, sighed softly.

In the next few months, Erbu City was in a semi-alert state, because in recent years Erbu City temporarily restricted the migration of foreign populations. After the two or three batches of little succubus grew up, it would really grow again. Large-scale open population moved in.

As the main body of the city, the number of succubus must be protected above a percentage.

And this restriction caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the demons who came from “Mingming”, and some wanted to make trouble, but there was an army in Erb City, which was the origin of the semi-alert state of Erb city.

Beta thought that after ‘three-legged stand’, she was able to settle for at least a few months, and then watched the other two cities fight against each other and slowly weakened.

In the end, Erbu shot again, and swallowed those two cities at the least cost.

But this is just the ideal state. I did not expect that a month ago, an extremely arrogant bone demon brought a mouthful.

"The Grand Commander allows you to discuss matters in his palace five days later."

The bone demon took a weird black cloth horn and white bone flag, and after leaving such a sentence, he left.

After listening to Angela, she was a little sad.

"What's wrong?" Beta asked.

Angela said, "I'm in trouble."

It's been a while since he came to the Devil World, and Beta knows that the so-called Grand Lord is actually the king of the human world.

And the small town lords of Angela are ordinary lords.

In fact, this system is also learned from the human world, but it is called differently.

"What kind of trouble?" Beta asked with a smile again. "Can you still have trouble with no money?"

Angela said anxiously: "I have n’t heard the commander-in-chief for more than a decade. Every time I receive it, there will be big troubles. For example, external war, or internal annihilation. Generally, it is internal. Most of the battles are in annihilation. I don't know who is unlucky this time. "

Beta frowned. "So troublesome? But I don't think it's us Erbu."

"Why?" Angela asked.

"Because the emissary just now is very proud, if it is to those who want to 'death', he doesn't have to do this, at most it is to ignore or disdain."

Angela felt a little calmer: "You're right."

Beta stopped her right hand dealing with government affairs and began to turn her pen. This is a habit he left when he was receiving compulsory education. Once he has a pen in his hand and is thinking about teaching, he will make this move.

"Will I go with you," Beta suddenly said, "Anyway, if it is really against the city of Erbu, I can at least protect you back."

"That's a big leader, legend!" Angela looked at Beta, her slender eyes full of wonder: "You have the confidence to bring me back in front of him?"

Beta thought about it and said, "Normally, it shouldn't be too difficult."

Angela took a sip, then covered her mouth and laughed. The two groups of the northern hemisphere trembled and looked great. "You are so confident. If you also have legendary strength, my queen will not be the future, so every day Serve you. "

Beta repeatedly waved his hand: "That's not necessary. I'm a little tired once every two or three days. If I come every day, it's life-threatening."

"Counseling!" Angela gave Beta a white look, her eyes fluttered, and she went back to her room to prepare for something to go.

Two days later, Martha temporarily became the acting city owner, and when Beta and Angela left, Erb City immediately entered full martial law, the gates were closed, and a large number of soldiers patrolled the city walls.

And those little succubuses who like to play everywhere and fly around are also locked in the house by their mothers.

Both main bones were gone, and the whole city was a little palpitated.

"The capital where the Grand Commander is located is very far from here." Once outside the city, into the grove, Angela said, "If you use it, it may take a long time, but you do n’t have any mounts ... Don't go back to another city to grab a skeleton horse? "

Although the succubus is neutral, at least it is still infected with some evil, so Angela's concept is a little different from Beta.

"Do you want me to fly with you?" Angela looked at Beta's figure: "It's not impossible, but are you sure you can accept a woman's princess?"

Beta shook her head: "No, I will fly."

A cloud was stepping on his feet, and he rose slowly.

"It's pretty good ~ ~ Angela flutters her black wings around the Beta:" Strange flying magic, there is no magic wave! But it saved me a lot of energy. "

Then the two hurried on the road. If speed was mentioned, Angela's wings were faster.

But after three hours, Angela was a little tired, and Beta was almost exhausted.

Xiangyun's flight speed is not fast, and the speed is about sixty per hour.

But the problem is ... it can fly for a long, long time.

In the end, Angela also stepped on Xiangyun ... Fortunately, Xiangyun is big enough, and it is no problem to stand for three or four people.

Angela was curious about Xiangyun. After jumping twice, she found that Xiangyun was soft, warm, and comfortable to lie down, and then her eyes blurred.

"I have a bold idea."

Beta had wanted her to put away that 'bold idea', but for some reason, she couldn't say.

After that ... I did a good job.

There is indeed an unspeakable sense of joy when playing at a height of hundreds of meters.

It's quite a delay.

Almost missed the deadline.

The city of Aminathan ... the city wall is about 50 meters high, with more than 2,000 archers stationed on it, let alone the succubus, and the flies cannot fly in.

Most importantly, Beta can feel that powerful magical elements are breathing in the air.

It's like a heartbeat.

Angela's expression was a little uncomfortable: "Feel it, this is the strength of our great leader, legendary devil, Arsenal. Facing such a strong man, do you think you can really take me?"

Beta looked around and whispered, "It's not too difficult."

Angela's expression immediately became strange: "I know you don't like to brag, so your words make me feel terrible."

Li Lin really has the strength to fight against the Grand Commander?

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