Noble Emblem

Chapter 147: Something strange

The woman who was covered with bluish abscesses ran into the room. After a while, I heard the young man with an unbelievable voice saying, "How could anyone come, now everyone in the city knows, we It won't last long, and even if someone wants to help us, the Keben family will obstruct it ... Julie, sorry, you have suffered with me. "

"But Master, there really is someone below who says he wants to talk to us about the quarry, and he is also a caster."

"What, then you open the door and ask him to come in."

Then came the rapid footsteps downstairs, snoring, as if playing drums. After a few moments, the door opened, and the woman with sores appeared behind the door. She brought an unpleasant stench. Most people would be scared enough to see her, or they would think disgustingly. Nauseous, but what kind of environment Liang Lidong has not been in the game, what kind of **** has not been seen, just a woman with pus on his body. Although he was slightly surprised in front of him, it was just surprised by the opponent's tenacious vitality, and It's not that the other party is disgusting and ugly.

This woman was already very weak. Liang Lidong could see that she was just holding on with a spirit of spirit.

After a hard breath, she opened her mouth and said, "Hello, come in."

Her eyes were bright, but immediately after seeing Liang Lidong, she was deeply inferior.

Liang Lidong even found that when she was talking, there was a small yellow pus on her tongue. The symptoms of the other person had begun to penetrate into the organs in the body. It must be very painful. To the very strong survival, I saw no pain at all.


When Liang Lidong entered the room, he could smell the stench in the air, and there was a slight smell of dust and musty in the room.

Behind the door was the living room. When he came to the table and was about to sit down, he found that whether it was a table or a chair. It was covered with dust.

The woman saw this. She screamed aloud, immediately picked up an old towel from the side, and tried to clean the table, but the more she wiped, the dirtyer she became. Because her hands were also covered with abscesses, this force. There were a few pustules bursting out. Those bluish pusces not only stained the entire towel, they even left traces of 'water' on the table.

The woman couldn't help sobbing. The pain of the illness did not defeat her, and hunger did not lower her head. She is not afraid of others talking about her appearance at this time. But she hated herself very much now. The man in front of him was the only hope for the young master to survive, not only failed to entertain the guests well. Even let the other party see such a disgusting scene.

She felt that if it was herself, she saw something so disgusting. Sure to leave, not to mention so noble, obviously a noble guest. There were many similar situations before. Many visitors came to see them, and turned around.

She was so happy just now that she forgot to wrap her hands. She hated it so much that she was so unattractive and so fond of forgetting things. Obviously this was the last chance for the young master.

After sobbing sadly for a while, she finally wiped off the water mist in front of her, and then she was surprised to find that the noble was still standing in front of her, without a look of impatience on her face.

"Can you let your young master come down?" Liang Lidong asked, "Although I am more patient, my time is not always too much."

"Okay! Please wait a moment." The woman nodded vigorously, and a lot of pus spilled from her face.

She ran upstairs at a very fast speed. Liang Lidong saw that her shoes were also green and yellow, which must be caused by pus. That is to say, the woman should not have a good skin all over her body, but actually Still alive, this kind of pain, if replaced by Liang Lidong himself, he dare not guarantee whether he will wipe his neck directly, a hundred ...

When the woman ran upstairs, she heard her voice faintly pass from above: "Master, the man really stayed."

"I don't want to play with us again, people in the Kemu family always like to humiliate us."

"But the guests below seem to be different. I think the Kemu family should please not move him."

"That's it." The weak boy voice finally got a little spirited: "Julie, you have always had a good vision. You said that guests are not the same as ordinary people, it must be different, and I'll go and talk to him."

Then the footsteps of walking sounded upstairs, but it was very slow. To get down, it took at least two or three minutes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Lidong took a look at the surrounding environment ... This villa is large, and the living room should be at least 300 square meters. Apart from the necessary furniture, there are no other luxury items, such as carpets, animal skins, etc., so the living room looks very empty.

This does not fit well with the house of a nobleman. Liang Lidong estimates that those things should all be exchanged for money. After all, the magic scroll is not a cheap thing. It has been supported by hydrotherapy for three years, which is a huge expense.

But even so, it can be seen from the residual furniture that the family should have been rich, because these residual furniture were almost all made of cold wood.

At this time, footsteps were heard at the entrance of the staircase, and the maid just now helped another person who was covered with abscess and had no hair to walk down.

This person is very short and very thin ... Liang Lidong saw him and combined with the juvenile sounds he just heard, it is estimated that the other party's age should not exceed fourteen.

And that woman, who should be older than a teenager, may be about sixteen.

The teenager has beautiful pale blue eyes. If the other person's body is normal and there is nothing strange, with these eyes, he can become a very attractive person.

And what Li Lidong cares about most is that he found that this young boy is actually a professional, LV2.

However, it is also normal to think about it. The magic scroll can only be used by professionals who have the ability to cast. Since the maid is not a professional, it is reasonable that the master of the Tao Te family is a professional.

"The third son of the Taotes family, Joshua has seen His Excellency."

The teenager's eyes were filled with surprise and hope. He is a professional and can see that this person is not only a nobleman, but also a powerful caster.

"Beta." Liang Lidong nodded his head slightly, and he admired the two men's strong will to survive: "Ascetic believers in Vol'jin Temple, from Reed Village in Winterwind."

The teenager wanted to say something, but suddenly coughed, and the more he coughed, the more he seemed to be out of breath. Finally, he covered his mouth and vomited a pool of yellow pus.

The liquid poured through the gap between his fingers. When dripped to the ground, the smell of sour odor in the air is even stronger.

Liang Lidong finally couldn't see, he took out a spa scroll from his space backpack. Thrown in the past.

The light blue magic light was densely surrounded by the two masters and servants, and then it seemed to break some strange enchantment. There were countless magic crystals like glass shards shattered around the two, and they fell to the ground piece by piece, and within a few seconds. These magic crystal fragments floated up again and stuck to them both. Then completely transparent disappears.

this is! Liang Lidong opened his eyes slightly.

And the master and servant were also stunned. The teenager looked at the vision and asked in wonder: "Her Beta. What happened just now? What was the thing you broke with the hydrotherapy? I just felt relaxed all over the body. Get up, but when some magic crystals come back, I feel my body is uncomfortable again. "

Liang Lidong thought for a while and asked, "Can I try again?"

The boy nodded vigorously, and he felt as if he knew why he and Julie's favoritism could become so disgusting.

Another spa scroll was thrown over. Just like the situation just now, it is indeed a strange layer, and something similar to the enchantment is attached to both of them.

"I have used countless spa scrolls, but I have never seen anything like this." The teenager looked at Liang Lidong with a burning eye: "Have you, do you know anything, Beta? Maybe it's my ability is too low Relationship, or the spa scroll I bought, is not authentic enough? "

"Here you!" Liang Lidong took out another spa scroll from the space backpack: "You use it for yourself."

The boy tore apart the scroll without hesitation, and the blue magic light surrounded them, but there was no vision of the broken enchantment.

what happened! The eyes of young people are all disappointed, when the saddest person is, when the hope is broken.

But Liang Lidong understood a bit. He has special talents, and the material master can be immune to the cause and effect and prophecy.

The juvenile and his maid can't possibly hit the prophecy. The prophecy cannot kill, but the law of cause and effect can.

Because of the three spa treatments, the abscesses on the two began to show scarring, but Liang Lidong knew that there was another hidden power that prevented most of the magic of spa treatment. Hydrotherapy can only be used for a short time, and the abscesses on their bodies will soon return.

But even so, the two masters and servants of the Tao Te family still felt quite comfortable.

"Mr. Beta, are you here to buy my manor?" The teenager sat on a chair. He didn't care about the layer of dust on the chair, because he was already hungry a little.

"That's true. But before that, I think you have to eat something." Liang Lidong's wide sleeves waved, his spirits poured out, and the dust on the table was blown away directly. He took out some of the dry food and bacon in his space and put it on the table: "I don't want someone to starve in front of me or die of hunger when talking about business."

These are Liang Lidong's specially processed dry grains and bacon, all of which have more than five delicious flavors.

These things are delicious, exuding a scent of food, not to mention the two masters and servants are already starving to death, and Liang Lidong heard a few minutes outside the door that they were pushing each other for a bowl of wheaten. .

Looking at the food on the table, they both swallowed. Although the teenager was still a bit wary, he didn't understand why the young man was so good to them, but when people were hungry to a certain degree, whether it was reason or willpower Will get worse.

He was afraid of the other party ’s plans, but the hungry body acted on his own. He picked up a piece of bacon and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing hard, and the maid beside him was the same, although the maid was not a professional, but his willpower But it was quite out of the way. After taking two mouthfuls of dry food, she remembered to tear the bacon into several pieces and put it in front of her owner.

When the two finished eating about one and a half pounds of dry food and bacon on the table, their spirits finally improved.

At this point the teenagers knew that there was no poison in the food, and if it did, they should have had the poison. With shame in his eyes: "Sir Beta, sorry, let you see the joke, we are too hungry."

Liang Lidong nodded, he didn't care about the other's gobbling appearance. Although the two of them just looked like zombies were eating, Liang Lidong did not have any other uncomfortable feelings. He is more interested in the other person Strange Causality.

"I wanted to buy your quarry and estate, but now I want to ask you some questions."

The teenager sighed, he thought that this transaction, most likely to be yellow again. But the thought of the other side just taking out food for them, and with this kind of kindness, he felt that he should know everything and answer everything to answer one or two.

"If you have any questions, please ask."

"The president of the commercial club has nothing to do with you."

The teenager said queerly, "He is my uncle."

Liang Lidong finally knew why the middle-aged president knew so much about the Tao Te family. It turned out to be relatives. He also understood why the other party introduced himself to the quarry of Tao Te's owner. It turned out that Liang Lidong was dressed up as a caster and had the idea of ​​helping his nephew.

"Second question, do you have a powerful caster among the enemies of the Taute family?"

The young man shook his head: "It is impossible. We all know how terrible the caster is. When encountering the caster, we will go straight to one side and dare not block the road ~ ~ let alone peace The caster did it right. "

"What's wrong with the Kumu family?"

The teenager took a breath: "The Komu family and us really have a hostile relationship, but they are just upstart nobles who started as businessmen, and have only been gradually accepted by the upper nobles in the city in recent years. There are many powerful fighters in their family , But there is no caster who can make the climate. "

"The third question is whether your family found something weird in the quarry."

The boy's body suddenly stunned, his face pet was covered with abscess, and he could not see the mood, but his eyes were shocked.

When Liang Lidong saw his appearance, he knew that there must be something tricky over the quarry. Perhaps the decline of the Taute family has a lot to do with the quarry.

The causal law on the other side is constant and can repair itself. Liang Lidong can help him for a while, but he can't help him forever.

This constant type of sleepy fruit law is generally only used by legendary professions. If no powerful spellcasters targeted them, then the Taote family must have encountered something very wicked. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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