Noble Emblem

Chapter 132: Storm

Wind-based magic takes a light-hearted way. Normal magicians cannot learn flying magic until they enter the legend, but wind-based magicians can fly when they are at the master level.

However, their flying magic is slightly different from other magicians. After the ordinary magician reaches the legend, he directly masters the floating magic and goes straight, ignoring the aerodynamics, while the wind magician uses the updraft to hold his body up. Therefore, in the game, players like to encourage girls to become wind magicians, because the rising air will blow up the female magic robe, and it is easy to see the bottom of the skirt.

Not to mention the insignificant and careful thinking of players, now Liang Lidong finds that Nietzsche is his natural enemy and the wind magician.

He didn't have the thought of running away immediately, because the wind mage is impossible to move faster. Not only can they fly, but the more open the place, the greater the power of magic. Now they are in the mountains. The forest here is very dense, which can restrain the power of the wind magic of the opponent to some extent, but

Even so, the power of the Master Wind Master cannot be underestimated.

The whirlwind previously produced by Nietzsche is getting bigger and stronger, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, a terrible tornado will soon form.

Jessica-Lucy saw this and immediately ran down the mountain, but Liang Lidong shouted: "It's useless. The foot of the mountain is a plain. The wind magician is the strongest in that environment. , There are woods on the mountain, running into the woods, and a little way to live. "

As soon as Jessica Lucy's eyes brightened, she rushed into the nearby woods first, and the subordinates of the other three Rose Mercenary Regiments rushed in together.

When Nietzsche saw this, he was furious: "Talk."

The wand of his right hand pointed forward, and a huge tornado struck Liang Lidong and Jessica, and it swept away everything that passed on the road.

Watching the huge trees are being towed by the whirlwind. Little Jessica's face became bleak, and she hadn't seen much of the world. The situation before her was tantamount to the world's destruction.

However, Liang Lidong watched the tornado coming, just smiled, making a noise. In the growing wind, he took two magic scrolls from the space backpack and smashed them to the ground.



A thick wall of earth envelops the two. This is the dungeon technique. One of the common magics used by soil magicians to trap enemies is very strong, without sufficient destructive power, and cannot be destroyed at all.

Earth splitting literally means that the land under their feet suddenly and magically separated, and the circular 'dungeon' subsided. Sink into the ground. A huge tornado blew from the top of the dungeon, only a few pieces of dirt were removed, and nothing else was done.

"Damn, you know the magic of soil."

Nietzsche thought he had become a priest, but he did not expect such an accident. After a cold snoring, he gave up the idea of ​​driving the red priest from the ground, and controlled the tornado to pursue Jessica-Lucy. The woman also had the magic equipment he gave him. One of them is the magic beacon for surveillance.

The already huge tornado turned around, chasing Jessica Lucy into the forest. At first, the tornado destroyed everything along the way. Countless plants were picked up by the roots, and those animals that could not escape were rolled up in the sky, and then scattered around.

But soon, the size of the tornado gradually became smaller, after all, there were too many trees on the mountain. Endless.

Seeing this, Nietzsche gave up controlling the tornado, no longer input magic power, and disappeared as it became smaller. At the same time, his heart hated the Red Priest even more, if he hadn't reminded Jessica Lucy to run into the woods. At this point the idiot woman should rush to the plain below the mountain. There, the tornado can exert its greatest power. He can kill Jessica-Lucy without any effort, get a certain amount of "soul energy", and strengthen his strength, but now it takes more effort Catching up with Jessica Lucy made him very unhappy.

In this unhappy mood, Nietzsche speeded up his flight speed, and chased after him based on the magic beacon he felt.

Behind him, Liang Lidong and Jessica stayed in the dungeon with no fingers.

Soon Liang Lidong used his mental strength to condense a light element ball for lighting. Because of the relationship of light, Jessica's nervous mood calmed down. She was next to her master, and a sense of insecurity gradually came to her mind.

Liang Lidong listened to the wind on the dungeon, and felt that Nietzsche's mental strength was weakening. Then he let a small hole open above the dungeon, and said to the little girl, "Jessica, I'll go up to deal with that Wizard, you obediently wait for me here! "

Jessica heard that she wanted to be alone, and was quite disturbed, but she still nodded calmly.

Liang Lidong then jumped out of the dungeon and traced the magic wave left by Nietzsche.

Jessica Lucy and her three mercenary regiments run dead in the woods, quickly. Unfortunately, they can't match the speed of others' flight. The most important thing is that Jessica Ruth has a magic beacon as a locator, and Nietzsche quickly caught up with them.

Running in horror in the woods, Jessica suddenly remembered that the red priest seemed to say that she had a magic beacon. When she was about to take off all the magic equipment on her body, she heard the dense overhead. There was a strange noise in the woods, she subconsciously hid aside, and then she saw a transparent air blade cut obliquely from the air.

If she hadn't responded quickly, this air blade would have cut her in half directly.


Jessica-Lucy looked at her father-in-law from the village above. She looked right and asked, "Why? Why did you kill me? I have never betrayed you, and I am willing to be your mistress. Why do you want to Kill me, I don't understand. "

The three subordinates behind her looked at her head in surprise, all three were men, all men admiring her.

"Why?" Nietzsche sneered lightly on his fat face. "Because you are my hog!"

Jessica Lucy took a deep breath. "What do you mean."

"If the Red God official is here, he will definitely know what it means." Nietzsche waved his hands, countless air blades cut all the surrounding trees, and made the place empty: "But you are just a hog. And you said, You don't know what it means. "

Jessica-Lucy's silver teeth clacked. After a while, she said in despair with hate: "Nietzsche, since you refuse to let me go, I don't need to tell you anything. I'm pregnant with your baby in my stomach now, what are you going to do? "

Nietzsche was silent for a while, then he laughed, "I didn't hear what you said!"

"I have your baby in my belly!"

"What did you say, I didn't hear it!"

Jessica Lucy was really desperate now. She stepped back two steps. As the opposite party's righteous daughter and mistress, she knew too much about the other party's strength, and it was definitely not an object that the three of them could balance. She doesn't understand. Why can a man be so cruel, but he is his lover, and his child is still pregnant in his stomach, even if he does not value himself, he should also value his child.

Now Jessica could only feel the coldness of her whole body. I don't know when, the dark clouds had covered the whole sky, and she wrapped her arms around her body subconsciously. As if this can bring a touch of comforting temperature.

Jessica was desperate, but her three subordinates were reluctant to give up a chance.

The three rushed towards Nietzsche with arms. But less than three seconds later, the three were chopped into pieces by the air blades emitted by countless puppets.

Nietzsche looked at the desperate Jessica, laughed, and a little raindrops began to fall from the sky. He liked to look at the expression of the hogs he had cultivated when he was in despair. He had seen this situation dozens of times. Don't get bored every time.

"It's raining! The picture of a desperate hog standing in the rain and crying is just art." Nietzsche opened his arms and hugged the sky with a sickening evil smile on his face.

A few drops of rain poured into his mouth. He licked it, but the smile suddenly stopped because he tasted the magic of magic in the rain.

Is it? The alarm bell in Nietzsche's mind was a masterpiece, a magic shield was cast out, and he guarded himself without a dead end.

"Coin bombardment!"

The golden beam of light sprayed out from the woods and hit Nietzsche's magic shield. This strike was quite powerful, because Nietzsche floated in the air and had nowhere to fight. This attack directly hit him by more than ten meters. .

Firmly holding his body firmly, he was about to speak, but saw the rain in the distance suddenly converge, transforming into a huge, long-horned monster snake rushing towards himself.


"Useless, my magic shield ..."

The huge water column directly broke through his magic shield, knocked him down from the air, and shot him **** the ground.

Thang Long is a physical attack driven by magic, and Nietzsche's magic shield is only for magic. He has always mistakenly believed that Liang Lidong is a pure caster, and the attack formed by the water column is generally considered to be magic, not physical attack. Because he misunderstood the relationship of attack attributes, Nietzsche ate a complete Tenglong attack alive.

It was not easy for Liang Lidong to kill Nietzsche. After all, he is a master of wind magic, and he can be blown away by hurricane whether he is driving the fog or calling the rain. Behind me, I didn't notice the dark clouds in the sky. Someone used magic skills.

After all, 'calling the rain' is a special blood magic that is regarded as a natural phenomenon, and it is very deceptive. When Nietzsche found something wrong, Liang Lidong's rain calling magic had already taken shape.

Bombing with coins first forced Nietzsche to use a magically resistant shield, and the attack that followed was a long-range physical attack, so Nietzsche got on the road and was directly overturned by Liang Lidong. This method seems very simple, but in fact this is the gap in combat experience. Liang Lidong deliberately calculated the actions of the other side, while Nietzsche was a master who grew up by slaughtering "hogs". The gap between the two sides can no longer rely on strength. Make up.

Extracting the 'Pseudo Emperor's Meteor Sword' from the space backpack, Liang Lidong walked to Nietzsche's side, watching the fat mage who was almost in a flesh sauce, leaving only one breath, he pierced the sword into the opponent's brain in.

The rain was still falling, the blood was taken away by the rain, and Bai Huahua's brain slowly flowed out. After confirming the death of Liang Lidong, he turned away.

At this point Jessica-Lucy finally came back to her, she had no idea that she could still be alive. She didn't even think that Nietzsche, who had been so strong in her mind, died so simple.

At this time, she saw Liang Lidong was about to leave, and immediately shouted out: "Her God of Red God, take me away, I have no place to stay in Danyang City."

"Why should I take you away?" Liang Lidong asked the other.

Jessica-Lucy thought about it for a while, the forest was quiet, the rain wet her hair, and she replied a moment later: "Because you helped me kill Nietzsche, others would think you were with me. The power behind Nietzsche is great, and I feel I can help you. "

"Help me, rely on your strength?" Liang Lidong grinned. "First of all, no one would suspect that Nietzsche killed me because all the injuries he suffered were physical attacks, and the fatal injuries were sword injuries. I A caster, do you think I would kill someone with a sword? ".

"But didn't you just attack him with a water magic?"

"That's a physical attack." Liang Lidong smiled happily: "No matter how powerful the post-mortem examiner can be, there is no trace of the magical element of other people's breath from Nietzsche's body. They will only think that Nietzsche died in a sword technique Superb people, and I am the caster, they can't find me. The biggest suspect is you, Ms. Lucy. "

Jessica Lucy stepped back pale: "You're pushing me to kill!"

"If I don't kill him, it will be you who died." Liang Lidong grinned: "You blame me, you have no conscience ~ ~ I don't think it's too wrong to use ingratitude. If I were you , Go now, go far, and try to go to Uganda, the law of Holaywon cannot control the people over there. "

After speaking, Liang Lidong left, and Jessica-Lucy seemed to want to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, she swallowed back.

With Liang Lidong's departure, the dark clouds in the sky also quickly dissipated, and the sun shot back into the woods. Jessica-Lucy touched her lower abdomen, and an indescribable maternal brightness flashed on her face, the temperament of the whole person. Suddenly it became strong.

She walked to Nietzsche's body and found a money bag from him, then stomped a few feet on his face, and the eyeballs exploded and burst out.

"Child, let's go, wait for your mother to find an honest father for you, and we will never mix into the aristocratic world again."

In the bright sunshine, Jessica-Lu Ribbon smiled through the forest, moving away from Danyang City. (To be continued ...)

132 storms:

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