Noble Emblem

Chapter 115: Venomous Red Priest

An oil lamp, two men, one old and one strong. ● ⌒,

In such a quiet and beautiful night, if it is a lonely man and a widow, it can be ambiguous to lighten things, but now they are two men, so they can only talk about boring things. Everyone knows that what men can talk about is nothing more than politics, women, and money.

The old village chief is very old, half of his body has been buried in the soil, so it is impossible to talk about women. The Reed family is a declining country aristocracy, so it is impossible to talk about money, so the two of them can only talk now. Politics, true rural politics.

"Sir Beta, I don't understand why you should build the road first." The old village chief said lightly: "I don't think this is a good practice. Even if the road is repaired, our small village like Reed Village is not Who will come. "

Liang Lidong froze for a moment, then asked: "What do you think the old village chief should do?"

The old village chief said proudly: "Based on my decades of experience, first of all, we need people in Reed Village. To develop Reed Village, we must have sufficient manpower. If it were me, I ’ll take the gold coins and go to the city of SGL in the south, buy hundreds of slaves, and let them cultivate the fields around the village of Reed. As long as there is food and land, we can attract more people to us Decun lives, and over time, we will have enough population to become a small town. "

In the game, this method is indeed a safe method that most aristocrats will use. Although it has a slow effect, it has a great advantage and saves money.

It didn't cost much to buy hundreds of slaves, and let these slaves go to cultivate good land, as long as they gave a minimum of food and did not need to pay for labor.

Liang Lidong looked at the proud old village chief and asked: "Since you already have a plan, why didn't you implement it? Buy a hundred slaves, and you won't need twenty gold coins. You don't need to spend much money to cultivate good land. The living expenses of the slaves do not need much. It stands to reason that the Reed family has no problem with paying these funds, but why do you not implement your own plan for the elderly? If you start the plan on the day of the village, or you have already It's the mayor. "

The pride of the old village chief's face was gone, and his face was stretched.

Liang Lidong sighed: "I don't talk about which one of the two development methods is better. But at least I have something better than you. I have a plan and I will implement it, and you are just dreaming. Even if my plan is not as good as you , But I did it and you did not. So I am better than you. "

The old village blusher was ugly. It was like constipation for more than ten days, but he couldn't pull it out while squatting on that pit.

This is not that Liang Lidong does not respect the elderly, but that he does not want to be affected by his plans. The old village chief spoke like this, in fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to mix his hands in the process of developing the village. Liang Lidong is not interested in rights, but to develop the Woking goddess, he must have a sufficient religious population, even if he adds up the people in all the villages around Reed. Also less than a thousand.

Therefore, building Reed Village within a few years is a top priority. Liang Lidong did not allow his plan to go wrong. The old village chief turned around and wanted to get some rights from him, but in order not to let the plan go wrong, he strongly rejected the old man.

The oil lamp was placed in the middle of the table, and the dark yellow lamp flickered occasionally. From time to time, flying insects hit the flame, making a squeaking noise, and falling into the lamp oil.

The embarrassing atmosphere made the old man a little silent, after a while. Liang Lidong said suddenly, "You do n’t have to worry about the development of Reed Village. After getting on the right track, I will be as promised. Return the position to Kyle. I have experience in development territories, at least better than you You have experience, so you don't have to be afraid that I will take Reed Village to the brink of ruin. Even without success, it will not be worse than it is now. "

The old village chief still did not speak. He knew he was running out of time, but as an aristocrat, his instinct for blending rights would not change, but it ’s a pity that the young man was very old now, not only doing things well, but also in these detours. He was also very old, and he only said a word. The other party knew what idea he was working on, and he blocked it with a sip, which made him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. If you have the keen intuition and ability of the other party, or the Reed family has risen a long time ago.

The flames jumping on the table burned another unknown flying insect. Both sides were silent. Liang Lidong thought that he had given the bottom line. It didn't matter if the other party accepted or not. It doesn't matter if the old Reed does not agree, Reed is still under the jurisdiction of Winterwind City. At that time, let Uther place the village of Reed under his own name. Things can continue, at best, it may make Kyle A little unhappy, but if you explain it well, you should get Kyle's understanding.

After all, Kyle is a good boy and a good student.

"Everything in the world needs strength to fight for and protect." The old village chief finally spoke leisurely after half a meeting, and his voice became more and more vicissitudes and weakness: "This is the family motto left by the ancestors of the brave. It ’s just a pity that in us The German family has never seen anyone who can inherit the blood of the brave, until now, but Kyle seems to have some hope. "

In the words of the old village chief, with some sarcasm, Liang Lidong didn't care. He nodded: "Kyle's talent is really amazing. He doesn't look very smart, but he learns things very fast. ... and he also has dark vision, old village chief, do you know what kind of bloodline your family inherited? "

"If I knew, I would have been a mercenary. When I was young, I also had the dream of being a mercenary like Kyle, but it is a pity ..."

The old man's words did not finish, but it meant that everyone understood. He stood up, picked up the oil lamp, and walked out, saying, "You can't stay up late when you're old. Under Beta, I'll go back first. What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

Liang Lidong sat and didn't move. He looked at the wall covered by the yellow mud and said, "The blood magic of the Reed family is sealed here, and the yellow mud is the one I got. You don't want to Talking to me about the bloodline is to be afraid that I have something wrong with your Reed family. This is normal. But I want to tell you that Kyle's bloodline is not fully activated. He cannot learn the bloodline magic here unless it is Activate with some special items. If you have something like this in your Reed family. Use it as soon as possible, the sooner the bloodline is activated, the greater the future growth. "

The old village chief paused for a moment: "Our house doesn't have anything like that."

After speaking, he left.

Because the oil lamp was taken away. In the cave all of a sudden it became impossible to see five fingers, but Liang Lidong didn't matter. In Yunlong's vision, there was no difference between day and night. He continued to sit and seemed to be thinking about something.

With the night. The surroundings became quieter and quieter, and only murmurs of insects came in from outside.

About an hour later, he stood up and left the cave.

In the early morning of the next day, at about five o'clock, Atulon came to knock on the temple door. He took fifteen silver coins from Liang Lidong, led a dozen children, and went to other villages to buy food. Suha came and picked up six silver coins. This is the wages of the laborer today. Kyle took seven young men, holding sticks and swords, went out of the village entrance, inspected the place, and Jeanne circled over their heads.

Belin and a number of women have set up several cauldrons in the empty mines of the village and boiled water. As long as the noodles arrive, they can make a few pots of batter in a short period of time. breakfast.

The whole village moved. Almost everyone has something to do, except for the elderly who can't walk or the disabled.

Liang Lidong reassured the matter to his four students, and went to the back of the temple to practice the magic of driving the fog. At the same time parse the magic running node of this magic. Unlike most magic. Bloodline magic's running route lacks many nodes. These nodes will only be added if they are cast by specific bloodline holders. In general, if you want to use spirit to detect how these fine points are filled in the magic operation It's almost impossible.

Liang Lidong also has no way to detect the filling principle of key nodes. But this does not prevent him from testing. If direct mental observation is not possible, then there are methods of exclusion, reverse reasoning, and so on. If you can't do it once, do it several times. If it doesn't work, do it hundreds of times.

In the eyes of the players, there are no unsolvable puzzles in the world. It only depends on whether your ability is reached or not.

Liang Lidong felt that if he cracked the "blood magic of the Yunlong system", he would definitely be able to open a refurbished magic door. This is something no one can do in the game.

He practiced the magic of driving fog in the morning behind the temple, and stopped until his mental strength was almost exhausted. He returned to the temple, took a bath, washed away his sweat, and made some side dishes for himself. After filling his stomach, he opened the management interface of "Internal Affairs" and took a closer look at the current situation in the village of Reed. Except for the fact that people's hearts have risen by two points to 62 points, nothing else has changed.

No change is good! Liang Lidong closed the system interface and was planning to take a half-hour lunch break. At this time, the hoof sound came from the temple. Soon, the hoof sound stopped. Liang Lidong went to the prayer hall and found that he was covered in black and covered his face. The woman in black gauze stood there.

After a few moments, Kyle and other friends rushed over with sweat, and they fanned out and surrounded the women in black.

"what happened?"

Liang Lidong has killed many players and ‘’ in the game. In reality, he has also killed many people. With such a calm face to ask questions, the sense of majesty spreads like a real mental pressure, and the teenagers immediately shudder. Even the woman in black was shocked.

Kyle and Mu Jian pointed at the woman in black, and then explained to Liang Lidong: "Teacher, this woman rushed along the road without hurting and hurt several people in our village. Although not a major injury, it is at least good I can't do heavy work for a few days. "

Liang Lidong's face remained the same, but his voice aggravated a bit: "Oh, there is such a thing. This black guest, you better explain, if you are willing to pay enough compensation, then apologize to the injured, I can politely send you out of the village, otherwise I don't mind punishing you, even if you are from the Zell family. "

The woman in black was carrying a spear behind her, and when she heard Liang Lidong's words, she sneered: "Since you know that I am from the Zell family, you dare to threaten me, aren't you afraid that my father will come to you?

This woman's voice is very nice, crisp and crisp like a yellow warbler crying, and she should be young.

Liang Lidong smiled: "It turns out that you are Greenton's daughter. That's great, you don't need compensation."

The woman sneered sneer, disdain in her tone.

"But I want to educate you for your father." Liang Lidong said slowly: "Kyle, go and deal with her and persuade her, but don't hurt her. After she's convinced, after you lead her Temple is looking for me. "

After speaking, he turned and went to the apse, where he closed his clothes and went to bed. He can see that Kyle's strength should be similar to that of the black woman, that is, the daughter of Greenton, but it is slightly better. It is not difficult to win this woman, but it takes time to overcome. With this opportunity, Kyle can accumulate actual combat experience. After all, opponents with similar strengths are already hard to come by.

After going to bed, Liang Lidong soon fell asleep. About half an hour later, he woke up. As soon as he stretched a lazy waist, Kyle led a beautiful girl in.

At this time the hood of the woman in black had been removed, and the black veil on her face had also been taken off, revealing a pretty face that looked extremely cold but extremely beautiful. She is a young girl with long ears, long green ponytail hair, and a pair of water-like green pupils under her fringe.

This girl is very beautiful, but she is proud, only when she looks at Kyle, her eyes soften, and she seems to be convinced by Kyle.

Liang Lidong waved his hand ~ ~ and said to the sweaty teenager: "Kyle, you take someone to continue patrolling to ensure the safety of the construction workers. It also prevents people from clashing at the scene."

Kyle nodded happily, then turned away, and there was such a big beauty around him that he didn't look at it at all.

But when the half-elf girl saw Kyle leaving, she turned her head and held her cute cherry mouth, with complex emotions in her eyes.

"What's your name?" Liang Lidong asked her.

The half-elf girl stared with a grim expression on her face and said, "Why should I tell you!"

Liang Lidong stood up with a charming smile on his face: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. My students can beat you up and make you obedient and obedient. I can also beat you up. He's heavier. If you don't cooperate well, I don't mind swelling your face. "

The half-elf girl was shocked, and then scared: "Why are you so poisonous!" (To be continued.)

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