Noble Emblem

Chapter 162: Come to the door

This is elemental life ... Liang Lidong stepped back two steps, and when these black shadows flew together, he suddenly threw a flashing scroll onto the ground, and closed his eyes at the same time.

The fierce flash broke the surrounding darkness all at once, and these dark shadows flew away backwards in dismay.

Although the flash is not an offensive light spell, it still causes great damage to these shadows. However, because the dark elemental creatures have the ability to regenerate, although the flash technique has temporarily repelled them, they will soon be reborn and become intact, and then attack again.

These dark elements have no single life strength, but the eight together are quite troublesome. Two fists are difficult to defeat four hands. Regardless of front and back, in order to deal with eight enemies at the same time, you must have a strong reaction ability, a strong breakthrough, or defense.

But these are exactly the weaknesses of the nobles of the descent. Although Liang Lidong possesses the magic of driving fog, its effects do not work for elemental creatures, because elemental creatures use the spiritual power to perceive the world, not vision and hearing.

Liang Lidong didn't have many flashing scrolls, so he had to figure out a way to break the magic seal enchantment before those dark elemental creatures re-enclosed.

But such a large magic enchantment is generally very complicated. ⊕∫, it is almost impossible to crack in a short time.

Liang Lidong estimates that this is exactly what the other party intended to lead the enemy into the trap, using magic enchantment to trap people, and then they can calmly dispatch troops, besiege the enemy, or kill them.

These eight dark and unsuspecting lives are not strong, but dragging time is a good hand, after all, they can resurrect infinitely.

If an ordinary professional enters such a magic seal, there is no legendary strength, and it is difficult to escape. After all, all magic seal enchantments are

But Liang Lidong is different. He has a deep understanding of magic, and most importantly, he has a magic pet.

As the half of the caster, the magic pet possesses most of the master's knowledge. Jeanne was flying in mid-air, and she saw a magic seal enchantment appear on the ground, and at this time the connection with the master's elf was interrupted. It understood that the master had fallen into a trap.

It tried to shoot two air bomb magic into the magic enchantment, but it had no effect at all.

Since storming is not possible, you must use other methods. According to the knowledge provided by the master, this large magic seal array for the purpose of prisoners, there must be a small magic institution nearby to switch magic arrays.

Once you find that institution, you can easily close the magic circle.

The hawk's eyes are sharp, at altitudes of hundreds of meters. You can see the bunny running on the ground. Now, Jeanne has become a magic pet, and her strength has been greatly improved. Now she can see small bugs crawling on the ground at a height of several hundred meters.

It hovered in the air, searching the land around the magic array inch by inch, even if there was a little clue about it.

It was anxious because it was the first time it had seen its owner in real danger. And still caught the trap.

Although it was anxious, it did not let go of a little suspicious. The magic circle below flashed occasionally, and it knew that it was a sign that the master was fighting.

As time passed by minute by minute, Jeanne's heart became more and more tense. It did not see anything suspicious from nearby.

Now more than two hours have passed, and it knows that the owner is not in danger for the time being. Because it is still alive ... The magic pet is closely related to the life of the master. If the master dies, the magic pet will die.

Any creature is afraid of death, and Jeanne is also afraid. With wisdom, it is even more afraid.

But now it is more worried about the owner's safety. Not yourself.

The enemy's reinforcements have come. It has even seen a 'fire dragon' coming from the direction of the city's main government. Judging from the density of the torches, there are at least 300 people.

Although the owner's fog magic is very powerful, if it is surrounded by hundreds of people, it is still difficult to escape.

It was getting more anxious, thinking about harassing these enemies in the past, not letting them approach this place so quickly, trying for some time, but also at this time, it saw a man in black running not far from the magic seal and drilling Inside a tree hole in a big tree.

When found, Jeanne ‘shot’ into the tree hole like a golden light, and then there were two screams, and then there were sounds of magic explosion.

Liang Lidong threw away the last scroll ... He has seen some doorways. This magic seal consists of three basic points. As long as one of the basic points is cracked, the magic circle will dissipate.

But the problem now is that the enemy won't give him that much time to think about it, and his flashing scroll has run out.

Are you desperate?

Liang Lidong looked at the dark creatures around him. If he had to deal with them, he would either not beat them, or he would pay a little more.

A few dark creatures gradually gathered around, Liang Lidong shook his hands, and two magic scrolls appeared in his hands.

The dark creatures stopped seeing him like this and immediately stopped. The first few flashes made them quite embarrassed. Now they have a certain degree of fear of magic.

But it was also at this time that the magic seal suddenly became unstable. It twisted and flickered a few times, and then ‘嘭’ suddenly turned into a magical fragment of magic energy. Seeing the situation, those dark elemental creatures immediately turned into shadows, and fled quickly against the ground.

At this time Jeanne's worried voice came through the spiritual channel: "Master, are you okay?"

The spiritual channel was re-established, and Liang Lidong relaxed. "Junde, you destroyed the magic circle? Thank you."

Zhende flew down from the air and landed on Liang Lidong's shoulder.

Its feathers have dropped a lot, and there is also a slight trauma in the beak of the mouth.

"This is not the time to say these things." Jeanne shook her body and said, "A lot of soldiers came from the host's house. It is estimated that there are more than 300 people. You are leaving here, and in addition, I do n’t have much strength now You can't fly very far, you take me. "

Liang Lidong nodded, this time if there was no Jeanne. It's definitely a lot of trouble. It seems that the specialty of "Magic Pet Specialization" is indeed the right one. Now, Jeanne's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and if she rises to two or three levels, it is enough to stand alone.

Liang Lidong re-opened the driving magic and left here.

By the time he returned to the Taote Manor, it was dawn. Just entered the villa. Emma came out of her room. She was neatly dressed and didn't want to sleep all night.

"How is it? No injuries." Emma looked at Liang Lidong up and down.

Although it was said that things were really thrilling, Liang Lidong was not harmed. Jeanne didn't like communicating with outsiders. She fluttered her wings and flew to Liang Lidong's bed. She fell asleep under a quilt.

For Warcraft, the best way to heal is to sleep.

Liang Lidong sat down. He drank his saliva, told the story, and then said, "If the chairman of the chamber of commerce did not tell lies, the two elves were thrown to the street by the city owner, why did he do this, and he deliberately attracted nature? Revenge in anger? This is not logical. "

Emma thought about it and said, "Is that Edward lying?"

Liang Lidong shook his head: "I'm very confident in seeing people, that Edward has been scared to the six gods. It's impossible to tell lies. And pushing things to the city owner, to him. It doesn't make sense. Because that The magic seal locked him up too. If he were the mastermind, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing. "

Emma shook her head. "What should I do now?"

"You go to sleep first, and after three or four hours, you and I go to the city capital." Liang Lidong said on the face of the old god: "Since the situation is unknown, the easiest way is to go by ourselves Just ask. "

Emma couldn't understand, but she didn't ask much, but went back to the room to sleep very obediently.

She was so worried last night that she didn't fall asleep all night and now she sees people coming back. Feeling more at ease, I fell asleep as soon as I touched the bed.

About three hours later, Liang Lidong and Emma both appeared in the living room. This time, the breakfast was made by Julie and the taste was okay. After Liang Lidong had breakfast, he told what happened last night and others.

In the slightly surprised eyes of everyone, he said: "Now things are getting stranger and stranger. It seems that the city's main government is doing something and secretly fighting with some forces. We have been involved."

"It was originally the best choice to leave directly, but we had to get Kyle's armor." Liang Lidong was helpless: "So we must continue to accompany the city main government to perform and be used by him, or use him in turn. Wait Emma and I will go directly to the city owner to talk, Kyle and Alice, you quietly follow us. If something happens, you will come directly to support the war. "

"Joshua and Julie are staying in the manor. After we leave, they will activate the manor's protective magic circle. Except for us, everyone else will come and never allow the magic circle's organs to be shut down. Understand?"

Everyone nodded, Joshua wanted to follow Kyle and he wanted to participate in the battle, but thought of his own strength, maybe he would drag down his friends.

Half an hour later, Liang Lidong and Emma set off in a carriage.

The carriage originally belonged to the Tao Te family, because the people of the Tao Te family were almost dead, and Joshua and Julie had pus, and they had nowhere to go, so the carriage was kept in the warehouse. Accumulated a layer of ash.

Yesterday Julie pulled the carriage out, wiped it clean, and went to the market to buy some old horses.

Because war horses are armaments, it is impossible to buy them from the market. There are old horses for carts, which means that the goods here in Sicily are already complete.

Liang Lidong drove, Emma was sitting in the carriage, and the two walked to the gate of the city's main house.

It was still the guard who was in charge of guarding the gate. When he saw Liang Lidong, this time he didn't ask anything and went straight to the manor to report. Then he came out and said that the city owner was waiting for them in the study.

The Brooke family is still like that. Looking at the gold fences and the gold bricks used for flooring, Liang Lidong suddenly has some interest ... His creed is always not a problem, but if someone provokes him, he Don't mind fighting back.

For example, secretly taking away some of this gold, I don't know what Iza would be like.

But you have to choose the right time, otherwise it will be troublesome.

The two walked across the BRICS path, entered the villa, and walked to the study room on the third floor.

The city's owner Iza was instructing the internal affairs. He looked up, looked at Liang Lidong and Emma, ​​and smiled, "The two are coming this time, I think there must be some good news."

Seeing that the city lord Iza didn't mention anything about last night, Liang Lidong also laughed: "Indeed, the city lord didn't ask us to find out who threw those two elves on the street, and now we have the result."

"Oh, let's hear it." The city's owner, Iza, took a moment, then smiled happily: "I didn't expect you to move so fast."

"We have our own intelligence system. It's the best to do such inquiries." Liang Lidong casually lied: "But the news is a bit surprising, I'm worried you may not accept it."

The town owner laughed loudly, and then pretended to be angry: "How could it be, you are too underestimated of my lord. Anyway, when I was young, I had been a mercenary for a while, although nothing broke out. Fame, but in terms of acceptance, I will never be worse than you. "

"Then I will speak straight." Liang Lidong sat upright, with a weird smile on his face: "Last night we found a clue, caught a suspicious person, and asked a few questions from his mouth. Surprising thing, the person who threw the bodies of the two naked elves on the street and attracted the wrath of nature, in fact, you know the city owner and are familiar with it. "

"Who is it?" Iza didn't laugh anymore.

"Your eldest son, Lance!"

"What ~ ~ how could it be him!" The city lord patted the table, stood up, and glared at Liang Lidong: "What do you mean, Lord Beta?"

Emma turned her head to look at Liang Lidong. She didn't expect it. He talked about it.

"Don't you let us investigate the murderer?" Liang Lidong spread his hand: "We're awake, Lance, he did it."

Iza asked with a black face, "He is my son, how could he do such a thing, and Sicilia is also his home, and he has no reason to do so."

Liang Lidong leaned forward slightly, and the "noble temperament" specialty launched: "Citylord, this is also a place I am curious about. Sicily is also your home. Your Brook family has been here for at least hundreds of years. Why suddenly You're going to destroy it, why? "

The city owner narrowed his eyes slightly, with a little anger on his face, and he heard it. Liang Lidong was not asking Lance, he was questioning himself.

Why should we attract the enemy to destroy our home! (To be continued.)

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