Noble Emblem

Chapter 145: Sicily

Making money is a troublesome thing for most people, but it is not difficult for someone like Liang Lidong.

Facing Emma's question, Liang Lidong just smiled, and without any answer, Emma ran away with a small face.

Time passed another day, Liang Lidong and others gathered at Houshan. Kyle had remembered the bloodline magic of his family, and had learned the first bloodline magic, the Burning Blade.

It is a special auxiliary magic that attaches a light blue flame to the sword, making the sword more powerful. However, there is a very bad drawback. The blue flame temperature is too high, and ordinary weapons will turn into molten iron in just two minutes.

"The bloodline magic of the brave can only be fully realized by the brave inheritance equipment." Emma explained so.

Now Emma can't see Liang Lidong more and more. The bloodline ability of the brave can only be activated by strong mental stimulation, such as the death of a loved one, but the strange knight enlisted by the other side actually allowed Kyle to use The first blood magic of the brave is too unmagic.

In fact, this is caused by the difference in concepts. Players, especially warlock players, are very clear that no matter what the blood line is, there are two ways to activate it. One is the special task or the special item stimulation to successfully activate the blood line. It belongs to external force stimulation.

The other is the level upgrade. As long as the level is reached and the attributes are reached, the blood veins will naturally be purified and activated. If the level 5 is not acceptable, then the level 10 is not acceptable, then the level 10 is not acceptable. Appeared!

This is the case with Kyle now. The reason why he ca n’t learn Bloodline Magic is actually that his attributes have not yet reached the standard. After Liang Lidong seized him to become a Knight of the Round Table, all attribute growth was corrected and strengthened. For him, it was not difficult.

In the middle of white snow, a small magic teleportation array has been portrayed. The brave squad was in place. Alice unloaded a large money bag from the unicorn's back and threw it in front of Liang Lidong. She said pantingly, "I don't understand. Why did my father put so much Gave you the money, not even asking. "

Alice is a “Qiao Jiao” with a temper of Miss Qian Jin. Actually, what she meant must be understood in reverse: his father actually gave only five hundred gold coins, and he should give more.

The money bag was put into the space backpack by Liang Lidong because of the increase in level. Now his space backpack has a very large capacity, the volume has reached 27 cubic meters ... It can hold a lot of things, a small money bag, no problem at all.

The other three looked at him with great envy. The space mage was the most comfortable occupation among all the casters. It was just a matter of throwing everything into the space. It was more convenient to take it out when needed.

Jessica stood aside. She has been wiping tears. Although she is also a professional, but because her strength is too weak, LV2 was not used at all, so Liang Lidong left her in Reed Village.

The more hard-working a child is, the more sensible, and the more creatures that live alone all year round, the more afraid of loneliness. For Jessica, Liang Lidong is not just the owner. It ’s ‘home’. Liang Lidong's departure meant that her family was leaving, and she was not to blame.

Liang Lidong touched her head and said slowly: "Don't cry. I will be back soon, only a few months. You have to improve your strength and try to bring you next time I go out. "

Jessica nodded hard, she knew that she was useless, so the master did not bring her.

In Jessica's eyes were hazy. Liang Lidong and others walked into the magic circle, and disappeared into the sky into several white rays.

Jessica wiped her tears and walked back, while Belin and Barbara hid in the grove and watched Kyle disappear, both of them reluctantly.


Hollebun is a medium-sized country. On the map, it looks like a turnip, and the city of Sicily is located at the end of the turnip.

Although it is a border city like Winterwind City and Copper Drum City, the commercial environment in Sicily is much better. It borders the territories of three countries. Most importantly, these three countries and Hollebon All are friendly allies and have a 'friendship' of nearly a thousand years.

Moreover, the city near Sicily is a plain with convenient transportation. With such an external environment, as long as the owner is not stupid, the city can be developed.

Therefore, the commercial atmosphere of Sicily is very strong. It is the most taxed city in Hollevan, accounting for eleventh of all taxes in the country.

Unlike other cities in Holebun, the city of Sicily has no walls, and the city is free for everyone to enter and does not charge the city's head tax. Because the owner's family in this city has an ancient motto that has been passed down for more than a thousand years: the more people, the better the business!

This sentence has been implemented very thoroughly. Now the city of Sicily has a population of more than 1.3 million, which is only less than 200,000 people. Here is the most developed commercial ecological chain in the world. Everything can be found here, whether it is weapons, food, or elven slaves!

Of course, the elven slaves only exist in the black market, and the number is extremely scarce, because the elves are not vegetarian. Once they know that there are organizations who dare to sell their own people, the elves' "natural fury" organization will be launched. A right-wing organization composed of wild druids will be dispatched to level out organizations that dare to sell elven slaves, leaving no dogs or dogs behind.

Therefore, organizations that dare to sell elven slaves must possess strong strength and concealment.

As a city of economic importance, Sicily City, Liang Lidong naturally remembers its magic beacon, and the small teleportation team directly transmitted them to a small mound on the outskirts of the city.

Kyle and Alice are inexperienced in 'traveling', so many things are unclear. But Emma is different. Her knowledge is quite rich, and because of the relationship of prophecy, she has seen thousands of people's 'life' from the perspective of onlookers in the illusion of prophecy, so her travel experience is not only bad, On the contrary, it is very old-fashioned.

This is why she was able to walk from Beijun Town to Reid Village alone. Generally, a 14-year-old girl, even if she is stronger, will be deceived if she can't get out of a hundred miles.

Because knowledge is abundant. Therefore, Emma is very clear that the effective experience of a small teleportation array should be within one hundred kilometers, but at least nine hundred kilometers from the village of Reed to Sicilia ... such a transmission distance. Completely something that a large teleportation array can do.

The power of twisting fate, the strange knight captive ability, and the exaggerated teleportation magic distance, who is Beta?

Emma looked at Liang Lidong, her beautiful eyebrows were almost twisted.

Jeanne standing on Liang Lidong's shoulders. Seeing that it had reached its destination, it spread its wings and flew directly into the sky. The eagle owl's character was lively and free and could not calm down.

The four came out of the teleportation magic circle. This is the outskirts of the Sicilian city. The small mound is next to a commercial road. There are many pallet trucks coming and going. They are startled by the light of magic and then see Liang The four of Li Dong immediately bowed their heads to hurry. There is no reason for it, these four are too deterrent.

Two casters, an elf summoner, this combination can easily destroy most of the caravans. As for Kyle, they are ignored by the caravans. After all, he is dressed in battle and his age is still Small, at first glance, it is a less powerful character.

Although Emma looks older, her majestic magic wave will not be deceiving.

Follow the path. The four walked towards the center of Sicily. As they got deeper, the buildings next to the road became denser and denser. Kyle was speechless. He thought that Winterwind City was already a big city, and there were already a lot of people, but here, people were crowded next to each other, densely packed. It's like entering an ant's nest.

If there are only a lot of people, there are stalls on both sides of the road. Each stall has different things. As he walks down the road, Kyle sees a lot of things he has never seen and his mouth is wide.

Liang Lidong and Emma are very calm. Both of them are well-informed people. Naturally, they will not be stunned by such a scene. Since Alice often walks with her father, her knowledge is better than Kyle This country brave is much stronger.

The four were walking on a densely crowded street. Compared with the slow movement of pedestrians around them, the four were not affected by the task at all, because no one dared to block their way ... their four were dressed too Obviously, at a glance, I know that I am a professional. It is a weird thing for ordinary civilians to dare to block their way. When I saw it, I quickly rushed to the side.

They found a fine hall in the center of the city and lived in the best room on the top floor.

Emma opened the window and stood in front of the cyan rock castle about two kilometers away, saying, "That's the residence of the Sicilian Lord, and the Reed's armor is placed in the underground treasure room below the castle."

Liang Lidong has come to this place in the game before, and has also probed the city's intelligence, so some basic information is still known. He explained to the other two novices: "Sicilia is controlled by the Brooke family, this is a soldier Family, don't look at them now only doing business, but the power hidden in the shadows is very strong, and their most important thing is not bad money! If you want them to return Reed's armor, they will absolutely not want to, sprinkle No amount of money would be of any use. Emma, ​​in the prophecy, how did you get Kyle's armor to "steal or grab?" "


Liang Lidong smiled: "This is not something the brave should do."

"But it's the only way." Emma explained: "The Brooke family has the right to have money, and it's impractical for them to return Kyle's armor, so they can only steal it!"

"How to steal the law?" Liang Lidong was curious: "In general, the treasure room's defenses are very strict. If you want to sneak in, it's impossible."

Emma's expression of bitterness and hatred: "Because the treasure map is underground, I saw in the prophecy that we dug a long tunnel from a distance and spent nearly a month going straight through the Brooks. The treasure room directly got Kyle's armor, but we did not expect that a special magic array was established in the treasure room. When non-Brook bloodline took things out of it, magic messages were sent out, although we eventually escaped, But the Brooke family still scarred a few of us. "

Emma's prophecy should have been a good ability, but now that fate has been changed, the original method may not work ... and Liang Lidong is also strange, why does the treasure room of the Brooke family actually Being so simple is intrusive, and it's still so dumb. Is the defense of the family in the last millennium at this level?

Liang Lidong looked at the tall castle and said nothing for a long time, then he said, "Emma, ​​Kyle, and Alice, the three of you will go to the mercenary union in the city and sign up for an adventure team. As for the three of you, the others do n’t need it. Take some tasks that you can do, one can strengthen your combat cooperation ability, and the other can exercise the strength of Kyle and Alice. You are too weak now, you must accept Some practical training can only work, Emma, ​​you have strong auxiliary ability, Alice is the summoner, you two can cooperate to top ten mercenary team, so I believe that you are there, there should be no problem in taking care of them . "

Emma asked, "Aren't you with us? What are you going to do?"

Liang Lidong looked back: "Did I say yesterday, I am going to make money."

"But there is no time now! The devil is about to rise again."

Liang Lidong asked, "How long did it take you to come here from the village of Reed in the prophecy?"

"Because of the fighting on the road, we spent almost two months."

Liang Lidong smiled: "We transmitted it to ~ and directly saved two months. The two months were used to exercise their strength and were not considered waste at all."

Emma hesitated, and finally nodded and agreed.

Liang Lidong said to Kyle and Alice: "Both of you are my knights, and they are not strong enough now, but if you can raise your power one level within two months, then I have a way Boost your strength quickly. "

As soon as their eyes lighted, fighting spirits surged up.

Liang Lidong waved his hands to make the three of them move quickly, while he himself walked out of the hotel and wandered around the street.

He opened the internal affairs system, and recorded the conversations of the surrounding citizens little by little, then screened them one by one, and soon the internal affairs system showed a lot of information about the current situation in Sicily.

The internal affairs system can be used not only to manage its own territories and cities, but also to collect information on other cities. Of course, it is internal affairs information, but this is enough. The business and internal affairs of a city are inseparable. Knowing the internal affairs, you know how the business ecological operation of the city is all about. (To be continued.)

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