Noble Emblem

Chapter 152: Girl in the Moonlight (Part 2)

Any woman in the bright moonlight will have some charm bonus, not to mention Emma, ​​who was originally a beauty embryo.

The women in the Temple of the Storm like to wear short white skirts, and it is easy to see the bottom skirt, but they do not care at all, because the image of the Goddess of the Storm is such that they feel that there is nothing to be seen at the bottom of the skirt, and they are not See the part.

Therefore, although the dress of the Temple of the Storm is very **** and exaggerated in the game, it is in line with the aesthetics of the players.

The two slender and rounded thighs were white and attractive in the moonlight.

Emma is a fourteen-year-old girl. Her body is exquisite, and although she is still a tablet, Mo Ming will give people a rather carnal illusion.

The slenderness is pampering, but the flesh feels the character. Such two traits are mixed together, and matched with her face that is comparable to that of the elves, it really makes her feel like a geeky fairy.

Liang Lidong glanced at her, looked away, and continued to make her own magic scroll, and asked, "Is there anything?"

Emma hesitated for a while, then shook her head and said, "There is nothing special, just suddenly came to see ... Then, do you have no other special △ 2 △ 2 △ 2 △ 2, what special hobby? When we were doing mercenary missions these two days, Kyle was always your business. You do n’t like drinking or enjoying, but you just love to eat some food, but you never waste it. . "

"Do you have other hobbies besides food?"

Liang Lidong set up a magic festival, and then said, "Is it a game?"

"Playing a game?" Emma asked strangely, "What's that?"

Liang Lidong sighed: "I don't know how to explain it to you, right, do you really have nothing else? I'm working on a scroll, and I can't be distracted for too long to talk to you. Otherwise, it's easy to make mistakes."

Emma shook her head: "Nothing, just come and see the making of magic scrolls. You are busy, I'll just look at it."

"Then please, please." Liang Lidong continued to play with magic materials, preparing for the next scroll.

Emma saw Liang Lidong focusing on her own business, and she just smiled slightly. Then he sat down and sat with his hands on his chin, with a pair of lovely eyes, and looked at Liang Lidong quietly.

As time passed, only Liang Lidong was making the sound of scrolls in the room, and Emma was sitting so quietly, watching it quietly, and she seemed to be subconsciously relieved even with the sound of breathing. Youth.

Emma likes this quiet atmosphere. She has never experienced such a feeling of tranquility. Although she can feel the tranquility when praying, the tranquility is too cold, and the tranquility at the moment has a warm feeling.

As time passed, Emma didn't want to leave.

After about three hours, Liang Lidong suddenly said, "If you are okay. Just go back first, stay here too long. Not very good for your reputation."

Emma's head, she stood up and left the room. When she returned to her room and was about to open the door, the door next to it suddenly opened, and Alice would pull into her room. With a curious look, he asked: "What did you do in His Beta's house for three full hours?"

Looking at the gossip of Alice's face, Emma cried and smiled: "What can I do? I am a sage, Lord Beta is an ascetic, what can we do?"

"Oh ... I have nothing. You're in a hurry to get rid of it yourself." Alice's sly look: "In fact, I think Lord Beta is very suitable for you, and as far as I know, the Virgin is also likely to marry, Although I have to give up my maiden status after marriage. "

Emma thought for a while and shook her head, "Herita Beta is indeed a very reliable person, but his age seems to me a little older."

"Age is not an excuse for hindering love." Alice shook her fist and said, "I am now in my seventies. If I count by human age, I should be an old lady, but if I count by the age of a human half-elf Then, I have not yet reached adulthood. "

"But I don't like Kyle so much."

Emma said helplessly: "Okay, I know what your idea is, aren't you just afraid that I'm with Kyle. You can rest assured, I don't like a boy like Kyle, although he is a good person, but Not my ideal companion. You put me and Beta together just because you want to have fewer competitors. "

Alice put out her tongue and looked very cute: "Okay, I am mean, but the battlefield of love is more cruel than the real battlefield. This is the famous saying of the **** of love Belludand."

"Okay, I'll go back to my room first if nothing happens." Emma shook her head and left.

Because of the relationship between prophecy and fantasy, Emma likes Alice, a half-elf who can give everything for love, including life. For Kyle, she also likes it very much, but it's not love like love, but love among friends.

For others, Emma is a friend and teammate who they haven't met for a while, but for Emma, ​​Kyle and Alice are really good friends. In spirit, Emma has known Kyle for a long time .

Back in the room, Emma turned around and couldn't sleep, then she sat up, opened the window, and lay on the window like this, silently looking at the full moon in the air, and it was one night until the next day in the morning.

Liang Lidong made some breakfast. After eating it, he put the scroll made last night in the space backpack and planned to go to the branch of the Red Magic Tower.

And Kyle, they continue to go to the mercenary union to accept the task and exercise their strength.

As for Joshua, he is still immersed in his new power, and some dare not face the reality, fearing that he is dreaming.

After half an hour, Liang Lidong appeared on the first floor of the Red Magic Tower, because he was wearing a magic robe, and was out of balance and balanced, like a motionless lake.

This kind of spiritual power can be felt by anyone who knows how to cast, so he was respectfully invited to the second floor, and a female caster wearing a large red magic robe received him.

Liang Lidong thought of his own visit again. Then threw all the magic scrolls in the space backpack onto the table. This action shocked the entire Red Magic Tower branch ... Almost all the casters in this facility came over. They cleared these magic scrolls with a surprised expression. And then paid 432 gold coins to Liang Lidong.

Three hundred percent profit ... Liang Lidong swept the gold coins into his space backpack and left the Red Magic Tower branch.

The magic scroll is time-effective, and the whole of West Asia can only eat so many scrolls. After all, the number of casters is limited, so if you want to sell the reels here again, it will not be possible for at least half a year.

Now that the reel business is done, you should think of other ways to make money.

Liang Lidong walked around the street, strolling around at will, and seeing if he could run into some worthwhile business again.

He walked and came to the rich area, where the streets are cleaner and there are no pedestrians on the road. Liang Lidong walked here for a long time and found nothing noteworthy. When he was about to leave, he heard a quarrel in front of him. He walked up, turned a corner, and then saw three brown-red Skin, man with white cloth on his head. Quarreling with someone who looks like a housekeeper.

People in the Desert Kingdom?

But this is not surprising, after all, Hollevan also borders the desert kingdom of Kaya. It is normal to have merchants from the Desert Kingdom.

Liang Lidong estimated that these people were economic disputes and didn't care, but when he was about to leave, he stopped because he heard quite a few words of opinion.

"We are looking for a brown-haired, medium-sized woman. My companion saw that she had climbed into your carriage, please give her to me."

The steward-like man was furious and said, "You foreign nasty businessmen, dare to stop my master, do you know who she is? She is the eldest daughter of the city owner. Ad-Shelley. You dare to vilify the master's possession of you Prisoner, this is something that will cause diplomatic affairs between the two countries. Let me go aside. "

"If you don't surrender people, don't try to leave."

The voice fell, and the three desert kingdoms pulled out their machete.

In Liang Lidong's vision, the soldiers of the three desert kingdoms are the professionals of lv4, lv5, and lv6, while the steward is the ordinary person, and the other two guards are the professionals of lv, lv, Liang. Li Dong does not know if there are other people in the carriage, but if there is a conflict, the local nobles will definitely suffer.

However, this is Sicilia. Even if the people of the Desert Kingdom are no more arrogant, they will not be able to kill on the street, and the objects they block are nobles. Liang Lidong would estimate that the people in the three desert kingdoms pulled out the machete, just to scare the nobleman in the carriage.

Of course, this is only Liang Lidong's conjecture. Then the next moment, Liang Lidong felt a clear murderous feeling. When he was about to call the housekeeper to his heart, he already saw the housekeeper's head fly up, and the red blood squirted out two times. How high is the meter.

Actually killing someone on the street ... Liang Lidong pulled out a weapon and was about to come forward to help, but saw a woman in a black tight-fitting night clothes suddenly flying out of the carriage. She attacked the three desert kingdoms with a dagger on each hand. Warrior.

When she flew out, Liang Lidong saw the black curtain of the carriage floated by the strong wind, and then he saw a scene that made his eyes stare.

There was actually a woman in the carriage ... a woman with turquoise hair and long ears.


Exactly an elven slave.

Liang Lidong was frightened. The soldiers in the three desert kingdoms were actually slave hunters. If the Elven Nature's Wrath organization knew that there was an elven slave, the city of Sicily would definitely have to start another **** rain. wind.

The woman was wielding a dagger and fighting with three fighters. Although her strength was good and her rank was also lv5, she was soon defeated by one enemy and three.

Liang Lidong immediately released the magic of driving the fog, rushed directly to stun the desert kingdom warrior with the lowest level, and then overturned the other two enemies at a very fast speed. Because he now has lv6 level, in driving fog magic, most people will be suppressed to a very weak place, so he can easily kill the lower-level professionals.

After doing all this, Liang Lidong went away to drive the fog magic, and saw the woman's alert look.

Liang Lidong said: "I know that you are a member of Nature's Wrath, and I am familiar with the mimicry magic of your elves. Now you take people away, and go back to your boss with the good words of the Sicilian city, let him not The trouble of coming to this city is to find the trouble of the desert kingdom. After all, it is they who brought the slaves here, not the nationals of Hollevan. "

The woman took a deep look at Liang Lidong, and then jumped into the house with her own kin.

In the carriage, there was an obese woman. From her figure, it was estimated that she was at least three hundred pounds in weight, and she was trembling with fright ... This is the eldest daughter of the Sicilian city owner, and she really looks quite distinctive.

Liang Lidong thought this was just an episode and didn't care. He continued to hang out in the rich area until it was dark. When he walked out of the rich area and was going to go back, he saw a bunch of people on the way. Surrounded the street and whispered.

Liang Lidong walked over to look, his eyes narrowed in surprise.

Because he saw two women lying in the center of the street, both of them were elves, and one of them was the female elves rescued by Liang Lidong.

Both elves were stripped off, their lower bodies were covered with white smudges, a cut was made in their throats, and their wounds were deep.

Liang Lidong also saw that a green vine pattern appeared on their backs, which was shining with a green luster.

The magical message peculiar to the Elven clan ... the receiving organization is Nature's Wrath.

bad! Liang Lidong immediately knew that the big deal was bad. He hurried back to the Tao Te Manor, and saw Kyle and others happen to be back.

"Teacher, what happened, your face is very bad!" Kyle asked.

Liang Lidong took it all over again ~ ~ Everyone's face changed, and Alice clenched her teeth in anger. She is a half-elf, and she feels the same.

Kyle didn't have enough experience. Naturally, he didn't know what would happen to the naked death of the two female elves. He only knew that such things were wrong, very wrong, and no one could handle others' lives at will.

But Emma and Alice knew very well how terrifying radicals the Natural Wrath organization was.

"I can't think of three o'clock, the natural rage organization will definitely come to the Sicilian city. At that time, they will definitely approach the owner of the city to hand over the murderer. , But as long as they are professionals, they will be followed. "

Liang Lidong took a breath and continued: "We must also be doubted by them. Natural fury is not a reasonable organization. Otherwise, we will leave here with teleportation magic and wait for the matter to end."

"It's too late." Emma pointed to the horizon, where a green magic luster appeared, and a huge magic wave covered the entire Sicilian city. (To be continued.)

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