Noble Emblem

Chapter 18: Finding the right magic pet

Although the children in the village do not have much knowledge and do not know much about the truth, they have a strong ability to work independently. More than 20 children work together and work together. A group of digging foundations in situ must be done even if they build thatched cottages. A foundation foundation, otherwise the thatched house built in less than a few days. A few girls went to pick up straw and dead branches. Another group of older, more powerful children, was preparing to use tools to cut back some of the larger pieces of solid wood, which was used to make a thatched cottage support.

Watching the children busy, Liang Lidong felt that nothing had happened here. He said to Kyle, who was preparing to help, "Don't hurry, I need something to help you. You said yesterday, in the village north There are many ferocious beasts on the mountain over there. Can you take me to see, I have something to do. "

Kyle had a happy face on his face: "OK, no problem."

Juvenile human nature is easy to impulsive, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. If an adult hears Liang Lidong's request, there are many beasts on Beishan. For his own safety, most of them must be considered again and again, but Kyle is not afraid, he first runs home and takes out his iron sword, and then with excitement on his face Liang Lidong went up the mountain to the north. After walking through the two hills, there is a taller and larger mountain in front of you. Several peaks extend to the distance. The lush woods cover the entire mountain range. Because the terrain is high, you can see the clouds of smoke on the peaks.

"In front is the largest mountain group in the north. There are many beasts living in it, several meters long snakes, tigers, and forest wolves." Kyle looked a little angry: "Now in summer, they have something to eat in the woods, Therefore, it is rare to come near our village, but if it is winter and snow-capped mountains, there will be fierce beasts rushing into the village from time to time, and it is nothing to take away the cattle and sheep. Last year, the little daughter of the Nicholas family was taken away by the tiger. "

There was a roar of beasts from Laoshan Peak. Liang Lidong nodded and knew that he had seen such things in the game. He also personally participated in the task of killing beasts near the village.

老师 "Teacher, what are you going to do here?" Kyle asked curiously.

"I intend to contract a magic pet." It is not a strange thing for the caster to have a magic pet, and there is no need to conceal it: "I want to do a lot of things now. The magic pet is equivalent to the caster's assistant. With it, It's much easier for me to do things. "

"Magic pet?" Kyle heard the term for the first time, and he continued to ask curiously, "What does that mean?"

"It is the use of magic to embed a small part of his soul into the consciousness of natural creatures, and integrate them with it." Liang Lidong introduced him in plain words as much as possible: "Because of the soul fragments and knowledge of the caster, natural creatures Will evolve into magical creatures, and have special abilities, and keep the spirit of the caster on the premise of retaining their independent consciousness. It can be said that the caster is a special avatar, and it has the ability to learn, and the learned knowledge will be slowly fed back Into the soul of the caster. "

Kell was shocked: "So powerful? Then ten contracts of eight magic pets, let them read books, wouldn't it be unnecessary to learn in the future? And more than a dozen hit one, which is very cheap."

"How can it be so simple!" Liang Lidong smiled: "The magic pet can only contract one, maybe there can be people who can contract more than two magic pets, but I have not heard of it. You say ten eights and one cast. This is a summoner profession. Summoning creatures are different from magic pets. Firstly, the calling creatures are fantasy creatures, usually from heaven or the demon world. Their projection time in the main world is limited, and they will disappear naturally when the time comes. Creatures are more difficult to control, and often they do n’t follow orders. If they do n’t have specialization skills, they may be killed by summoned creatures. In addition to the Celestial and Demon creatures, the other two special summoners are Necromancers, and Necromancer, these two casters are fun to play with corpses, everyone shouts, you don't need to know too much. If you have the opportunity to see these two kinds of people in the future, they will be chopped after the fight, but not beat Run, understand? "

Kell listened with interest, he scratched his head and said, "Teacher, can you tell me more about the caster and the professional?"

"I will have the opportunity to talk to you in detail in the future." Liang Lidong patted Kyle's head lightly, although he looks a few years older than a teenager, but this action is taken for granted, and the latter is not. What's strange. He slowly said: "I want to contract a magic pet to enhance my strength now, so I have to find a more powerful beast, you can come along with it, or increase your knowledge."

Kyle nodded enthusiastically. He naturally wanted something like this.

With a finger, the fog driving skill was launched again, and Kyle stood in it, feeling full of security. He followed Liang Lidong, walked a few steps, and then snorted: "Teacher, the range of dense fog seems to be a little wider. "

"Well, a radius of 50 meters." Liang Lidong smiled: "Because I am stronger."

"If the contract is a magic pet, the teacher will become stronger." Kyle said enviously: "If I have the same ability as a teacher, I don't think Grandpa will stop me from being a mercenary."

"I'm not really strong now," Liang Lidong advised. "Your grandfather is also good for you. After all, you are the only son of the Reed family, and your parents are gone. If even you have an accident, the Reed family will really be the last. .Perhaps you feel like being a mercenary, travelling around freely, but in essence the mercenary's life is very hard, and your current ability is not enough to become a mercenary. "

Kyle was a little unconvinced: "I think I can, at least no one in the village is my opponent except the teacher. Also, I tried in the city with some mercenaries, except for a few people I ca n’t beat, other No one is my opponent. "

"Mercenaries in the city?" Liang Lidong smiled very happily: "A mercenary you can beat can be called a mercenary? Kyle, you are obviously deceived. Once a real mercenary starts, you are not dead, I will also lose half my life, because I have spent many years in danger, and once they shot, they are the key. This is already an instinct. My current strength is considered the bottom of the mercenary, but if I want to deal with the current You do n’t need weapons or casts, one hand is enough. ”

Kell said unconvinced: "Teacher you are better than me, I certainly believe, but if you say that you can't use magic, you can beat me with one hand, I don't believe it. I've practiced swordplay anyway."

"Strength is one aspect, and then mercenary common sense is the other." Liang Lidong stepped on a spiny vine, ignored the little guy's provocation, and continued to walk up the mountain. Now the roar from the mountain is becoming more and more obvious. Here is: "Strength is only a stepping stone to mercenaries. To be a reliable mercenary, you have to learn a lot of skills. If you are not a caster, you must know how to use multiple weapons to fight and maintain weapons and armor, because many times, You ca n’t fight with specialized weapons. You have to learn to distinguish between weather changes, basic botany, zoology, and Warcraft. You have to know how to make a fire in a humid environment without flint, without the help of a caster. How to swim, how to make a tree without sound, how to track prey, how to track down ... "

Kyle couldn't keep his eyes open: "The mercenaries have to learn so much, then why do I look at many mercenaries that don't seem to be knowledgeable."

"Merchants who can't master even these basic knowledge generally don't live long."

When Kelton felt a basin of ice water poured on his head, the blood on his face immediately cooled down: "The teacher is not a mercenary, how do you know what mercenaries should learn!"

"Who says I have never been a mercenary, I have at least six years of mercenary career." Liang Lidong added in his heart: in the game.

Kyle opened his mouth wide.

"Look at my fine skin and tender meat, a picture of a noble master, it doesn't look like it." Liang Lidong turned back and asked with a smile.

Kyle nodded vigorously, and he swallowed: "The teacher is not much older than me. You say you have a six-year mercenary career. Did you become a competent mercenary when you were 12 or 13?"

"Who told you that I'm only about 20 years old! Professionals are different from ordinary people. The stronger the strength, the longer the life span. You can't judge the age of a professional by his appearance." Liang Lidong explained: "I have seen There was a girl who looked like a twelve-year-old girl. She was so ridiculous, but in fact she was 174 years old. At that time, she was still an infant. She once told me that she was an adult The period is about 536. "

Kyle's mouth has become bigger and he can already put his own fist: "What's the girl's name, how can she live so long?"

"Human race, Margaret, the strongest humanoid creature." Liang Lidong continued to explain: "Generally speaking, the life expectancy of human professionals can reach 140 years, and their strength is stronger. Professionals may be able to live to about two hundred years of age. If they have special bloodlines, they will live longer. And people with special bloodlines will have slightly different appearances than ordinary people, which is very conspicuous. "

"Like a teacher?" Kyle pointed to Liang Lidong's bright blond hair.

Generally speaking, ordinary people ’s blond hair is dark, but Liang Lidong ’s bright golden hair is different. It seems to have a faint light source, even in the dark, and the gloss is very clean, like It's soft golden crystal silk, which has to be said to be beautiful.

Liang Lidong touched his hair. In the game, his hair color is not so prominent, similar to ordinary people, but now it is 'pretty' too much, and it is a bit like Margaret's hair, The difference is that Margaret's hair is enthusiastic fiery red, and it is very long, almost reaching the heel.

He may be the cause of Yunlong's blood, Liang Lidong guessed.

Seeing that Liang Lidong did not answer, Kyle was the default, and he continued to ask, "How old are you, teacher?"

"Guess!" Liang Lidong sold it.

"How can you guess." Kyle was helpless.

Tong Liang Lidong smiled and then said, "I'm not talking about these things for a while, there is a tiger over there. Let's go and see if it's suitable for magic pets."

At this time they have reached the side waist of the mountain peak, just on the edge of the forest. The scope of the 'Driving Fog' skill has expanded. At this time, there are many red dots displayed in the field of vision of the two, and at the edge of the dense fog, there is a larger red dot. 'System introduction.

The two walked over. The tiger belongs to the feline family. Generally, the hearing, vision, and smell of felines are quite good. But the two walked to the first 50 meters of the big cat. Know what's going on. The fog-driving skill has deprived most of the tiger's senses, and now it can't even see the things in front of it, and growls in a low voice, feeling very disturbed. The tiger ate and drank, ran to the grass on the edge of the forest to bask in the sun, and was suddenly engulfed by Liang Lidong's "driving fog" skill.

Although tigers are kings of woodland, they can be treated as natural creatures. When encountering magic, they are also vulnerable groups.

Liang Lidong started the system function of the ‘Magic Pet’ contract, facing the uneasy big cat left and right, and then looked at the prompts given by the system.

Name: Mountain Tiger (Adult)

Race: Feline (can be contracted as a magic pet)

Contract Expertise: Move Silently

Qi Liang Lidong nodded. As in the game, after the cat became a World of Warcraft, his feat turned silently. The feline has a strong attack power and various attack methods, which can become a strong combat-type pet. However, Liang Lidong's fog driving skills already have a 'silent movement' effect. If you contract a feline, you can specialize There is overlap, which is a waste.

Leaning away from the overwhelmed big cat, Liang Lidong entered the woods, and Kyle followed behind and asked, "Teacher, isn't the tiger suitable? I think its combat power is very strong."

"The combat effectiveness is really good, but its combat expertise conflicts with my skills."

Kyle nodded as if he didn't understand, but he remembered a term more and more, 'combat expertise'.

Many animals can become magic pets, but not all magic pets have sufficient fighting power. For example, squirrels, sparrows, rabbits, etc. can become magic pets. Their contract expertise is quite practical, but even after they become World of Warcraft, The battle is also general, and it is more inclined to support combat. What Liang Lidong needs is a magic pet that has strong combat power and does not conflict with or overlap with his own expertise.

The two of them walked in the woods for a while, and Liang Lidong found another natural creature suitable for the battle pet: the python.

Name: Hundred-point Yellow Python

Tadpole Race: Anaconda

Contract Expertise: Blind Fight

This python has actually found Liang Lidong and Kyle, but it did not attack, because the distance between the two is more than 50 meters, and the snake is actually very scary. Unless it is too hungry or threatened, otherwise Will not attack people. The snake does not rely on sight and hearing to detect creatures, so the fog driving skill has little effect on it, but it is still affected by the reduced movement speed. It wants to escape these two terrible humanoid creatures, but its movement speed is slow.

Blind bucket, Liang Lidong intentionally moved. The magical python's combat power is very high, and its expertise does not conflict, but Liang Lidong thought about it and gave up. He has a real vision and can see things in any environment. Blind fighting is not a useful feat.

Leaving the scary python, Liang Lidong took Kyle to continue wandering in the woods, and soon encountered new fighting creatures.

Name: Woodland Grey Wolf

Race: Canine

Contract Expertise: Spell Resistance

Spell resistance is a very good auxiliary feat. It can slightly increase the magic resistance of the holder. The effect is average, but it is better than the overall one. This effect can play a role in any line, and with As the holder's level increases, the effect will gradually become more obvious. Liang Lidong has seven points of willpower growth and resistance to magic is quite good. If he has spell resistance, the effect will be better. General magic is difficult. Played a significant role in him.

And the canine fighting ability is quite good, although not as strong as the feline, but at least much stronger than the squirrel-like auxiliary magic pet.

记 Make a note of it and go see other creatures before making a decision. The two continued to hang out in the forest and encountered many wild animals. Liang Lidong wanted to look at the magic pets of insects, and found that there were no large insects in this forest, and even if the small insects were World of Warcraft, no matter how good their expertise was, they could not give up their fighting power.

I walked away for a long time, and before the sun was about to go down, Liang Lidong finally decided to treat the gray wolf as his contract magic pet.

They soon caught a single gray wolf in the forest, Liang Lidong tuned out the magic pet contract system, covered with blue light, and mixed with small lightnings screaming, a horror magician Looks like. Kyle frowned, and the gray wolf lay on the ground, daring to move, screaming, terrified.

Li Liangdong with the help of the system ~ ~ Tear a small piece of soul from the sea of ​​consciousness and condense on the index finger of the right hand. In the game, when he contracted the magic pet, the soul fragment was blue, but now, his soul fragment is bright golden, just like the color of his hair.

Although tearing the soul was more painful than in the game, Liang Lidong still resisted. He wiped the cold sweat on his head with his left hand, and was about to point the soul fragments on the index finger of his right hand into the gray wolf's brain. At this time, a shout came from the top of his head, and he looked up subconsciously. A big bird with a cyan long-tailed hawk, white feathers, and a three-colored feather crest flew overhead, because the driving skills of fog decreased. For speed reasons, this bird flies very hard and is not fast.

The message of this cyan long-tailed starling bird soon appeared in Li Liang's vision.

Name: Three-feathered Crown Owl (Semi-Warcraft)

Tatar Race: Tadidae (can be contracted as a magic pet)

Contract Expertise: Intuition Dodge, Wisdom

Look down! Liang Lidong almost jumped up, a creature with dual expertise, and a semi-Warcraft natural creature. He heard about such a special species between natural creatures and magical creatures in the game, but he has never seen it. It is a type that can be encountered but not wanted, but he did not expect that he encountered it here.

"Kyle, help me catch this bird."

Liang Lidong shouted and caught up. He now has a coordination value of 7.35. With the additional speed increase of the two skills of fog driving skills and agile movement, people suddenly disappeared, and Kyle was scared. A jump, quickly chased after.

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