Noble Emblem

Chapter 166: Beta wants to lift the table

Exiting from Emma's soul world, Liang Lidong looked at the girl who was still in a state of disappointment and sighed. He said: "So you do n’t use prophecy anymore, it ’s not true prophecy, as far as I know Destiny can be changed. Destiny that cannot be changed is because you are not strong enough, or you believe too much in the so-called 'destiny.' "

Emma smiled horribly, and it was too big a subversion of her worldview.

Since she was seven years old and sensible, she knew that she had the so-called 'prophecy'. She could see the fate of the people around her, watch them grow up in a fantasy world, watch them grow old and die, and she saw the resurrection of the devil. She also saw a line of fate that could save the world.

She watched this destiny line grow up from an early age, always thinking that it was God's revelation to her, and saving the world was her destiny, but she never thought about it, what if this thing was fake?

Now, Liang Lidong woke her up, and she also began to feel that she was in a terrible trap.

Even her own soul world has been unknowingly modified and replaced, so what about that thought, in case even the current thought is given by ‘others’, can she still be regarded as a real person?

Liang Lidong looked at Emma, ​​who was lost, and she was now in a state of horns, and she comforted: "The replacement of the soul world by someone does not mean that you are manipulated by others, otherwise they will not use the so-called 'Prophecy' controls you directly. "

Liang Lidong's consolation worked, and Emma's face eased slightly. She stood up, bowed to Liang Lidong seriously, and said, "Thank you, Lord Beta, if it weren't for you, I would even have my own soul world. Are in the hands of others. "


Emma took a deep breath: "Beta, I know this request may be a bit excessive, since you are so proficient with the soul world. Is there a way you can change my soul world back to what it was."

Liang Lidong shook his head: "It is very difficult to modify the soul world. Although I know the method, I don't have enough strength to do it, unless it is possible until I reach the legendary level."

Emma bowed her head in disappointment.

But Liang Lidong continued: "But I have a way to stop others from sneaking into your soul silently ... Your soul world has been artificially modified. I suspect that people often enter and exit your soul world, but you yourself I didn't notice it. "

Emma's face was pale, but then she was excited: "Is it really possible?"

"Yes, but if you do that, you may never use your prophecy in the future."

Emma's face was positive: "This is what I want. I don't really like a destiny at all." Her face gradually became happy: "I like a free, unrestrained, unknown life."

Liang Lidong nodded. In fact, it was not difficult to shield the soul invasion of the other party. It just required some money, and he just needed to make Emma a 'Tifa bracelet'.

But Liang Lidong thought about it. He took off the bracelet in his hand and handed it to Emma: "This is a piece of equipment that can shield others from invading the soul. You should wear it first."

Emma took over 'Tifa's bracelet', which was originally a white bracelet. In Emma's hands, it turned emerald green.

‘Tifa ’s bracelet’ is a very amazing piece of equipment, because it can directly vibrate with the wearer ’s soul, so it will change color according to the wearer ’s soul attributes.

Beta's body temperature was still on the bracelet. Emma was holding the green magic mouth in her hands. She felt that the heat had penetrated into her atrium from the palm of her hand and was very comfortable.

"Then you, this magic jewelry must be expensive."

Emma blinked and looked at Liang Lidong, her face flushed.

"I'll make another one by myself." Liang Lidong waved his hand: "It's late at night, you go back to rest first. It's too late to be bad."

Emma nodded, leaving Liang Lidong's room holding the bracelet so indifferently.

Moonlight slanted in through the window, leaving a patch of oblique white light spots in the long walkway.

The cool night air irritated Emma's delicate skin, and she felt her heart beat faster and faster ... from small to large. She had never received a gift from a man, but now she has accepted Beta's magic jewelry.

There are some places in Hollewyn, where men and women get engaged by giving each other bracelets, and Emma's hometown has such a custom. She knew that Beta didn't have that meaning, but she couldn't help thinking about it. After all, she was just a fourteen-year-old girl.

She walked staggeringly, not knowing how long she had walked. It seemed to be a long time, and it seemed only a moment. Just walking back to the door of her room, the door next to it suddenly opened, Alice rushed out of it, and pulled Emma into the room at a fast speed.

The half-elf's long ears were shaking constantly. She looked at the bracelet in Emma's hand and made a strange cry: "Oh oh, this bracelet I have seen on Beta's hand, he took a lot of thought I just made it for you. "

"Did you spend a lot of thought?" Emma looked straight at the bracelet in her hands, and she looked at the bracelet more and more pleasingly.

With a strange look on Emma's shoulder, Alice snickered: "I know that, the name of Watson is a big aristocrat in Dogoro City, and I also know the rules of marriage between men and women in that place, Just give each other bracelets, hehe! "

Emma's body stiffened instantly: "This, this, this ... Beta he doesn't mean it anymore, he just wants to use this thing to protect me!"

Emma rose up incoherently, but her face turned redder and she bowed her head and said nothing.

I don't know how cute and beautiful this looks. Even Alice, a female, was stunned, and she was relieved: "Fortunately, you don't like Kyle, but fortunately, His Excellency Beta is mighty, otherwise if I compete with you, Kyle, there is no chance of winning."

Emma stomped: "I won't tell you, I'm sleepy and want to rest."

She blushed and left Alice's room, returning to her room.

She closed the doors and windows, then fell to the bed, and covered herself with a quilt, shrinking into a ball.

The next day, Liang Lidong got up, and after breakfast, he went out to work directly. Although Emma's expression seemed a bit wrong, he didn't care. After all, what a girl has been insisting on being shattered by people is emotionally unacceptable.

Liang Lidong went to the city to inquire about the news. Anse's warning, and the images he saw in Emma's soul world last night, prove one thing. There is definitely someone behind the progress of the destiny script of the Warriors and Warlords.

However, because the script was disrupted by him, they are now chasing the city of Sicily and want to guide the script to the 'correct' track again.

The death of the 'Brook' family, as well as the top of the Roden family. Or both have something to do with this.

Of course, this is just Liang Lidong's guess. He now needs clues to support or overturn his judgment.

The internal affairs system has been on, and he has been roaring in the city for nearly a day, and he has not found any noticeable clues. As he was about to return to the Taote Manor to rest, he saw a familiar man in a black robe walk into a dark alley.

He only thought about it for a second, then remembered who this man was, the eldest son of the Brooke family, Lance.

Not dead! Liang Lidong thought he had died in an open fight with other nobles.

He immediately followed, and followed far behind. Within a few minutes, Lance walked into the dead end, where no one was there, and he was waiting there.

Liang Lidong lurked at the corner behind. After a few minutes, Liang Li heard Lance suddenly speak, the voice was not loud: "You finally came."

Then a female voice answered, "It didn't make you wait long. How about it, is the wound now healed?"

The female voice Liang Lidong sounded familiar to her, but for a while she didn't remember who it was.

"Nearly." Lance's voice came with a little anger: "The wealth of our family has been removed by you. Although we responded to the order of the host. I gave you all the wealth, but at least you have to Keep some gold coins for a decent life. "

"Even if things are not done well, and there is still a qualification to ask for a decent life?" The girl sneered sneerly: "The host has been quite gracious without killing your whole family."

"Hey. Kill our family, it's not your turn to speak."

The woman sneered: "You took the place of your father. There are many things that are unclear. Our host was very difficult to speak at that time. Otherwise, the host has been very happy since then. Your whole family has long since died. . "

"Anyway, I need enough gold for us to leave here and live a safe life elsewhere. For the host, we have thrown away all our honor and wealth. Isn't that enough?"

"Enough is enough, but you don't have much respect for the master, and I have to teach you some lessons on my behalf."

Then there was Lance's scream, but after a single beep, there was no movement. Liang Lidong poked his head from the corner, but found that Lance was gone, and he hurried to the dead end, and looked around, but found nothing.

Without Lance, there are no women, as if the sounds he heard just now are hallucinations.

But he knew it was not an illusion, because he felt a faint dark magic, and there were some signs of space debris flowing.

Someone around here used space teleportation ... that is, they know dark magic and space abilities. Is it a demon?

Because space abilities and dark magic are one of the main characteristics of demons.

Lance is still alive, and listening to his tone, the Brooks have been working for a hidden big man.

What the Brooke family say is also the rare world of Hollevin. Not to mention Hollebon, even the world, there are not many big families that can be richer than the Brooke family.

But it is such a family who actually lives for someone, and as long as he orders, the Brooke family has to disperse all the accumulation of hundreds of years.

Even the royal family did not have such ability. With Liang Lidong's insights in the game, only two families of gods can do this

Show off the bright Pope's Teutonic knight family and the Orc's winter wolf descendants.

But these two families have very obvious characteristics. The Teutonic Knights cannot be associated with dark creatures, and the descendants of Winter Wolf are the natural enemies of demons.

None of them can drive demonic creatures for their own use.

In the end, what other family, or the big man actually has such ability?



With such questions, Liang Lidong returned to the Tao Te Manor, at this time it was dark, and Joshua and Julie had already prepared dinner.

After seeing Joshua, Liang Lidong finally knew why the girl sounded familiar. It turned out to be Joshua's fiancee, Yiwen.

Because she heard her voice only once, Liang Lidong didn't remember it immediately.

At the table, Liang Lidong told what he had just heard and said, "Now I can be sure that the so-called resurrection of the devil is definitely a script. I don't know what kind of impact this script will have on this world, but I Believe that he has absolutely no good intentions. "

"So we don't have to fight the demon any more?" Alice asked excitedly, she was a half-elf. Although proud, but adhering to the characteristics of the half-elf, she actually loved peace and didn't like the battle.

Kyle was also relieved. Although he already knew that he had the blood of a brave person, but thinking of the dangers of the whole world was on his shoulders, even a person with a big nerve would be extremely stressed.

If the resurrection of the devil is false, then he does not have to bear such a large responsibility, and it is a good thing to think about it.

Emma's face was a bit awkward, because she actually made it up and was indirectly manipulated by people, and such things would not be easy for anyone.

Joshua was surprised, and he didn't expect that his friends and teachers were the legendary brave team, let alone that this team was actually on the way to save the world.

Liang Lidong said: "The resurrection of the devil should be true ~ ~ Otherwise, those who secretly guide Emma will not spend much effort to let Emma watch the so-called prophecy. What we do n’t know is, What do those people hiding in the shadows have intent on, they deliberately led Kyle to seal the devil, and what the conspiracy is. Is the devil the real devil, or is it just a sign of the devil !? "

"Then what should we do now?" Alice looked at Liang Lidong, and she really wanted Liang Lidong to say this way, regardless of the devil's affairs.

But Liang Lidong's words were somewhat unexpected: "We go to look for Kyle's heirloom equipment as usual, the more we do, the more we have to figure out what is going on, we have to go to the devil, but not according to those The little steps come, but we do.

Kyle's eyes lit up: "So the teacher has an idea?"

"It's a bit of an idea, but it's not necessary to say now, because the plan will never catch up with changes." Liang Lidong showed a weird smile. During the game, when he and his cousin and other friends were going to pit people, they would smile so much: Since the Roden family is related to them, we will find a way to bring down the Roden family. The best way to disrupt the enemy's plan is to lift the table and drop the entire chessboard to the ground. "(To be continued.)

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