Noble Emblem

Chapter 12: Letter from woman

After eating the ‘bitter sunflower bite rabbit’ with a delicious value of 8:00, the anorexia state that had accumulated two layers finally disappeared, and Liang Lidong was slightly relieved.

Everyone had dinner and the sun was down. Belin politely said goodbye to the old village chief and Liang Lidong, but when facing Kyle, she told the other party to sleep earlier and practice sword Don't practice too late, and remember to wash your face carefully when you get up in the morning.

Kyle listened with a sad look, and the old village chief looked straight behind him.

There are several vacant rooms in Mayor's house, and Liang Lidong chose the bedroom on the top floor, Chaoyang. The main reason is that the interior is simple, a bed, a desk, and a chair. The old village chief persuaded the house that it was too rude and was not worthy of Lord Beta's status, but was blocked by Liang Lidong's ‘I am an ascetic’.

After laying the bed quilt, Liang Lidong asked Kyle for a large wooden barrel, and then he went back to the well in the backyard to make a large bucket of water. He used the fire element to warm the water in the wooden barrel and slowly raised it to forty degrees. Left and right, they jumped in and took a bath. Although Liang Lidong's warlock status prevented him from using regular magic such as 'fireball', he could use the spiritual power to bring the elements of fire together to create a warming environment, but with his current mental power, he could not at all Heat the water to more than sixty degrees.

In the game, these are the daily life skills commonly used by the caster. They cannot be used against the enemy. The water temperature of sixty degrees is not afraid of ordinary people, let alone those who have a certain magic resistance.

After taking a shower, Liang Lidong talked to Kyle in the living room for a while, and talked with him about the mercenary world. When the night was quiet, the two said good night to each other and returned to their rooms. Liang Lidong sat on the bed and began to detect his character data. After rebirth in the hall, he rushed out of it, and finally found a way to live, but he was tired and hungry. When he came out, he found that something was wrong, and he didn't know whether he was in the game or somehow. In the world.

Because he was in a hurry to collect information, he didn't pay attention to his character status. Now that he was free, he checked out the character system and found an unusual place.

He ca n’t connect to the system and does n’t have a friend bar. He already knows this, but he did n’t expect that in the space backpack, there is actually a piece of paper with written words ... It stands to reason that there should be only the backpack he brought out of the hall. The stone thorn was right, but this piece of paper was lying quietly in the corner of the backpack. If he had not deliberately looked at the space backpack, he would not have found it.

I was a little puzzled. He flipped his hands and took the paper out of the backpack.

The paper is made of a weird magic material. It feels soft and comfortable to touch, and is translucent. The magical energy of platinum is also faintly flowing on the paper. One line reads:

‘To our common family Liang Lidong:’

I wrote it to me? Liang Lidong shuddered and hurried to continue watching.

‘When you see this letter, Lena and I should not be in this world anymore, but please do n’t worry about us, we just lurk in another way temporarily. Our enemies are very powerful, so powerful that you can't imagine, so don't try to come and find us, remember, don't come to find us, you just have to live well and wait for us two to gather enough energy to reappear here The time of the world is the day when the three of us reunite.

After you wake up, you may find that this world is very similar to your game world. Please do n’t be too surprised. The two of us are really surprised. Lena found that a small part of the source of our world has been stolen. Although it is only a small part, it still has some impact on this world. We use our spiritual power to follow the past, cross the barriers of the two worlds, and enter Your world, and then found that part of the source is actually made into a strange projection world, which almost perfectly simulates everything on our side.

Because we are crossing the barriers of the two worlds, we are very tired. We have to attach to a native creature that has the best affinity with us, which can reduce our consumption. Fortunately, we found you. Until now, I still remember that when you saw the two of us appear, the ghostly expression was so cute.

I have been together for the last eight years ... more happy times than the two of us have combined for the past 800 years. It doesn't matter how you look at us. Lena and I have treated you as your lover, family ... We wanted to stay with you until the end of the world, but you were in an accident and your body was destroyed. Your world does not allow the soul to exist for a long time. In desperation, we have to pull you into our world.

The biological souls of the two worlds are different. In order for you to be reborn in this world, we have to undergo a complex and long-term soul adjustment. For this we have to protect your soul slowly and without Any painful soul nature conversion.

You have come to our world, which makes us rejoice beyond rejoicing. We are so happy that we are a little bit ecstatic, which gives the enemy a chance to take advantage of it. No, we have to break the connection between you and us, the enemy will not find you, they will not know that you have a relationship with us, so please feel free to live in peace and protect yourself, I believe that you in the game world Experience, ordinary creatures are not a big threat to you.

Although there are thousands of words to say to you, time is not allowed. By the way, I ate this stationery after reading the letter, and ... no-quasi-flower-heart! ’

The stationery ends with the words: Fina who always loves you, Lena.

After reading the letter, Liang Lidong crumpled the letter paper and stuffed it directly into his mouth. As soon as the stationery with the fragrance scented at the entrance, it turned into a warm energy flowing into his stomach, and then he received a system prompt, opened it, and found that it said:

‘Injection of active energy increases life by two hundred years. ’

Qi Liang Lidong stared blankly at the system prompt, after which he smiled slightly, jumped out of bed, and walked to the balcony. At this moment, the moonlight was bright. When he looked at the silver moon in the air, his mouth grew wider and wider, and when he was about to laugh, he suddenly gave a slap on his face, then returned to the bed and covered the quilt. Sleeping.

The next day, Liang Lidong got up very early. He made three large bowls of noodles with flour from the kitchen. Although it was only six delicious, it was also rare for the old village chief and Kyle.

Kyle, while gorging, looking at Liang Lidong, he asked in doubt: "Beta, you seem very happy today. Have you encountered any good things?"

"Is it so obvious?" Liang Lidong asked cheerfully.

The old village chief ate the noodles and then drank the noodle soup. He couldn't see it. The old man, who ate something, was faster than the younger Kyle: "Pastor Beta, what's good to say? Listen to us. "

Ji Liang Lidong considered the meeting and said, "It is indeed a good thing. Last night I received the goddess of the **** ..."

The old village chief looked at him in surprise.

凯 And Kyle jumped up in excitement: "The goddess has to give money to your Excellency again?"

After yesterday's events, Kyle has equated the goddess of Vol'jin with the unexpected fortune.

Liang Lidong waved his hand and said, "There is money to be delivered there every day. If there is a **** who collects money every day, then all goddesses are believers ... this is the case, the goddess instructs that you can start here Small temple to spread her ideas and spread her grace. "

"Really?" The old village chief brushed his feet and stood up.

I also blame him for being so excited. In this world, there are too many disasters that can take away fragile lives, beasts, hunger, war, and disease. Among them, disease is the easiest thing to 'kill'. Even professionals, if they suffer from the disease without effective treatment, are also very likely to die, not to mention ordinary people with much worse constitution. Eight babies were born in the village last year, but only three survived, and the other five died of fever or illness.

But if there is a temple, it is different. A formal temple with a priest will produce a weak exorcism enchantment. The effective range is generally one or two kilometers. Although it cannot effectively cure diseases, it can slightly enhance the physical fitness of ordinary people, making it more difficult for ordinary people to be ill. Knockdown, not to mention, if there is a priest in the temple who knows how to cure disease, it will add a lot of protection to life.

This is a decision that Liang Lidong thought over and over after reading the letter last night. Divine nobles belong to warlocks, and indeed can no longer learn other magic, but the magic is different. Warlocks who agree with the concept of the divine house, as long as they are reverent enough, they can use the power of God to perform divine magic. This does not belong to the category of "learning", only temporarily To borrow, this is similar to the use of magic scrolls, except that magic scrolls are not used, and as long as the magic power is sufficient, they can be reused.

Li Liangdong wants to get one or two divinations from the goddess of vorkin to increase his strength. In addition, there is a more important point. If you become a priest of the temple and preside over the daily affairs of the temple, you can gain character experience. Although the experience value is no better than going out to battle, it is safer, and it is easy to accumulate contacts.

法兰 In "French Continent", most of the daily behaviors can generate experience, such as fighting, traveling, teaching students, and participating in work. And presiding over the various rituals of the temple is also a kind of 'work'.

Li Liangdong understands why the old village chief is happy, and he nodded solemnly: "Really, I didn't lie to you."

The old village chief took a breath: "How big is the temple?"

"The hall covers only about 200 square meters." Liang Lidong thought for a while and said, "In addition, the hall must be made of stones. This is the most important."

The old village chief sat down and frowned: "This is a bit difficult and has a large amount of engineering. If it is a wooden temple, we will help you build it for free, but this stone temple is a bit difficult ~ ~ stone building No more than wooden buildings. Stones are heavy and labor-intensive. You have to build rough stone shapes to build a two-hundred-square-meter stone building or a temple. You must have enough strong labor to do it, and all the labor in the village adds up. It may not be possible to build a qualified temple within the year.

But Liang Lidong said, "I know your difficulties. In fact, the old village chief can invite people from Seri Village to come and help."

"The temple was built with us, not with them, they should not." The old village chief shook his head.

"You tell them that all those involved in the construction of the temple can choose a child in the family to learn the script of Hollevin with me." Liang Lidong said slowly: "You must complete the work within six months, in these six During the month, I taught the children 3 holebun characters every day. It ’s their own business if they do n’t learn. If they have learned all of them, there are at least 540 words, which is enough for them to read general holebun books. . "

The old village chief paused and murmured, "This condition is too favorable."

Seeing this picture of the old village chief, Liang Lidong knew that his proposal was definitely accepted by the other party. He was relieved in his heart that the first step plan to become stronger was a good start. The Persian cat and Xiaobai let him live a good life, don't go to them, and then wait to watch them fight the enemy, and then come out when things are over ... if he really listens to them, shrink like a rabbit in safety In the shadows of women who look at themselves are bullied, is that still a man?

I actually said something like this, if the two women were standing in front of him, he had to scold them well.

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