Noble Emblem

Chapter 118: Upgraded!

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The goddess of Vol'jin is very beautiful. Natural appearance need not be said, but any goddess, even a half-human half-spider evil **** like Rose, has a very beautiful appearance. ← ,. And the goddesses are extremely attractive, that is a mortal indescribable temperament at work. If you talk about appearance alone, races like the elves can be compared with goddesses, but if it is about overall charm, the elves are bad. Far away.

"Three hundred years later, I still remember the name of my god, and who is willing to build a temple for me. Those who believe in the tree should be my fanatics." The pale golden pupil of the goddess of Woking looked at Liang Lidong, with eyes in her eyes. It ’s all puzzling: "In order to see you, I spent a lot of divine energy pulling you from this world to my kingdom of God, but I did n’t expect that you actually ran away, and now I take the initiative to cross the barrier of the plane, you actually I shut out. "

"Mortal, if you are not my true believer, why are you willing to help me cultivate believers?"

Looking at the huge goddess in the dark sky, Liang Lidong narrowed his eyes. In the game, how many players tried their best to see other goddesses, but in the end they couldn't do it. He didn't expect that he just built a few The little shrine helped her train a few more believers, and the goddess hurriedly came to her door.

What does this mean? This shows that the cultivation of believers is very important, and it is very important for the goddess of Okin. It is so important that she must spend her divine power and come to see Liang Lidong, a little person who helps her to promote the name of God.

If three hundred years ago, there were countless people who were willing to sing God's name for Goddess of Workin, but now ... Liang Lidong was keen to figure out many things. He smiled and waved a handful of counties on the Gobi Desert. The df-41 was completely erased, and the surrounding environment changed into a pale blue sea with a wave of the hand. The color of the sea was clean and beautiful. In the narrow shallow sea area, the red corals on the bottom of the sea can be seen with naked eyes. Colorful fish, the sky is filled again. sunny.

Standing on an island, Liang Lidong transformed into a white table, two white chairs, and a sun umbrella on the beach based on his memory.

Liang Lidong sat on a chair. Then he made an invitation to the goddess in the sky.

Goddess of Workin narrowed her eyes, but she did not come down, but said a little angrily: "You asked me to sit opposite you? You want to sit on an equal footing with a real god's residence?"

Liang Lidong has never seen God in the game, and all players have never seen God, so there is no experience to refer to. Everything now depends on his presence. Liang Lidong did not want to be the enemy of the goddess Wolkin. After all, the other party was also considered to have ‘retention’. When he was still in the state of soul, he spent more than 300 years in the Temple of Workin. This was a kind of kindness. Liang Lidong wanted to pay it back, so the establishment of the Temple of Worjin was established.

Just being gracious doesn't mean that you have to subdue others. Liang Lidong looked up, and then smiled: "Goddess, it doesn't matter if you don't come down, I can talk to you with my head up. But from the angle I am in now, I can see some very good scenery, if you don't mind It's okay for us to speak like this. "

Liang Lidong is not a person who loves to take advantage of others. Of course, those of Sophia are compelled. Although the goddess wears a gold battle armor, it is a women's skirt style. When he looks at it, he can see the absolute What he can't see, he knows at least a little now. The goddess of woking has no habit of wearing.

The other is ... another white tiger.

Lady Vol'jin's expression remained the same. She didn't seem to care about being seen physically, but she snorted and floated down from the air. Falling opposite to Liang Lidong, sat down.

Two black carbonated drinks with ice cubes appeared on the table. Liang Lidong picked up the glass in front of him, took a sip, and then forwarded to the goddess, "Goddess of gold, please."

Goddess of Workin serves as a shrine. She has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, but she has never seen a drink like that. She was a little curious, and frowned after taking a sip. "The taste is strange, I don't like it!"

After Woking sat down, Liang Lidong smelled a faint scent, and the taste was similar to that of the Persian cat and Xiaobai. When she talked again and again, the taste became stronger. Coupled with the politeness and temperament of the other side, Liang Lidong felt a little embarrassed, but fortunately, he and his two women had been thinking about it for a long time. The glamour goddess has natural resistance, but he only wakes up within a second after he stumbles.

Woking noticed Liang Lidong's expression just now, she nodded slightly: "You are very good, you are the first mortal to face my soul up close, but not lost in my charm."

"Then I really need to be proud for a while." Liang Lidong shrugged, and he tried to treat Woking as an ordinary woman: "I don't know when the goddess came to me, I don't think I am such a small person To be noticed! "

"If three hundred years ago, it was impossible for me to be noticed by a small person like you." Volkin loosened her golden scepter with her right hand, and then the golden armor on her disappeared with the scepter, wearing a white robe, There are several obvious gold threads on the robe. Although the style is very simple, Wojin wears a body with an extraordinary beauty: "But nowadays, there are not many people who remember my **** name now. Most of it was you who helped me develop, in other words, I needed you to serve me, so I came over. "

"Now that the goddess knows that I am not your true believer, you have stated your plight again, which shows that I am very important now, aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to propose some very excessive conditions?"

Woking laughed, and smiled happily, with scorn and irony: "No matter how ambitious a mortal is, where can you go? You just serve me and fulfill my expectations, I can give you what you want what!"

Liang Lidong asked with a weird expression, "Let's say you want to be my wife?"

Woking froze for a moment, she was indeed a goddess, and her hair was so beautiful that it was amazing to mortals. After a while, she laughed loudly, her whole body shaking, especially the two flesh in front of her chest, which exaggerated even more: "I take back what I said just now, you mortal are different, your ambition can be reconciled with The divine palace is comparable. You actually want me to be your wife? I have to say, you mortal are very interesting. Well, if you can become a god. I can consider your proposal just now. "

Woking is a neutral sanctuary, and generally does not do evil, so after knowing that the other party is not malicious, Liang Lidong felt that she was joking. If it's Rose. Don't talk about jokes, just start playing directly, not afraid that Rose will drive out of his spiritual world, he will never feel at ease.

"Goddess, I understand what you came to." Liang Lidong fiddled with the cup in his hand and said, "Even if you don't come, I will continue to help you develop believers. After all, you are kind to me."

"I didn't expect a mortal who didn't believe in me to run for me." Goddess Volking sighed, she put her left hand on the table, and then braced her face: "You said that I told you Um, I remember who you are, you are the weird soul I picked up, obviously in a semi-chaotic state, but with my own consciousness. I put you on the main hall, but I did n’t expect to discover it soon Some things. I almost lost when I lost. It ’s strange that you have become a human for more than 300 years. You must think that it ’s weird to tell you the details, but these things can be found if you have the intention. What a secret thing, since I got up from the abyss, I have no plans to fall back again. Human beings. You continue to help me develop believers, and one day I will let you stand in the human world. "

Looking at the solemn expression of the goddess, Liang Lidong thought for a while. Asked, "Can I ask you something?"


"What happened to the battle of the gods more than 300 years ago?"

"This is a matter between God and God. It is a private matter. I am not good at telling mortals, and you know too much, but it is not good."

Oh! Liang Lidong answered. He did not pursue further. Because it is not a good time to ask questions. He didn't know what the relationship between Woking and the Persian cat and Xiaobai was, in case of a hostile relationship! Besides, if you ask too much, you will probably expose yourself. The other party is God. Although it seems that it is not very powerful now, he believes that if you ask too much, it will definitely cause doubt.

It is not a good thing to arouse the doubt and curiosity of a divine residence.

The Goddess of Okinkin finished drinking carbonated drinks with a few sips. She said, "You continue to help me preach, and I also read the teachings you wrote, which is very interesting. Many of the teachings involved the teachings of other deities, especially the life deities. There, if this continues, as long as there are a certain number of believers, I can greatly weaken Rose's strength. "

"Ms. Rose has become the goddess of life. Where has the original goddess of life Elijah gone?"

Goddess Woking shook her head: "I don't know, I advise you not to pursue it, it will be bad for you."

Liang Lidong nodded, indicating that he had made a note. Of course, did he listen to the goddess' advice, only he knew it.

"Well, it's time for me to go. It's very strenuous to cross the barrier of the plane and come to the soul consciousness. You must remember that I Woking has never done anything wrong with my own people, you will receive my reward after you go out If my expectations are fulfilled, you will get more rewards. "

After the goddess finished speaking, her body became golden light particles and flew away. Liang Lidong was relieved, and then withdrew from the spiritual world.

He woke up from the bed. At this time, it was still not night, and it was still night. He remembered that the goddess said just now that a reward would appear in a while. What was it?

When he was guessing, he saw the golden light over the prayer hall. He walked over and saw that the statue of the goddess was shining. As soon as Liang Lidong appeared, those golden lights fell on him, warm, like Surrounded by a warm current.

Soon these golden lights penetrated into his body. At this time, he felt a tingling in his head. He thought that when he was under the influence of the goddess, the tingling sensation in his head was gone. He opened the interface of the system and took a look. The system prompts:

You have received the attention and blessing of the goddess of Vol'jin, and the charisma and intellectual property growth of the character has been corrected by +1, but because you are a noble of noble origin, you can no longer change your own property growth, so this blessing is transformed into an equivalent character experience ... … This quest acquisition is considered to complete epic quests, experience is instantly acquired, and character levels are increased.

Name: Beta-Liang (lv6)

Sex: Male

Occupation: Divine Noble

Physique: 7 (9.1)

Coordination: 7 (9.1)

Intelligence: 7 (9.1)

Charm: 7 (9.1)

Will: 7 (9.1)

Since you have reached the even-numbered level, because you gain an additional character expertise, enter the Gacha system, and randomly draw skills or expertise that characters can learn, please wait!

Next, three specialties soon appeared in Liang Lidong's vision.

Combat Elite: You have experienced many battles and have become a qualified professional. As a result, you have become very sensitive and your movement speed has been increased by +1.

Homeopathy: Your strength and skills make it easy for you to master this skill.

Beast form: Because of your charm, intelligence, and willpower, you have understood the difference between humans and beasts in your observations over the years, and you also understand the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, so you have acquired the ability to become a beast . When this feat is selected, you can choose a type of creature from (Cat, Dog, Eagle, Bear) to transform. If you are a Druid professional, your beast form will be more powerful.

These three feats are not particularly significant for Liang Lidong at this time, and the combat elite will not be said. Although the movement speed is important, only '1' is added. Such a bonus is too low, at least It's interesting from 2 o'clock.

Homeopathy is a physical melee attack skill ~ ~ The power is greater than Whirlwind, but the attack range is much smaller. In addition, Liang Lidong knows how to make magic scrolls. There are so many group attack skills in magic. There is no need to waste a chance to gain expertise for a homeopathy.

As for the expertise of beast form, as soon as the druids take office, Liang Lidong feels that he is a nobleman of divine descent, and it is not too much to learn. After thinking about it, he gave up the three specialties attached to the Gacha system and planned to learn one by himself.

In the game, as long as there is a blank expertise bar, everyone can learn new expertise or practice it by themselves. In the game, Liang Lidong has always used the specialties provided by the Gacha system. This time, he has to exercise a suitable expertise based on his own environment. Because of the game strategy, he knows a lot about the training methods of his expertise. He thought about it for a while, and now there are several skills that are more suitable for him, but if it can be quite useful from beginning to end, there is only one.

Strong physique!

Now that he has a canonized knight system, he will not lack the attack ability in the future, the rest is the ability to protect himself. As long as he is not dead and not seriously injured, he can rely on his knight to defeat one enemy after another, so his safety is now very important. (To be continued.)

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