Noble Emblem

Chapter 225: King City Great Change

Katie dare not take seriously for Liang Lidong's self-deprecation, but she did see that the Pope of the Workin ’s goddess seemed to lack the true 'reverence' to the goddess, but the goddess trusted him very much. I can hear when I talk to her.

For joining the Okin Temple, Katie is happy and happy. The good thing is that the teaching of this temple is very good. Last night she had seen a copy of her teaching given by Liang Lidong. Joining such a religion is not afraid of being regarded as anything. Cultist.

Worryingly, the power of this deity seems to be very small, and it is currently limited to the neighborhood of Reed Village. It stands to reason that such a small deity should be conservatively developed, but during the conversation with the goddess ’thoughts just now, Katie felt that the goddess was very Aggressive, or very aggressive, even forcibly transferred her strength to the master level.

Becoming a master is the most basic dream of all professionals, but due to talent, only a small number of people can successfully reach this level. Katie knows her qualifications. She never expected to be a master, but today, dream about it. The child realized it, because it was too amazing, she didn't even feel it.

More importantly, the mother's illness is getting better, which is what excites her most.

It was close to noon at this time, and every household in Reid Village began to smoke cigarettes. Belin ran quickly from a distance. Waiting for the two of them, she took a breath and said, "Teacher, aren't you going out for a while, why? Come back soon. "

As she spoke, she looked at Katie with curious eyes.

Liang Lidong pointed to the side and said, "This is Katie, a new member of our temple. By the way, did the goddess arrange for you, or a position?"

"Diablo," Carty replied lightly.

Belin froze, she didn't quite understand what the name meant, but Liang Lidong understood: "Okay, it seems that you will be the second character in the temple in the future."

Katie spread his hands and smiled quite kindly: "But he is still a single general, and he has no soldiers."

In every temple, there are always people who deal with certain things that can't be seen. These people are generally called judges, and the Dark Archon is the leader responsible for managing these people. Generally speaking, their status is only under the Pope.

Katie complained to Liang Lidong indirectly. The latter naturally understood that he explored the space with both hands, and then he would produce more than a dozen gold bricks: "This is your activity fund. Since you are already a Dark Archon, then you have the obligation to build a temple for the temple. Judge team. If you need any money later, report it directly to me and I will evaluate it. "

Looking at the dozen or so gold bricks on the ground, Katie wow. Although she is a professional, she can earn about ten gold coins a month, but because she has to treat her mother, she has no money left, so some kind of To a certain extent, she is also poor.

If these gold bricks melt. At least thousands of gold coins can be minted, but Katie now looks awkward: because she has nowhere to put these gold bricks.

Belin seemed to be aware of Katy's difficulties, and she laughed: "Or put it in the warehouse of the temple first, it's safe there, and I don't think anyone dares to enter the temple casually."

Katie nodded.

At this moment Liang Lidong said suddenly, "Your mother is awake."

Then he waved, and the old man and her bed appeared in front of the three.

At this time, the old man just opened his eyes and saw the blue sky and white clouds, and the surrounding environment was different from the original one. Just wondering if he was dreaming, he saw his daughter Katie came over with eyes.

Liang Lidong watched the emotional drama of the mother and daughter. Then he said to Belin, "Precast a field in the village for Katie and her mother, and open a field for them. It doesn't take much to make them almost as ordinary people."

Belin nodded: "There are many people and few people in our village. It's a good thing to have outsiders willing to live here. Teacher, please feel free to leave it to us."

Liang Lidong nodded, and left Reed Village with teleportation magic.

Katy is already a dark consul, and although he still belongs to his leadership, everyone with real power does not like to be interfered too much in what he does. Liang Lidong understands this, so he feels that he doesn't need to stay in Reid Village anymore. The rest of the things, Katie and Belin will naturally do well. Both of them are professionals, not stupid.

He hopes that when he returns next time, Katy will be able to draw up a team of at least five or six judges.

With the disappearance of the magic luster, Liang Lidong teleported back to the hotel where Wang Cheng lived. He had recorded the magic beacon of Wang Cheng, so he could go straight back.

But as soon as he teleported, he felt that the atmosphere nearby was a little weird, and there was no one in the entire hotel. And the hotel's door was tightly closed.

He pushed open the door of the hotel, and then watched a few soldiers guarding the door. The soldiers heard a sound behind them and looked back. After stunning for two seconds, someone suddenly drank: "Red magic robe ... He, catch him. "

Liang Lidong raised his eyebrows. From the yelling of the other side just now, he knew a lot of information, for example, he seemed to be wanted.

A magic scroll was taken from the space backpack, torn, and then the wind suddenly appeared, blowing several soldiers in front of Liang Lidong's eyes, flying directly for more than ten meters, and then falling to the ground.

Such an attack would not kill them, but it would allow them to lose their fighting ability within a short period of time due to severe pain or coma.

There was also a caught fish, who ran away while sounding a warning, or a whistle for rescue.

Liang Lidong applied a secondary stealth scroll to himself and left the hotel.

Lesser invisibility is a magical skill that can only be used at the master level. It is not really invisible. It only makes the caster's figure fade. It is not clear at long distances, and even invisible. See the translucent look of the caster.

Although it is not completely invisible, it can reduce the risk of being discovered, and it can be considered as one of the most practical magic skills.

Walking on the street, because Liang Lidong did not see Emma in the hotel, and did not know whether the three had fled or were arrested.

Liang Lidong estimated that this sudden incident was mostly related to the great prince. He pulled Katie from his mouth. Perhaps he has already received the news, so he wanted to wipe out Liang Lidong and others.

As for whether the young girl Emma will be accidentally hurt ... he would have liked to have such a thing, it would be better to die.

Liang Lidong really did not expect that he just left Wangcheng for a few hours, and such a big thing happened.

After using secondary stealth surgery, Liang Lidong kept drilling in the alley, so he could easily avoid many of the followers responsible for exploration.

He walked around the King City, and then he found the rich man's residential area. He touched into a small manor that looked more luxurious. Not only did he go with a suit of clothes, but he also found some browns. Hair dye.

Generally speaking, people who are good at cross-dressing only need to change their hairstyle and change their clothes to give outsiders a personal feeling, but Liang Lidong ’s short golden hair is too dazzling and too eye-catching. Therefore, it is difficult for him to make a successful cross-dress in the true sense.

But with a hair dye, it's much easier.

Looking at the brown frivolous aristocratic young man in the mirror, Liang Lidong smiled and continued to use the secondary invisibility to quietly leave the manor.

When he was outside, he went to a place where no one noticed, he lifted the secondary invisibility, and went to the street.

There are many nobles in the King City, as Liang Lidong looks like now, looking at the impossibly, more frivolous little aristocrats, so he was among the crowd at this time, no one of the soldiers who investigated around thought he was the suspect.

"so many people?"

Liang Lidong rented a carriage, sat on it, watching the soldiers emerging from the street from time to time, and after talking to himself, he turned around and asked the driver: "I just arrived in the King City, what happened, So many soldiers are arresting people on the street. "

"The king is dead." The driver said in a low voice. "I heard that the people brought back by the little princess were poisoned. Now the big prince is looking for the little princess and those poisoned assassins."

Oh. Liang Lidong responded lightly, then asked curiously, "I heard that the little princess is very beautiful. Have you ever seen it?"

"I've seen it, I haven't seen it before." The driver started blowing his cowhide: "Little princess, fourteen years old this year, but has a height of over seven meters, a face that looks like a goddess, and a very good figure ... ... "

On the surface, Liang Lidong smiled and listened to the driver blowing his cowhide, but his mind kept turning, and the king died and was poisoned. The big prince put the blame on the little princess. Why is he uneasy on the second prince? In addition, in this case, what is the second prince doing?

In this chaotic situation, the great prince has taken the initiative, and the more chaotic the situation, the more convenient it is to do something unseen, for example, to be clear of dissidents.

If the second prince does not act ~ ~ It only takes three days for the great prince to grasp the whole king city or the forces of light or darkness.

So now Liang Lidong must find Emma and contact the second prince to see if there is any movement or plan on his side.

I don't know if Emma was arrested.

Liang Lidong narrowed his eyes slightly, and then led by the coachman, he checked into a well-decorated hotel. During the day, he asked Jeanne to watch the entire city throughout the sky, not only to find the whereabouts of Emma and Alice, but also to check the movements of the two princes, the two princes, and their soldiers.

Later in the night, Liang Lidong set himself a secondary stealth technique and came to the vicinity of the palace. He found that the entire palace was very defensive and even many low-level magicians were patrolling with the soldiers.

In this case, even if you use the 'driving fog' magic, you can sneak in. Although there are no magic fluctuations in driving fog magic, there are so many mages here, and there must be wind mage among them. As long as the wind blows, the driving magic will dissipate.

However, Liang Lidong has other methods. He can't get in, but he can try to let others take him in, or inquire from others about what is happening in the palace now. (To be continued.)

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