Noble Emblem

Chapter 142: Scythe and hammer, invincible

There are only two people in the church at present, a pretty young girl, and a handsome young man. ↑,

But there is no ambiguous atmosphere here. The young people looked at each other with an almost murderous look, and the girl's face still had a little confusion at this time.

Isn't it a respectable old sage? How turned into a handsome and handsome young man with a proud noble atmosphere. And this man is oppressing her spirit with strange momentum.

Because reality is very different from her own fantasy, Emma is still confused at this moment. Facing the youth's questioning, she replied subconsciously: "It is destiny that guides me here, and destiny is in the midst. Guided them to chase me down to this village. "

"Fate?" Liang Lidong smiled coldly, just like the sunlight refracted in the ice, dazzling and gorgeous, but not only did it not make people feel warm, but he was cold and bitter: "The thing of prophecy is powerful , But I never believe how much prophecy can do. I am more curious now, what is the fate in your mouth, and why a fate of nothingness can make you risk the pursuit, and you can walk away Come here in North County. "

Liang Lidong has suffered from the loss of prophecy in the game, but this does not mean that there is no way to check and balance the prophecy. Otherwise, his territory would have been annexed by the aristocratic forces with the help of the prophet player.

And in prophecy is fate exploration. Prophecy can only see a short life segment of a person, but fate exploration can see a person's life course.

But fate exploration, which no player has obtained in the game, is just a legend. Legend has it that only the goddess of destiny has this powerful skill.

Liang Lidong was a little puzzled. He played with the gold coins in his hand and said coldly: "Sir, tell me the prophecy you saw completely and neatly, and you can't miss a word."

Emma looked at each other and she hesitated for a while. But thinking that this man had reversed the fate of the people in Reed Village, and that his fate was not within his own observation, he took his heart to the side and saw everything she saw. Regarding Reed Village, there is something about Kyle, and there are things about the brave and the demon king.

After listening to Liang Lidong, he received the gold coins in his space backpack and asked, "That is to say. If I didn't show up here, you deliberately led those people in black to the village of Reed, and then you opened your eyes. You can't stop watching those black men killing villagers, even when they don't even let the baby go. "

Emma nodded in pain, with a touch of pain on her pretty face: "I can't help it, this is the choice of fate, if not, the brave will not wake up ..."

Before she finished, Liang Lidong suddenly appeared in front of her. Her right fist slammed into her face door. The girl was beaten back more than four meters, and two **** front teeth fell to the ground, bouncing a couple of times.

If Emma is not a professional, and her level is as high as lv12, Liang Lidong's fist can directly hit her into a concussion.

Looking at Emma's unbelievable eyes covering her mouth, Liang Lidong took out a towel from the space backpack and carefully wiped the blood on his fist. Then he stared at Emma squinting, the girl lying on the ground. The clothes were a bit messy, with a pair of thighs exposed like white porcelain, and a part of the bottom of the legs was barely covered by the skirt. Looming.

Although it is a tablet, the maiden's skin is too good, her body is small and exquisite, and although she doesn't look **** enough, she has another kind of seductive power, which is completely different from the charm of the lord lady Sophia. The attraction is not bad.

The blood on his fist was wiped clean, but there were two golden spots of blood on his fist, which couldn't be wiped away.

Since he couldn't wipe it, Liang Lidong didn't care too much. He looked at the girl who was lying on the ground and said lightly, "It's a light blow to hit you, if it's not for your protection of the village, I will definitely kill you ... now that you say that your destiny is different now, what are your plans for the future? "

Emma is very embarrassed. When she grows up this way, she is being beaten for the first time, and the other party is still a man.

She stood up, wiped the blood on her mouth with the handkerchief she carried, and then applied a hydrotherapy to herself. The light blue magic luster was set in her body, and then she had a look of anger. Looking at Liang Lidong: "Yes, I plan to watch the villagers die to stimulate the brave to awaken. This is my fault, but even if you hit someone, I also recognize that you can beat my body and torture me. OK, but just can't hit my face. "

For women, face is more important than money, and for beauty, face is more important than life. Although Emma is still a young girl, she also knows how commendable she is to be like this. In the human world, she is hit with a punch now, and she does not know if she will be disfigured.

In fact, this is not Emma's stupid, she only knows that she values ​​her face, but she is too clever ... She is very clear that the other person's punch will dissipate the anger, and she is not in danger afterwards. Since there is no danger, it is natural to value your own face. This is also a woman's nature.

The hydrotherapy quickly removed the small wounds on Emma's lips, leaving only a small pink mark. Of course, the two teeth she lost would not grow out so quickly. Even with the help of magic, at least one Only weeks will grow. Except for a few evil divine houses, most of the sacred goddesses in the neutral divine house and the good divine house have special bonuses in healing.

If the pope is in charge of the internal affairs of a theocratic, then the saint is the image of a theologian. Even if they are external propaganda points of theology, they often shoulder the role of interacting with believers. Therefore, the saints do not need much attacking power, but they must master the exquisite healing techniques. Under such circumstances, the treatment of believers or the expulsion of suffering can increase the prestige of the religion.

The prestige of divinity makes it easy to have believers. The more believers, the stronger the divine residence.

After repeatedly confirming that she had just lost her teeth and no broken image, Emma looked at Liang Lidong and said, "The fate of Reed Village has been reversed by you. How did you do it?"

Emma is really curious about this. She has also tried to reverse the fate of others, but it is virtually impossible. Once this is done, the ending will be even more tragic.

"Fate, I never believe those things. So fate has no way to control me."

"It's that simple?" Emma frowned.

"It's that simple!" Liang Lidong replied resolutely.

"Since you don't believe in fate, you can even reverse it. Then why won't you be punished by the goddess of fate?" Emma became more curious.

Liang Lidong smiled: "You don't seem to think that fate can't be avoided?"

Emma nodded. "At least I've never seen anything that can turn things around."

"Will our Reed Village count here?"

Emma was suddenly speechless. A pretty young girl with pink lips slightly, this should be a very pleasing picture, but because Emma lost two front teeth, it looks a little funny.

Liang Lidong looked at her. Suddenly remembered something: "Since you know how to predict, how about predicting my future?"

"Yes?" Emma asked curiously with her head sideways.

Liang Lidong nodded. Even in the game, prophecy is a very scarce ability. There are less than five people who have prophecy in the player, and he does not know any of them.

Emma stood in front of Liang Lidong, and a little bit of golden star dust suddenly appeared in the eyes of her gloomy eyes. Before waiting for Liang Lidong to feel, Emma suddenly yelled. Holding her head on the ground, her petite and lovely body kept shaking, and seemed to be in pain.

"It's okay." Liang Lidong asked with a frown.

It took her a while to stand up, and Liang Lidong saw two bloodstains flowing from her nose. Emma took out her handkerchief, wiped her nose, and said, "I can't see your future. When I was using prophecy just now, there was a strange image in front of you. Strange mental attack. "

Liang Lidong asked in wonder: "Strange images?"

"Yes, it looks like this."

Emma's slim fingers were sketched in the air. The turquoise magic element forms a really weird pattern.

Liang Lidong fixed his eyes and his expression became tangled. It was a sign that the sickle and hammer were merged together. One he knew very well. It can even be said that it can be seen almost every day.

Emma looked at Liang Lidong's expression and asked, "Do you know this pattern?"

Liang Lidong nodded: "Well, I know, but it should not be here, nor should it be on me."

"What does this pattern mean?" Emma's originally gloomy eyes suddenly became crystal clear, and she leaned in front of Liang Lidong. Asked with fanatical curiosity: "It can block my prophecy, that is, you can reverse your destiny for its sake."

Liang Lidong shook his head without speaking, but instead fell into contemplation.

He estimated that this familiar pattern should be related to the so-called 'materialist' talent, or the vision when the specialty was launched. He has n’t seen this feat in the game, nor has he heard other players talk about it. Presumably it does n’t exist, but after the world is reborn, he will have this feat, that is, or the world. There are also many specialties and skills that you have not heard of.

After all, the game world is the game world, and reality is reality.

If the Persian cat and Xiaobai are here, you can ask them why they have such a strange specialty, or can get the answer, but for now ... don't ask the goddess of vokin, the two are not very familiar, In case she let her know something, and in case she doesn't have a good opinion of other people, the consequences would be difficult to say.

Liang Lidong looked back and was taken aback. Emma's ridiculous little face was less than twenty centimeters away from her. She was staring at him with a pair of curious eyes.

The distance between the two was too close, Liang Lidong could even feel the breeze she breathed out ... with a sweetness unique to a girl.

A big slap pressed the girl's cheeky face without mercy, and pushed it away hard.

"It's too close." Liang Lidong stood up. "Don't ask any more. Some things can't be told to others casually."

"Oh!" Emma was very disappointed. Her biggest wish was to reverse the unfortunate fate of everyone. Now she finally encountered a person who was out of fate control. She was eager to know how the other party did it. It is a pity that the other party is unwilling to speak in secret.

Emma is also very clear that anyone should have their own secrets, and many times they cannot ask too deeply. But she really wanted to know that it was almost her obsession.

But there are many ways to know the secrets of others in this world, such as money, beauty, oppression, temptation, etc ... Of course, these are just trails. According to the knowledge she has received from the goddess of storm, a woman wants to know another The simplest way for a man's biggest secret is to make him fall in love with himself.

But Emma wasn't very happy thinking of this. Although the man in front of him is handsome, handsome, and not bad in strength, she doesn't like this type of man. She is overbearing. Although she does not like the man who hesitates to women like Brave Kyle, the man who is overbearing is Okay, she broke her face without saying a word.

Liang Lidong looked at the expression on Emma's face, he said, "Okay, let's continue the topic just now. What do you do next? You say that Kyle is a brave and needs to wake up to have the fighting power to kill the demon. This requires him to see tragic things in order to stimulate blood ... In other words, if Kyle doesn't wake up, the world will be over, and the devil will come and kill all the humans in the world? "

Emma nodded solemnly: "The most troublesome thing now ~ ~ is that the devil is about to rise again, but the brave has not yet awakened."

Hehehe! Liang Lidong couldn't help but chuckled: "You have read too many knight novels. This world will not be destroyed without anyone. The devil is useless and the fate is extremely boring. Moreover, the task of saving the world is not It should be on a little girl like you and a child like Kyle. Even if you are desperate, you have to wait for our adults to die before it's your turn. "

Emma froze, and she suddenly felt that the man in front of her didn't seem to be so annoying, but she immediately said unpleasantly, "I'm not a little girl. I'm fourteen. According to the laws of our country, I can now marry a child Now. "

"You haven't even grown a gimmick. If you give birth to a child and plan to starve him, don't think about it so much. You still honestly return to your own Temple of Storms, and be your virgin, obediently, and live a good life."

Liang Lidong stood up, waved the wide sleeves of the Master's robe, and the door of the temple opened, and then Kel and Belin stood outside the door. They looked awkward. Eavesdropping on the corner was caught and manifested, and anyone would look that way. (To be continued.)

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