Noble Emblem

Chapter 247: Lonely girl in black

Watching Sophie leave and watching her wonderful body sink into the darkness of the secret road, Ignaz whispered, half a pity half relaxed, and said, "What a good girl."

The lieutenant said, "Prince, if we cut her off, Archbishop Arnold also hopes that she can survive, and I think this girl is suitable for becoming a princess. After all, she has a very weird relationship in the Temple of the Hades. Net, as far as I know, many people are interested in her on the upper level of the Hades. "

Ignaz thought about it and shook his head. He smiled with a touch of coldness: "No, although she is indeed a good candidate for the princess, she is hostile to me. Maybe she thinks that the hero of Arnold is dead It ’s caused by me. That ’s why I feel that such a woman is in trouble, and she does n’t even have the most basic logical judgment. After Arnold left it off, that ’s a choice of interest. It ’s completely irrelevant to me. I just gave a trading option. It ’s Arnold ’s thing to accept or not ... but that ’s okay. It ’s a good thing for me to die. After all, the fewer hostile people, the better. ”

The lieutenant stepped aside and stopped talking. What the second prince said, he fully understood, and he thought so too, but he thought that the second prince was interested in the girl, and then he said the words before him.

In fact, Sophie also thinks so. She is very clear that this crisis in the Temple of the Underworld cannot completely blame the second prince. This is the choice of the Temple of the Underworld. Compared to spreading the glory of the goddess, the life of a believer is completely worthless. You can also take advantage of this opportunity to be loyal to the goddess and continue to serve the goddess in the underworld.

It ’s just, understand it, but Sophie still has a grudge against the second prince. If he did n’t run to the Temple of Hell, how could such a thing happen, or if he had to fight for the throne, how could there be such a thing. Had it not been for a condition that his father could not refuse. How could this happen!

It's their fault. Both the prince and the second prince are **** bastards!

Resentment and anger grew like weeds in Sophie's heart. Her face was slightly twisted, and she ran in the secret way full of skulls. Her eyes kept looking forward, and she had only one thought in her mind at this time: go back and help her father. Even if you die, you have to die with your loved ones.

She just didn't notice it. Wherever she ran, there was a hint of black gas in every skull on both sides of Secret Road. These black gas twisted one after another, like hair dancing in the air. They followed behind Sophie, gradually gathered together as she ran, and finally disappeared into her body silently.

gradually. Sophie's black underworld artillery is getting darker, getting darker and darker, as if it were a darkness, absorbing the surrounding light.

By the time she came out of the secret way and stepped in the temple, her clothes had become very weird. The whole body is dark, which is a kind of black that the spirit seems to be lost in at a glance, but it is in this black that is so distracting, but a little white light is flowing slowly, and it is weak and slow The ground flickered.

If the black on the robe represents despair, then the light spots in it have a calming will, and after staring, they wake up from such a dark color.

But she still didn't notice the change in her body, because she was already stunned by the sight in front of her ... The fire was burning in the temple, and the hot air was burning her delicate skin, and soon the big drops Sweat poured out of her body.

She covered herself with a heat-resistant shield and ran directly to the place where the killing was loudest.

But she didn't run a few steps. When she turned a corner, she saw a person, a person she hated.


He sat on the ground, leaning his back against the wall, covering his heart, panting violently. His clothes were stained with blood, both his own and his enemies.

In front of him, three soldiers were lying dead.

When Dragon met Sophie, his gray-white face revealed a bright color, as if the light reflected back. He straightened his body and shouted at his last breath: "The source of disaster, you disaster Source, the reason our temple has today is all your doom! It's you! "

The last one is you, with endless sternness and unwillingness, Dragon exhausted his whole body strength, stretched out his intact left hand, wobbled, and leaned weakly toward Sophie's neck, his vitality was rapidly Lost, and in the end just kept the motion of holding out his left hand to stab people, not to stare.

The cold language, the expression of resentment, the hatred and the vicious ambition, emerged from Dragon's short sentence.

Sophie didn't close her eyes until she died. She died cold and hostile to Dragoon to her death. Her heart was cold, and she even put her whole body in the ice cellar instead of the fire.


Sophie looked at Dragon's body, bewildered. She didn't understand why Dragon was so hostile to herself. Apparently, three years ago, she and him had a good relationship. What happened in the past two years made Dragon's attitude turn 180 degrees.

There was a roar of battle in the distance, and a loud scream. Sophie rushed to her heart and rushed again, and then she saw the sisters in the two temples being besieged by several soldiers.

The soldiers laughed slyly and attacked without killing the two sisters. Long swords and weapons greeted them with their clothes. Before long, the two of them couldn't hide the spring.

What a woman is most afraid of ... Pervert, what is the most severe, or pervert.

Seeing this, Sophie's face was cold and frosty, she spoke the spell directly, the starlight in the black robe lighted at the same time, and then a huge black ball appeared in front of her.

Such a huge and solid dark magic was really surprising, even Sufi herself was taken aback.

But this is not the end. The black ball fell to the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a skeleton warrior who was formed by the dark magic and was holding a huge black long-handled tomahawk.

When the skeleton was finished, he turned and knelt down at Sophie. The air was buzzing and shaking. Although she didn't speak, Sophie understood what it meant.

"My lord ... what do you tell me?"

Although I don't know why casting ordinary dark element impact will turn into a huge skeleton, but Sophie was surprised for a while, and gave the skeleton an order: "Kill those three men."


The skeleton stood up, turned around, and then appeared directly in front of the three soldiers. Then, with a huge axe sweep, three human heads flew up into the sky, and then fell to the ground stingily.

At the same time, the three corpses without their heads poured out fountain-like blood from the broken throat and fell to the ground in turn.

Two female devotees saw this and screamed at the same time.

Sophie was also aside, her eyes widened. She really didn't expect that the Dark Magic Skeleton Warrior she summoned was so powerful. It was definitely teleportation just now. She heard for the first time that the life of the dark element could be teleportation.

It's just not surprising now, Sophie buried her emotions deeply in her heart, and then she trot to the two female believers and shouted: "You leave this place, walk away from the secret road, hurry up."

When the two female followers heard the words, they immediately got up and ran to the apse. Then one of them turned back and shouted, "Sophie, Archbishop, your father is still in front of the temple. He is surrounded. If you want to save him, finally pass now. . "

Sophie was so anxious as soon as she heard it, she ran to the temple with all her strength, and the skeleton warrior carried a huge axe of dark elements and followed closely.

Along the way, Sophie also saw a sister fell to the ground by two soldiers. Her clothes were torn and tossed aside. One of the soldiers was naked, and she was constantly doing piston movements on her body. .

Sophie became more chilling, and hated the Grand Prince and the Second Prince even more.

These two soldiers were quickly taken off by the skeleton warrior. Sophie didn't stop this time and continued to rush forward. Along the way, she had several sisters, but many more brothers fell into the passage of the temple. Of course. Many heavy armored soldiers died beside them.

When she rushed to the front hall, she found that her father was surrounded by the stone steps, and he was covered with a looming black magic shield. Not only was he surrounded by soldiers, there were four magicians beside him, casting bright magic against him.

Each time the light magic hit his shield, Arnold's body would shake, and the dark magic shield would become lighter again.

Most importantly, Arnold's eyes were bleeding, his nose was bleeding, and blood was pouring out of his mouth.

Light magic and dark magic are restrained from each other. Whoever is stronger is more powerful. Arnold is a bishop, and his strength is naturally strong. If he is singled out, none of the four magicians is his opponent, but when he is one enemy and four, he falls into the disadvantage.

It is already a miracle that he can survive to this day.

Whenever a miracle occurs, there are always very simple reasons, or reasons.

Arnold has lost his mind ~ ~ As if the next moment, he will become an idiot or faint directly because of magic backwash.

But he continued to hold it down, and for a few minutes, he only had a small wish to help his daughter Sophie delay for a while, so that she could go as far as possible.

But in solitude, he seemed to hear the voice of his daughter calling himself. With all his strength, he twisted his upper body a little, turned back, and then saw his daughter standing on the stone steps in front of the temple door.

"Why are you back!"

Arnold shouted at his daughter in perplexity. He thought his voice was loud, but in fact he just moved his lips. At this time, he was no longer able to speak.

He was already at the end of the crossbow, and when he spoke ... the magic shield disappeared immediately.

Five white magical light spheres fell into his body, and then a violent explosion occurred. The Archbishop Arnold suddenly turned into broken bones and flew everywhere.

Sophie stood on the stone steps, froze, lost her eyes, and had no focus, like a blind man. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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