Noble Emblem

Chapter 149: Weird skull

Looking at Liang Lidong, who smiled and smiled, Ralph Coben clenched his hands. He held his anger and tried to be as calm as possible and said, "Since then, I really have nothing to say ... Joshua, look In the face of these adults, the grudges between you and me were cancelled. I didn't expect you, the unlucky ghost, to be lucky, and climbed up a few big men! "

Joshua had fainted at this time, and Ralph saw that he couldn't get the verbal advantage, and he snorted, and left with his men.

The maid wanted to help her owner back to the house, but when she was unconscious, she became very heavy because of her unstable center of gravity. She couldn't hold a person with a hundred pounds at all. When Kyle saw this, regardless of the pus on the other side of the body, and the acidic stench that ran straight into the nostrils, he picked up the person and carried him into the room.

Watching the newly improved abscess on his master's body, he was almost cracked, and the bluish pus kept overflowing, and the maid saw tears in direct current.

As a maiden, Emma applied healing to Joshua, but the effect was not obvious, because she could not temporarily break the law of causality constant in Joshua like Liang Lidong, but even so, Jo Shuya's blood has also improved significantly.

"If you don't cut off the roots, you won't be able to do anything." Liang Lidong leaned on the side of the wall. He said, "This is a legendary law of cause and effect. Generally speaking, except for legendary characters, it is almost impossible to lift it. This terrible curse effect. "

The other three could not help but be surprised, breathing air-conditioners repeatedly. Kyle asked in amazement: "How did these two provoke legendary characters, and how could a legendary character be more authentic with a small family?"

Alice, the daughter of the family, nodded again and again: "This is not reasonable, and the status of the legend, not to mention, if the Taut family really wins over them, they are either treated as provoked by ants, too lazy to respond, or they are not The wave of his hand to destroy the small family is as simple as stepping on an ant's nest. Why should they add the legendary causal law to a few little people. "

In this regard, Liang Lidong explained: "I don't think it's the cause of people. I think it's the cause of things. Perhaps the Taote family accidentally picked up some ancient relics or the like ... In Knight novels, the ancient relics are huge. The power, when picked up, can greatly increase strength, or be extremely beneficial to the family. But in essence, almost all ancient relics are sealed or cursed. "

Hearing this, the maid called out suddenly, "ah", and she said, "Three years ago. Our Taote family really picked up something from the outside. It was a bracelet. It was beautiful, but our family The old masters used magic to detect that it was just an ordinary gemstone bracelet. Now imagine that weird things happened in our Tao Te family, which really started shortly after the bracelet was picked up and returned home. "

Everyone was stunned, and the other three cast their eyes on Liang Lidong, especially Emma. She became more and more puzzled about Liang Lidong.

Liang Lidong just guessed based on his own intuition, but he didn't expect it to be true. He said, "Can we show you that jewelry?"

The maid nodded, she went to the basement, took the ring up, and placed it on the table. This is a very beautiful female gemstone bracelet with strange patterns on the outside and inside. Emma looked for a moment, shook her head, and Alice passed after a while. Shake his head. Neither of them felt even a tiny wave of magic from this bracelet.

Liang Lidong took the bracelet and looked carefully at the meeting, saying, "This is the object of the Zuze Dynasty, and it is also the funeral of the great aristocracy."

"How do you know?" Emma asked curiously.

Liang Lidong's hand crossed the outside of the bracelet: "These patterns are the words of the Zuze Kingdom. The outside is written 'Dedicated to my beloved son, my miserable son', and the inside is written the name of the family 'Great, only The family of the royal family is second to Cronin '. "

Emma's eyes widened slightly: "Do you actually know the words of Zuze Kingdom?"

"Slightly understand." Liang Lidong put the bracelet on the table: "This bracelet is very valuable, and the high-quality emeralds are enough to sell at a high price. Moreover, it is an antique left over from the last dynasty, and the price is even more It will take a few times, and you have to sell hundreds of gold coins. "

"You are almost hungry and have no food, but why didn't you sell this bracelet before?" Liang Lidong looked at the maid with curiosity: "Don't tell me, you just forgot."

The maid said bitterly, "The young man refused to let it go, he was very determined, or this bracelet might have special meaning to him."

"It makes a lot of sense. This bracelet is my mother's favorite thing. She often wears it on her body." At this time Joshua woke up, he struggled to sit up and said, "Sir, I believe there is no problem with this bracelet, otherwise My mother has an accident. "

"This bracelet is really no problem, but there is no guarantee that there is no problem in the place where this bracelet was dug." Liang Lidong sighed. "The people of the Zuze Dynasty valued death very much, and their tombs all had powerful magic enchantments, and It is curse protection. I believe that a large family second only to the royal family, and his son's funeral, will set up some strange magic to prevent future generations from stealing the tomb. "

The room was very silent, Alice quietly stood next to Kyle, and Emma kept looking at Liang Lidong.

After a while, Joshua finally spoke: "It's a quarry. Our family's quarry has dug a strange coffin. There is only a corpse and the bracelet inside."

"I knew it." Liang Lidong sneered sneerly: "The dead are also afraid to move randomly, and I don't know if you should say that the Tao Te family is too powerful, or to underestimate the magical accomplishments of Zu Ze Kingdom. So to speak , I bought this quarry completely at a loss, there is a legendary dead man, who dares to go in the quarry. "

With a little shame in Joshua's eyes, or because of emotional excitement, the blue pus fell from his face again: "We didn't know it was the tomb of the Cursed Kingdom, and thought It's just the grave of ordinary people. Miners of our family tossed the body of the coffin aside and found the bracelet from the coffin. It didn't take long before our family had an accident. "

"Actually, we also vaguely suspected that there could be a reason for the coffin. We also invited the people in the Bright Temple to go in to drive out evil spirits. Although no one was later blood-sucked, we were all infected with this terrible plague. Once the blood of our family is confirmed, even if someone accidentally catches it, it is easy to heal, only we ... "

Kyle interjected: "Teacher, as long as we destroy the coffin or the corpse. This curse should be broken."

It can be seen that Kyle has a good heart attack again.

Liang Lidong nodded: "It's true in theory."

At this moment the maid suddenly knelt down, and she said with excitement: "Some adults, I beg you to help the young master, he is too pitiful. If this disease cannot be cured, then the inheritance of our Taote family will be broken. . "

The other three members of the Brave Squad moved their expectation to Liang Lidong, waiting for his decision.

Liang Lidong wanted to refuse because he couldn't guarantee whether they would encounter the same problem if they were involved in this incident. But at this time the task system suddenly popped up a system message.

Branch task: Help the Taute family to understand constant causality.

This task is purple, also known as the elite task. Elite missions are not too difficult. They are far worse than epic missions, and there is a legendary mission in between.

Since it is an elite mission, it can really help, after all, Liang Lidong is still conducting an epic mission. In contrast, the difficulty of elite tasks is completely trivial.

And the character experience given by the elite mission is really good, maybe there will be some other unexpected gains.

"Well, let's go to the quarry now." Liang Lidong nodded and agreed.

Kyle Haha laughed happily, after a character like him, after seeing this poor master and servant, had long thought about helping them.

An hour later, the quarry of the Taote family ... should now be renamed the quarry of Beta, because the estate of the Taote family has now been renamed. to some extent. Even if there is no branch task, Liang Lidong has to wipe out the contents of the quarry. If he wants to return the funds quickly, he must run the quarry and sell the stone to the bright goddess who is preparing to build a large temple. "

The quarry is underground. This is an underground stone mine.

Liang Lidong walked in the forefront because he had a real field of vision, and he could see the road ahead clearly, even if he did not follow the instructions.

The scent of green lacquer permeates the mine, which is not too exciting, but it doesn't smell good.

The quarry has been dug deep. They walked for ten minutes and did not bottom out. Alice seemed to have a slight claustrophobia, and she walked behind Kyle, tearing tightly at her favorite sleeve. Emma behaved calmly, but instead she looked with interest.

Emma is very knowledgeable, but her rich knowledge and experience usually comes from the illusion of prophecy. If something didn't appear in the illusion of prophecy, she would naturally not understand it. Underworld like now, she has never seen it in a fantasy, so she is particularly curious.

The four walked for another ten minutes, and finally found the coffin that Joshua said.

Finding a goal will naturally make people happy, but the situation in front of them makes them unhappy at all.

A shimmering coffin, and then there are many black dry corpses next to the coffin. Judging from the freshness of the clothes, they should not have died for a few years. These people must be the missing people as Joshua said.

Beside these corpses, there was a skeleton.

This skeleton is mobile, it looks for an arm holding a dead body, and is crunching, like chewing sugar cane, spitting out some broken bones from time to time.

He heard Liang Lidong and others' voices, stood up slowly, and ‘looked at’ four uninvited guests.

In the eyes of the skeleton, there are two white fires of souls ... brighter than all the skeleton soldiers Liang Liangdong has seen, and they can even compare with the fire of the bone dragon's soul.

"Who are you?" The air shook slightly, then evolved into the common language of the Zuze kingdom.

The other three did not understand the language, but Liang Lidong could.

He was a little surprised that this is a wise skeleton, like this kind of thinking and rational undead creature, generally very strong.

"People who break the constant law of cause and effect." Liang Lidong looked at the soul flame in the eyes of each other, and asked, "Those weird curses of cause and effect in the Taote family must be your masterpieces."

"It's me, but it's not me." The skeleton came over, and there was no trace of evil in it. "My name is Lincoln Cronin. I remember I should have died from a sneak attack by the enemy family, but I am alive now Come over, but my body is a little bit wrong. I can't help but want to eat some meat, and the meat disappears after I eat it, and I can get extremely weak energy. "

He waved the corpse arm in his hand: "I know I'm troubled by eating these things, but I'm really hungry, sorry."

Alice squatted aside and vomited, watching a skeleton eating a dead body, and most people couldn't stand it. Emma's face was pale, and Kyle's face was blue.

Liang Lidong behaved normally. He was not interested in the origin of the skeleton. His focus was on another thing: "Why the constant law of causality is you, not your handwriting."

"It has something to do with me." The flame of soul in the eyes of the skull exploded. "But it wasn't what I did, but my father. He set up a very powerful magic formation for me. This formation will be a few days after my death. Launched within a hundred days, if a thief dared to steal my funeral, it would cast a strange energy to attract nearby people to kill themselves near the coffin, and then the flesh and blood of the dead would become spiritual energy ~ ~ Sucked away by the coffin, used to awaken me who has died and became a skeleton. "

"What about those pus?"

"If the formation is broken, the remaining magic will cast a magic spell, cursing the grave robbers as a whole family." The skull voice with a strong blame: "Don't blame my father for this, he just wants me Live more comfortably in the underground world. "

"And I've been waiting here for brave men like you for almost two years, but fortunately you have come in time, otherwise after a while, after eating these corpses, I will be crazy ... Come on, you Kill me, and finally use the magic of light to die faster, and I won't be so painful. "

"Kill you? Why are you trying to die?"

Liang Lidong was a little speechless.

The skeleton said: "I was originally a dead person, and it is normal for me to return to the underworld. I have no intention of resurrecting. The world after death is beautiful, and living is a pain for me."

"Then why don't you kill yourself?" Liang Lidong asked. (To be continued.)

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